




Note: This is best viewed on NBViewer. It is part of a series on Dirichlet Processes and Nonparametric Bayes.

Collapsed Gibbs Sampling for Bayesian Mixture Models (with a Nonparametric Extension)?

In an earlier notebook, I showed how we can fit the parameters of a Bayesian mixture model using a Gibbs sampler. The sampler defines a Markov chain that, in steady state, samples from the posterior distribution of the mixture model. To move the chain forward by one step we:

  • Sample the cluster assignment zi.
  • Sample the mixture weights π
  • Sample the cluster means μn.

It turns out that we can derive a Gibbs sampler that just samples the assignments instead of the mixture weights and cluster means. This is known as a collapsed Gibbs sampler. If we integrate out the cluster means θk and mixture weights from the margial distribution of cluster assignment

we are left with

By the conditional independence, we can factorize this marginal distribution


The two terms have intuitive explanations. p(zi=k|z?i,α) is the probability point xi will be assigned to component k given the current assignments. Because we are using a symmetric Dirichlet prior, this is the predictive likelihood of a Dirichlet-categorical distribution. This is given by:

where N?ik=jiδ(zj,k) is the number of observation assigned to k (except xi). We also need to define xˉ?ik to be the mean of all observations assigned to component k (except xi).

The second term is the predictive likelihood that point xi is distributed according to cluster k (given the data currently in cluster k). For our example, we are assuming unknown cluster means are distributed according to a normal distribution with hyperparameter mean λ1 and variance λ22 and known cluster variance σ2.


This is derived in Kevin Murphey's fantastic article Conjugate Bayesian analysis of the Gaussian distribution.

At each step of the collapsed sampler, we sample each zi as follows:

  • For each cluster k, compute
    This is the predictive probability that xi is in cluster k given the data currently assigned to that cluster.
  • Sample

where the normalizing constant is Zi=Kk=1(N?ik+α/K)fk(xi).

Let's write code for this Gibbs sampler!

In [48]:
%matplotlib inlineimport pandas as pdimport numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom collections import namedtuple, Counterfrom scipy import statsfrom numpy import random
In [49]:

First, load the same dataset we used previously:

In [50]:
data = pd.Series.from_csv("clusters.csv")_=data.hist(bins=20)

Again, we want to define a state object and a function for updating the sufficient statistics of the state.

In [51]:
SuffStat = namedtuple('SuffStat', 'theta N')def initial_state(num_clusters=3, alpha=1.0):    cluster_ids = range(num_clusters)    state = {        'cluster_ids_': cluster_ids,        'data_': data,        'num_clusters_': num_clusters,        'cluster_variance_': .01,        'alpha_': alpha,        'hyperparameters_': {            "mean": 0,            "variance": 1,        },        'suffstats': {cid: None for cid in cluster_ids},        'assignment': [random.choice(cluster_ids) for _ in data],        'pi': {cid: alpha / num_clusters for cid in cluster_ids},    }    update_suffstats(state)    return statedef update_suffstats(state):    for cluster_id, N in Counter(state['assignment']).iteritems():        points_in_cluster = [x             for x, cid in zip(state['data_'], state['assignment'])            if cid == cluster_id        ]        mean = np.array(points_in_cluster).mean()                state['suffstats'][cluster_id] = SuffStat(mean, N)

Next we define functions to compute the two terms of our marginal distribution over cluster assignments (as we derived above).

In [52]:
def log_predictive_likelihood(data_id, cluster_id, state):    """Predictive likelihood of the data at data_id is generated    by cluster_id given the currenbt state.        From Section 2.4 of     http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~murphyk/Papers/bayesGauss.pdf    """    ss = state['suffstats'][cluster_id]    hp_mean = state['hyperparameters_']['mean']    hp_var = state['hyperparameters_']['variance']    param_var = state['cluster_variance_']    x = state['data_'][data_id]    return _log_predictive_likelihood(ss, hp_mean, hp_var, param_var, x)def _log_predictive_likelihood(ss, hp_mean, hp_var, param_var, x):    posterior_sigma2 = 1 / (ss.N * 1. / param_var + 1. / hp_var)    predictive_mu = posterior_sigma2 * (hp_mean * 1. / hp_var + ss.N * ss.theta * 1. / param_var)    predictive_sigma2 = param_var + posterior_sigma2    predictive_sd = np.sqrt(predictive_sigma2)    return stats.norm(predictive_mu, predictive_sd).logpdf(x)def log_cluster_assign_score(cluster_id, state):    """Log-likelihood that a new point generated will    be assigned to cluster_id given the current state.    """    current_cluster_size = state['suffstats'][cluster_id].N    num_clusters = state['num_clusters_']    alpha = state['alpha_']    return np.log(current_cluster_size + alpha * 1. / num_clusters)

Given these two functions, we can compute the posterior probability distribution for assignment of a given datapoint. This is the core of our collapsed Gibbs sampler.

To simplify the computation of things like N?ik (where we remove point i from the summary statistics), we create two simple functions to add and remove a point from the summary statistics for a given cluster.

In [53]:
def cluster_assignment_distribution(data_id, state):    """Compute the marginal distribution of cluster assignment    for each cluster.    """    scores = {}    for cid in state['suffstats'].keys():        scores[cid] = log_predictive_likelihood(data_id, cid, state)        scores[cid] += log_cluster_assign_score(cid, state)    scores = {cid: np.exp(score) for cid, score in scores.iteritems()}    normalization = 1.0/sum(scores.values())    scores = {cid: score*normalization for cid, score in scores.iteritems()}    return scoresdef add_datapoint_to_suffstats(x, ss):    """Add datapoint to sufficient stats for normal component    """    return SuffStat((ss.theta*(ss.N)+x)/(ss.N+1), ss.N+1)def remove_datapoint_from_suffstats(x, ss):    """Remove datapoint from sufficient stats for normal component    """    return SuffStat((ss.theta*(ss.N)-x*1.0)/(ss.N-1), ss.N-1)

Finally, we're ready to create a function that takes a Gibbs step on the state. For each datapoint, it

  1. Removes the datapoint from its current cluster.
  2. Computes the posterior probability of the point being assigned to each cluster (given the other current assignments).
  3. Assigns the datapoint to a cluster sampled from this probability distribution.
In [54]:
def gibbs_step(state):    pairs = zip(state['data_'], state['assignment'])    for data_id, (datapoint, cid) in enumerate(pairs):        state['suffstats'][cid] = remove_datapoint_from_suffstats(datapoint,                                                                   state['suffstats'][cid])        scores = cluster_assignment_distribution(data_id, state).items()        labels, scores = zip(*scores)        cid = random.choice(labels, p=scores)        state['assignment'][data_id] = cid        state['suffstats'][cid] = add_datapoint_to_suffstats(state['data_'][data_id], state['suffstats'][cid])

Here's our old function to plot the assignments.

In [55]:
def plot_clusters(state):    gby = pd.DataFrame({            'data': state['data_'],             'assignment': state['assignment']}        ).groupby(by='assignment')['data']    hist_data = [gby.get_group(cid).tolist()                  for cid in gby.groups.keys()]    plt.hist(hist_data,              bins=20,             histtype='stepfilled', alpha=.5 )

Randomly assign the datapoints to a cluster to start.

In [56]:
state = initial_state()plot_clusters(state)

Look what happens to the assignments after just one Gibbs step!

In [57]:


In [58]:

After just two steps, our assignments look really good. We can run it a few more times and see the assignments again.

In [59]:
for _ in range(20): gibbs_step(state)plot_clusters(state)

Nonparametric Mixture Models!?

It turns out, the collapsed Gibbs sampler for mixture models is almost identical in the context of a nonparametric model. This model uses a Dirichlet process prior instead of a Dirichlet distribution prior. It doesn't require us to specify how many clusters we are looking for in our data.

The cluster assignment score changes slightly. It is proportional to N?ik for each known cluster. We assign a datapoint to a new cluster with probability proportional to α (which is now the DP dispersion parameter).

In [60]:
def log_cluster_assign_score_dp(cluster_id, state):    """Log-likelihood that a new point generated will    be assigned to cluster_id given the current state.    """    if cluster_id == "new":        return np.log(state["alpha_"])    else:        return np.log(state['suffstats'][cluster_id].N)

The predictive likelihood remains the same for known clusters. However, we need to know the likelihood of assigning a datapoint to a new cluster. In this case, we fall back on the hyperparameters to get:

In [61]:
def log_predictive_likelihood_dp(data_id, cluster_id, state):    """Predictive likelihood of the data at data_id is generated    by cluster_id given the currenbt state.        From Section 2.4 of     http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~murphyk/Papers/bayesGauss.pdf    """    if cluster_id == "new":        ss = SuffStat(0, 0)    else:        ss = state['suffstats'][cluster_id]            hp_mean = state['hyperparameters_']['mean']    hp_var = state['hyperparameters_']['variance']    param_var = state['cluster_variance_']    x = state['data_'][data_id]    return _log_predictive_likelihood(ss, hp_mean, hp_var, param_var, x)

Given this, we can define the marginal distribution over cluster assignment. The only change is that the "new" state enters in the distribution.

In [62]:
def cluster_assignment_distribution_dp(data_id, state):    """Compute the marginal distribution of cluster assignment    for each cluster.    """    scores = {}    cluster_ids = state['suffstats'].keys() + ['new']    for cid in cluster_ids:        scores[cid] = log_predictive_likelihood_dp(data_id, cid, state)        scores[cid] += log_cluster_assign_score_dp(cid, state)    scores = {cid: np.exp(score) for cid, score in scores.iteritems()}    normalization = 1.0/sum(scores.values())    scores = {cid: score*normalization for cid, score in scores.iteritems()}    return scores

We also need to be able to create a new cluster when "new" is drawn, and destroy a cluster if its emptied.

In [63]:
def create_cluster(state):    state["num_clusters_"] += 1    cluster_id = max(state['suffstats'].keys()) + 1    state['suffstats'][cluster_id] = SuffStat(0, 0)    state['cluster_ids_'].append(cluster_id)    return cluster_iddef destroy_cluster(state, cluster_id):    state["num_clusters_"] = 1    del state['suffstats'][cluster_id]    state['cluster_ids_'].remove(cluster_id)    def prune_clusters(state):    for cid in state['cluster_ids_']:        if state['suffstats'][cid].N == 0:            destroy_cluster(state, cid)

Finally, we can define the gibbs_step_dp function. It's nearly identical to the earlier gibbs_step function except

  • It uses cluster_assignment_distribution_dp
  • It creates a new cluster when the sampled assignment is "new".
  • It destroys a cluster any time it is emptied.

For clarity, I split out the code for sampling assignment to its own function.

In [64]:
def sample_assignment(data_id, state):    """Sample new assignment from marginal distribution.    If cluster is "`new`", create a new cluster.    """    scores = cluster_assignment_distribution_dp(data_id, state).items()    labels, scores = zip(*scores)    cid = random.choice(labels, p=scores)    if cid == "new":        return create_cluster(state)    else:        return int(cid)def gibbs_step_dp(state):    """Collapsed Gibbs sampler for Dirichlet Process Mixture Model    """    pairs = zip(state['data_'], state['assignment'])    for data_id, (datapoint, cid) in enumerate(pairs):        state['suffstats'][cid] = remove_datapoint_from_suffstats(datapoint, state['suffstats'][cid])        prune_clusters(state)        cid = sample_assignment(data_id, state)        state['assignment'][data_id] = cid        state['suffstats'][cid] = add_datapoint_to_suffstats(state['data_'][data_id], state['suffstats'][cid])

This time, we will start by randomly assigning our data to two clusters.

In [65]:
state = initial_state(num_clusters=2, alpha=0.1)plot_clusters(state)

Here's what happens when we run our Gibbs sampler once.

In [66]:

We went from 2 to 4 clusters!

After 100 iterations:

In [67]:
for _ in range(99): gibbs_step_dp(state)plot_clusters(state)

After 100 iterations, our assignment looks correct! We went back to 3 clusters.

We can sample the mixture weights, if we need them, using the "Conditional Distribution of Mixture Weights" derived here.

In [68]:
ss = state['suffstats']alpha = [ss[cid].N + state['alpha_'] / state['num_clusters_']          for cid in state['cluster_ids_']]stats.dirichlet(alpha).rvs(size=1).flatten()
array([ 0.21330625,  0.29838101,  0.48831275])

We can also sample the cluster means using the method we derived earlier:

In [69]:
for cluster_id in state['cluster_ids_']:    cluster_var = state['cluster_variance_']    hp_mean = state['hyperparameters_']['mean']    hp_var = state['hyperparameters_']['variance']    ss = state['suffstats'][cluster_id]    numerator = hp_mean / hp_var + ss.theta * ss.N / cluster_var    denominator = (1.0 / hp_var + ss.N / cluster_var)    posterior_mu = numerator / denominator    posterior_var = 1.0 / denominator    mean = stats.norm(posterior_mu, np.sqrt(posterior_var)).rvs()    print "cluster_id:", cluster_id, "mean", mean
cluster_id: 1 mean -0.0176257860235cluster_id: 2 mean -0.400581819532cluster_id: 3 mean 0.600302879661

Much thanks to Erik Sudderth's excellent introduction to nonparametric Bayes in Chapter 2 of his dissertation. Algorithms 2.2 and 2.3 in that piece are the clearest formulation of collapsed Gibbs sampling for mixture models that I have come across.

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