

批量插入数据, 将DataTable里的数据批量写入数据库的方法

大量数据导入操作, 也就是直接将DataTable里的内容写入到数据库

通用方法: 拼接Insert语句, 好土鳖


1. MS Sql Server:   使用SqlBulkCopy

2. MySql:


MySqlBulkLoader, 这个是从文件里边到的, 有个实现是先将DATATable编程CSV文件, 在用MySqlBulkLoader导入MySql

参考文章: http://theonetechnologies.com/outsourcing/post/mysql-bulk-data-import-using-net-connector-mysqlbulkloader-class.aspx

原文引用于Rocho.J的批量插入数据, 将DataTable里的数据批量写入数据库的方法


 1 Function to create .csv file from DataTable (you can skip this, if you already have csv file) 2     public static void CreateCSVfile(DataTable dtable, string strFilePath) 3     { 4         StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(strFilePath, false); 5         int icolcount = dtable.Columns.Count; 6         foreach (DataRow drow in dtable.Rows) 7         { 8             for (int i = 0; i < icolcount; i  ) 9             {10                 if (!Convert.IsDBNull(drow[i]))11                 {12                     sw.Write(drow[i].ToString());13                 }14                 if (i < icolcount - 1)15                 {16                     sw.Write(",");17                 }18             }19             sw.Write(sw.NewLine);20         }21         sw.Close();22         sw.Dispose();23     }24 25     //2. Import data into MySQL database26     private void ImportMySQL()27     {28         DataTable orderDetail = new DataTable("ItemDetail");29         DataColumn c = new DataColumn();        // always30         orderDetail.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ID", Type.GetType("System.Int32")));31         orderDetail.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("value", Type.GetType("System.Int32")));32         orderDetail.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("length", Type.GetType("System.Int32")));33         orderDetail.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("breadth", Type.GetType("System.Int32")));34         orderDetail.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("total", Type.GetType("System.Decimal")));35         orderDetail.Columns["total"].Expression = "value/(length*breadth)";       //Adding dummy entries36         DataRow dr = orderDetail.NewRow();37         dr["ID"] = 1;38         dr["value"] = 50;39         dr["length"] = 5;40         dr["breadth"] = 8;41         orderDetail.Rows.Add(dr);42         dr = orderDetail.NewRow();43         dr["ID"] = 2;44         dr["value"] = 60;45         dr["length"] = 15;46         dr["breadth"] = 18;47         orderDetail.Rows.Add(dr);     //Adding dummy entries48         string connectMySQL = "Server=localhost;Database=test;Uid=username;Pwd=password;";49         string strFile = "/TempFolder/MySQL"   DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString()   ".csv";       //Create directory if not exist... Make sure directory has required rights..    50         if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/TempFolder/")))51             Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath("~/TempFolder/"));       //If file does not exist then create it and right data into it..     52         if (!File.Exists(Server.MapPath(strFile)))53         {54             FileStream fs = new FileStream(Server.MapPath(strFile), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);55             fs.Close();56             fs.Dispose();57         }58         //Generate csv file from where data read59         CreateCSVfile(orderDetail, Server.MapPath(strFile));60         using (MySqlConnection cn1 = new MySqlConnection(connectMySQL))61         {62             cn1.Open();63             MySqlBulkLoader bcp1 = new MySqlBulkLoader(cn1);64             bcp1.TableName = "productorder"; //Create ProductOrder table into MYSQL database...     65             bcp1.FieldTerminator = ",";66             bcp1.LineTerminator = "\r\n";67             bcp1.FileName = Server.MapPath(strFile);68             bcp1.NumberOfLinesToSkip = 0;69             bcp1.Load();       //Once data write into db then delete file..    70             try71             {72                 File.Delete(Server.MapPath(strFile));73             }74             catch (Exception ex)75             {76                 string str = ex.Message;77             }78         }79     }
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3. MS Access: 只能用批量更新了, adapter.update()

备注:   此处先标记个思路, 等我这实现完了, 贴个示例


其实早就做完了, 都忘记这回事了... 今天看到这篇, 补一下代码


 1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5  6 namespace ETLUtilityDAL.Enums 7 { 8     public enum DatabaseType 9     {10         MSSql,11         MySql,12         MSAccess,13         Oracle14     }15 }
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  1 using System;  2 using System.Collections.Generic;  3 using System.Linq;  4 using System.Text;  5   6 using System.Configuration;  7 using ETLUtilityDAL.Enums;  8 using ETLUtilityDAL.Interfaces;  9 using ETLUtilityDAL.Implement; 10 using System.Data.SqlClient; 11  12 namespace ETLUtilityDAL.Common 13 { 14     /// <summary> 15     /// 数据库访问工厂, 用于产生相应类型的数据库实例 16     /// </summary> 17     public class DALFactory 18     { 19         private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> dictConnectionStrs = new Dictionary<string, string>(); 20         private static readonly DatabaseType currentDB = (DatabaseType)Enum.Parse(typeof(DatabaseType), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CurrentDatabase"]); 21          22         /// <summary> 23         /// 静态构造函数, 用于初始化数据库连接串字典 24         /// </summary> 25         static DALFactory() 26         { 27             getConnectionDictionary(); 28         } 29  30         private static void getConnectionDictionary() 31         { 32             ConnectionStringSettingsCollection cssc = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings; 33             string tempConStr = ""; 34             foreach (string str in Enum.GetNames(typeof(DatabaseType))) 35                 try 36                 { 37                     tempConStr = cssc[str.Trim().ToLower()].ConnectionString; 38                     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempConStr)) 39                         dictConnectionStrs.Add(str, tempConStr); 40                 } 41                 catch (Exception ex) 42                 { 43                     //throw ex; 44                 } 45         } 46  47         /// <summary> 48         /// 返回连接串字典以供查看 49         /// </summary> 50         public static Dictionary<string,string> ConnectionStringsDictionary 51         { 52             get { return dictConnectionStrs; } 53         } 54  55         /// <summary> 56         /// 根据数据库的类型获得有固定数据库名称的泛型类型的数据库连接对象 57         /// </summary> 58         /// <typeparam name="T">T类型, 表示泛型类型的数据库连接对象</typeparam> 59         /// <param name="dbType">System.Enum类型, 表示数据库的类型</param> 60         /// <returns>T类型, 返回泛型类型的数据库连接对象</returns> 61         public static T GetDatabaseConnection<T>(DatabaseType dbType) 62         { 63             string dbTypeStr = Enum.GetName(typeof(DatabaseType), dbType); 64             if(dictConnectionStrs.Keys.Contains(dbTypeStr)) 65                 return (T)Convert.ChangeType(Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), dictConnectionStrs[dbTypeStr]),typeof(T)); 66             else 67                 return default(T); 68         } 69  70         /// <summary> 71         /// 根据数据库的类型获得指定数据库名称的泛型类型的数据库连接对象 72         /// </summary> 73         /// <typeparam name="T">T类型, 表示泛型类型的数据库连接对象</typeparam> 74         /// <param name="dbType">System.Enum类型, 表示数据库的类型</param> 75         /// <param name="dbName">System.String, 表示指定的数据库名称</param> 76         /// <returns>T类型, 返回泛型类型的数据库连接对象</returns> 77         public static T GetDatabaseConnection<T>(DatabaseType dbType, string dbName) 78         { 79             string dbTypeStr = Enum.GetName(typeof(DatabaseType), dbType); 80             if (dictConnectionStrs.Keys.Contains(dbTypeStr) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dbName)) 81                 return (T)Convert.ChangeType(Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), dictConnectionStrs[dbTypeStr].Replace("*",dbName)), typeof(T)); 82             else 83                 return default(T); 84         } 85  86         /// <summary> 87         /// 根据数据库的类型获得固定数据库名称的数据库访问工具类DBHelper 88         /// </summary> 89         /// <param name="dbType">System.Enum类型, 表示数据库的类型</param> 90         /// <returns>Interface, 根据不同的数据库类型返回不同的工具类的实现</returns> 91         public static IDBHelper GetDBHelper(DatabaseType dbType) 92         { 93             #region 94             switch (dbType) 95             { 96                 case DatabaseType.MSSql: 97                     return new MSSqlDBHelper(); 98                 case DatabaseType.MSAccess: 99                     return new MSAccessDBHelper();100                 case DatabaseType.MySql:101                     return new MySqlDBHelper();102                 case DatabaseType.Oracle:103                     goto default;104                 default:105                     return null;106             }107             #endregion108         }109 110         /// <summary>111         /// 根据数据库的类型获得指定数据库名称的数据库访问工具类DBHelper112         /// </summary>113         /// <param name="dbType">System.Enum类型, 表示数据库的类型</param>114         /// <param name="dbName">System.String, 表示指定的数据库名称</param>115         /// <returns>Interface, 根据不同的数据库名称和类型返回不同的工具类的实现</returns>116         public static IDBHelper GetDBHelper(DatabaseType dbType, string dbName)117         {118             #region119             switch (dbType)120             {121                 case DatabaseType.MSSql:122                     return new MSSqlDBHelper(dbName);123                 case DatabaseType.MSAccess:124                     return new MSAccessDBHelper(dbName);125                 case DatabaseType.MySql:126                     return new MySqlDBHelper(dbName);127                 case DatabaseType.Oracle:128                     goto default;129                 default:130                     return null;131             }132             #endregion133         }134 135         /// <summary>136         /// 获得当前正在使用的固定数据库名称的数据库类型的访问工具类Helper137         /// </summary>138         /// <returns>Interface, 根据不同的数据库类型返回不同的工具类的实现</returns>139         public static IDBHelper GetDBHelper()140         {141             return GetDBHelper(currentDB);142         }143 144         /// <summary>145         /// 获得当前正在使用的指定据库名称的数据库类型的访问工具类Helper146         /// </summary>147         /// <returns>Interface, 根据不同的数据库名称和类型返回不同的工具类的实现</returns>148         public static IDBHelper GetDBHelper(string dbName)149         {150             return GetDBHelper(currentDB,dbName);151         }152     }153 }
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  1 using System;  2 using System.Collections.Generic;  3 using System.Linq;  4 using System.Text;  5   6 using System.IO;  7 using System.Data;  8   9 namespace ETLUtilityDAL.Common 10 { 11     public class FileHelper 12     { 13         public static string ReadFileToString(string fileFullPath, Encoding codeType) 14         { 15             string result = ""; 16             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileFullPath)) 17                 throw new ArgumentNullException( "fileFullPath","File path can not be null or empty! "); 18             using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(fileFullPath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read)) 19             { 20                 if (!File.Exists(fileFullPath)) 21                     throw new FileNotFoundException("File not found! "); 22             } 23  24             using (StreamReader sReader = new StreamReader(fileFullPath, codeType)) 25             { 26                 try 27                 { 28                     result = sReader.ReadToEnd(); 29                 } 30                 catch (Exception ex) 31                 { 32                     throw new IOException(ex.Message); 33                 } 34             } 35             return result; 36         } 37  38         public static string ReadFileToString(string fileFullPath) 39         { 40             return ReadFileToString(fileFullPath, Encoding.Default); 41         } 42  43         public static void WriteDataTableToCSVFile(DataTable dataTable, string fileFullPath, Encoding codeType) 44         { 45             using (Stream stream = new FileStream(fileFullPath,FileMode.Create,FileAccess.Write)) 46             using (StreamWriter swriter = new StreamWriter(stream, codeType)) 47             { 48                 try 49                 { 50                     int icolcount = dataTable.Columns.Count; 51                     foreach (DataRow drow in dataTable.Rows) 52                     { 53                         for (int i = 0; i < icolcount; i  ) 54                         { 55                             if (!Convert.IsDBNull(drow[i])) 56                             { 57                                 swriter.Write(drow[i].ToString()); 58                             } 59                             if (i < icolcount - 1) 60                             { 61                                 swriter.Write("|"); 62                             } 63                         } 64                         swriter.Write(swriter.NewLine); 65                     } 66                 } 67                 catch (Exception ex) 68                 { 69                     throw new IOException(ex.Message); 70                 } 71             } 72         } 73  74         public static void WriteDataTableToCSVFile(DataTable dataTable, string fileFullPath) 75         { 76             WriteDataTableToCSVFile(dataTable, fileFullPath, Encoding.Default); 77         } 78  79         public static string[] GetFileFullPathList(string directoryPath, string fileType, bool IsRecursive) 80         { 81             return IsRecursive ? Directory.GetFiles(directoryPath, fileType, SearchOption.AllDirectories) : Directory.GetFiles(directoryPath, fileType, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); 82         } 83  84         public static string[] GetSubDirectorys(string directoryPath, string containsName, bool IsRecursive) 85         { 86             return IsRecursive ? Directory.GetDirectories(directoryPath, containsName, SearchOption.AllDirectories) : Directory.GetDirectories(directoryPath, containsName, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); 87         } 88  89         public static void WriteStringToFile(string fileFullPath, bool isAppend ,string fileContent) 90         { 91             WriteStringToFile(fileFullPath, isAppend, fileContent, Encoding.Default); 92         } 93  94         public static void WriteStringToFile(string fileFullPath, bool isAppend, string fileContent, Encoding codeType) 95         { 96             //using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(fileFullPath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write)) 97             using (StreamWriter sWriter = new StreamWriter(fileFullPath,isAppend,codeType)) 98             { 99                 try100                 {101                     if (!File.Exists(fileFullPath))102                         File.Create(fileFullPath);103                     sWriter.Write(fileContent);104                 }105                 catch (Exception ex)106                 {107                     throw new IOException(ex.Message);108                 }109             }110         }111     }112 }
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//XMLHelper.cs, 用List模拟堆栈实现XML结点的操作

  1 using System;  2 using System.Collections.Generic;  3 using System.Linq;  4 using System.Text;  5   6 using System.IO;  7 using System.Xml;  8 using System.Xml.XPath;  9 using System.Xml.Schema; 10 using ETLUtilityDAL.Enums; 11 using System.Collections.Specialized; 12 using ETLUtilityModel; 13 using ETLUtilityModel.Enums; 14  15 namespace ETLUtilityDAL.Common 16 { 17     public class XMLHelper 18     { 19         #region XMLStream 20         public static List<ETLXmlNode> GetAllNodesFromXMLFile(string xmlFileFullName) 21         { 22             List<ETLXmlNode> xmlNodeLst = new List<ETLXmlNode>(); 23  24             using (Stream stream = new FileStream(xmlFileFullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) 25             using (XmlTextReader xmlTxtReader = new XmlTextReader(stream)) 26             { 27                 int fathId = 0;  //root node: 0 28                 int elemCount = 1;  //Element Count 29                 XmlNodeType nodeType; 30                 ETLXmlNode xNode; 31                 ETLXmlNodeStack nodStack = ETLXmlNodeStack.CreateETLXmlNodeStack(); 32                 while (xmlTxtReader.Read()) 33                 { 34                     xNode = null; 35                     nodeType = xmlTxtReader.NodeType; 36                     switch (nodeType) 37                     { 38                         case XmlNodeType.Element: 39                             bool isEmpty = false; 40                             if (isEmpty = xmlTxtReader.IsEmptyElement) 41                                 xNode = new ETLXmlNode(elemCount, xmlTxtReader.Name, ETLXmlNodeType.OddNode, fathId); 42                             else 43                                 xNode = new ETLXmlNode(elemCount, xmlTxtReader.Name, ETLXmlNodeType.EvenNode, fathId); 44  45                             fathId = elemCount; 46                             elemCount  ; 47  48                             //Deal with the Attribute 49                             if (xmlTxtReader.HasAttributes) 50                             { 51                                 NameValueCollection nvc = xNode.NodeAttributes; 52                                 for (int i = 0; i < xmlTxtReader.AttributeCount; i  ) 53                                 { 54                                     xmlTxtReader.MoveToAttribute(i); 55                                     nvc.Add(xmlTxtReader.Name, xmlTxtReader.Value); 56                                 } 57                             } 58                             if (isEmpty) 59                             { 60                                 xmlNodeLst.Add(xNode); 61                                 fathId = xNode.FatherNodeId; 62                             } 63                             else 64                                 ETLXmlNodeStack.Push(xNode); 65                             break; 66                         case XmlNodeType.EndElement: 67                             xNode = ETLXmlNodeStack.Pop(); 68                             xmlNodeLst.Add(xNode); 69                             fathId = xNode.FatherNodeId; 70                             break; 71                         case XmlNodeType.Text: 72                             xNode = ETLXmlNodeStack.Pop(); 73                             xNode.NodeText = xmlTxtReader.Value; 74                             ETLXmlNodeStack.Push(xNode); 75                             break; 76                         default: 77                             break; 78                     } 79                 } 80             } 81  82             return xmlNodeLst; 83         } 84         #endregion 85  86  87         #region XPath   --- Not Implement 88         #endregion 89  90         #region XPathExpress   --- Not Implement 91  92         #endregion 93  94         #region Common 95         public static bool IsValidateXmlFile(string xmlSchemaFileFullName) 96         { 97             bool result = false; 98             using (Stream stream = new FileStream(xmlSchemaFileFullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) 99             using (XmlTextReader xmlTxtReader = new XmlTextReader(stream))100             {101                 XmlSchema schema = XmlSchema.Read(stream, new ValidationEventHandler(dealSchemaValidation));102                 XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();103                 settings.Schemas.Add(schema);104                 settings.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;105                 settings.ValidationEventHandler  = new ValidationEventHandler(dealSchemaValidation);        106                 107                 //Execute Validate108                 try109                 {110                     while (xmlTxtReader.Read())111                     { }112                     result = true;113                 }114                 catch (XmlSchemaValidationException xsve)115                 {116                     result = false;117                     throw xsve;118                 }119             }120             return result;121         }122 123         private static void dealSchemaValidation(object sender, System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventArgs e)124         {125             throw new XmlSchemaValidationException(string.Format("Validation Error, Error Level:{0}\r\n. Error Details:\r\n{1}", e.Severity, e.Message));126         }127         #endregion128 129         static void TestMethod()130         {131             #region 使用XML流处理, 每次只处理一个节点, 速度快, 但缺点是: 不支持结构化查询, 适合从头到尾一次性处理                     132             //使用xml流输出字符            133             using (System.Xml.XmlWriter xmlwriter = System.Xml.XmlWriter.Create("Output.xml"))            134             {               135                 xmlwriter.WriteStartDocument();                136                 xmlwriter.WriteStartElement("human");   //</humen>                137                 xmlwriter.WriteStartElement("man"); //子元素                138                 //写元素属性                139                 xmlwriter.WriteAttributeString("name", "father");    //属性               140                 xmlwriter.WriteString("Mike");  //文本区               141                 xmlwriter.WriteEndElement();                142                 xmlwriter.WriteElementString("women", "jean");   //<women>jean</women>                143                 xmlwriter.WriteStartElement("children");               144                 xmlwriter.WriteAttributeString("name", "kiddy");                145                 xmlwriter.WriteString("nickey kiddy");    //文本区               146                 xmlwriter.WriteEndElement();                147                 xmlwriter.WriteEndElement();            148             }149             #endregion150             #region 使用优化的XPath--XPathDocument类, 速度快, 也支持结构化的查询方式. 缺点: 只能读不能写            151             //1.创建XPathDocument对象            152             System.Xml.XPath.XPathDocument xpdoc = new System.Xml.XPath.XPathDocument("XMLOperation.xml");            153             //2.通过导航器进行查找            154             System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator xpnav = xpdoc.CreateNavigator();                      155             //3.经过编译的XPath            156             string xpath = "/configuration/system.web/httpHandlers/cellphone";            157             System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression xpe = System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression.Compile(xpath);            158             //4.使用导航器的Select迭代器进行查找, 查找的结果还是导航器            159             System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator resultNav = xpnav.SelectSingleNode(xpe);            160             Console.WriteLine("----------XPathDocument的查询单个结果----------");            161             Console.WriteLine(resultNav.Value);            162             //查找多个结果            163             Console.WriteLine("----------XPathDocument的查询多个结果----------");            164             xpath = "/configuration/system.web/httpHandlers/add/@type"; //查找add元素的type属性内容            165             xpe = System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression.Compile(xpath);            166             System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator xpniter = xpnav.Select(xpe);            167             foreach (System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator xpn in xpniter)            168             {                169                 Console.WriteLine(xpn.Value);            170             }            171             #endregion172         }173     }174 175     /// <summary>176     /// 用List模拟堆栈操作, 用于读取XML中的结点177     /// </summary>178     public class ETLXmlNodeStack179     {180         private List<ETLXmlNode> _xmlStack;181 182         private ETLXmlNodeStack()183         {184             this._xmlStack = new List<ETLXmlNode>(100);185         }186 187         private static readonly ETLXmlNodeStack inner;188         static ETLXmlNodeStack()189         {190             inner = new ETLXmlNodeStack();191         }192         193         public static ETLXmlNodeStack ETLXmlNodeStackInfo194         {195             get196             {197                 return inner;198             }199         }200 201         public static int Count202         {203             get204             {205                 return inner._xmlStack.Count;206             }207         }208 209         public static ETLXmlNodeStack CreateETLXmlNodeStack()210         {211             return inner;212         }213 214         public static void Push(ETLXmlNode etlXmlNode)215         {216             inner._xmlStack.Add(etlXmlNode);217         }218 219         public static ETLXmlNode Pop()220         {221             ETLXmlNode result = null;222             if (inner._xmlStack != null && inner._xmlStack.Count > 0)223             {224                 result = inner._xmlStack[inner._xmlStack.Count - 1];225                 inner._xmlStack.RemoveAt(inner._xmlStack.Count - 1);226             }227             return result;228         }229     }230 }
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 1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5  6 using System.Data; 7 using ETLUtilityDAL.Enums; 8  9 namespace ETLUtilityDAL.Interfaces10 {11     /// <summary>12     /// Utility Of Data Access Layer13     /// </summary>14     public interface IDBHelper15     {16         #region BaseExecute17         int ExecNonQuery(string sqlText, CommandType cmdType, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues);18         T ExecScalar<T>(string sqlText, CommandType cmdType, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues);19         T ExecReader<T>(string sqlText, CommandType cmdType, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues);20         DataTable ExecDataTable(string sqlText, CommandType cmdType, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues);21         DataSet ExecDataSet(string sqlText, CommandType cmdType, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues);22         #endregion23 24         #region TxtExecute25         int TxtExecuteNonQuery(string sqlText);26         int TxtExecuteNonQuery(string sqlText, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues);27         T TxtExecuteScalar<T>(string sqlText, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues);28         T TxtExecuteReader<T>(string sqlText, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues);29         DataTable TxtExecuteDataTable(string sqlText, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues);30         DataSet TxtExecuteDataSet(string sqlText, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues);31         #endregion32 33         #region SpExecute34         int SpExecuteNonQuery(string sqlText);35         int SpExecuteNonQuery(string spName, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues);36         T SpExecuteScalar<T>(string spName, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues);37         T SpExecuteReader<T>(string spName, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues);38         DataTable SpExecuteDataTable(string spName, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues);39         DataSet SpExecuteDataSet(string spName, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues);40         #endregion41 42         #region Common43         bool BulkInsert<T, T1>(T sqlBulkCopy, DataTable dataTable, T1 sqlTrasaction);44         bool BulkInsert(DataTable dataTable);45         bool BulkInsert(DataSet dataSet);46 47         string DBName { get; }48         T GetConnection<T>();49         #endregion50     }51 }
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  1 using System;  2 using System.Collections.Generic;  3 using System.Linq;  4 using System.Text;  5   6 using ETLUtilityDAL.Interfaces;  7 using ETLUtilityDAL.Enums;  8 using ETLUtilityDAL.Common;  9 using System.Data; 10 using System.Data.OleDb; 11 using System.Data.SqlClient; 12  13 namespace ETLUtilityDAL.Implement 14 { 15     public class MSAccessDBHelper : IDBHelper 16     { 17         private DatabaseType _dBVender = DatabaseType.MSAccess; 18         private string _dbName; 19  20         public MSAccessDBHelper() 21         { 22             this._dbName = ""; 23         } 24  25         public MSAccessDBHelper(string dbName) 26         { 27             this._dbName = dbName; 28         } 29  30         #region IDBHelper 成员 31  32         public int ExecNonQuery(string sqlText, CommandType cmdType, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues) 33         { 34             int result = 0; 35             using (OleDbConnection oleDbCon = GetConnection<OleDbConnection>()) 36             { 37                 OleDbCommand oleDbCmd = new OleDbCommand(sqlText, oleDbCon); 38                 oleDbCmd.CommandType = cmdType; 39                 try 40                 { 41                     fillParameters(oleDbCmd, paramNames, paramValues); 42                     oleDbCon.Open(); 43                     result = oleDbCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); 44                 } 45                 catch (OleDbException ode) 46                 { 47                     throw ode; 48                 } 49             } 50             return 0; 51         } 52  53         public T ExecScalar<T>(string sqlText, CommandType cmdType, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues) 54         { 55             T result = default(T); 56             using (OleDbConnection oleDbCon = GetConnection<OleDbConnection>()) 57             { 58                 OleDbCommand oleDbCmd = new OleDbCommand(sqlText, oleDbCon); 59                 oleDbCmd.CommandType = cmdType; 60                 try 61                 { 62                     fillParameters(oleDbCmd, paramNames, paramValues); 63                     oleDbCon.Open(); 64                     result = (T)Convert.ChangeType(oleDbCmd.ExecuteScalar(), typeof(T)); 65                 } 66                 catch (OleDbException ode) 67                 { 68                     throw ode; 69                 } 70             } 71             return result; 72         } 73  74         public T ExecReader<T>(string sqlText, CommandType cmdType, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues) 75         { 76             T result = default(T); 77             using (OleDbConnection oleDbCon = GetConnection<OleDbConnection>()) 78             { 79                 OleDbCommand oleDbCmd = new OleDbCommand(sqlText, oleDbCon); 80                 oleDbCmd.CommandType = cmdType; 81                 try 82                 { 83                     fillParameters(oleDbCmd, paramNames, paramValues); 84                     oleDbCon.Open(); 85                     result = (T)Convert.ChangeType(oleDbCmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection), typeof(T)); 86                 } 87                 catch (OleDbException ode) 88                 { 89                     throw ode; 90                 } 91             } 92             return result; 93         } 94  95         public DataTable ExecDataTable(string sqlText, CommandType cmdType, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues) 96         { 97             DataTable result = new DataTable(); 98             using (OleDbConnection oleDbCon = GetConnection<OleDbConnection>()) 99             {100                 OleDbCommand oleDbCmd = new OleDbCommand(sqlText, oleDbCon);101                 oleDbCmd.CommandType = cmdType;102                 try103                 {104                     fillParameters(oleDbCmd, paramNames, paramValues);105                     OleDbDataAdapter oledDbDA = new OleDbDataAdapter(oleDbCmd);106                     oledDbDA.Fill(result);107                 }108                 catch (OleDbException ode)109                 {110                     throw ode;111                 }112             }113             return result;114         }115 116         public DataSet ExecDataSet(string sqlText, CommandType cmdType, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)117         {118             DataSet result = new DataSet();119             using (OleDbConnection oleDbCon = GetConnection<OleDbConnection>())120             {121                 OleDbCommand oleDbCmd = new OleDbCommand(sqlText, oleDbCon);122                 oleDbCmd.CommandType = cmdType;123                 try124                 {125                     fillParameters(oleDbCmd, paramNames, paramValues);126                     OleDbDataAdapter oledDbDA = new OleDbDataAdapter(oleDbCmd);127                     oledDbDA.Fill(result);128                 }129                 catch (OleDbException se)130                 {131                     throw se;132                 }133             }134             return result;135         }136 137         public int TxtExecuteNonQuery(string sqlText)138         {139             return ExecNonQuery(sqlText, CommandType.Text, null, null);140         }141 142         public int TxtExecuteNonQuery(string sqlText, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)143         {144             return ExecNonQuery(sqlText, CommandType.Text, paramNames, paramValues);145         }146 147         public T TxtExecuteScalar<T>(string sqlText,string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)148         {149             return ExecScalar<T>(sqlText, CommandType.Text, paramNames, paramValues);150         }151 152         public T TxtExecuteReader<T>(string sqlText, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)153         {154             return ExecReader<T>(sqlText, CommandType.Text, paramNames, paramValues);155         }156 157         public DataTable TxtExecuteDataTable(string sqlText, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)158         {159             return ExecDataTable(sqlText, CommandType.Text, paramNames, paramValues);160         }161 162         public DataSet TxtExecuteDataSet(string sqlText, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)163         {164             return ExecDataSet(sqlText, CommandType.Text, paramNames, paramValues);165         }166 167         public int SpExecuteNonQuery(string sqlText)168         {169             return ExecNonQuery("USP_RunSql", CommandType.StoredProcedure, null, null);170         }171 172         public int SpExecuteNonQuery(string spName, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)173         {174             return ExecNonQuery(spName, CommandType.StoredProcedure, paramNames, paramValues);175         }176 177         public T SpExecuteScalar<T>(string spName, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)178         {179             return ExecScalar<T>(spName, CommandType.StoredProcedure, paramNames, paramValues);180         }181 182         public T SpExecuteReader<T>(string spName, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)183         {184             return ExecReader<T>(spName, CommandType.StoredProcedure, paramNames, paramValues);185         }186 187         public DataTable SpExecuteDataTable(string spName, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)188         {189             return ExecDataTable(spName, CommandType.StoredProcedure, paramNames, paramValues);190         }191 192         public DataSet SpExecuteDataSet(string spName, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)193         {194             return ExecDataSet(spName, CommandType.StoredProcedure, paramNames, paramValues);195         }196         #endregion197 198         private void fillParameters(OleDbCommand oleDbCmd, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)199         {200             if (paramNames == null && paramNames.Length == 0)201                 return;202             if (paramValues == null && paramValues.Length == 0)203                 return;204 205             if (paramNames.Length != paramValues.Length)206                 throw new ArgumentException("The Name Count of parameters does not match its Value Count! ");207 208             string name;209             object value;210             for (int i = 0; i < paramNames.Length; i  )211             {212                 name = paramNames[i];213                 value = paramValues[i];214                 if (value != null)215                     oleDbCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(name, value);216                 else217                     oleDbCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(name, DBNull.Value);218             }219         }220 221         #region IDBHelper Members222 223         public bool BulkInsert<T, T1>(T sqlBulkCopy, DataTable dataTable, T1 sqlTrasaction)224         {225             bool result = false;226             OleDbTransaction sqlTran = (OleDbTransaction)Convert.ChangeType(sqlTrasaction, typeof(OleDbTransaction));227             using (OleDbConnection oleDbCon = GetConnection<OleDbConnection>())228             {229                 OleDbCommand oleDbCmd = new OleDbCommand(string.Format("select * from {0}", dataTable.TableName), oleDbCon);230                 oleDbCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;231                 try232                 {233                     OleDbDataAdapter oledDbDA = new OleDbDataAdapter(oleDbCmd);234                     OleDbCommandBuilder oledCmdBuilder = new OleDbCommandBuilder(oledDbDA);235                     oledDbDA.Update(dataTable);236                     result = true;237                 }238                 catch (OleDbException ode)239                 {240                     result = false;241                     throw ode;242                 }243             }244             return result;245         }246 247         public bool BulkInsert(DataTable dataTable)248         {249             bool result = false;250             if (dataTable != null && dataTable.Rows.Count > 0)251             {252                 using (OleDbConnection oleDbCon = GetConnection<OleDbConnection>())253                 {254                     oleDbCon.Open();255                     OleDbTransaction sqlTran = oleDbCon.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);256                     object obj = null;257                     result = BulkInsert(obj, dataTable, sqlTran);258                 }259             }260             return result;261         }262 263         public bool BulkInsert(DataSet dataSet)264         {265             bool result = false;266             if (dataSet != null && dataSet.Tables.Count > 0)267             {268                 using (OleDbConnection oleDbCon = GetConnection<OleDbConnection>())269                 {270                     oleDbCon.Open();271                     OleDbTransaction sqlTran = oleDbCon.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);272                     object obj = null;273                     if (dataSet.Tables.Count == 1)274                         result = BulkInsert(obj, dataSet.Tables[0], sqlTran);275                     else276                     {277                         foreach (DataTable dt in dataSet.Tables)278                         {279                             result = BulkInsert(obj, dt, sqlTran);280                             if (!result)281                                 break;282                         }283                     }284                 }285             }286             return result;287         }288 289         public string DBName290         {291             get { return this._dbName; }292         }293 294 295         public T GetConnection<T>()296         {297             T result = default(T);298             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._dbName))299                 result = DALFactory.GetDatabaseConnection<T>(this._dBVender);300             else301                 result = DALFactory.GetDatabaseConnection<T>(this._dBVender, this._dbName);302             return result;303         }304 305         #endregion306     }307 }
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  1 using System;  2 using System.Collections.Generic;  3 using System.Linq;  4 using System.Text;  5   6 using ETLUtilityDAL.Interfaces;  7 using ETLUtilityDAL.Enums;  8 using ETLUtilityDAL.Common;  9 using ETLUtilityModel.Common; 10 using System.Data; 11 using System.Data.SqlClient; 12  13  14 namespace ETLUtilityDAL.Implement 15 { 16     public class MSSqlDBHelper : IDBHelper 17     { 18         private DatabaseType _dBVender = DatabaseType.MSSql; 19         private string _dbName; 20  21         public MSSqlDBHelper() 22         { 23             this._dbName = ""; 24         } 25  26         public MSSqlDBHelper(string dbName) 27         { 28             this._dbName = dbName; 29         } 30  31         #region IDBHelper 成员 32  33         public int ExecNonQuery(string sqlText, CommandType cmdType, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues) 34         { 35             int result = 0; 36             using (SqlConnection sqlCon = GetConnection<SqlConnection>()) 37             { 38                 SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(sqlText, sqlCon); 39                 sqlCmd.CommandType = cmdType; 40                 try 41                 { 42                     fillParameters(sqlCmd, paramNames, paramValues); 43                     sqlCon.Open(); 44                     result = sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); 45                 } 46                 catch (SqlException se) 47                 { 48                     throw se; 49                 } 50             } 51             return result; 52         } 53  54         public T ExecScalar<T>(string sqlText, CommandType cmdType, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues) 55         { 56             T result = default(T); 57             using (SqlConnection sqlCon = GetConnection<SqlConnection>()) 58             { 59                 SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(sqlText, sqlCon); 60                 sqlCmd.CommandType = cmdType; 61                 try 62                 { 63                     fillParameters(sqlCmd, paramNames, paramValues); 64                     sqlCon.Open(); 65                     result = (T)Convert.ChangeType(sqlCmd.ExecuteScalar(),typeof(T)); 66                 } 67                 catch (SqlException se) 68                 { 69                     throw se; 70                 } 71             } 72             return result; 73         } 74  75         public T ExecReader<T>(string sqlText, CommandType cmdType, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues) 76         { 77             T result = default(T); 78             using (SqlConnection sqlCon = GetConnection<SqlConnection>()) 79             { 80                 SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(sqlText, sqlCon); 81                 sqlCmd.CommandType = cmdType; 82                 try 83                 { 84                     fillParameters(sqlCmd, paramNames, paramValues); 85                     sqlCon.Open(); 86                     result = (T)Convert.ChangeType(sqlCmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection), typeof(T)); 87                 } 88                 catch (SqlException se) 89                 { 90                     throw se; 91                 } 92             } 93             return result; 94         } 95  96         public DataTable ExecDataTable(string sqlText, CommandType cmdType, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues) 97         { 98             DataTable result = new DataTable(); 99             using (SqlConnection sqlCon = GetConnection<SqlConnection>())100             {101                 SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(sqlText, sqlCon);102                 sqlCmd.CommandType = cmdType;103                 try104                 {105                     fillParameters(sqlCmd, paramNames, paramValues);106                     SqlDataAdapter sqlDA = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd);107                     sqlDA.Fill(result);108                 }109                 catch (SqlException se)110                 {111                     throw se;112                 }113             }114             return result;115         }116 117         public  DataSet ExecDataSet(string sqlText, CommandType cmdType, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)118         {119             DataSet result = new DataSet();120             using (SqlConnection sqlCon = GetConnection<SqlConnection>())121             {122                 SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(sqlText, sqlCon);123                 sqlCmd.CommandType = cmdType;124                 try125                 {126                     fillParameters(sqlCmd, paramNames, paramValues);127                     SqlDataAdapter sqlDA = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd);128                     sqlDA.Fill(result);129                 }130                 catch (SqlException se)131                 {132                     throw se;133                 }134             }135             return result;136         }137 138         public int TxtExecuteNonQuery(string sqlText)139         {140             return ExecNonQuery(sqlText, CommandType.Text, null, null);141         }142 143         public int TxtExecuteNonQuery(string sqlText, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)144         {145             return ExecNonQuery(sqlText, CommandType.Text, paramNames, paramValues);146         }147 148         public T TxtExecuteScalar<T>(string sqlText, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)149         {150             return ExecScalar<T>(sqlText, CommandType.Text, paramNames, paramValues);151         }152 153         public T TxtExecuteReader<T>(string sqlText, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)154         {155             return ExecReader<T>(sqlText, CommandType.Text, paramNames, paramValues);156         }157 158         public DataTable TxtExecuteDataTable(string sqlText, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)159         {160             return ExecDataTable(sqlText, CommandType.Text, paramNames, paramValues);161         }162 163         public DataSet TxtExecuteDataSet(string sqlText, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)164         {165             return ExecDataSet(sqlText, CommandType.Text, paramNames, paramValues);166         }167 168         public int SpExecuteNonQuery(string sqlText)169         {170             return ExecNonQuery("USP_RunSql", CommandType.StoredProcedure, null, null);171         }172 173         public int SpExecuteNonQuery(string spName, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)174         {175             return ExecNonQuery(spName, CommandType.StoredProcedure, paramNames, paramValues);176         }177 178         public T SpExecuteScalar<T>(string spName, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)179         {180             return ExecScalar<T>(spName, CommandType.StoredProcedure, paramNames, paramValues);181         }182 183         public T SpExecuteReader<T>(string spName, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)184         {185             return ExecReader<T>(spName, CommandType.StoredProcedure, paramNames, paramValues);186         }187 188         public DataTable SpExecuteDataTable(string spName, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)189         {190             return ExecDataTable(spName, CommandType.StoredProcedure, paramNames, paramValues);191         }192 193         public DataSet SpExecuteDataSet(string spName, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)194         {195             return ExecDataSet(spName, CommandType.StoredProcedure, paramNames, paramValues);196         }197 198         public bool BulkInsert<T, T1>(T sqlBulkCopy, DataTable dataTable, T1 sqlTrasaction)199         {200             bool result = false;201 202             SqlBulkCopy sqlBC = (SqlBulkCopy)Convert.ChangeType(sqlBulkCopy, typeof(SqlBulkCopy));203             SqlTransaction sqlTran = (SqlTransaction)Convert.ChangeType(sqlTrasaction, typeof(SqlTransaction));204             try205             {206                 sqlBC.DestinationTableName = dataTable.TableName;207 208                 //Mapping Destination Field of Database Table209                 for (int i = 0; i < dataTable.Columns.Count; i  )210                 {211                     sqlBC.ColumnMappings.Add(dataTable.Columns[i].ColumnName, dataTable.Columns[i].ColumnName);212                 }213 214                 //TestCode215                 //string xx = TestUtility.GetColumnDataTypeOfDataTale(dataTable);216 217                 //Write DataTable218                 sqlBC.WriteToServer(dataTable);219 220                 sqlTran.Commit();221                 result = true;222             }223             catch(SqlException ex)224             {225                 result = false;226                 sqlTran.Rollback();227                 throw ex;228             }229             finally230             {231                 //T、T1给默认值为Null, 由系统调用GC232                 sqlBC.Close();233                 sqlBulkCopy = default(T);234                 sqlTrasaction = default(T1);235             }236             return result;237         }238 239         public bool BulkInsert(DataTable dataTable)240         {241             bool result = false;242             if (dataTable != null && dataTable.Rows.Count > 0)243             {244                 using (SqlConnection sqlCon = GetConnection<SqlConnection>())245                 {246                     sqlCon.Open();247                     SqlTransaction sqlTran = sqlCon.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);248                     using (SqlBulkCopy sqlBulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(sqlCon, SqlBulkCopyOptions.KeepIdentity, sqlTran))249                     {250                         sqlBulkCopy.BatchSize = 20000;251                         sqlBulkCopy.BulkCopyTimeout = 60;252                         result = BulkInsert(sqlBulkCopy,dataTable,sqlTran);253                     }254                 }255             }256             return result;257         }258 259         public bool BulkInsert(DataSet dataSet)260         {261             bool result = false;262             if (dataSet != null && dataSet.Tables.Count > 0)263             {264                 using (SqlConnection sqlCon = GetConnection<SqlConnection>())265                 {266                     sqlCon.Open();267                     SqlTransaction sqlTran = sqlCon.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);268                     using (SqlBulkCopy sqlBulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(sqlCon, SqlBulkCopyOptions.KeepIdentity, sqlTran))269                     {270                         sqlBulkCopy.BatchSize = 20000;271                         sqlBulkCopy.BulkCopyTimeout = 60;272                         if (dataSet.Tables.Count == 1)273                             result = BulkInsert(sqlBulkCopy, dataSet.Tables[0], sqlTran);274                         else275                         {276                             foreach (DataTable dt in dataSet.Tables)277                             {278                                 result = BulkInsert(sqlBulkCopy, dt, sqlTran);279                                 if (!result)280                                     break;281                             }282                         }283                     }284                 }285             }286             return result;287         }288 289 290         public string DBName291         {292             get { return this._dbName; }293         }294 295 296         public T GetConnection<T>()297         {298             T result = default(T);299             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._dbName))300                 result = DALFactory.GetDatabaseConnection<T>(this._dBVender);301             else302                 result = DALFactory.GetDatabaseConnection<T>(this._dBVender, this._dbName);303             return result;304         }305         #endregion306 307         private void fillParameters(SqlCommand cmd, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)308         {309             if (paramNames == null && paramNames.Length == 0)310                 return;311             if (paramValues == null && paramValues.Length == 0)312                 return;313 314             if(paramNames.Length != paramValues.Length)315                 throw new ArgumentException("The Name Count of parameters does not match its Value Count! ");316 317             string name;318             object value;319             for (int i = 0; i < paramNames.Length; i  )320             {321                 name = paramNames[i];322                 value = paramValues[i];323                 if (value != null)324                     cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(name, value);325                 else326                     cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(name, DBNull.Value);327             }328         }329     }330 }
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  1 using System;  2 using System.Collections.Generic;  3 using System.Linq;  4 using System.Text;  5   6 using ETLUtilityDAL.Interfaces;  7 using ETLUtilityDAL.Enums;  8 using ETLUtilityDAL.Common;  9 using MySql.Data.MySqlClient; 10 using System.Data; 11 using System.Collections.Specialized; 12 using System.IO; 13  14 namespace ETLUtilityDAL.Implement 15 { 16     public class MySqlDBHelper : IDBHelper 17     { 18         private DatabaseType _dBVender = DatabaseType.MySql; 19         private readonly string _tmpBasePath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; 20         private readonly string _tmpCSVFilePattern = "Temp\\{0}.csv";   //0表示文件名称 21         private string _dbName; 22  23         public MySqlDBHelper() 24         { 25             this._dbName = ""; 26         } 27  28         public MySqlDBHelper(string dbName) 29         { 30             this._dbName = dbName; 31         } 32  33         #region IDBHelper 成员 34  35         public int ExecNonQuery(string sqlText, CommandType cmdType, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues) 36         { 37             int result = 0; 38             using (MySqlConnection mySqlCon = GetConnection <MySqlConnection>()) 39             { 40                 MySqlCommand mySqlCmd = new MySqlCommand(sqlText, mySqlCon); 41                 mySqlCmd.CommandType = cmdType; 42                 try 43                 { 44                     fillParameters(mySqlCmd, paramNames, paramValues); 45                     mySqlCon.Open(); 46                     result = mySqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); 47                 } 48                 catch (MySqlException mse) 49                 { 50                     throw mse; 51                 } 52             } 53             return 0; 54         } 55  56         public T ExecScalar<T>(string sqlText, CommandType cmdType, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues) 57         { 58             T result = default(T); 59             using (MySqlConnection mySqlCon = GetConnection<MySqlConnection>()) 60             { 61                 MySqlCommand mySqlCmd = new MySqlCommand(sqlText, mySqlCon); 62                 mySqlCmd.CommandType = cmdType; 63                 try 64                 { 65                     fillParameters(mySqlCmd, paramNames, paramValues); 66                     mySqlCon.Open(); 67                     result = (T)Convert.ChangeType(mySqlCmd.ExecuteScalar(), typeof(T)); 68                 } 69                 catch (MySqlException mse) 70                 { 71                     throw mse; 72                 } 73             } 74             return result; 75         } 76  77         public T ExecReader<T>(string sqlText, CommandType cmdType, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues) 78         { 79             T result = default(T); 80             using (MySqlConnection mySqlCon = GetConnection<MySqlConnection>()) 81             { 82                 MySqlCommand mySqlCmd = new MySqlCommand(sqlText, mySqlCon); 83                 mySqlCmd.CommandType = cmdType; 84                 try 85                 { 86                     fillParameters(mySqlCmd, paramNames, paramValues); 87                     mySqlCon.Open(); 88                     result = (T)Convert.ChangeType(mySqlCmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection), typeof(T)); 89                 } 90                 catch (MySqlException mse) 91                 { 92                     throw mse; 93                 } 94             } 95             return result; 96         } 97  98         public DataTable ExecDataTable(string sqlText, CommandType cmdType, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues) 99         {100             DataTable result = new DataTable();101             using (MySqlConnection mySqlCon = GetConnection<MySqlConnection>())102             {103                 MySqlCommand mySqlCmd = new MySqlCommand(sqlText, mySqlCon);104                 mySqlCmd.CommandType = cmdType;105                 try106                 {107                     fillParameters(mySqlCmd, paramNames, paramValues);108                     MySqlDataAdapter mySqlDA = new MySqlDataAdapter(mySqlCmd);109                     mySqlDA.Fill(result);110                 }111                 catch (MySqlException mse)112                 {113                     throw mse;114                 }115             }116             return result;117         }118 119         public DataSet ExecDataSet(string sqlText, CommandType cmdType, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)120         {121             DataSet result = new DataSet();122             using (MySqlConnection mySqlCon = GetConnection<MySqlConnection>())123             {124                 MySqlCommand sqlCmd = new MySqlCommand(sqlText, mySqlCon);125                 sqlCmd.CommandType = cmdType;126                 try127                 {128                     fillParameters(sqlCmd, paramNames, paramValues);129                     MySqlDataAdapter mySqlDA = new MySqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd);130                     mySqlDA.Fill(result);131                 }132                 catch (MySqlException mse)133                 {134                     throw mse;135                 }136             }137             return result;138         }139 140         public int TxtExecuteNonQuery(string sqlText)141         {142             return ExecNonQuery(sqlText, CommandType.Text, null, null);143         }144 145         public int TxtExecuteNonQuery(string sqlText, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)146         {147             return ExecNonQuery(sqlText, CommandType.Text, paramNames, paramValues);148         }149 150         public T TxtExecuteScalar<T>(string sqlText, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)151         {152             return ExecScalar<T>(sqlText, CommandType.Text, paramNames, paramValues);153         }154 155         public T TxtExecuteReader<T>(string sqlText, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)156         {157             return ExecReader<T>(sqlText, CommandType.Text, paramNames, paramValues);158         }159 160         public DataTable TxtExecuteDataTable(string sqlText, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)161         {162             return ExecDataTable(sqlText, CommandType.Text, paramNames, paramValues);163         }164 165         public DataSet TxtExecuteDataSet(string sqlText, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)166         {167             return ExecDataSet(sqlText, CommandType.Text, paramNames, paramValues);168         }169 170         public int SpExecuteNonQuery(string sqlText)171         {172             return ExecNonQuery("USP_RunSql", CommandType.StoredProcedure, null, null);173         }174 175         public int SpExecuteNonQuery(string spName, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)176         {177             return ExecNonQuery(spName, CommandType.StoredProcedure, paramNames, paramValues);178         }179 180         public T SpExecuteScalar<T>(string spName, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)181         {182             return ExecScalar<T>(spName, CommandType.StoredProcedure, paramNames, paramValues);183         }184 185         public T SpExecuteReader<T>(string spName, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)186         {187             return ExecReader<T>(spName, CommandType.StoredProcedure, paramNames, paramValues);188         }189 190         public DataTable SpExecuteDataTable(string spName, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)191         {192             return ExecDataTable(spName, CommandType.StoredProcedure, paramNames, paramValues);193         }194 195         public DataSet SpExecuteDataSet(string spName, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)196         {197             return ExecDataSet(spName, CommandType.StoredProcedure, paramNames, paramValues);198         }199 200         public bool BulkInsert<T, T1>(T sqlBulkCopy, DataTable dataTable, T1 sqlTrasaction)201         {202             bool result = false;203             string tmpCsvPath = this._tmpBasePath   string.Format(this._tmpCSVFilePattern, DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString());204             string tmpFolder = tmpCsvPath.Remove(tmpCsvPath.LastIndexOf("\\"));205 206             if (!Directory.Exists(tmpFolder))207                 Directory.CreateDirectory(tmpFolder);208 209             FileHelper.WriteDataTableToCSVFile(dataTable, tmpCsvPath);   //Write to csv File210 211             MySqlBulkLoader sqlBC = (MySqlBulkLoader)Convert.ChangeType(sqlBulkCopy, typeof(MySqlBulkLoader));212             MySqlTransaction sqlTran = (MySqlTransaction)Convert.ChangeType(sqlTrasaction, typeof(MySqlTransaction));213             try214             {215                 sqlBC.TableName = dataTable.TableName;216                 sqlBC.FieldTerminator = "|";217                 sqlBC.LineTerminator = "\r\n";218                 sqlBC.FileName = tmpCsvPath;219                 sqlBC.NumberOfLinesToSkip = 0;220 221                 StringCollection strCollection = new StringCollection();222                 //Mapping Destination Field of Database Table223                 for (int i = 0; i < dataTable.Columns.Count; i  )224                 {225                     strCollection.Add(dataTable.Columns[i].ColumnName);226                 }227                 sqlBC.Columns = strCollection;228 229                 //Write DataTable230                 sqlBC.Load();231 232                 sqlTran.Commit();233                 result = true;234             }235             catch (MySqlException mse)236             {237                 result = false;238                 sqlTran.Rollback();239                 throw mse;240             }241             finally242             {243                 //T、T1给默认值为Null, 由系统调用GC244                 sqlBC = null;245                 sqlBulkCopy = default(T);246                 sqlTrasaction = default(T1);247             }248             File.Delete(tmpCsvPath);249             return result;250         }251 252         public bool BulkInsert(DataTable dataTable)253         {254             bool result = false;255             if (dataTable != null && dataTable.Rows.Count > 0)256             {257                 using (MySqlConnection mySqlCon = GetConnection<MySqlConnection>())258                 {259                     mySqlCon.Open();260                     MySqlTransaction sqlTran = mySqlCon.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);261                     MySqlBulkLoader sqlBulkCopy = new MySqlBulkLoader(mySqlCon);262                     sqlBulkCopy.Timeout = 60;263 264                     result = BulkInsert(sqlBulkCopy, dataTable, sqlTran);265                 }266             }267             return result;268         }269 270         public bool BulkInsert(DataSet dataSet)271         {272             bool result = false;273             if (dataSet != null && dataSet.Tables.Count > 0)274             {275                 using (MySqlConnection mySqlCon = GetConnection<MySqlConnection>())276                 {277                     mySqlCon.Open();278                     MySqlTransaction sqlTran = mySqlCon.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);279                     MySqlBulkLoader sqlBulkCopy = new MySqlBulkLoader(mySqlCon);280                     sqlBulkCopy.Timeout = 60;281 282                     if (dataSet.Tables.Count == 1)283                         result = BulkInsert(sqlBulkCopy, dataSet.Tables[0], sqlTran);284                     else285                     {286                         foreach (DataTable dt in dataSet.Tables)287                         {288                             result = BulkInsert(sqlBulkCopy, dt, sqlTran);289                             if (!result)290                                 break;291                         }292                     }293                 }294             }295             return result;296         }297 298         public string DBName299         {300             get { return this._dbName; }301         }302 303 304         public T GetConnection<T>()305         {306             T result = default(T);307             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._dbName))308                 result = DALFactory.GetDatabaseConnection<T>(this._dBVender);309             else310                 result = DALFactory.GetDatabaseConnection<T>(this._dBVender, this._dbName);311             return result;312         }313 314         #endregion315 316         private void fillParameters(MySqlCommand mySqlCmd, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)317         {318             if (paramNames == null || paramNames.Length == 0)319                 return;320             if (paramValues == null || paramValues.Length == 0)321                 return;322 323             if (paramNames.Length != paramValues.Length)324                 throw new ArgumentException("The Name Count of parameters does not match its Value Count! ");325 326             string name;327             object value;328             for (int i = 0; i < paramNames.Length; i  )329             {330                 name = paramNames[i];331                 value = paramValues[i];332                 if (value != null)333                     mySqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(name, value);334                 else335                     mySqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(name, DBNull.Value);336             }337         }338     }339 }
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