

50天突破高考 3500 必备词汇(下)

Day 51

根据提示完成下列句子(least  lip)

1.He _______________________(一点也不 not…least) like to ________________(排队等候).

2.With his driving ___________(执照) _________________(忘带), it was _____________(不合法) to drive.

3.I came here not to ____________________(教训你), but ___________________(给你上课).

4._____________________( 说 真 话 ),  she  ____________( 使 我 失 望 ).  She  can’t  speak  Chinese  well,___________(更不用说) English.

5.Don’t __________________(遗漏) this ___________(字母) in this word.

6.She  _________( 说谎 )  to  be  ill  and  told  me  she  was  still  ________( 躺 )  in  bed.  Actually,  she  was_________(充满活力). She was ________(说谎).

7.The _____________(闪电) ___________(照亮) the courtyard, ____________________(将曝光) his famous car.

8.I don’t ___________(想要) keeping the secret. Instead, I ____________(愿意) to share it with you.

9.It’s _________(可能的) to __________(限制) myself to three cups of beer a day.

10.The reason ____________(存在于) two aspects, but personally, this kind of light is closely _____________(有联系) skin cancer.

Day 52

根据提示完成下列句子(liquid  lung)

1.If you drop __________(垃圾) in the No _________(乱丢杂物) area, there will be fine.

2.I’m _________________(不是一点点) tired, but I’m _______________(一点也不) hungry.

3.He is so ______________(有生气的) that he never _____________________(辜负) his parents’ expectation.

4.________________(大量的 load) pictures can be _________(上传) or _________(下载) from the Internet.

5.I _______________(渴望 long) ___________(把看成) others as my best friends and to be ________________(赞赏 look up to).

6.I _______________________(期望) _________(有) good __________________(生活条件).

7.He is always ____________________(沉湎于 lose) playing computer games _______________(终日地), making him ___________________________(遭受重大损失).

8.He decided to _____________________(弥补损失) _____________________(逐渐地).

9.He __________________(爱上) a beautiful girl, but he ___________________(不走运).

10.When _____________( 失意), be patient; when ____________(孤独), be happy.

Day 53

根据提示完成下列句子(machine  match)

1.The ________(太太) with _____________(没有礼貌) almost _______________(使我发狂).

2.Luckily,  _______________________( 大 部 分  majority)  survived  in  the  traffic  accident,  which  was______________(不可思议的).

3.If you ________________________(下决心), you can _______________(达到目的).

4. What ___________(牌子) of the __________(经理) car?

Hongqi. It was _____________(在中国制造) China.

5.__________(许多 many a ) _______(主要的) problem _____________(已设法) to be solved.

6.A stop ________(标志) at the crossroads fell down, leaving a ________(痕迹) on the ground. Can you ________ them ________(辨认出)?

7.Her tie _________(搭配) her dress, __________(标志) his ability in selecting proper clothing.

8.He ____________( 与结婚 )  the  beautiful  girl  long  time  ago  and  it  seems  that  up  till  now  they__________(结婚)for ten years. Their ___________(婚姻) is happy.

9.Can you ___________________(弄清楚 make sense…) what he said? If not, go and ask him because he has _________(掌握) several foreign languages.

10.China ________________(由组成) 1.36 billion people, ___________(占据) one sixth of the world population.

Day 54

根据提示完成下列句子(material  metre)

1. I forgot to _________________( 给 … 捎 信 ) her. _______________________( 更 糟 糕 的是…matters…), I ________________________________(吃错了药).

2._______________( 事 实 上  matter),  I  ______________( 本 打 算 )  make  some  clothes_____________(按她的尺寸), but I was _____________(一团糟).

3. _________________________(什么意思) of the word “due”?

_________(也许) it _________(意为) “be coming”, and it ________(也许) be an easy job.

4._____________( 无论如何 …means), the government should _________________ ( 采取措施 )______________ (满足人民的需要).

5.The news of his ___________________(赢得两块金牌) was reported by the _______(媒体).

6.__________________(决不) could I think yesterday that I would ___________(遇到) that __________(商人)____________(中等身材) five times.

7.I am ________(仅仅) an ordinary worker, so sometimes I can’t ________________________ (使收支平衡),_______________(更不用说…mention) having enough money to buy such an expensive flat.

8.Don’t ____________(提及) his _________(精神) problem. He has __________________( 记忆力很差). I__________(怜悯) him.

9._____________________(为了纪念) the old time, he learned to use traditional ______________(方法) to__________(修理) broken windows

10.On a cold Christmas Day, the hopeless little girl was _______________(任由摆布) some older boys______________(无论发生什么).

Day 55

根据提示完成下列句子(microscope  monument)

1.Once someone tells you to _________________(记住某些事时), you’d better _________________(别管闲事).

2.Many  people  ____________________( 下 决 心 )  to  look  for  gold  _______( 矿 ),  but  unluckily  only______________(少数人) can find some.

3.If you can’t find a suitable school bus, you _______________(不妨) use a __________(小型公共汽车).

4.The __________(最小) fare on buses is 1 yuan. _____________(等一下), I’ll give you a coin. You can’t_________( 错过) it.

5.Oh, you __________(把…错当成) _________(显微镜) for _______ (望远镜).How __________(错误) you are!

6.As a ___________(模特), you should be __________(时髦) and have __________(谦逊).

7.The __________(一…就) I see myself in the ________(镜子), I find myself aging.

8.Any thief can’t _______________(逃脱被抓). Don’t _________________(迷路).

9.You two _________(班长) ___________(误解) me, i.e., you had a __________(误解) of me.

10.I have to put away your _________( 移动 ) phone ____________( 一会儿 ), but your mother can get it________________(随时).

Day 56

根据提示完成下列句子(moon  myself)

1.Everybody should _________________(按道德标准行事) to return the lost things to the owner. We should observe _____________________(社会公德).

2.________________(越来起多) students learn by ________________________(充分利用) their spare time.

3.__________(越多) music you listen to, ____________(越多) chances you’ll have to be a __________(音乐家).

4.Every day we should ____________________(或多或少) do some reading, and learn to use __________(至少) 30 words, especially their collocations.

5.From Monday to Saturday, we do morning reading _______________(在早上), but ____________________(在星期天早上), we have a good rest at home. Sometimes we go ____________________(爬山).

6.Young people like ___________________(到处走动), that is to say, they are _____________(在活动中).

7.He _______________(离开 move…) ______________(骑摩托) in a hurry, ___________________(看电影).

8.He was accused of a _________(杀人犯), because he _________________(犯杀人罪).

9.You __________(必须) do these exercises ___________________(独自).

10.____________(又一次), a __________(音乐剧) was held in the ______________(博物馆).

Day 57

根据提示完成下列句子(nail  next)

1._________________(中华民族) is ______________(远非) _________________(心胸狭窄的), n________(也就是说), a peace-loving one ______________(天性).

2.My _____________(国籍) is Chinese, so my __________(本国) language is also Chinese.

3.___________________(如果有必要), we must buy some ______________(必需品) at home.

4.She needs ______________________________(以…的名命名) her mother, which needs ___________(考虑). As for me, I needn’t _____________(think of) this matter.

5.I have ______________________________________(针线都没有).

6.I was ___________________________(陷入…的困难) putting ________________(国内外消息) into English.

7.But __________________(不要紧), my __________(侄子) who is good at English will come to my help.

8.My next-door ___________(邻居) often read news ______________(在报纸上) to me.

9. Do you need some _______________(项链)?

No, but some _______________(钉子) are ____________(需要).

10.The happiest people don’t ________________(必要) have the best of everything.

Day 58

根据提示完成下列句子(nice  nutrition)

1.Basketball is ____________(某些东西) I like best. ______________________( 没有什么东西) like it as a means of keeping fit.

2.Last night I really had a _________(吵闹的) one because all my nephews and _________(侄女们) were singing at home ________________________________(直到深夜). They ___________________(弄出太多的声音了).

3.The boss asked us to work ____________________(夜以继日). One the ________(第九) day, all of us broke down. We were __________________(不是一点点) tired. After a couple of days’ rest and some __________(有营养的) food, we ____________________ (恢复正常).

4.After graduating from _______________________________( 东北师范大学 ), he didn’t find a good job.

_________(直到现在), he is still sharing a small flat with others.

5._____________( 许 多 …number… 护 士 )  ________________________( 被 打 了 鼻 子 )____(无理由) on the way home after work.

6.What  they  received  __________________________( 引 起 注 意 )  of  the  officials  of  the  hospital._________(从现在起), they are _______________(一点也不) afraid.

7.Have you ____________________(注意到) the safety of ____________________ (核电站).

8.Can you ___________________________(做笔记) what the teachers say in the class.

9.If you don’t go there, ________________________(我也不去).

10.____________________(数量) the birds is growing up. ________________(没有任何地方) can I find to listen to their beautiful singing.

Day 59

根据提示完成下列句子(obey  opening)

1. It’s __________(明显的) that every citizen should __________________(遵守法律), and every rule should be strictly _________(遵守 observe).

2.High school students are _______________(反对) taking motorbikes, for it’s an _________(违法行为).

3.In _____(九月) and __________(十月), students ____________________ (忙于 occupy) Teachers’ Day and National Day.

4.It _______________(突然想起) that my mother will come to _________(正式) see me today.

5. ________________(隔多久) do you help do housework?

I seldom _______________________(主动提出做) it, for I hate oily dishes

6.The _________ (官员的) speech of ________________(就职) is _______________(不切题).

7.___________________(突然…sudden), the long sleeping patient ____________________(苏醒), with his eyes_______(睁得很大).

8.We   classmates   help   ___________________(  相 互 ),   but   most   of   the   time   we   do   exercises________________(独自).

9._____________(要是就好了) we had one hour a day in the afternoon in having sports!

10._______________(总之), _______(一旦) I have time, I’ll visit you ______________(亲自).

Day 60

根据提示完成下列句子(opera  oxygen)

1.I ________________(对有好印象) the doctor who ___________(动手术) my father.

2.Many  people  say  I’m  _____________( 乐 观 ).  Much  ______________( 与 相 反 )  their  opinion,  I’m__________(对……悲观) my study.

3.We ________________________(建立一个组织) for travelling by car, and ______________(确切地说), we ______________(出去郊游) ______________(每隔一周).

4.___________________(为了) we can have good meals, we should _____________________ (预定) from the dining hall in advance.

5.________________(前几天), the _____________(起初的) computer in our classroom was _______________(出毛病).

6.You ought to ________________(克服) these difficulties yourself, but you _________(没有).

7.This book ________(给出) a brief __________(概述) of the history of the castle.

8.He is __________( 超重), but he is _________(坦率) and __________(杰出).

9.The writer did most of the writing ____________________(独自 on…own), but he still __________(归功) his achievements ________(给) his teacher.

10.______________(由于 owing…) ______________________(过户外生活), he was sun burnt.

Day 61

根据提示完成下列句子(pace  partly)

1.We should ______________________(不遗余力) to _________________(与时俱进).

2.When shopping was done in the supermarket, the food items ___________(包装) with plastic was carefully___________(打包).

3.Yesterday I ____________________(费力) to climb to the top of the 15-storeyed building. When I was going   downstairs, I fell, hurting my legs _______________(疼痛地). I did __________________(感觉疼痛) in my left leg. It was really ______________(痛苦的) to come to the ground.

4. Most ___________(画家)_______________(特别) like ___________(油画) ___________________________(颐和园). These _______________(油画) sell well.

5.At the sight of the test ___________(试卷), I __________________________(进入恐慌状态) and my mind went blank, but I tried to force myself not to _____________(惊慌).

6.Please  ____________________( 因 …… 宽 恕 我 )  getting  a  ticket,  for  I  couldn’t  find  a____________(停车场) to ___________(停) my car. I had to choose a corner of the street, but I had no good luck.

7.On holidays, I took my ____________(父母亲) to __________(巴黎). We visited ___________(公园), had a talk to some ______________(鹦鹉) and ___________________________(参加) some interesting games.

8.I _______________(扮演很多重要角色) in many _____________(联欢会).

9.She was ____________________(对挑剔) almost everything, so I _____________(分手) her.

10.I chose these ____________(伙伴) ____________(部分) because they were honest and able.

Day 62

根据提示完成下列句子(pass  perfume)

1.He __________(传) a precious painting ___________(给) his son, hoping he could ___________(把传给) after he _____________________(去世).

2.The _______________(游客的) _____________(护照) was picked up by a ______________(过路人) in the___________(走廊). He thanked a lot.

3._____________________(以前), people seldom __________________________(申请专利).

4.Be ____________________(对某人有耐心) ___________(病人). Nurses can’t _______________________(失去耐心). ______________(不耐烦) does great harm.

5.Be ___________________(和平相处) between classmates, making a ______________(和平的)world.

6.If you _________________________(提前支付这台个人电脑), you can have ______________(百分之二十) off the price.

7.All your hard work will __________________(得到回报) in the future.

8.80 percent of the books __________(已经) sold, and 10 percent of the money ____(是) yours.

9.A large ___________(比例) of the farmer-workers live in the coastal cities. They _____________________(履行职责) well and are _____________(完全适合) their jobs.

10.As ____________________(常言所说), ___________________(熟能生巧).

Day 63

根据提示完成下列句子(perhaps  pity)

1.If you want to ________________(照相) here, you should _____________________(请求允许). Nobody is________________(允许做) anything ___________(未经允许).

2.I want to give him a __________(电话) ______________(亲自), but he didn’t ___________________(接电话).

3._______________( 就我而言 ), ___________( 内科医生们 ) and ____________( 物理学家们 ) also need a___________(体检) once a year and _______________(体操) every day, which are good to their health.

4.I have learned to __________________(弹钢琴) for two years, but I still can’t _________________________(在钢琴的伴奏下演唱) as beautifully as the _____________(钢琴家).

5.I have _______________(学习 pick…) some knowledge of the computer by watching others.

6.Last Sunday we ________________________(去野餐). We _______________(野餐) in a mountainous village. It was _____________(遗憾) that I carelessly ________(摔碎) the bowls ________________(成为碎片) in the__________(野餐).

7.I _______________(同情) her because someone __________________________(扒窃) while shopping.______________!(真遗憾)

8.We should _____________(挑出) some useful things from __________________(这堆垃圾).

9.____________________(吃了这片药), and find a ___________(枕头) to lie on, then you will be all right.

10.There is no pity for these _____________(先锋) ____________(飞行员). They are great.

Day 64

根据提示完成下列句子(place  pollution)

1.__________________(  起 初 ),weshould________________________(  制 定 计 划 )


2.Something terrible _________________(发生) yesterday, as two _____________

(化工厂) gave out _____________(有毒的) gases, which greatly ___________(污染) the air.

3.________(塑料) __________________________(起重要的作用) in our daily life.

4.On ____________________(植树节), _________________(大量的 plenty…) trees were __________(种植). The result was ________________(令人满意).

5.My  parents  are  ___________________( 对 …… 满 意 )  my  ______________( 有 礼 貌 ).  I  think  it’s  a____________(乐事) to help others.

6.He was ________________________________________(就要偷) my purse from my _________(口袋) when he was caught by a ________________(警察).

7.As people often _______(指出), it’s the people whom the ______(警察) serve heart and soul.

8.Birth Control and Protecting the Nature are our __________________(国策).

9.Here are 5 _________(盘子). Please _________(增加) another two. That is 7. Em, five ______(加) two is seven.

10.Don’t be ___________________(偏题), or rather, be _________________(切题).

Day 65

根据提示完成下列句子(pond  powerful)

1.I’m _________________(富有) vocabulary, but I’m _______________(贫乏) pronunciation.

2.___________(流行) singer Jay Chou is __________________(为……所喜欢) young people.

3. ________(多少) is the _____________(人口) of Quanzhou?

 Sorry, but I know that Shishi ______________________________(有人口) 300,000.

4.He __________________(对采取积极的态度) his job, so he ____________________ (担任职务) of manager. Two years later, he _______________________( 失 业 了 ) because he_______________(占有) a large sum of public money.

5.Nowadays, the ___________(地位) of women has become much _________(高) than before.

6.Everybody should _____________________(坚守岗位), for _____________________(有可能…possibility) for anything urgent to happen any time.

7.Before Christmas,  I went to the _______________( 邮局 ) and sent quite a few ____________( 明信片 )_______(通过邮寄). The __________(邮费) was free.

8.I __________________(推迟去) to the town, for a heavy rain _____________(倾盆而下) and flooded the roads.

9.Tears of ___________(幸福) _________________(流下来) Susan’s cheeks.

10.Everybody _____________________________(对有控制权) to control himself while natural disasters are_________________(力所未及).

Day 66

根据提示完成下列句子(practical  pride)

1.Mother often said, “________________(熟能生巧)”, and I __________________(练习弹) the piano a lot. She ____________(高度赞扬我).

2.To tell you the truth, I ___________________________(更喜欢) science subjects. I _______(宁愿) to do a lot of math exercises _______________(而不愿) recite Chinese texts.

3.Several days ago, the teachers __________________( 在准备 ) the reviewing exercises while the students________________(在作准备) the College Entrance Examination. Now, the Exam is over and they say they _____________________________(已经有准备) to make a choice among their favorite universities.

4. The leaders _____________(出席) Boao Economy Forum are talking about the _________(当前的) economic situation. Each of them is given Chinese paintings as __________(礼物).

5._____________________(至今为止), much wet land hasn’t been ________________________(保护免受破坏).

6.He was elected _________(总裁) of Fujian Education __________(出版社). _____________(总裁) is learned and kindhearted.

7.Nowadays we are ____________________________(在压力下) the rising _________(价格).

8.I don’t __________________(逼迫你回答), but don’t ____________(假装) know the answer.

9.We  must  _________(  阻 止 )  these  poisonous  drinks  from  ____________(  进 入 )  the  market_______________(不惜任何代价).

10.Don’t be too _______________(骄傲) yourself, for nobody likes ___________(骄傲).

Day 67

根据提示完成下列句子(primary  psychology)

1._________________(原则上), newspapers are ________________(印刷中) at night.

2.Parents again ____________________(到监狱) to see their son yesterday because he was _____________(被投进监狱). He ______________________(在坐牢) for two years.

3.He ____________________(被奖励) for _________(解决) some difficult __________(行业) _________(问题).

4.The company ___________________________(已经获利) of 0.5 billion yuan by ____________(生产) many favorite ____________(产品).

5.I’ve ____________________(遵守诺言) for I’ve _________________________(取得很快进步) in English.

6.He _________(有可能 promise) to be a mayor, for he never _________________(不守诺言).

7.Pandas are under __________(在保护下) of the government. They are _________________(提供足够的食物).

8.His experience _____________________(证明有用), which _________(证明) his ability.

9.The  southeastern  ____________( 省 )  are  divided  into  several  zones  for  quick  development.  They  are______________(有前途的).

10.Some sounds should be ___________________(适当地发音). Good __________(发音) makes good English.

Day 68

根据提示完成下列句子(pub  quiz)

1.Don’t ____________________(跟某人争吵) others ______(因) small things _____________(公开地).

2.First he had to _________________(排队) in front of the __________________(出版社). When it was his turn, he took out his _________( 钱 包 ) and ____________________( 抽 出 ) 500 yuan and bought___________(相当多) books.

3.He couldn’t _____________(使停下) his car when the light turned red, so he was __________(惩罚) for breaking the traffic the law. I know he would not do it _____________(故意).

4.________________________( 带着 … 的目的 )  attracting  the  girl’s  attention,  the  young  man________________(挂起) a sign reading “I Love You”. But the girl couldn’t ________________(忍受) it.

5.He was still ___________(迷惑) when he was ________________(推倒) to the roadside

6.It is _________(质量) not ________(数量) that matters most.

7.It is _____________________(不可能…question) to ______________________(重归于好).

8.He was __________(十分) tired, so he _____________________(辞职) ____________________(毫无疑问地).

9.I’m sorry the meeting had to _______________(推迟) for somebody ________________(提出) a new proposal.

10. The __________(震动) caused much damage to the _____________(金字塔) in Egypt.

Day 69

根据提示完成下列句子(rabbit  real)

1.I ___________________________(听广播) and got the news that there was too much rain in Zhejiang. The___________(降雨量) _______________(范围包括) from 300mm to 600mm. Many ___________(铁路) were____________(困住) in the floods.



3.Li Na has made ____________________(很快进步). Now she ____________(排名) the fourth in tennis.

4.Rarely ___________________________________________(不真实的东西对她有影响).

5._________________(无论如何), you should run your car _______________(以….速度) 80 kilometers an hour.

6.I’ll meet him, __________________( 更确切地说), I’ll meet him at 3:00 this afternoon.

7.You can’t learn English well __________________(除了…than) by doing more reading

8.I would cook the fish for long _______________________(而不是吃) raw fish.

9.Poisonous things should be put where they are _________________( 够不着) of the children.

10.__________________________(准备) to tell me the _____________(读数) of the machine.

Day 70

根据提示完成下列句子(reality  regardless)

1.___________________(由于某种原因), he didn’t _________(实现) his dream, but it doesn’t mean that his dream will not __________________(实现) one day.

2.The reason why he was __________(拒绝) is t________ he didn’t ______________(谈及) the present situation.

3.They suggested that the professor ________(所指的) just now ___________(被选为) president of the university.

4.___________(  事  实  上  ),   after   he   ________(  痊  愈  )   his   illness,   he

_______________________(重新安排他的生活) completely.

5.I _______________________________(把他当作) my best friend and give my best __________(问候) to him.

6.I often recommend that he ___________________________(记录下) what the teacher said in class, but in vain.

7.__________________________(就……而言) preserving the earth, ______________(回收) can ___________(减少) pollution.

8.The ______________(反射影像) in the mirror _______________________(唤起他的记忆).

9.The system of education should be _______________(改革) ______________(合理地).

10.This school accepts all disabled students, ___________________(不管) educational level and background.

Day 71

根据提示完成下列句子(register  reputation)

1.I  ___________________( 遗憾要告诉 )  you  that  you  failed  in  the  writing  exam,  but  I  don’t_____________________(后悔要求) you to recite some beautiful essays.

2._________________(令我遗憾的是), somebody doesn’t ____________________ (遵守交通规则). What’s worse, some accidents __________________ (与……有关) drunk driving.

3.Law Today is a ___________________(固定节目) in CCTV, which ___________(提醒) us to do things by law.

4.Going to church on Sunday is __________(放松的). Actually everybody need to be _____________(放松).

5.Don’t ___________________(指望) me too much, for I won’t _________________________ (发表评论) your learning method.

6.The old man ____________(留下) in the seat and ____________(保持) quiet, but kept smoking, with a lot of___________(剩余物) in the ashtray.

7.Please ______________________________(代我向你父母问好) your parents.

8. How much ____________(租金) do I pay for this room?

Sorry, but all the rooms are _________________(在修理中).

9.It is ____________(报道) that a dove _______________(象征) peace.

10.Good _________________(名声) can’t be ______________________(替换) anything else.

Day 72

根据提示完成下列句子(request  ring)

1.Jenny did too much shopping. __________________(结果) she nearly missed the flight. Jenny nearly missed the flight ___________________(由于) doing too much shopping.

2.Don’t respond to any emails that ___________( 向…… 要) personal information from you. If you do that_______________( 应某人之请求 ),  you’ll  get  into  trouble.  I  ____________( 请求 )  that  you_________(拒绝) his ___________(请求).

3.The classroom requires _____________(打扫). Besides, the floor is required to ________________(清洗) with water. I require everybody __________(be) present.

4.My parents ___________(奖赏) me for _________(排名 rank) the tenth in the class. We had a big meal in a___________(饭馆), which ________________(满足了我的需求).

5.Mr. Yee is ___________(在……丰富) teaching. He often asks us to _________________ (去掉) some bad habits and do well ________________(在各方面). _____________(作为回报), we have been admitted into universities. All of us ________________(表达尊敬) for him.

6.The firemen __________(营救) an old woman. They said it was their ______________(责任) and they would___________________(对……负有责任) for the people’s lives.

7.Only four____________(预订) in the hotel while ___________(剩余的) had to put up tents.

8.I couldn’t ________(忍受) the ___________(限制), so I _________(辞职) from the company.

9.____________(关于) the ________(复习), we’d better _______(复述) what we have learned.

10.I’m about to ________(骑) a bicycle to my office and I’ll ____________(给你打电话) later.

Day 73

根据提示完成下列句子(ripe  Russian)

1.Hearing that the food price was ____________________(在上涨), the old man _______(起身) to his feet and began to convey his anger to the society.

2.She describe it ________________(粗略地). While a young men was ___________________ (抢夺) her handbag, she ran the _______(冒险) of injuring herself to hold it firmly.

3.Don’t risk ________ (作弊) in the exam. You will __________________________(搬起石头砸自己的脚).

4. What __________(角色) did you play in the film?

 A ________________(俄罗斯统治者) who was _____________(对人无礼) many people.

5.The _______(屋顶) of these _______(排) of famous houses ___________________(毁灭了).

6.He _______________(翻身) and ______________________(给腾地方) me.

7.My ______________( 日常事务) includes _____________(赶) the buses _______________________ (旋转不息地) and receiving telephones.

8.I ________________(踫见) an old friend, telling me that the city was _______________(成了废墟) after the earthquake, with a lot of ___________(垃圾) _____________(遍及四周).

9.I _________________________(总是) to get up early, but sometimes I _____________(撞上) my boss when I was late for work.

10.____________________(  从 长 远 来 看 ),   we’d   better   save   for   the   future   instead   of________________(用完) all the income.

Day 74

根据提示完成下列句子(sacrifice  scenery)

1.She was ________(难过) for her mother’s being very ill suddenly. __________________(使她悲伤的是), her father was out.

2.She was _________________(惊恐得要死) at first, but she managed to send her mother to the hospital and____________(救了她的命). She came back home ____________(平安地).

3.Those ___________(水手) will ______________(起航) for Sydney on __________(星期六). Have you ever__________(去航海)?

4.These  ______________( 男售货员 )  are  putting  up  some  second-hand  cars  ____________( 待售 ).  Their__________(工资) are paid by the cars they’ve sold while policemen receive their _____________(工资) every month from the government.

5.Every Monday we are gathering to ________(敬礼) the national flag __________(行注目礼).

6.I was __________________(对满意) those ___________(三明治) with _________(色拉) you had prepared. I ate them _________________(满意地).

7._______________(俗话说), it’s better _______(说) than done.

8.The thief was caught _______________(在现场), _________________(也就是说), he failed.

9.Sorry to lose your watch. I have to buy ____________one ______ (与……一样) you lent me. Maybe I lost it______________(在沙滩上).

10.Your job is not very _____________(令人满意的), but thank you _____________ (还是).

Day 75

根据提示完成下列句子(schedule  seed)

1.Schools in China include _______________(小学), _______________(中学) and ___________(大学). Most are________(公立) schools while many are _______(私立) ones.

2.Some _____________(同校同学) are top students who win ___________(奖学金) every year and want to be _____________(科学家) on ______________________(自然科学).

3.The ___________(学者) didn’t come to the lecture ________________(按时间表) and was __________(斥责) for keeping so many people waiting.

4.Football fans rushed ________________(大量地…score) to watch the football game. The Japanese Women Football Team _____________________(得了五分) and finally ______________________(获得成功 score…).

5.Look at the __________(屏幕). ________________(大量的 a sea of) seagulls are flying _____________(在海中)____________________(寻找) fish for food.

6.The Customs were ____________________(寻找) drugs and were ____________(搜查) everybody’s luggage.

7.He asked me to _____________(就座 seat), so I went over and took _______________(就座). While __________(坐) there, a stranger came to have a talk with me.

8.The _____________(秘书) ____________(负责 see to) everything in this __________(部门).

9.____________(一……就 the second) you tell me the exact task I’ll do it _________________(马上 in a second).

10.I _______(看了) these papers but I promised to ______________________(保密).

Day 76

根据提示完成下列句子(seek  shadow)

1.The thief ___________(企图 seek) to run away, but the policeman ______________________ (抓住他的手臂).

2.He ________(好象) to be _____________(对事认真) his job. Actually he takes everything _________(认真地).

3.__________(自私的) people are ____________________(对……敏感) everything. __________(很少) will they think of others.

4.In  ___________( 九月 ),  reference  books  _________________( 很畅销 ).  Students  say  some  books  are_____________(卖光) easily.

5.John is __________________________(比我年长) only two years, but ________________ (在某种意义上), he_______________________(已为我树立了榜样).

6.She had no _________________(方向感). What she said didn’t ________________(有意义).

7.He once ________(服役) in the army, but one day he injured a man and was ____________(判处) seven years in prison. Five years later, he was ____________( 释放).

8.The twins didn’t want to ______________(分开), but they sleep in _________(各自的) beds.

9.The government officials should ________________________(为人民服务) heart and soul.

10.He was studying ________________(在阴凉处) a tree. He failed in an exam and wanted to get rid of the______(阴影) quickly.

Day 77

根据提示完成下列句子(shake  shout)

1.When people greet each other, they __________________(握手) or just say hi.

2.Before an exam, students __________(必须) remain in their seats and not ____________(对……大声叫) teachers, which is ____________(不体面的).

3.You didn’t _________(分享) your book with your classmates. ________________(真丢人)!

4.He _________(刮脸) himself every day, so he is ______________________(处于良好状态).

5.She has one ____________(缺点), that is, she is too __________________(对人苛刻) others.

6.On the ____________(架子) is _______________(一张) paper with some _____________ (绵羊) painted on it.

7.A lot of ___________(衬衫), ___________(短裤) and __________(鞋子) will be _______________ (运走)____________(不久) after they are made.

8.I’m  ____________( 缺少 )  some  daily  necessities,  so  I  have  to  _____________( 买东西 )  in  the  nearby_________(商店).

9.Wal-Mart is often so crowded that customers have to ____________________( 用肩推挤往前走). But the_____________(店主) is satisfied.

10.Everybody __________(应该) __________________(寻求庇护) in time of trouble.

Day 78

根据提示完成下列句子(show  situation)

1.Don’t worry, I’ll ____________(出现 show up) on time and _________________(领你参观) our new school.

2.I was ___________________________(被雨淋), so I had to ____________________(淋浴).

3.Mother ________________(生病) in bed. Because of her __________(生病), she couldn’t do the housework. She_______________(发出地声叹息).

4.It’s ______________(你太傻) to ______________________(站在一边) your parents. Actually they are wrong.

5.Two cars were running ____________________(并排地) on the road. Then they ran __________(斜向一边地). Very soon, they were ________________________(不见了).

6.__________(签名) this agreement and you will soon __________________(去观光). Your ____________(签名) is of great _________________(重要).

7.He _________________________(打破沉默) by _____________________________(颂扬 sing high praise for) what the teacher had done for us.

8.When the first three prize winners are given ________(金), ________(银) and bronze medals, they seldom__________(保持沉默). Instead they ____________( 真诚地) give thanks to many people and_______(炫耀) their medals.

9.All happy families are _____________(单纯地) _____________(相似) while all misfortunes are quite different.

10.The boy felt that he had _____________________(失明) and ________(消沉) for some time. Finally he went to see a doctor. He has got into a good ______________(情况) ____________(此后).

Day 79

根据提示完成下列句子(six  sneeze)

1. Which do you prefer, ___________(滑冰) or __________(滑雪)?

Skating.  I’m  ____________( 熟 练 使 用 )  my  skateboards.  Meanwhile,  I’m  learning  the___________(技巧) with snow games.

2.After  a  day’s  hard  work,  I  ________( 犯困 ),  and  ___________________( 去睡 )  early.  Soon  I__________( 入睡 ).  While  I  was  __________( 睡着 ),  I  didn’t  even  have  a  dream.  I  really____________(酣睡).

3.There is a crossroads ahead. Please _______________(放慢) your car.

4.Yesterday I ________________(滑倒) on the road and now there is still a __________(轻微的) pain in my leg.

5.Mr. Wang, would you please speak a bit __________(慢些)? I am ________________ (在……迟钝) listening.

6.The food _________(闻起来) delicious. Did you ____________(闻到) it?

7. ____________________(冲着人笑) others. That will bring you happiness.

Yes, I often greet people _________________(带着微笑).

8.You _________________(烟瘾很大), so I can call you a _______________(烟瘾很大的人).

9.But here it is a “__________________”(禁止吸烟) area. You have to be a ____________(不吸烟的人).

10.The way to success being not __________(顺利), we have to ____________________(清除) difficulties

Day 80

根据提示完成下列句子(snow  soul)

1. Now it’s weather broadcast time. Today it’s ______(晴朗的). Tomorrow it’s _________(多云) and ________(有风) in the morning. In the afternoon there is much ________(雨水). It’s ________(下雨的) even __________(暴风雨的) for some time.

2.____________(到目前), I haven’t grasped a good way of learning English.

3._______________(只要) we make good use of ________________(太阳能), we can live a happy life.

4.In the socialist __________(社会), unemployment is still a __________(社会的) problem.

5.Matters have three states  ___________(固体), __________(液体) and __________(气体).

6.Though these exercises are ___________(某东西) difficult, I’ll finish them ___________(不管怎样).

7.I _____________________________(与……没有关系) this __________(软件). Don’t ask me, please.

8._______________________(使我们悲伤的是), so many people died in the expressway accident. We were______________(处于悲痛中).

9.Having  _____________( 整 理  sort…)  ___________________( 各 种 各 样 的  sort…)  books,  we  felt__________(有几分 sort…) tired.

10.All the teachers will serve their students ___________________________(全心全意).

Day 81

根据提示完成下列句子(sound  spoonful)

1.He had a ____________(充分的) sleep. When I called him, his voice __________(听起来) clear and energetic on the phone.

2.Fujian is in the ___________( 东南 ) of China while Yunnan lies in the ____________( 西南 ). Fujian and Guangdong are ___________(南方的) provinces.

3.Can you _______(抽出) me half an hour in fixing a ________(备用) tire for me in your _______(业余的) time?

4.___________________(一般说来), I seldom ________________( 说坏话) others at the back. If I want to_________(提及) someone’s faults, I’ll ______________(大胆说出).

5.I often practice __________(说) to my classmates to improve my __________(口语) English.

6.Pay ____________(特别) attention to your English __________(拼写).

7.On the highway I usually drive my car ___________________(以速度) 120 kilometers per hour. When I want to surpass (超过) another one, I have to ______________(加速).

8.We  students  need  to  develop  both  __________________( 身 体 和 精 神 )  so  that  we  can  keep________________(情绪高涨) in our study.

9.He was fined, for he didn’t see the board “_______________(禁止吐痰)” and _________(吐痰) on the ground.

10.He has a dream to _________(花费) the rest of his life in ___________(太空).

Day 82

根据提示完成下列句子(sport  steam)

1.There  is  going  to  be  a  ________________( 运动会 )  in  our  school  __________( 露天体育场 ).  We_________(呆在户外) and ________________ (进行体育活动) every afternoon.

2.The thief was caught _________(偸东西时). The police were ___________________(到了现场) three minutes later.

3.The  __________( 全体工作人员 )  are  ________( 展开 )  a  large  flag with  lots  of  signatures  on  the__________(广场). It’s about 25 ________(平方米) wide.

4.___________________(在这个阶段), the Chinese people are _____________________(处于……状态) living a__________(稳定的) life

5.I  live  ____________( 在楼上 )  while  Mr.  Wang  lives  _____________( 楼下 ).  There  are  two  flights  of__________(楼梯).

6.I can’t _____________(忍受) being _______________(被盯着) and being kept ___________(站) long.

7.Many film or TV _______(明星) who _____________(引人注目) have _________________ (开始做) something for those African children who are ___________(挨饿).

8._______________________(自始自终), the ________________(社会地位) of teachers is not that high. They live a _____________(稳定的) life.

9.The government ________________(发言人) ________________________(发表一份声明) to the press that people’s living _______________(标准) will soon be raised.

10.last night I _______________(熬夜) late to read an interesting novel.

Day 83

根据提示完成下列句子(steel  stubborn)

1.The  way  to  the  top  of  the  mountain  was  __________( 很 陡 的 ).  The  tour  guide  told  us  to_______________(留心脚下). We finally reached the top ___________________ (尽全力).

2.Once I was ________________________( 遭遇了暴风雨) and fell, but I was ________( 坚强) enough to_____________(挣扎着站起来).

3.___________________(采取措施 take steps) to ____________(增强) your body ______________(逐步地).

4.My foot got __________(夹住) between the two _________(石头) and I was told to ______________(不要动) until help came.

5.It’s said that a cow has two _____________(胃), one to ________(贮存) food and the other to digest it.

6.Just _______(粘) a stamp on the envelope and send it _______________(立即 straight away).

7.It was __________(奇怪) that a ________(陌生人) ________________________(打了我的头). After a long while, I began to __________________________(恢复体力).

8.My English teacher is ______________(对……严格) his work and is also _______________ (对……严格) us.

9.Mr. Yu is always _________________________(强调) reading and remembering vocabulary.

10.When  the  clock  ___________( 敲 )  eight,  we  begin  our  class.  When  it’s  11:45,  all  the  classes______________(停下来 come to a stop).

Day 84

根据提示完成下列句子(steel  stubborn)

1.Now many ___________(学生) are __________(学习) in their own ___________(书房).

2.There are several _____________(科目) in senior grade three, including ____________(数学), ____________(语文), ___________(英语), ___________(物理), __________(化学), ___________(生物), __________(政治),__________(历史) and ___________(地理).

3.He _______________( 遭受) losses in business, but was _____________(成功的) in the end.

4.He is a ___________(成功人士) as a lawyer, for he has _______________ (干……成功) winning several cases.

5.All of a ___________(突然), it began to rain, so I ____________________(建议乘坐) a taxi.

6.The teacher suggested that I _____________________(做个总结) in class but my red face suggested that I_________________(没有做好准备) for it.

7.___________________(总的来说 in summary), these books are ________________(适合于) for senior three.

8.In _____________(夏天), the ____________(阳光) is so strong that you can easily get __________(晒黑).

9.She is __________(如此的) a _________(完美的) model that she has won two gold medals.

10.Your ______________(衣箱) are _____________________(过时的).

Day 85

根据提示完成下列句子(superior  systematic)

1.This _________________(超市) is _________________(占优势) that one.

2.The International red Cross is ___________________________________(提供食品和药品) the people in Libya

3.Most people are ____________(被期望) to be ___________________(支持..support…) the new government.

4.___________________________(使我吃惊的是), only twelve people _____________(幸免于难) the fire.

5.Please ________________(确保) that you make me work in pleasant _____________(环境).

6.He is __________(肯定) to be _______________(惊讶) at the ________________(令人吃惊的) news.

7.Finding himself ______________(被包围) by a group girls, the boy was in _________(出汗).

8.Students on duty should do several daily things such as cleaning the blackboard, ____________(扫除) the floor and ______________(关掉) the light

9.Chinese dragon is the _____________(象征) of China.

10.We ______________________(同情) the weakness of our ___________(体系) of education.

Day 86

根据提示完成下列句子(superior  systematic)

1.Father doesn’t allow us to talk ________________(在吃饭时), but he allows us to talk __________________(在桌旁) after meals.

2.We  tried  to  find  a  table  for  seven,  but  they  were  all  ______________( 占 用 ).  We  managed  to_______________________(说服老板) placing another big one for us.

3.The medicine was ______________(被当作) candy and it was not ____________________ (合乎我的口味).

4.The  old  China  was  _________________( 接 管 )  by  the  Chinese  Communist  Party  and  by  far  it__________________(呈现出新面貌).

5.___________________/_____________________(别急/慢慢干). You __________________ (很有眼光) and you are sure to _________________ (完成任务).

6.Bill’s too perfect examination paper _________(使 take) Mr. Wang ______________(吃惊) . He hated to be___________( 欺 骗 ).  He  ________________( 取 回 )  his  paper  to  have  a  look  again  and_____________(给了 Bill 一个教训).

7.On _____________________(教师节), all the teachers were still _______________________ (给我们上课). We were ________________________(感动得我们流泪).

8.____________(合作) benefits us a lot, so we should learn to ________________________(与他人合作).

9.Now going to work on foot ______________________________(已经取代了) _______________(乘出租车).

10.She ____________(撕开) the letter and began to read it. While reading, she ____________________(突然放声大哭) and ________________________(把信撕成碎片).

Day 87

根据提示完成下列句子(technical  that)

1. It’s agreed that ____________________________(科学技术) is the first productive force.

2.For us ______________(十几岁的青少年), it’s not good to _______________(说谎). Instead, we should___________(说实话). Sometimes lies and truth are hard to __________________(区别).

3.I ______________( 量体温 ) of my child. He did ______________________( 发高烧 ), which_____________(吓死) me greatly. He was sent to hospital and was ___________(护理) carefully.

4._______________(十分之四) of the students have a ______________(趋势) towards fatness.

5.__________________(从长远来看), practice is better than ____________(课本).

6._____________________(就……而言) ________________________(总统任期), Putin experienced two.

7.A sudden _______________(令人害怕的) face turned up and I was screaming ________________(惊恐地).

8. What’s the noise?

 Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine _____________________(正在检测).

9.______________(刚) had the exam begun _________(就) my brain was blank.

10._____________(幸亏) your help, I managed it. _________________(也就是说), I got the job. I was really____________(感谢) to you.

Day 88

根据提示完成下列句子(the  thread)

1.Students are studying in a big but noisy classroom in school. At home ________(他们) have __________(他们的) own studies. __________(他们的) are quiet and makes ____________(他们自己) concentrate on books.

2._____________(贼) and __________(强盗) are hateful and ________(偷窃行为) and _______________(强盗行为) are ________________________(被认为很不好).

3.For _______________(一方面), lots of land is ___________(缺水的), for _______________(另一方面), many people are letting water running.

4.It so happened that I was ____________________(三十几岁) ________________________ (在三十年代).

5.When we were _________(十三岁), I was the _________(第三名) in class while Jack was just ________(第十三名) and Kate was _____________(第三十名).

6.__________(虽然) tired, we gave the classroom a ______________(彻底的) cleaning.

7.It seems ______________(好像) he was ___________________________(陷入沉思).

8._____________________(一想到) so much trouble, he changed his mind _________________(在重新考虑后).

9.______________(即使) he is ____________(留心的), he may make mistakes.

10.Our team lost. ___________(因此), we needed to work harder. It was still a good game, _________(然而).

Day 89

根据提示完成下列句子(three  together)

1.The film was not so popular that people came to buy __________(票) ___________________(三三两两).

2._______________________(不时地), we can see trains passing ___________(穿过) tunnels.

3.__________________(在任何时候都不 at no time) can we ______________(扔掉) waste out of the train.

_________________(同时), we should ____________(整理) our seats.

4.Every  ________________( 周 四 ),  we  ________________( 过 得 愉 快 )  because  we  can___________(从容进行) to do our own things.

5.We were ___________________(因……而疲倦) _________________(聚集) for too long. It was time we_______________(回家).

6.I was _______________( 厌烦) learning ___________________(一度). _____________( 在那时), I almost_______________(扔掉) all the books.

7._____________________(反复地) that __________(讨厌的) boy gave me too much trouble.

8.Li  Yuchun  was  once  ___________( 授 予 称 号 )  “The  Top  Supper  Girl”.  Actually  she  grew  up_____________(同……一起) her fans.

9.Usually we leave 15% for the waitress as the ________(小费) ________________(每次).

10.Wait _________(直到) the bus comes. __________(这样) we can get to school ____________(及时).

Day 90

根据提示完成下列句子(toilet  tractor)

1.I can’t _____________(忍受 tolerate) seeing littering in any ____________(洗手间), which will do harm to__________(旅游业).

2.Many foreign _______________(观光者) can ____________________(与取得联系) the Chinese people in our_____________(母语). They can make a __________(观光) all over China without any difficulty.

3.I had got a ____________(牙痛) and had to have two ___________(牙齿) taken out.

4.The new super girl Su Miaoling has ___________(完全地) ___________________(出人头地) by singing In Hunan TV Station.

5.We _____________________( 再…… 也不为过) careful in our study. Besides, we should________(跟踪) our mistakes.

6._____________(太多的) homework every day makes us _____________(太 much too) tired.

7.Everybody has five days, that is, ____________(前天), ____________(昨天), __________(今天),_____________(明天) and _________________________(后天).

8.I went through the article with the __________(主题) of love __________________________ (从头到时尾). It had __________________(总共) 1,000 words.

9.I’ve (been) __________________/_____________________(与某人失去联系) him for five years. It’s really a___________(棘手的) task for me to find him again.

10.In China a ____________(省) has several __________(市) and _________(县) with a lot of ___________(镇).

Day 91

根据提示完成下列句子(trade  troop)

1.China is _______________(做某方面生意) oil and gas _________(和) Russia.

2.the  Mid-Autumn  Festival  is  our  _____________( 传 统 的 )  festival,  when  we  have  moon-cakes_______________(根据传统风俗).

3.Cars go when it comes to the green _________________(交通灯). When they turn red, cars should come to a stop. Everybody should obey the _____________(交通) rules, otherwise, ________________________(交通事故) will take place.

4.Magicians can be ___________(培训) to ______________(变换) a piece of paper into a note. They need this kind of ____________(训练).

5.English workers can be divided into __________(笔译者), who _________(翻译) one language into another one, and ___________(口译者), who do the ___________(翻译) orally.

6._____________(旅行者) are always ________________________(掉入陷阱) of the ________________(旅行社) when they go ___________________(旅行).

7.____________(运输) companies should ____________(珍惜) their customers’ goods.

8.Almost all the teachers _______(对待) their students _______(当作) their children or younger brothers or sisters.

9.You’ll soon recover ___________________________(在医生的治疗下).

10.Old people are often _____________________(钱被骗走 trick) a lot of money by marriage.

Day 92

根据提示完成下列句子(trouble  tyre)

1.Don’t ________________(捣蛋), otherwise you’ll _______________(自讨苦吃).

2.I’m  sorry  to  _______________________( 给你 添麻烦 )  of  __________( 用货车 运 )  these_________(牛仔裤) and other __________(裤子) to the station.

3.I have ___________________(不辞辛劳做某事) to make my dream ______________(实现).

4.______________________(说实话), I’ve ____________(试穿了) __________(二十件) ____________(T 恤衫). Selecting the right one is _________(真正地) __________(很讨厌).

5.In   class   we   ________________(  轮 流  )   to   ____________(  开 关  )   the   lights,__________________(把声音开大或调低) the recording. If you have no time to do it, you can_________________(求助) me for help.

6.I  have  _______________________( 尽 最 大 努 力 )  to  be  a  good  ____________( 打 字 员 ),  but  it______________(结果) to be a failure.

7.Keep driving on and _______________(向左转) at the __________(第十二个) ___________(拐弯处).

8.Class Two has _________(两倍) as many students as Class One. Class Two and Class Three are almost the same like _____________(双胞胎).

9.This  ______________( 打 字 机 )  is  ______________( 典 型 的 ).  You  can  ________( 打 字 )  several_____________(类型的) words.

10.He acts as my ____________(家庭教师) on____________(星期二). I __________(反过来) bring him food like a turkey.

Day 93

根据提示完成下列句子(ugly  unless)

1.It’s _____________(不能确定) whether it will rain or not. You’d better take an _____________(雨伞).

2.Without computer, I am not ___________(能够) to work. If it doesn’t work, it’s ______________(难以置信的).

3.Sometimes I leave my mobile phone at home, making me feel _______________(不舒服的). When I want to call someone, it’s more _______________(无法忍受的).

4.___________( 地铁 ) Line 1 is ___________________( 在建设中 ) in  Fuzhou now, but  many people are________________(未察觉到) any danger.

5.It’s _____________( 丑陋的 ) and __________( 不公平的 ) to cheat in the exam. Those names should be______________(划线).

6.My _________(叔叔) has a good ________________(理解) of the task he is _____________ (承担). In other words, there is no work he is __________(不适合) to do.

7.The police should be in _________(制服) at work, which is ___________________ (显而易见 under one’s eye).

8.______________(很不幸), the ___________________(联合国) can’t settle all the arguments.

9.____________(团结) is power, so we should ___________(团结) as one.

10.I will go to Beijing ______________(大学) _________(除非) I am not good enough

Day 94

根据提示完成下列句子(unlike  usual)

1.The _____________(不同寻常的) film didn’t begin __________(直到) 7:30. After it was over, we waited________(直到) my friend came by car.

2.We’ll be out if we are ______________(不情愿) to __________(更新) our knowledge.

3.It’s _____________(取决于) you to decide when to go to the art exhibition.

4.Upon/On ___________(收到) your ____________(紧急的) letter, I felt _________(不安的). I __________(催促) my parents _________________(让我去) to see you at once.

5.The flat _____________(楼上) was on fire. I __________(催促) that the firefighters __________(来) quickly to put it out immediately.

6.I __________(以前常常) do something ________(没用的), but I didn’t mean to ________(使烦恼) my parents.

7.I  _________________________________( 习 惯 了 起 床 )  at  6:40  a.m.,  so  it’s  ____________( 没 用 )___________(叫醒) me up earlier than that.

8.These bottles and cans are of _____________( 没用 )/_________________( 没用 out of use), but they can__________________(被用来做) into some works of art.

9.Yes, we can _____________________(把……利用起来) something that is not ____________(有用的).

10.Old ___________(用户) of the broadband Internet need to pay _______________(照例) this year and the networks are much faster ________________(比平常).

Day 95

根据提示完成下列句子(vacant  vinegar)

1.I _____________________(度假) in Gansu and Xinjiang this summer. The ________(风景) I saw in the desert were ______________(很有价值的). I also visited _________ /_________________/_______________(各种各样的) raw ___________(乡村) with lots of friendly and lovely _______________(村民).

2.We had planned to hike in some ____________(大山) and __________(河谷) on Teacher’s Day and the Mid-Autumn Festival, but ____________(徒劳) because there were lessons.

3. I ___________(估价) the old _________(花瓶)for 1 million Yuan. Three years ago it was 500,000 Yuan______________(在价值上). But love and family are of ________________ (更有价值).

4.I like _____________(蔬菜) such as ___________(马铃薯), ___________(番茄) and ___________(胡萝卜), but I don’t like _____________(洋葱).

5.This is the _________(恰好的) ____________(交通车辆) the police are looking for.

6.Some newly-made __________________(可视电话) are _____________(在展出中). We can see the images___________(通过) their _____________(视频).

7.Many people fell/became _________________(牺牲品) the earthquake.

8.________________(鉴于) the quality of the _________________(副班长), I think he is honest and faithful.

9.We should _______/______/______/______/_____________________(战胜) ourselves.

10.Maybe you are _________________(对某事不明确 vague about) this __________(醋). It is _____________(有效) for only one year.

Day 96

根据提示完成下列句子(violate  voyage)

1.It’s said that the famous singer Li Shuangjiang’s son _______________________(向某人行凶) the guard and was caught by the police for ______________________(违反了法律).

2. Which  musical  instrument  do  you  like  best,  ______________( 钢琴 ),  _____________( 小提琴 )  or_____________(吉他)?

I like __________________(拉小提琴) and hope to be a ____________(小提琴家).

3.My English teacher is a man _________(有美德). We often _______________(拜访) to him.

4.Mr. Yee often uses _____________(可视的) aids in teaching English ______________(词汇) and asks us to read them in ________________/(或 at _________________________)(高声地), which is _________________ (极为重要 vital) English study.

5.Some ____________(参观者) were too high and _____________________(嗓子哑了).

6.She made such a __________(生动的) story that we all believed her.

7.Do you fancy __________________(打排球) or listening to __________(狂热的) music?

8.In almost every grand activity or event, university students are doing lots of ______________ (志愿的) work. They are valued as the most beautiful _________________(志愿者).

9.If possible, I _________(志愿) to use my good English to do something with _______(签证) .

10.Last month, those sailors ____________________(环球航行) around the world.

Day 97

根据提示完成下列句子(wag  wealthy)

1.Many ____________(男服务员) and _______________(女服务员) __________________ (等不及要) to get their __________(工资).

2.A sleeping traveler was ________________( 叫醒 ) in the ___________________( 候车室 ) and found his____________(皮夹子) gone.

3.I have ___________(闲逛) on the muddy road for hours and my shoes ________________(需要 want 洗).

4.NATO(北约组织) _______________________(对……宣战) Libya and they have been ______________(在交战中) for several months.

5.You   can   __________(  洗  )   your   hands   in   the   ______(  盥  洗  室  ),   but   don’t_____________________ (浪费时间在洗涤上) .

6.________________( 密 切 注 意 )  _______________________( 在 路 上 )  school.  There  is  busy  traffic__________________(一路上).

7.________________(决不) can you ________________________(花大量的钱在) clothing.

8._________________(顺便问一下), did you ___________________(迷路) yesterday?

9.I’m ______________(在某方面差) _______________________(给人指路).

10.To possess ____________( 财富 ) means he is ___________( 富裕的 ), but it doesn’t mean he possesses_____________(幸福).

Day 98

根据提示完成下列句子(wear  white)

1. __________________(在工作日), she ________(穿) work uniform while _______________ (在周末) she is well______________(打扮).

2. What’s the __________(天气) like today?

The ____________(天气预报) says that it’s _______(多雾的) and on ________(星期三) it’s _______(下雨).

3.You are _________/_______________(正在发胖). If you want to _______________(减肥), you can surf some__________(网站) on the Internet to find some good ways. Actually you can get ________(无论什么) you want.

4.Look, you are ________________(超重). ____________(欢迎) to our center every _________(周) and we’ll help you to _____________________(控制体重) and give you enough _____________(每周的) exercise.

5.The teacher ___________________(以及) his students ________(喜欢) watching football.

6. _______________(怎么办) they don’t come?

_____________(无论何时) you’re there, I’ll come __________(也).

7.____________________(无论成功或失败), you have to do your best and I’ll help you.

8.This is the first time I’ve sat behind the _____________(方向盘) since the accident.

9.__________________(偶尔), she __________(小声议论) to me about how to be more pretty.

10.It takes ____________________(挺一会儿), _____________(无论哪条) route you take.

Day 99

根据提示完成下列句子(who  woman)

1.The  ___________( 整个 )  village  and  _____________( 所有的 村民 )  were  buried  in  the  earthquake.

______________(总的来说), it caused a __________(分布广的) damage to the city.

2._____________( 野生动物) _________(需要) protecting _________________(没有推迟).

3.I  was  not  ______________( 愿 意 )  to  ________________( 收 回 现 金 )  from  the  bank.  It  was__________________(违心地).

4.Our class defeated theirs, or, we _________________(战胜 win over) them in the _________(冬季) swim competition. We were the __________(获胜者).

5.It was _________(下雪的) with a strong ________(风), but we still ____________________ (蜿蜒前进) to the village _________________________(顶风).

6.Their  ___________( 妻子 )  were  _________( 英明 )  to  use  their  ___________( 智慧 )  to  save  the  dying_________(寡妇). Their story aroused _____________(广泛的兴趣).

7.I wish I _________(有) a lot of money and I hope I ______________(能帮助) more people.

8.It seemed that nobody ____________(目击) the accident, but _________________(在他的帮助下), I finally found the only ____________(目击者).

9.My school is __________(在范围内) a ten-minute-walk distance

10.Beautiful _________(女) teachers are more welcome than _________(男) ones.

Day 100

根据提示完成下列句子(wonder  zoom)

1.She  is  always  _____________________( 食 言 ).  ____________________( 难 怪 )  that  many  people____________(皱起眉头 wrinkle…) when talking about her.

2._________(树林) are the home to wild animals and human beings, so we can’t cut down too many trees to get_________(木头) to make into ____________(木制的) furniture.

3.I ______________________(与……吵嘴) my desk-mate yesterday and I hope to ____________________(与他谈一谈). ________________(换句话说), I want to ____________________(与他交朋友) .

4.I’m ______________________(为……担心) such situations, for some are ______________(在业) while some are ________________(失业). Therefore, being a good worker is ______________(值得做的).

5.This old house, which is _________(值得) 1 million, is __________(值得) preserving. Meanwhile it is worthy______________/____________________(开发) for its a long history

6.I’d rather you _______(来) next week because I ______________________(右手腕部受伤).

7.Song Zuying’s singing ___________(作品) have gained _____________(全球的) fame.

8. What’s __________(错) with you?

The teacher ____________________(冤枉了我).

9.People, _________(老老少少), are becoming healthier ________________(一年年).

10.We must improve those economic development ________(区) all ______________(独自地).

Key to Day51

1. doesn't in the least, wait in line 2. license, left behind, ilgal 3. teach you a lesson, to give you a lesson4. To tell the truth, lets me down, let alone5. leave out, letter6.lied, lying, full of life, tellinga lie 7. lightning, lit/lighted, bringing to light8. feel like, would like9. likely, limit 10. lies in, linked to

Key to Day52

1. litter, Littering2. not a lttle, not a bit3. lively, fails to live up to4. a load of,

uploaded, downloaded 5. long to, look on, looked up to6. look forward to, having, living conditions7. losing himself in, all day long, suffer great losses 8. make up losses, lttle by lttle 9. fell in love with, had bad luck 10. unlucky, lonely

Key to Day 53

1. madam, bad manners, drives me mad2. the majority of people, magic 3. make up your mind, make it4. make, manager's, made in 5. Many a, main/major, has been managed6. sign, mark, make..out7. matches, marking8. was married to, have been married, marriage/wedding9. make senseof, mastered10. is made up of, making up

Key to Day 54

1. take a message for, To make matters worse, took wrong medicine2. As a matter of fact, had planned to, to her measure, in a mess3. What's the meaning, Maybe, means, may 4 By all means, take measures, to meet/satisfy the people's demand5. winning two gold medals, media6. By no means, meet with, merchant, of medium height7. merely, make ends meet, not to mention8. mention, mental, a bad memory, have mercy on/show mercy to9. In memory of, methods, mend 10. at the mercy of, no matter what happened

Key to Day55

keep something in mind, mind your own business2. make up their minds, mines, the minority of people3. may/might as well, minibus4. minimum, Just a minute, miss5 mistook, microscope, telescope, mistaken6. model, moderm, modesty7.minute/moment,mirror8. miss being caught, miss your way9. monitors,misunderstood, misunderstanding10. mobile, for a moment, at any moment

Key to Day56

follow the moral, public morals2. More and more, making the most of3. The more,the more, musician4. more or less, more than5. in the morning, on Sunday mornings,climbing mountains6. moving about, on the move7. moved away, by motorcycle, going to the movies 8. murderer, committed murder.9. must, all by yourself 10. Once more,musical, museum

Key to Day 57

1. The Chinese nation, not nearly, narrow minded, namely, by nature  2. nationality, native3. If necessary, necessities  4. to be named after, thinking of/consideration, think of/consider

5. neither needle nor thread  6. caught in the net of, home and foreign news  7. nevermind, nephew  8. neighbor, in the news paper  9. necklaces, nails, in need  10. necessarily

Key to Day 58

1. something, There is nothing  2. noisy, nieces, far into the night, made too many noises3.day and night, ninth, not a little, nutritious, returned to normal  4. Northeastern NormalUniversity, Up to/till now  5. A number of nurses, were hit on the nose, for nothing6.drew/attracted the notice, From now on, not a bit  7. taken notice of, nuclear powerstations  8. take/make a note of 9. neither will I 10. The number of, Nowhere else

Key to Day 59

1. obvious, obey the law, observed  2. opposed to, offence  3. September,October,occupythemselves in celebrating  4. occurs to me, officially  5. How often, offer to do  6official's, taking office, off the point  7. All of sudden, came to himself, opening wide  8. oneanother, by ourselves 9, If only 10. In a word, once, for myself

Key to Day 60

1. had a good impression of, operated on  2. optimistic, opposite to, pessimistic about form an organization, or rather, go for an outing, every other week 4. In order that, place anorder  5. The other day, original, out of order  6. have overcome, didn't  7. gives, outline8. overweight, outs poken, outs tanding  9. on his own, owed, to 10. Owing to, leading anoutdoor life

Key to Day 61

1. spare no pains/spare no efforts, keep pace with the time  2. packaged, packed up  3.took pains, with pain, feel a pain, painful  4. painters, particularly, painting, the SummerPalace, paintings  5. paper, went into a panic, panic 6. pardon me for, parking lot, park  7parents, Paris, parks, parrots, took part in/participated in 8. played important roles, parties 9.particular about, parted from  10. partners, partly

Key to Day 62

1. passed, on to, pass down, passed away  2. passenger's, passport, passer-by, passage  3. Inthe past, applied for patents  4. patient with, patients, lose their patience, impatience 5. atpeace, peaceful 6. pay for this P. C in advance, twenty percent  7. pay off  8. have been, is9. percentage, perform their duties, perfect for  10. the old saying goes, practice makesperfect

Key to Day 63

1. take photos, ask for permission, permitted, without permission2. phone, in person,

answer the phone3. Personally, physicians, physicists, physical examination, physical exercises 4. play the violin, sing to the piano, pianist 5. picked up6. went on a picnic, picnicked, a pity, broke, into pieces, picnicking7. felt pity for, picked her pocket, What a pity8. pick out, this pile of rubbish 9. Take this pill, pillow 10. pioneer, pilots

Key to Day 64

1. In the first place, make a plan for, reducing levels of environment pollution2. took place, chemical plants, poisonous, polluted 3. Plastic, plays an important role4. Tree Planting Day, plenty of, planted, pleasant5. pleased with, politeness, pleasure6. on the point of stealing, pocket, policeman7. point out, police8. national policies9. dishes, add, plus10. off the point, to the point

Key to Day 65

1.rich in, poor in 2. Popular, popular with/among3. What, population, has a population

of4. had positive attitudes towards, took a position, lost his position, took possession of5. position, higher 6. stick to his post, there is possility 7. post office, postcards, by post, postage 8. postponed going, poured down 9. happiness, poured down10. has the power,

beyond our power

Key to Day 66

1. Practice makes perfect, practiced playing, sang high praise for me2. have a preference

for, prefer, rather than3. were preparing, were preparing for, have got prepared

present at, present, presents5. Up to the present, preserved from being destroyed

president, Press, The president7. under the pressure of, prices 8. press you for an answer, pretend to 9. prevent, getting into, at any price 10. proud of, pride

Key to Day67

1. In principle, in print2. went to the prison, thrown into prison, has been in prison was awarded, settling, professional, problems4. has made a profit, producing, products

5. carried out/kept my promise, made rapid progress6. promises, breaks his promise

the protection, provided with enough food8. proves useful, proves 9. provinces,

promising 10. properly pronounced, pronunciation

Key to Day 68

1. have a quarrel with, over, in public2. join a queue, publishing house, purse, pulld out, quite a few3. pull up, punished, on purpose4. With the purpose of, put up, put up with

5. puzzled, pushed over6. qualty, quantity7. out of the question, make up a quarrel8. quite, quitted his job, out of question9. be put off, put forward 10. quake, pyramids

Key to Day 69

1. listened to the radio, rainfall, ranged, railways, caught2. watching the national flag being raised3. rapid progress, ranks4. does unreal things react to her5. At any rate, ata rate of 6. or rather 7. other than 8. rather than eat9. out of the reach 10. Get ready, reading

Key to Day 70

1. For some reason, realize, come true2. refused, that, refer to3. referred to, be

made/elected4. In reality/fact, recovered from, rebuilt his life5.

recognize/consider/regard him as, regards6. keep a record of7. In reference to,

recycling, reduce8. reflection, refreshed his memory9. reformed, reasonably 10. regardless of

Key to Day 71

1. regret to tell, regret having asked2. To my regret, obey traffic regulations, are related to/are relevant to3. regular program, reminds 4. relaxing, relaxed5. rely on, make

remarks about6. remained, remained, remains7. remember me to8. rent, underrepair9. reported, represents 10. reputation, replaced with

Key to Day72

1. As a result, as a result of 2. request, at his request, request, refuse, request3. cleaning,

be washed, (should) be 4. rewarded, ranking, restaurant, met my requirements5. rich in,

get rid of, in all respects, In returm, show respect 6. rescued, responsibility, bear/have/take

res ponsibility7. made reservations, the rest 8. resist, restrictions, resigned 9. In respect

of, revision, retell 10. ride, ring you up

Key to Day73

1. on the rise, rose 2. in rough, robbing her of, risk3. cheating, lift a rock only to drop it on your own toes4. role, Russian ruler, rude to 5. roofs, rows, have fallen into ruins6. rolled over, made room for7. routine, rushing for, round and round8. ran across, in ruins, rubbish, all round9. made it a rule, ran into 10. In the long run, running out of

Key to Day 74

1. sad, To her sadness2. scared to death, saved her life, in safety3. sailors, set sail, Saturday, gone sailing4. salesmen, for sale, wages, salary 5. salute, with eyes6. satisfied with, sandwiches, salad, with satisfaction 7. As the saying goes, said8. on the scene, that istosay 9. the same, as, on the sands 10. satisfying, all the same

Key to Day75

1. primary schools, middle schools, universities, public, private2. schoolmates, scholarships,

scientists, natural science3. scholar, on schedule, scolded 4. in score, scored five points,

scored a success 5. screen, a sea of, in the sea, in search of 6. searching for, searching 7.

be seated, aseat, stting 8. secretary, sees to, section 9. The second, ina second 10. saw,

keep it a secret

Key to Day 76

1. sought, seized him by the arm 2. seems, serious about, seriously 3. Selfish, sensitive to, Seldom4. September, sell well, sold out 5. senior to me by, in a sense, has set an example to me6. sense of direction, make sense7. served, sentenced, set free 8. get separated, separate9. serve the people 10. in the shade of, shadow

Key to Day 77

1. shake hands2. shall, shout at, shameful 3. share, What a shame! 4. shaves, in shape

5. shortcoming, sharp upon 6. shelf, a sheet of, sheep 7. shirts, shorts, shoes, shipped off, shortly 8. short of, do shopping, shop 9. shoulder their way, shopkeeper 10. should, seek shelter

Key to Day 78

1. show up, show you around2. caught in a shower, take a shower3. fell/was sick/ill, sickess/illness, gavea sigh 4. sillyof you, take the side of 5. side by side, sideways, out of sight 6. Sign, go sightseeing,signature, significance/importance7. broke the silence, singing high praise for 8. gold, silver, keep silent/keep in silence, sincerely, show off 9. simply, similar 10. lost his sight, sank, situation, ever since

Key to Day 79

1. skating, sking, skilful with, skill 2. felt sleepy, went to bed, went to sleep, asleep, slept a sound sleep3. slow down 4. slipped over, slight 5. slowly, slowin 6. smells, smell 7. Smile at, with a smile8. smoke heavily, heavy smoker 9. No Smoking, non-smoker 10. smooth, smooth away

Key to Day 80

1. sunny, cloudy, windy, rain, rainy, stormy2. Sofar 3. So long as, solar energy 4. society, social5. solid, liquid, gas 6. something, somehow 7. have nothing to do with, software 8. To our sorrow/sadness, in sorrow/sadness 9. sorted out, all sorts of, sort of 10. heart and soul

Key to Day 81

1. sound, sounded2. southeast, southwest, southern3. spare, spare, spare 4. Generally speaking, speak ill of, speak of, speak out5. speaking, spoken 6. special, spelling 7. at the speed of, speed up 8. body and spirit, in high spirits 9. No Spitting, spat 10. spend, space

Key to Day 82

1. sports (meet), stadium, stay out, do/have sports2. stealing, on the spot3. staff, spreading, square, square meters4. At this stage, in a state of, stable5.upstairs, . downstairs, stairs 6. stand, stared at, standing 7. stars, stand out, started to do, starving8. From start to finish, social status, stable 9. spokesperson, made a statement, standard10. stayed up 

Key to Day 83

1. steep, watch our steps, with all our strength 2. caught in a storm, strong,

struggle to my feet 3. Take steps, strengthen, step by step 4. stuck, stones,

keep still 5. stomachs, store 6. stick, straight away 7. strange, stranger,

struck me on the head, build up my strength 8. strict in, strict with 9.

putting stress on 10. strikes, come to a stop

Key to Day 84

1. students, studying, studies 2. subjects, math, Chinese, English, physics, chemistry, biology, politics, history, geography 3. suffered from, successful 4. success, suceeded in 5. sudden, suggested taking 6. (should) make a summary, hadn't got ready 7. In summary, suitable8. summer, sunlight/sunshine, sun-burnt 9. such, superb 10. suitcases, out of style

Key to Day 85

1. supermarket, superior to 2. supplying food and medicine to/for 3. supposed, in support of 4. To my surprise, survived 5. make/be sure, surroundings6. sure, surprised, surprising7. surrounded, sweat 8. sweeping. switching off 9. symbol 10. have sympathy for, system

Key to Day 86

1. at table, at the table 2. taken up, talked the boss into 3. taken as, to my taste 4. taken over, has taken on a new look 5. Take it easy, Take your time, have good taste, complete the task 6. took, by surprise, taken in, took back, taught Bill a lesson 7. Teacher's Day, giving us lessons, moved to tears 8. Teamwork, team up with others 9. has taken the place of, taking a taxi 10. tore open, burst into tears, tore it into pieces

Key to Day 87

I. science and technology 2. teenagers, tell lies, tell the truth, tell apart 3.

took the temperature, have a terrible/high temperature, terrified, tended 4.

Four tenths, tendency5. In the long term, textbooks 6. In terms of, a

president's term of office7. terrifying, in terror 8. is being tested 9. No .

sooner, than 10. Thanks to, That is to say, thankful

Key to Day 88

1. They, their, Theirs, themselves 2. Thieves, robbers, theft, robbery, thought

illof 3. one thing, thirsty, another, 4. in my thirties, in the thirties 5. thireen, third, thirteenth, thirtieth 6. Though, thorough 7. as though/if, deep/lost in thought 8. At the thought of, on second thoughts 9. Even though, thoughtful10. Therefore, though

Key to Day 89

1. tickets, in twos and threes 2. From time to time, through 3. At no time, throw away, At the same time, tidy up 4. Thursday, have a good time, take time 5. tired from/with, getting together, (should)go home 6. tired of, for a time, At that time, threw away/off7. Time and again/Time after time, tiresome 8. titled, together with 9. tip, at a time10. tll, Thus, in time

Key to Day 90

1. tolerate, toilet, tourism 2. tourists, get in touch with, mother tongue, tour3. toothache, teeth 4. totally, come to the top 5. cannot be too, keep track of6. Too much, much too7. the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow 8. topic, from top to bottom, a totalof 9. out of touch with, lost touch with, tough 10. province, cities, counties, towns

Key to Day 91

1. trading in, with 2. traditional, by tradition 3. trfflc light, trffc, taffic accidents 4. trained, transform, training 5. translators, translate, translation, interpreters 6. Travellers, falling into the trap, travel service, travelling 7. transport, treasure 8. treat, aslike 9. under the doctors' treatment 10. tricked out of

Key to Day 92

1. make trouble, ask for trouble 2. put you to the trouble, trucking, jeans,

trousers 3. taken trouble, come true 4. To tell the truth, tried on, twenty,

T-shirts, truly, troublesome 5. take tums, turn on and off, tum up and down,

turn to6. tried my best, typist, turned out 7. tur left, twelfth, turming 8.

twice, twins 9. typewriter, typical, type, types of 10. tutor, Tuesday, in turn

Key to Day 93

1. uncertain, umbrella 2. able, unbelievable 3. uncomfortable, unbearable4. Underground, under construction, unconscious of 5. ugly. unfair, underlined6. uncle, understanding, undertaking, unfit 7. uniform, under everyone's eye8. Unfortunately, United Nations 9. Union, unite 10. University, unless

Key to Day 94

1. unusual, until, untiltill 2. unwilling, update 3. up to 4. receiving,

urgent, upset, urged, to let me go 5. upstais, urged, (should)come 6. used to,

useless, upset 7. am used to getting up, no use/useless, waking 8. no use,

out of use, be used to be made 9. bring into use, useful 10. users, as usual,

than usual

Key to Day 95

1. went on/took a vacation, views, valuable, various/a variety of/varieties of,villages, villagers 2. mountains, valleys, in vain 3. value, vase, in value,great value 4. vegetables, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, onions 5. very,

vehicle 6. videophones, on view, via, videos 7. victims 8. In view of,vice monitor 9. have/gain/ge/win a victory over 10. vague aboul, vinegar,  valid

Key to Day 96

1. did violence to, having violated the law 2. the piano, the violin, the guitar,playing the violin, violinist 3. of virtue, pay a visit 4. visual, vocabulary,loud voice, the top of our voices, vital to 5. visitors, lost their voices 6.vivid 7. playing volleyball, violent 8. voluntary, volunteers 9. volunteer,

visas 10. made a voyage

Key to Day 97

1. waiters, waitresses, can't wait, wages 2. woken up, waiting-room, wallet3. wandered, want washing 4. declared war on/against, at war 5. wash, washroom, waste time in washing 6. Watch out, on your way to, all the way7. In no way, waste a lot of moneyon 8. By the way, lose your way 9. weak in, showing the way 10. wealth, wealthy, happiness

Key to Day 98

1.On weekdays, wears, at the weekends, dressed 2. weather, weather forecast,foggy, Wednesday, rainy 3. gaining/putting on weight, lose weight, websites,whatever 4. over weight, Welcome, week, watch your weight, weekly 5. as well as, likes 6. What if, Whenever, as well 7. Whether you succeed or fail 8. wheel, 9. Once in a while, whispers 10. quite a while, whichever

Key to Day 99

1. whole, all the villagers, As a whole, widespread 2. Wildlife, need, without delay 3. willing, withdraw money, against my will 4. won over, winter, winners 5. snowy, wind, wound our way, against the wind 6. wives, wise, wisdom, widow, wide interests 7. had, can help 8. witnessed, with his help, witness 9. within 10. women, men


1. breaking her words, It's no wonder, wrinkle their foreheads  2. Woodswood, wooden  3. had words with, have a word with him, In other words,make friends with 4. worried about, in work, out of work, worthwhile 5.worth, worth, to be developed/of being developed 6. came, was wounded inthe right wrist 7. works, worldwide 8. wrong, did me wrong 9. young andold, year by year 10. zones, by ourselves

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