

Vocabulary Builder

DK图解英文词典 《English Vocabulary Builder》

01- 通过图片来学习和记忆单词,让记忆单词不再枯燥乏味,而且还能培养英语思维






《English Vocabulary Builder》没有按照传统的英文词典对单词按照单词的首字母进行编排,而是将英文单词分成78个沉浸式的英文主题,将单词和相应的图例结合在一起,把它们融入了生活化的情景当中,通过目视化的方式使学习者更容易理解并记住单词的含义。全书一共78个主题,涵盖了数字、时间等基础词汇,还有住所、人物、食物和饮料、动物、活动、健康等主题,基本上都是日常生活会遇到的。

《DK——English Vocabulary Builder》一共有13个系列78个主题,通过有趣生动的方式来学习词汇和相关主题的知识,让学单词变得特别有趣。



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Netherlands  荷兰

Czech Republic 捷克共和国

Poland 波兰

Canada 加拿大

Slovakia 斯洛伐克(位于巴尔干半岛的国家)

United Kingdom/UK 英国

United States of America/US 美国

Turkey 土耳其

Republic of Ireland(ROI) 爱尔兰共和国

Germany 德国

Mexico 墨西哥

     【Moscow 莫斯科(俄罗斯首都)】

France 法国

Portugal 葡萄牙

Brazil 巴西

United Arab Emirates(UAE) 阿拉伯联合酋长国

Greece 希腊

Spain 西班牙

Argentina 阿根廷

South Africa

Egypt 埃及

Mongolia 蒙古

Russia 俄罗斯

South Korea 韩国

       【North Korea 朝鲜】

Japan 日本

Thailand 泰国

China 中国

Philippines 菲律宾

India 印度

Indonesia 印度尼西亚

Singapore 新加坡

New Zealand  新西兰

Australia 澳大利亚

Pakistan 巴基斯坦

Australia 澳大利亚

Switzerland 瑞士

get cold feet 胆怯;临阵脱逃

[to have a sudden loss of confidence] 

to feel under the weather 生病

[to feel unwell, sick, or ill]

head over heels 坠入情网的

[completely and utterly  in love with someone]

hit the nail on the head 一阵见血

[to describe exactly what is causing  a situation or problem]

lend a hand 帮助

[to help someone with something] 

on the ball 指一个人机灵,很清楚局势,并能很好的把控局面

[alert, knowledgeable, or competent]

heard on the grapevine 通过非正式的渠道得到

[to hear information or news  through gossip or rumor]

against the clock 争分夺秒

[under time pressure to get something done]

a pain in the neck 讨厌鬼;烦心事

[a nuisance, annoying, or difficult]

to keep an eye on 照看;注意

[to take care of or watch carefully]

to have a heart of gold 有一副菩萨心肠

[to be kind and good-natured] 

to be (US)/sit(UK) on the fence

[to be unwilling to commit or make a decision]

a teacher's pet老师面前的红人儿; 爱打小报告的人

[someone who seeks and gets approval  from a person in a position of authority]

to cut corners 抄近路,走捷径

[to do something the easiest or shortest  way, at the expense of high standards]

to talk something with a pinch of salt 对某事半信半疑,持保留态度

[to not completely believe something or someone]

to face the music 勇于承担后果

[to confront the consequences  of your actions]

over the top 言过其实的,夸张的

[an overreaction or a lack of restraint]

let your hair down 放松一下

[to let yourself go or relax]

to pull someone's leg 开某人的玩笑

[to tease or fool someone]

to let the cat out of the bag 不小心吐露了秘密,泄露秘密 

[to tell a secret to someone who  shouldn’t know about it]

apartments 公寓

duplex/ semi-detached 连栋式的两栋住宅

detached houses 独立式房屋

row houses 行列式房屋;排屋

ranch house/ bungalow 平房

cottage 小屋;村舍

open-plan 开放式布局

a deposit 定金

[money that a tenant pays to a landlord  before moving into a property]

a reference 推荐信

[a letter describing your character and ability to pay your rent]

a house-warming party 乔迁之喜;新居聚会

[an informal party that you give after moving into a new house or apartment]

including utilities包括水电费

[the rent covers the bills such as  electricity, water, and gas]

real estate/property 不动产

[houses and apartments that are for sale  or rented out]

a residential area 住宅区

[a part of town where most buildings are houses or apartments]

local 本地

[belonging to the area where you live]

a roommate/housemate 舍友

[a person you share your house or apartment with]

roomer/lodger 租客

[a person who pays to live in your house]

to give notice 通知

[to announce to your landlord that  you wish to move out]

to look up to 


[to have respect and admiration for someone]

to take after someone 


[to have characteristics  of a parent or relative]

to bring up someone/ to bring someone up


[to care for a child and teach them how to behave]

to grow up


[to develop from a child to an adult]

to get along/ get on with someone


[to have a good relationship with someone]

to fall out with someone


[to stop being friends with someone,  often after an argument]

to fall in love with someone


[to begin to love someone]

to break up with someone


[to end a romantic relationship]

to drift apart


[to slowly become less friendly  or close to someone] 

to make friends with someone


[to become friendly with a person]

a close friend


[a friend who you know very well] 

to have something in common


[to share an interest or opinion]

to give birth to someone


[to have a child] 

to run in the family


[to be a common feature of a family]

to see eye to eye with someone


[to agree with or have similar opinions  to someone]

to click with someone


[to like someone quickly and easily]

to bump into someone


[to meet someone unexpectedly] 

to put my foot down


[to be strict about something]

to stick up for someone


[to speak out in support of someone]

to think the world of someone


[to have a very high opinion of someone]

changing mat 换尿布垫

changing table 换尿布台

nursery 儿童房

mobile 悬挂饰物

potty 幼儿用便盆

crib/cot 童床

diaper/nappy 尿布

high chair 高脚椅

pacifier/dummy 安抚奶嘴

stroller/buggy 婴儿车

baby carriage/pram 婴儿车

bottle 奶瓶

wet wipe 湿巾

Moses basket 婴儿睡篮

playpen (幼儿) 玩耍护栏    

stair gate 楼梯门

baby monitor 婴儿监控器

romper suit 连体衣

snowsuit 孩童用防雪装

bib 围嘴; 围兜    

booties 编织婴儿鞋; 编织婴儿袜; 短筒女靴   


rattle 拨浪鼓

take a year off/take a year out 休假一年

[to have a year away from education or work] 

enroll in/enrol on 登记

[to register to start something]

an undergraduate 本科生

[someone studying for a first degree at college or university]

graduate(US)/postgraduate(UK) 研究生

[study carried out following graduation from a first degree]

a freshman(US)/fresher(UK) 大一

[a student in their first year at college or university]

a semester(US)/term(UK) 一学期

[a period of time in an academic calendar,  during which classes are held]

get a degree 获得学位

[to be awarded a diploma/qualification  after college or university] 

attend classes 上课

[to go to lessons or lectures]

take a test/take an exam 参加考试

[to answer questions or perform  actions to show how much you  know about something]

give someone feedback on something 给某人意见反馈

[to provide comments and advice on how somebody is doing something]

meet a deadline 在规定时间内完成某事

[to finish something within a given time] 

miss a deadline 错过期限

[to fail to finish something within a given time]

continuous assessment 连续性评定

[grading based on work done over a long period] 

pass with flying colors(US)/colours(UK) 高分通过

[to perform excellently on a test]

a first draft 初稿

[a first, rough version of a piece of written work]

compare and contrast 比较与对比

[to consider and describe the similarities and differences between things]

polar opposites 截然不同

[completely different] 

a clear distinction 明显的区别

[an obvious difference]

strikingly different 截然不同

[surprisingly not alike]

a world of difference 天壤之别

[a significant level of difference]

hourly rate 每小时收费

[an amount of money paid per hour]

benefits 奖金

[extras given to employees in  addition to their usual pay]

a pay cut 减薪

[a reduction in pay]

wages 薪水

[an amount of money paid  per week or month]

a raise (US)/a pay rise (UK) 涨薪

[an increase in pay]

a salary 工资

[a fixed, regular payment, often  expressed as an annual sum]

a bonus 奖金

[money added to a person’s salary as a reward for good performance]

a promotion 升职

[a new job at the same company that is  more senior or better paid]

overtime 加班费

[additional pay for extra hours worked]

to be laid off (US)/ made redundant (UK) 被解雇

[lose your job because it is no longer necessary]

to get away from it all 远离一切

[to go somewhere relaxing for a break]

a tourist trap 专门宰游客的地方

[a place that attracts too  many tourists]

once-in-a-lifetime 千载难逢的

[unique and unrepeatable]

to feel homesick 想家

[to be sad because you miss  your home and family]

a culture shock 文化冲击

[a feeling of confusion or distress when visiting a different place or culture]

off the beaten path (US)/track (UK)避开车水马龙的道路;很少有人走动的地方

[a long way from other people,  buildings, and roads]

run-down 破旧的

[in a bad condition through lack of  care or repair]

unspoiled 未开化的

[not changed, damaged,  or built on by people]

itchy feet 渴望出游

[a desire to travel or move]

a thirst for adventure 追求刺激

[a desire for exciting experiences]

look around 四处转转,参观

[to explore an area or place]

hopelessly lost 彻底迷路了

[totally unable to find your way]

to stop off 中途短暂停留

[to pause a trip in one  place before continuing]

to book in advance 提前预定

[to book something several days or weeks before you need it]

out of season 不合时宜的,淡季

[at a time of year when a tourist  destination is less popular]

to check out something 察看

[to find out how interesting  something is]

a leg of a trip (US) / journey (UK) 一段行程

[a stage in a trip from  one place to another]

a getaway 短假

[a vacation, particularly a short one]

to look forward to something 期待某物发生

[to feel excited about something  that is going to happen]

to see off somebody 送行

[to go to the station or airport to  say goodbye to someone]

global warming 全球变暖

[the increase in the Earth’s temperature]

climate change 气候变化

[changes in the Earth’s weather patterns]

greenhouse gases 温室气体

[gases that cause the greenhouse  effect, heating up the Earth]

fossil fuels 化石燃料

[fuels based on oil, coal, and gas]

to consume 消耗

[to use a supply of something,  such as fuel or energy]

to reduce your carbon footprint 减少碳足迹


[to lower the level of carbon dioxide  produced by your actions]

tackle pollution 处理污染

[to deal with the problem of pollution]

alternative energy 替代能源

[energy that does not use fossil fuels]

green energy sources 绿色能源

[types of energy that do not  damage the environment]

renewable energy 可再生资源

[energy from sources that do  not run out]

harmful to the environment 对环境有害

[causing damage to the environment]

dire consequences 严重后果

[very bad results]

solar power 太阳能

[energy created using sunlight]

a solar panel 太阳能板

[a panel that turns  sunlight into electricity]

wind power 风能

[energy created using the wind]

wind farm 风力发电厂

[a place with many turbines for  generating wind power]

endangered 濒临灭绝的

[at risk of extinction]

extinct 灭绝的

[no longer existing]

destruction 破坏

[the act of damaging something  so badly that it cannot survive  or be repaired]

irreversible change 不可逆变化

[permanent change that cannot  be undone]

to sensationalize大肆渲染

[to make something more  dramatic or exciting than it is]

to expose 曝光

[to reveal something hidden]

to exploit 利用

[to reveal something hidden]

to become a celebrity 成名

[to become a famous person]

a household name 家喻户晓的人

[to become a famous person]

to have your name in lights  赫赫有名

[to be very famous]

to go to someone's head 使某人冲昏头脑

[to make somebody feel more important than they are]

in the public eye 为公众熟知的

[seen and well known by the public]

a newspaper headline 报纸标题

[the large text at the top of  a newspaper page]

headline news 头条新闻

[news that is widely reported]

celebrity culture 名人文化

[the popular culture that surrounds famous people]

a claim to fame 与众不同之处,出名之处

[the thing that somebody or something is known for, often said jokingly]

a talent show 才艺表演

[a competition with performances by  entertainers showcasing their skills]

a reality show 真人秀

[a show based on or around real-life events]

the paparazzi 狗仔队

[photographers who take pictures of famous people without their consent]

the opening night 首场演出

[the first night of a show or movie]

the red carpet 红毯

[a carpet for important guests  to walk or stand on at an event]

a meteoric rise 平步青云

[a very rapid rise, often in a career]

an exclusive interview 独家采访

[an interview that no other source has obtained]

attention-grabbing 引人注目的

[designed or intended to get  your attention quickly]

a portion 一份

[the amount of food you eat in one meal]

high in something 富含某物

[containing a large amount of something]

to cut down on something 少吃某物

[to eat or drink less of something]

low in something 某物含量少

[containing a small amount of something]

to give up something/to give something up 不再吃某物

[to stop eating or drinking something]

a good source of something 富含某物(健康的)

[containing a lot of something healthy]

to watch your weight 管理体重

[to try to avoid gaining weight]

to eat something in moderation 适量吃某物

[to avoid eating too much of something]

allergic to something 对某物过敏

[unable to eat or drink something  without having a bad reaction]

convenience food 速食

[food that is quick and easy to make]

bargain-hunting 淘便宜货

[searching for goods that are  cheaper than normal]

to shop around 货比三家再买

[to compare prices at various stores]

a flea market跳蚤市场(廉价出售旧物的露天市场)  

[an open-air market that sells  old or used items]

a rip-off 索价过高(或物非所值)的东西 

[a low-quality product that costs  more than it should]

window shopping 逛橱窗

[looking at goods in store windows  without buying them]

50 percent off 打五折

[a 50 percent reduction]

on a tight budget 没钱,预算紧张

[having only a small amount of money to spend]

a good deal 价格优惠

[a good price]

to slash prices 大幅度降价

[to reduce prices dramatically]

overpriced 过于昂贵的

[costing too much]

rush hour 交通高峰期    

[the period of the day when most  people travel to or from work]

vandalism 故意破坏公共财物罪

[illegal damage to or  destruction of property]

a greater choice 选择更多

[a larger number of shops, restaurants, and services]

green spaces 绿地

[outdoor areas with grass or vegetation]

the crime rate 犯罪率

[the frequency of crimes  in an area] 

historic buildings 历史建筑

[buildings that have been important in history]

a traffic jam 交通堵塞

[a line of traffic that is unable  to move] 

derelict buildings 废弃建筑

[buildings that have not been repaired for many years]

a suburb 郊区

[an urban area that is outside the center of a town or city] 

cosmopolitan 大都市

[containing people or cultures  from around the world]

fast-paced 快节奏的

[active and full of energy]

infrastructure 基础设施

[the basic services that a city needs to run well]

a carnival 欢乐节

[a festival that often involves  people dancing in the street] 

working opportunities 工作机会

[the chances you have of finding a job]

overcrowding 拥挤

[when there are too many  people in one place]

road work/roadworks 道路施工

[repairs that are made to roads]

a lively nightlife 充满趣味的夜生活

[nighttime entertainment such  as bars, cafés, and nightclubs] 

pollution 污染

[harmful substances in air or water]

a tourist attraction 旅游胜地

[a place that attracts large  numbers of tourists]

the pace of life 生活节奏

[how quickly people lead their lives]

to have an impact on something 影响某物

[to affect something powerfully] 

innovation 发明

[inventiveness or creation of new ideas]

to make predictions 预测

[to say what you think might  happen in the future]

a revolution 变革

[a huge change in ideas or methods]

what the future holds 将来会是怎样

[what will happen in the future]

cutting-edge 先进的

[extremely modern and innovative]

in the long run 从长远来说

[eventually, after a long time]

the shape of things to come 未来发展方向

[the way things are likely to  develop in the future]

a digital age 数字化时代

[an era based on digital information, when technology is dominant]

the latest model 最新款

[the most recent version of a product]

a breakthrough 突破

[an important discovery or achievement]

computer literate 精通电脑

[able to use computer technology effectively]

state-of-the-art 使用最先进技术的

[very modern and up-to-date]

technophile 新技术爱好者    

[a person who enjoys using  new technology]

future proof 经得起未来考验的

[to design something to work in the  future, even if technology changes]

a technophobe 惧怕(或厌恶、逃避)新科技的人   

[a person who dislikes or refuses to use new technology]

only a matter of time 只是时间问题

[sure to happen at some  point in the future]

obsolete/out of date 过时的

[no longer needed or useful because of a new invention]

only time will tell 只有时间会证明

[the results will only become clear  in the future]

light-year ahead 比...先进很多

[much more advanced than its competitors]

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