

K 工厂
所 在 地:印度尼西亚  瓜哇
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所 在 地:美国  洛杉矶
这是由Brittney Dillon设计的位于美国洛杉矶的消失商品博物馆项目,这个项目其实是对真正的博物馆的一种批判,是对那些容纳毫无生机展品的建筑空间的一种对抗。这个方案发展的是一种以项目元素为核心的概念,它由世界范围内的活动生成。
The Museum of Vanishing Commodities (MOVC) is a critique on the museum; one that proposes a response against an architectural space that houses dead objects. The museum develops programmatic opportunities generated by worldwide events. This exposure inquires local ecologies framed through the interventions of complex political and social arrangements, organic systems, and emergent network structures.
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P 别墅
所 在 地:印度尼西亚  泗水
这是由DEDODESIGN事务所设计的位于印度尼西亚泗水的P 别墅项目,这是一个具有可持续性的项目,它属于一个热带城市度假村,项目采用通风墙体,同时外立面竖立起百叶窗挡板作为第二层屏障。
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所 在 地:哈萨克斯坦  阿斯塔纳
这是由Studio Nicoletti Associati工作室设计的位于哈萨克斯坦首都阿斯塔纳的中央音乐厅项目,项目所在场地的开阔让人联想到哈萨克斯坦大草原,在这个巨大的纪念性的建筑内部,大礼堂好似一朵正在绽放的花朵,音乐是它的灵感。它们创造出独特表皮结构,它环绕和包裹室内广场,其中包含3000平方米的商店,阳台,餐厅,展示厅,还有一个400座的音乐厅及200座的音乐厅,及一个主要的3.500座的大礼堂。
This auditorium was awarded to Studio Nicoletti as the result of an International restricted competition. Founded in the heart of the steppes only four years after the Independence of the Country, Astana is now a decade old new capital of Kazakhstan. Astana’s central nucleus occupies a rectangular area whose organizational axis is based upon a system of three piazzas. In the largest of these, dominated by the Presidential Palace, the Central Concert Hall faces the Senate House. The vastness of the location reminds the vastness of the Kazakh Steppe. Amidst this monumental void, the structures of the Auditorium rise like the petals of a flower animated through music. They create an envelope which encloses and protects an internal piazza of among 3.000 sqm housing shops, balconies, restaurants, exhibition halls, two music halls for 400 and 200 seats, and the main 3.500 seats Auditorium.
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设 计 师:Tingwei Xu和Xie Zhang
所 在 地:其他
Tingwei Xu and Xie Zhang of the University of Pennsylvania have designed a system of membranes which would protect the certain areas of the city where they are implemented against water. The buildings would literally wear these membranes as suspenders of sorts. They drape off buildings at the water’s edge, providing waterproofing, lighting options and terracing for public use and agricultural planting.
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所 在 地:阿根廷  布宜诺斯艾利斯
这是由美国事务所shelby ponce + eduardo ponce设计并获得一等奖的布宜诺斯艾利斯当代艺术博物馆项目方案,该方案探讨的是回归滨水场地,设计沿着水系打造艺术花园和文化城市空间,以激活场地。室内由不同的层次形成,同时敞开博物馆的各种功能元素,并将公共空间放置在首层,表演,数码及雕塑艺术放置在中层和顶层。一个半透明的表皮过滤阳光入室内,同时为人们提供朝着外部城市的视野。外部的结构生成一种无柱的画廊空间,这里可以容纳大型的装置。室外的平台为游客提供另一种表演的空间,以城市为背景。
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所 在 地:阿根廷  布宜诺斯艾利斯
这是由日本事务所omura takuya + aoyama takahiro设计并获得三等奖的布宜诺斯艾利斯当代艺术博物馆项目方案,该方案打造的是双重轮廓的概念,因为它与一个巨大面积的湿地相邻,所以设计试图将周围的独特景观与文化融入其中,一个带有内外双轮廓的三维框架创造出一种空白的空间,它们交织自然元素,形成多样的内部空间与层次。
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所 在 地:阿根廷  布宜诺斯艾利斯
这是由乌拉圭事务所marco podesta + matias Pereira设计并获得二等奖的布宜诺斯艾利斯当代艺术博物馆项目方案,这个结构支撑于场地之上,在中心形成一个空洞。它是一道窗,使用者可以因此享受到朝着河流的框定的视野,同时它也可以是一个从城市到海岸线的新通道。三层的展示空间漂浮在室外的艺术装置之上,阳光从中间的空间穿过,为楼层直接提供照明。
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所 在 地:爱尔兰  贝尔法斯特
这是由O’Donnell + Tuomey事务所设计的位于北爱尔兰首府贝尔法斯特的一个歌剧院项目,这个项目呈现出折面的木质室内,它位于城市南部的拉根河边,建造使用的是与周围住宅相同的红砖材料。建筑是对二十世纪六十年代的一个旧剧院的升级改造,新设计遵循既有的不规则的场地轮廓。一个多层的中庭连接入口与一个389座的大礼堂,礼堂内部折面的绿柄桑木纹理将舞台灯光加以融合,同时提高了声效。建筑还包含一个表演工作室,可容纳170人左右,和一个与大礼堂面积相当的彩排室。
A theatre in Belfast with a faceted timber interior is another of the six buildings shortlisted for the 2012 Stirling Prize and was designed by Irish architects O’Donnell + Tuomey. The Lyric Theatre is located on the edge of the River Lagan in the south of the city and is constructed from the same red brick as the surrounding residential terraces. The building replaces a 1960’s theatre that occupied the site previously and the new plan follows the outline of the irregularly shaped site. A multi-level atrium connects the entrance with the 389-seat auditorium, where the faceted iroko wood lining integrates stage lighting and improves acoustics. The building also contains a performance studio for up to 170 spectators and a rehearsal room that matches the size of the auditorium stage.
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所 在 地:西班牙  阿尔梅里亚
建筑面积:135238 平方米
这是由ferrer arquitectos事务所设计的位于西班牙阿尔梅里亚的北地中海健康中心项目,这个项目包含一个可活动的大理石板条表皮,它们引入一种分散的自然光,从而照亮内部的空间,减少了大楼对于能源的需求;一个巨大的浑然的由预制混凝土做成的体块支撑着线性的体量。百叶窗似的板面打开时,光线还会从室内放射到室外,从视觉上又柔化了白色的巨大体量。玻璃环绕的院落位于内部的布局之中,吸收日光与自然风。双层表皮则创造出最佳的照明。
所 在 地:格鲁吉亚  Ninotsminda
建筑面积;10,073 平方米
这是由Luka Machablishvili事务所设计的位于格鲁吉亚Ninotsminda的边境检查站项目,这是一个非常现代的两层建筑,它介于老边境建筑与边界之间,从功能和视觉上它都表现出极大的现代性,展示出围绕轴线旋转的全新表皮形式,从而很好地与周边动感的环境和气氛相呼应。建造材料也是极其现代的,分别包含金属板面,彩色玻璃窗户,黑色铝材,内外都有的高质量照明装置。这就是一个混凝土做成的坚固壳体,包含平整的屋顶和围边的地下空间。
The Border Checkpoint Terminal in Ninotsminda, Georgia is a modern two storied building with a total area of 1.78 hectares and is located between the old custom building and border. Designed by Luka Machablishvili, the project considers all modern and necessary requirements, both in visual and functional terms, which will make for maximum comfort for consumers. At the same time it has modern conceptual dimensional elements, which visually set rotational form effects around the axis on the fa?ade. The architectural solution is converting building into static dynamic position, which responds dynamic cycle of movement and motion of the custom terminal. Using modern construction materials, the lateral and longitudinal facades facing materials of dimensional elements are: metal panels, stained-glass windows: black aluminum profiles, internal and external high quality lighting. The building is an iron-concrete carcass from the construction point of view (columns, plates and crossbars) with flat roofing and banding basement.
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所 在 地:加拿大  温哥华
Shanghai architects Polifactory have developed a concept for a rammed earth house that generates energy from a lake on its roof. Designed for a rural site in Vancouver, the self-sustaining HOUS.E+ would use turbines embedded in the walls to produce electricity from water being pumped through a system of pipes. Additional electricity would come from photovoltaic panels on the rooftops of five blocks that rise above the water and any excess power could be fed back into the national grid. Rooms would be set 2.5 metres below ground level, where they would be heated in winter and cooled in summer from an underground pump that uses the surrounding earth as a heat source or sink. Two courtyards at this level would let daylight down onto the sunken floor, while more natural light would filter in through skylights. Inhabitants would also be able to harvest their own food by cultivating an ecosystem of fish, seafood and plants beneath the surface of the water.
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Destination Forus规划项目
所 在 地:挪威  Forus
Designed by MAD Architects, Destination Forus is intended to be a clear, robust and effective masterplan to become an exclusive commercial district, both in form and function, which radically differentiates itself from the surrounding building fabric. Increased density and urbanity on one side is juxtaposed against the openness of Forus Park on the other. This sustainable commercial development includes good housing areas, an efficient infrastructure, an abundance of wildlife and agricultural areas, and forests and green fields. They are creating a place that is worthy of a strong identity.
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所 在 地:西班牙  Baeza
建筑面积:1800.0 平方米
这是由DTR Studio工作室设计的位于西班牙Baeza的一个公车站项目,它由巨大的盖顶组成,它折叠交互,欢迎着来自不同方向的游客。在这个巨大的遮挡下面是公车和等待区。建筑由两个巨大的白色混凝土挡屏组成,它们切割剖面,形成不同的空间分隔。室内空间是一个玻璃盒子,它能为旅客提供不同的服务。下面包含三个明显区分的空间:公车区;室内候车室;室外候车室。
The new bus station in Baeza is made of a large shelter that folds and welcomes visitors inside. Dimensional spaces are planned but visually open to equip themselves with an urban character. Under the big shelter located eight docks for the arrival of buses and covered waiting area. The building is enclosed by two large white concrete screens that cut the section of it and distinguishes the intervention. The indoor area with controlled access is shown as a box of glass that provides the different services to the traveler. The program is organized through three distinct areas: Buses Area, Passenger area indoor and Passenger area outdoor.
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所 在 地:英国  伦敦
Perforated steel doors fold open like the wings of a butterfly at the backstreet entrance to this London house by architects Teatum+Teatum. Named Hidden House, the residence is squeezed between two existing buildings and has a glittering facade of black render and metal filings. The folding metal doors lead into a ground-floor living room and kitchen, where chunky chipboard walls integrate kitchen counters, shelves and a desk. There are no windows, but a seven-metre-high lightwell brings natural light in from above. First-floor bedrooms are positioned either side of the lightwell and also receive daylight from funnel-shaped skylights.
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所 在 地:瑞典  斯德哥尔摩
这是由3XN Architects事务所设计的位于瑞典斯德哥尔摩的一个学校项目,这是一款新式的学校,从教学当地植被,到种植及收获自己种植的食物,学校采用的是一种完全不同的教学模式,而且它包含终生教育体系,从幼儿园到高中到大学,甚至是老年公寓。这个建筑由两个拱形组成,绿色学校及相伴随的温室组成了公共的拱形,它使内外的流通和绿色的环境时时发生着联系。学生住宿和老年公寓的九层空间相互交织,转换,形成很宽阔的私人阳台和尽可能多的日光吸收。一个开阔的中庭穿过建筑中心,容纳学习空间,这个绿色的通道在最高处以一个巨大的温室结尾,温室包含三层封闭的楼层,以获取最佳种植环境,同时向上延伸,包含漂浮花园,垂直农业等元素。
Green School Stockholm is a new type of school with a modern approach to sustainable living. By actively educating about locally grown food, and by creating a multitude of green exterior public spaces, the building encompasses a full lifetime of sustainable living: from kindergarten to high school, college dorms to senior apartments. The building is formed by two adjoining arcs. The green school and accompanying greenhouse constitute the public arc and allow for internal and external circulation through the building with the vegetation growing all around. Nine levels of housing for students and seniors twist slide and shift to create wide private terraces and maximum daylight exposure. Wide atriums open up the green school to accommodate spontaneous learning. This green pathway through the school culminates with a large greenhouse as the focal point. The greenhouse encompasses three enclosed levels for maximum productive growing and extends upwards with hanging gardens and vertical farming alongside the student and senior residences.
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所 在 地:荷兰  阿姆斯特丹
这是由Framework Architecten 和Studio Prototype共同打造的位于阿姆斯特丹的一个住宅项目,住宅外部呈现出由木质棒体组成的特殊几何形式。之所以被称为水别墅,因为这个住宅漂浮在一个船上,而这个船停靠在城市西南侧一个运河上。它包含一个低于水面的下沉层次,一个位于住宅中心的中庭连接地下的儿童房间与首层的起居和餐厅,也与二层的卧室及书房连接。木质表皮间狭窄的空隙展示出玻璃门及窗户的位置。顶层的一个窗户还包含远程遥控木质百叶窗,它能随意开合。
Timber batons create geometric patterns across the exterior of this houseboat in Amsterdam by architects Framework Architecten and Studio Prototype. Named Water Villa, the boat is moored on a canal in the south-west of the city and features a sunken floor below the level of the water. An atrium at the centre of the house connects the children’s rooms in the basement with the ground floor living and dining room, as well as with the first floor bedroom and study. Narrow gaps in the timber-clad facade reveal the positions of glass doors and windows on the two upper floors. One window on the top floor features a remote controlled shutter, which folds up for additional privacy.
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所 在 地:荷兰  德龙滕
这是由BDG Architects Zwolle事务所设计的位于荷兰德龙滕的荷兰德龙滕应用科学大学项目,这个项目基于绝佳的能源及建筑理念。整个大楼位于一个十六米的温室内部,这个建筑本身就是一种教育理念。主要的两座教育大楼被温室包裹,同时在首层连接,两个巨大楼梯分布建筑两侧,它们可以将人们引入到二层的内部院落。教室,大礼堂及办公室位于两个建筑内部,楼梯和广场是师生们可以自由交流的地方。而两个建筑之间的空间则充当一种通风管道,它由巧妙的气候系统加以协调。
The design for the CAH in Dronten, the Netherlands, is based upon a exceptional energetic and architectural concept. The entire building for advanced education is placed within a 16 meters high glasshouse, which refers to the kind of education. The two buildings for education are placed in the glasshouse and are connected to each other on the ground floor. Two big stairs on each side of the building leads you to the inner plaza on the first floor. The classrooms, auditoria and the offices are placed in the two buildings, the stairs and the plaza are meant as places where student and teacher can meet en discuss with each other. The space between the buildings and the glasshouse functions like an air duct, which is regulated by a smart climate system.
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所 在 地:新西兰
这是由Fearon Hay事务所与Penny Hay共同设计的一个位于岛上的度假屋项目,一系列独立站立的结构围绕着一个带有覆盖的中心庭院展开,自然的起伏被巧妙地突出,从而形成一种自然的布局,为三个屋顶的结构和自由抬高的泳池提供支持。场地的设计灵感来自于对于轻质的盖顶般的结构的研究。向下延伸的屋顶板面环绕内外空间。
Fearon Hay Architects and Penny Hay designed a residence on New Zealand’s Waiheke Island. An arrangement of freestanding structures around a sheltered central courtyard rests in a saddle above Matiatia Bay. The natural undulations of the saddle have been subtly emphasized to form a natural setting for three roofed structures and freestanding raised pool. Inspiration for the site came from a study of lightweight, canopy- like structures, tensioned to the ground plane. Draped roof planes are tensioned to the surrounding landscape over interior and exterior spaces.
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所 在 地:德国 巴伐利亚州 埃尔朗根
Seven finger-like structures gather around an atrium, resembling a four-leaf clover, an urban trope signifying the possibilities open to the city life of Erlangen. The glass base of the ground floor is open to the public and features a cafeteria, and the smooth glass facade is set alongside strong aluminium fins which protect against sunlight and adding variety and depth to the structure. Airy architecture is the focal design point in the “District Office”, with a generously open staircase, and inventive use of space.
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所 在 地:日本  静冈市
这是由mA-style architects事务所设计的位于日本静冈市的一个住宅项目,这个项目包含有机的互动与独特的生活方式,设计师在场地之中插入了一个Z字形的墙壁,这个墙壁分隔空间,每个空间都由三面墙壁包围,一侧是朝着场地打开。内外空间因此由这个Z字形联系在了一起。
Well kept street consists of homogeneous volume. The streets of the city cross each other at right angles. There is no shielding; only the sky covers us. Our first impression was ‘familiar place in Japan’, but we also thought this kind of homogeneousness is rather character of this area. We began to think the building plan that enables the house to develop in proportion to the local. We proposed to construct the house which involves organic connection and lifestyle in it. To do so, we placed one zigzag wall on the site. The Zigzag wall makes divided spaces. Each space is covered 3 sides by walls, and 1 side is opened to the grounds. The inside and outside are connected by Zigzag wall.
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所 在 地:美国 俄亥俄州 鲍灵格林
The Wolfe Center has a unique program that unites a diverse range of art studies into a socially enterprising facility meant to encourage lively interaction among students and faculty. Plans for the building include three performance spaces: a proscenium theater that will provide space for large-scale productions of musical theater, opera, and classical drama; a studio theater for the presentation of more diverse artistic programs, including theater for young audiences and productions of new plays, and an actor’s theater to provide space for experimental productions integrating the spoken word and body movement with digital and sound technology. Sn?hetta has created a grand open hall that greets the visitor from the main entrance. Sunlit and spacious, the lobby provides views upward to the lounges, classrooms and studios of the art, music, and drama departments on the second level. It is designed in the style of the great Broadway halls found in New York City and London.
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所 在 地:韩国 仁川 松岛
A pivotal component of Songdo’s development as an international business hub, the Convensi A Convention Center is prominently located at the southern end of Central Park, the main public green space in the 1,415-acre, master-planned community. The low-rise complex is conceptualized as a series of folded roof planes— a “landscape” that extends the natural setting of the park into the city. The large-scale folds are segments of arcs that contain the convention center’s main programmatic elements, including exhibition halls, pre-function areas, support space, and the loading zone. Support spaces are articulated as a series of freestanding blocks, above which the curved roofs floats, like a series of upturned boat hulls.
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所 在 地:德国  慕尼黑
这是由J. Mayer H.事务所用脚手架做成的一个建筑项目,这个临时性的结构是为了在明年Pinakothek der Moderne博物馆翻修的时候暂时容纳博物馆馆藏品用的。这个结构外部的楼梯将引入到上层,这里由一系列的平台和向外突出的空间组成,为人们提供活动的灵活空间。
Architects J. Mayer H. has designed a building made from scaffolding to host the collections and events of the Pinakothek der Moderne museum in Munich when it closes for renovation next year. The temporary pavilion will occupy a site at the museum from February to September and will contain a large ground floor exhibition room for displaying four of the modern art collections. External stairs will lead to the upper levels, where a series of platforms and a projection area will provide a flexible space for events, screenings and installations.
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所 在 地:沙特阿拉伯  利雅得
这是由FXFOWLE Architects事务所设计的位于沙特阿拉伯利雅得的建成环境博物馆项目方案。项目预计2014年完成。博物馆将展示阿拉伯半岛的艺术及建筑发展历史,对游客进行社会,经济,及环境各方面的教育和宣传。一系列互相连接的空间围绕瀑布般的展示斜坡共同组成永久性的展览。低层与一系列的公共空间,与附近建筑连接的天桥,一个单轨火车站及街道层面的商业设施相连。建筑延展在干河床上,同时为地下的公共空间形成遮阴,建筑的表皮最大可能地转移光线,同时尽可能减少沙漠直接光照的不利影响。
The museum is designed by FXFOWLE Architects in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and expected to be completed in 2014. The Museum will host an experience that interprets the historical development of Arts and Architecture in the Arabian Peninsula. It will educate visitors on the important role that social, economical and environmental issues have played in the region. A series of interconnected spaces around a cascade of viewing ramps organizes the permanent collection. The lower floors of the museum knit together a series of public areas, sky walks to adjacent buildings, a monorail station and street-level retail culminating in a grand 3 story atrium. The building spans over the wadi, a continuous open public space below grade, and provides welcome shade to people who are enjoying the landscaped environment. The building skin maximizes transference of light while minimizing the detrimental effects of the desert’s direct sunlight.
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所 在 地:新西兰
这是由Crosson Clarke Carnachan事务所设计的一个位于新西兰北部海岸边的住宅项目,它位于一个长橇之上,可以在涨潮时被拖走,以避免遭受灾害。一个巨大的折叠挡板覆盖外立面,它可以开合,保护内部的两层玻璃立面,立面之后是开放的起居室和后面的一个卧室夹层。住宅两侧还有更多的折叠板面,它们打开后能展示住宅的窗户开口。一个屋顶甲板则藏在护栏墙之后。
As the tides erode the northern coast of New Zealand, this house on a sled by architects Crosson Clarke Carnachan can be towed off the beach and out of harm’s way. Located within a designated erosion zone on the Coromandel Peninsula, the house was designed as a mobile structure to satisfy a planning condition requiring that all buildings in the area be removable. A huge shutter folds up across the exterior to reveal and shade a two-storey glazed facade, which has an open-plan living room and mezzanine bedroom behind. More shutters lift up to uncover windows on each side of the house, and a roof deck is hidden behind the parapet walls.
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所 在 地:希腊  雅典
建筑面积:430.0 平方米
Whereas the typical house volume bifurcates a narrow lot into front and back yards, with awkward window openings directly onto neighboring lots, here the U-shaped plan allows a third outdoor space to penetrate the building’s center, providing southern exposure during the cold winter months without sacrificing privacy from neighbors. Primary access to both dwelling units occurs through the middle courtyard — as opposed to the building’s fa?ade – while automobile access occupies a separate zone to the building’s North. Further manipulations of the building’s form create a set of diagonal “creases” and “incisions” that separate areas of the interior into fluid, interrelated zones (Traditional wall partitions are limited to bedrooms, bathrooms and secondary support spaces.). The interior is thus incorporated into a visual relay that connects all exterior spaces through the volume of the house itself: front yard, back yard, and interior court become extensions of living space.
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所 在 地:荷兰  埃因霍温
这是由荷兰事务所LIAG architecten设计的位于荷兰埃因霍温的体育综合体项目,打造标志性是这个建筑形状背后的驱动因素,项目在实现基本功能的基础上还要保持与周围学校相同的美学语言。为了低调,景观被抬高,环绕结构周围,形成一种自然的互动的基座,这个结构为空间提供被动保温,同时也形成一种实际的可接近的人类尺度。室内包含几个服务功能,和巨大的运动场。动感的彩色条带覆盖建筑表皮,以代表不同的体育项目,圆形的建筑剖面形式更加突显了建筑的生动可爱性。透明的表面形成良好的太阳吸收,同时夜晚还能展示出内部的活动。
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所 在 地:新加坡
这是由Ministry of Design事务所设计的位于新加坡的一个售楼处项目,它的表面呈现出一系列狭窄的玻璃开口,人们可以透过这些结构看到内部的情况。它包含一个双高的售楼展厅及两个展示性公寓。两层建筑的墙壁包含一系列L形的柱子,它们环绕包裹屋顶,门和窗则填充之间的空隙。不像其他的售楼处,这个大楼的外面没有任何广告和标志。
Narrow glass openings provide glimpses through the rampart-like facade of this property showroom in Singapore by architects Ministry of Design. Named the Edge Gallery, the building contains a double-height sales gallery and two show apartments for developer UOL, who are constructing three residential towers on a former hotel and theatre site nearby. The walls of the two-storey building comprise a series of L-shaped columns that wrap over the roof, while doors and windows fill the gaps between. Unlike most showrooms, there are no signs or advertisements on the exterior of the building at all.
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所 在 地:以色列  耶路撒冷
这是由o2a studio工作室设计的“第二自然”自然历史博物馆项目方案,这个人造的结构旨在宣扬自然的超凡力量及至高权威。而这里出现的矛盾是任何建造的建筑都是对自然的挑战,方案的目的即在如何突出这种矛盾,同时又在自然与人工之间找到共性的存在。鉴于当地的岩溶地质,博物馆的设计绝大部分采用的是地下形式,从而创造出一种半地下的人流流通,与地上自然体流通之间的对比。一系列的落水洞创造出垂直的博物馆与屋顶空旷景观之间的联系,从而为博物馆内部提供充足的阳光和空气。这些个空洞被穿孔的红色铁盒子占据,从而呈现博物馆的不同展品。这些铁盒子点缀在景观中,与博物馆顶上的绿色环境形成对比。
Designed by o2a studio, the man-made structure for the Natural History Museum in Jerusalem is designated to celebrate the transcendent force and majesty of nature, which is a contradiction in terms. The paradoxical question that arises when approaching the design of a building that is dedicated as a showcase for the unbuilt, is how does one bridge this conceptual gap between the man-made and the organic – between the artificial and the natural. The proposal aims to highlight this difficulty, while allowing for a composite coexistence between the natural and the artificial – interpreted here as ranging between various degrees of control. Drawing from the Karst geology prevalent in the site, the museum is designed as a largely underground complex, creating a subterranean human flow of museum-goers in contrast to the natural flow of the topography above ground. A series of open dolines (Karstic sinkholes) create a vertical connection between the museum and the open landscape occupying its roof, and allowing light and air to pour into the museum spaces underneath. A number of these dolines are occupied by perforated red steel boxes housing different programs of the museum. Dotting the scenery above, these boxes highlight their artificiality, standing in sharp contrast to the green setting on the roof of the museum.
所 在 地:孟加拉  达卡
As Lalon (a spiritual folk singer, Sufi and philosopher) says if there is not one thing inside the body then it is not outside the body either. Body is the key word. Just like human body, there is a body of architecture. This body of architecture has two parts; shell and thinking as soul. Shell and soul are interdependent yet independent. They belong to each other and they belong to themselves. A good soul needs a good shell. In this project the shell is a pure square made of a single material ‘concrete’ transformed from celestial form grounded. The added squares act as torana to its temple. Considering the socio economic condition of Dhaka, a very simple architectural vocabulary has been adopted, with subtle social interventions with form, material and vegetation. The traditional space quality, both from urban and rural typology merged to creating “URAL” architecture. The center “water court” acts as a natural exhaust, which flows out the hot air and makes the middle court a solace.
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所 在 地:印度
这是由北京的事务所OSO Studio为印度游牧学校项目设计的竞赛方案,设计师试图利用创新性的小尺度单位设计展现ISS项目的宏大雄心。在这个将要覆盖全印度的教育网路中,每个学校都是一个终端,这些终端由分布式的教育网路所驱动,从而在全球化环境中传递独特的技术教育的力量。终端建筑的概念是尝试通过创造一个拥有简单结构与神秘外观的建筑来满足对于标志性,多样性及文脉适应性的需求而实现的,它提升了教育空间的体验。建筑被架高四米,盘旋于场地之上,为公共活动释放出来连续的场地。刚性的混凝土框架强有力地反映了建筑的存在。建筑被覆盖玻璃,及预处理的弹力帆布。柔软与坚硬在建筑中得到了统一,反射出ISS项目来源于跨学科领域及文化包容的魅力。建筑使用9米乘以9米乘以4米的空间模数来满足教室,实验室,办公室及活动室的需求,并创造一种根本的灵活性,即建筑可以被轻易地扩充,减少,转变功能及迁移至它处。建筑通过最小化与场地的物理联系实现最大化的适应性,以面向不确定的环境。架空的建筑使文脉的普适性——一个教育机构,一个景观元素,一个公共设施,一件城市家具——成为可能。它可以被建在任何地方:城市内的空地,山地,旷野,乡村,水面上。架空的建筑最大化其与空气接触的表面积以改善热工特性,同时建筑内部设置有两个通高三层的中庭和一个通高二层的空缺以改善空气流动,实现节能。
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所 在 地:新加坡
这是由Pelli Clarke Pelli事务所设计的位于新加坡的耶鲁新加坡学院,这是由新加坡国立大学(NUS)和耶鲁大学签署协议建立的第一所文理学院,称为“耶鲁新加坡学院”。新学院将初步接纳150名学生,在教育方面接受耶鲁大学的监督。这是一个非常环保的建筑,能容纳1000学员,包含各种可持续住宅和教育设施,同时融入公共学习空间,图书室,多媒体中心等设施。设计理念包含耶鲁传统和东南亚的设计文化,并形成一个中心的学院绿地,周围环绕教学楼和住宅空间,设计中还融入当地流行的茂密绿植覆盖走廊。附近分布的学生及教员住宅是高大的垂直塔楼,它们每个都有天空花园,这是新加坡当地设计的另一种表现。另外学院中心还有大片的绿色草坪,这里有美丽的花园和供研究用的植物园。一个生态池塘还会被插入其中,以获取雨水并将其净化。
A highly environmentally-friendly building for the Yale-NUS College in Singapore has broken ground, marking the next stage in the institution’s development. The first liberal arts college in Singapore, this 1,000-student complex incorporates a variety of sustainable residences and educational facilities, supported by The Learning commons, a library and multimedia hub set on a slope as a reference to ‘the pinnacle of knowledge’. Conceptualized by Pelli Clarke Pelli, the Yale-NUS College blends elements of Yale tradition and the design cultures of Southeast Asia sporting a central campus green surrounded by academic buildings and residences enhanced by local flourishes such as shaded walkways popular in the design of Singapore shop houses.
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所 在 地:美国 加州
这是由Open Source Architecture事务所设计的位于美国加州山中的一个生态型度假小屋。这个项目的设计基于能源自我循环的原则。建筑的形式很好地回应太阳光的条件,从而发展出一个能够最大限度吸收热能的表皮。设计还精确追踪太阳光的轨迹,从而有针对性地获取屋顶的热能。项目表皮还包含带有光电池的ETFE薄膜。
Ecoscape is a prototypical mountain cabin located in the extreme climate conditions of the California Mountains. Ecoscape is based on the principles offered by energy self reliant systems. The building form is responsive to solar conditions, developing a surface area that maximizes exposure to collect energy and heat. Ecoscape is generated out of an algorithm that tracks solar positioning in order to intensify absorption in specific locations on the roof surface. The surface consists of ETFE thin membranes that integrate thin film photovoltaic cells to generate energy.
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所 在 地:美国 曼哈顿 纽约
这是由Evgeni Leonov Architects事务所设计并获奖的Tablet酒店重构竞赛方案。这是一个屋顶上的社交空间,它为人们提供多种的功能,包括游泳,跳舞,桌上曲棍球等各种娱乐。这里还能享受到曼哈顿的全景视野。
Connecting Rooftop is a hotel social area that connects travelers and locals with a panoramic views of Manhattan. It’s a multi-functional space for the all socializing activities possible: swimming, dancing, playing table hockey, beer festival, karaoke, cocktails, spa, etc.
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所 在 地:意大利  拉奎拉
Designed by modostudio, the proposal for the Piazza d’Armi Urban Park aims to create a thematic interaction between the competition area and the adjacent existing urban tissue. The architects accomplish this by means of creating a park for this city that is decontextualized from the neighboring urban space and, at the same time, directly related to the skyline of the nearby mountains.
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所 在 地:柬埔寨  金边
这是由Arte Charpentier Architectes事务所展开的金边中心市场的翻修和扩建项目,中心市场是一个非常恢宏的结构,这不仅仅因为它的建筑形式,还因为它对于城市空间形状的影响。这个市场1937年开始投入使用,尽管历史悠久,但它仍旧是室内集市的典范案例。虽然年代已久,维护不周,这个结构仍旧保持着全面的功能质量。翻新项目主要围绕以下几个方面展开:将市场与周围的城市环境融合;提高历史建筑结构;为空间提供更好的舒适度,干净度和安全度;保留尽可能多的商贩。
The Central Market in Phnom Penh is a remarkable monument, not only because of its architecture but also by its influence on the shape of urban space. Inaugurated in 1937, nearly seventy years ago, it still remains an architectural model for the covered markets. Despite its age and low maintenance due to lack of resources, this structure had retained all its functional qualities. Although the thermal comfort and ventilation were affected by the high density of booths set up around the building, it turned out to be always effective. Integrate the market in its urban environment, Enhance the historic building, Provide spaces with a good level of comfort, hygiene and safety, Maintain all merchants on the site.
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所 在 地:越南  河内
这是由gmp Architekten设计的位于越南的河内博物馆项目,这个项目位于一个公园之中,置身于丰富的水景中。游客在进入博物馆的同时就已经开始领略河内的历史及传统的村镇风情。方形的建筑当中是一个巨大的中心环形天庭,它连接入口层和三层的展厅。展厅被安排成台阶样式,一层比一层宽大,从而形成一种倒三角的感觉。对于游客来说向外看好似漂浮在景观之上,他们通过一个旋转斜坡上下进行参观,作为主导元素,这个斜坡为人们提供朝着入口大厅及展览空间的视野。一到三层用于展厅,四层另包括会议室,研究室,办公室和图书室。
The Hanoi Museum is embedded in a park with ample water features, where visitors already encounter exhibits from the history of Hanoi and reconstructed traditional Vietnamese villages on entering the museum landscape. Within the square building, a central circular atrium links an entrance level with the three exhibition levels. These are arranged as terraces projecting further outwards on each higher floor, forming an inverted pyramid. For visitors, the effect is that, looking out, they seem to be floating over the landscape. Visitors to the museum reach the upper levels via a spiral ramp. As the dominant feature, the ramp offers perspectives into the entrance hall and exhibition areas. Whereas the first to third floors are used solely for exhibition purposes, the fourth floor also contains conference rooms, research rooms, offices and the library.
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所 在 地:中国 海南 三亚
这是由法国事务所VALODE ET PISTRE ARCHITECTE设计并获奖的位于海南三亚的全中国最大的购物中心之一——海棠湾国际购物中心——项目方案,这个项目包含起伏的玻璃形体,灵感来自于三亚的象征海棠花,花朵的意象塑造了整体的规划方案,从而形成有机的自由的形状。海棠花的概念横跨整个项目,它将两个独立的商业大楼包裹在一个有机的玻璃体中,形成起伏的由玻璃和铝板做成的屋顶。这之间则是一个巨大的入口通道,它延展50米,由一系列35米高的钢铁拱形支撑,主要建筑的双层立面朝着街道,为了获得最大的可见性,旗舰店部分采用全部玻璃的表面。剩下的表皮则是玻璃板面和铝板面的组合。建筑预计2014年完工。
The undulating glass form of the shopping centre is described by the architects thus: “The design inspiration comes from the Haitang Bay flower, the symbol of Sanya. From the flower concept comes the overall master plan distribution and as well the organic and free form shape of the key buildings.” This concept of the Haitang Bay flower arches over the entire project, encasing two separate retail buildings in an organic glass shell with undulating roofscape formed of glass and aluminium panels. In the centre of this is a large entranceway spanning 50m supported by a series of 35m high steel arches. The main building double-skin facade is facing the city street and, in order to offer the maximum visibility to the flagship stores in the front, it has been designed using full glazing structural glass facade. The rest of the facade all over the buildings is a composition of glass panels for showcase and full aluminum panels. Completion is scheduled for 2014.
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所 在 地:丹麦  奥尔堡
这是由奥地利建筑事务所Coop Himmelb(l)au(蓝天组)设计的位于丹麦奥尔堡的一个音乐厅项目,项目预计2013年建成,它包含复合的空间,结合文化及教育功能,同时涵盖公共空间,表演空间及其他基础设施。
Excepted to be completed in 2013, The Music House in Aalborg by the Austrian architects Coop Himmelb(l)au, is shared hybrid space that combines cultural and educational functions with shared public spaces, performance spaces and infrastructure.
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所 在 地:韩国  釜山
Currently under construction, SOM’s Busan Lotte Town Tower in Busan, South Korea stands over its adjacent waterfront as the new gateway to East Asia. Rising 510 meters, this mixed-use tower will add 6.3 million square feet to this bustling port city. A unique setback language defines its massing that is derived from numerous influences including the compact site, complex program, and optimization of views. The tower will incorporate numerous sustainable features and an efficient concrete structural system that maximizes the efficiency of the 107 floors. Intended to serve as a landmark to the burgeoning city of Busan, its compact site situated on a peninsula between two busy bridges was embraced as an opportunity to create a tower that engaged the senses both vertically and at the ground plane. Primary program components are contained within visually discernible volumes that feature setbacks rotated in a clockwise fashion.
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所 在 地:中国 贵州 贵阳
建筑面积:54,500 平方米
这是由Huasen Architects事务所设计的位于贵州贵阳的多彩贵州研究发展中心项目获胜方案,项目基于当地村镇的结构,有着向不同方向发展的趋势。每个建筑的朝向都是由最佳的自然视野定义的。这个项目最挑战的地方是如何保持场地内的文脉同时尊重自然轮廓,并融入贵州的文化多样性。在场地之中设计师创造出几种不同的公共空间,以满足不同的场合。而场地的不同层次被展示出梯田的效果,从而良好地回应自然环境。河边的一组建筑没有特定的方向,从而形成有机的造型。它们每个都有独特的性格,但最终又通过相似的屋顶形成整体性。
Designed by Huasen Architects, the winning competition proposal for the Research and Development Center for colorful Guizhou.co is based on the structure of local villages, having full possibilities to grow in all directions. The orientation for each building was defined by the best natural view of the river and surrounding mountains. The most challenging part of this project is to continue the context of site and respect the natural contours while showing all the culture and diversity of Gui Zhou. Within the site we created several public spaces for different situations; some to cater for large holiday ceremonies and others for daily activities. The differing levels were utilized to create a scene of terraced buildings and spaces to maintain the integrity of the land and echo the surroundings. Along the river people will see a group of buildings with no certain directions, giving an almost organic appearance. Every one of them has its own character of wood or stone, window or curtain wall. Finally the group of buildings is given unity by having characteristically similar roofs, this ties them all together.
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所 在 地:美国 宾夕法尼亚州 费城
这是由point b design事务所设计的位于美国费城的一个画廊项目,这个项目包含一个私人的艺术收藏展厅,一个住宅翻修,泳池和其他场地。一系列褪色的钢铁框架被规则地放置在一个厚厚的混凝土体量之上,延展开来定义了整个画廊的长度。上层空间覆盖亮丽的红色马赛克板面,它包含金属的悬挑,架在三个宽阔的附着在次结构之上的边缘横杆上。展示区内分布的是一个定制的金属网,它为展示提供一定的功能灵活性。巨大的玻璃板面由结构性的钢铁竖框支持,它们将画廊空间包围,同时使景观成为空间体验的一部分。不规则的屋顶锯齿设计及与之形成对比的中规中矩的一层设计,创造出一种持续的视角转换。
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所 在 地:中国 浙江 杭州
建筑面积:12,700 平方米
这是由gmp architekten事务所设计的位于杭州的浙江物产集团公司大楼项目,这个高达十一层的高层建筑呈现出一个巨大的整体,但是通过水平和垂直方向的错移和运动,形成一种与周边低矮建筑的良好过渡,北侧建筑往内缩,从而照顾到周围邻里的采光。垂直挡板元素覆盖整体表皮,形成一种动感的颜色和光线样式,当然起到很好的遮阳效果,加上高效的保温玻璃,组成了建筑能源策略的重要环节。室内的材料应用来自于表皮的设计:白色是主导,它为室内带去空间感和明亮的感觉;同时白色的自然石材加上透明的玻璃与黑色的其他表面形成反差。
The eleven-story high-rise building with a four-story base forms an in-scale transition to lower neighboring buildings and is nonetheless a large entity twisting and turning in vertical and horizontal dimensions. Towards the north, the building is recessed three times, in keeping with sun-exposure guidelines for neighboring buildings. Vertical screen elements on all facades generate a vivid pattern of color and light and offer an effective sunscreen, which, together with the highly effective insulating glass, constitutes an important contribution to reducing the building’s energy consumption. The composition of the interior materials is derived from the facade concept: white dominates inside as well, giving the room ample openness and lightness. White natural stone and transparent glass contrast with black surfaces.
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所 在 地:新加坡
这是由国际知名事务所Michael Graves & Associates设计的位于新加坡圣淘沙度假村的海事博物馆项目,这个项目的第一期于2011年2月完成,4百万的项目包含顶级酒店,家庭娱乐,餐饮及游戏等设施。这个海事博物馆将是一个标志性的建筑,设计灵感来源于航海船只,展览内部包含众多关于海洋的故事和项目。白天条带状的框架所形成的斑驳光影激发室内展品的活力。互动的展览和圆形的300座位的台风剧院为游客创造出纷繁的体验。展品聚焦海洋丝绸之路,它从东南亚开始一直延伸到阿曼国,在历史上占据着重要的地位。
International architects and designers, Michael Graves & Associates (MGA) announces the completion of the Maritime Xperiential Museum (MXM) at Resorts World Sentosa (RWS) in Singapore. The project, lead by MGA Studio head Patrick Burke, marks another phase in RWS’s development. MGA completed Phase 1 in February of 2011, a $4 billion project, which included top-flight hotels, family entertainment, fine dining, and world-class gaming on 121 acres just across Keppel Harbor from downtown Singapore. The Maritime Xperiential Museum is an iconic structure that draws its inspiration from sea-going vessels and thus embodies the stories contained in the exhibits and programs presented inside. Throughout the day, the shadows and dappled light cast by the ribbed frame will enliven the interior exhibits. The interactive exhibits and the circular 300-seat Typhoon Theater, created by the international designer Ralph Appelbaum, provides a wide variety of experiences for visitors. The exhibit focuses on the maritime Silk Route, which historically stretched from Southeast Asia to Oman. Geographically, Singapore is an important part of this history.
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所 在 地:日本  东京
这是由nakae architects事务所设计的位于日本东京的一个公寓项目,这是一个包含8个单元的公寓综合体,专门为摩托车爱好者设计。建筑包含一个C形的室外空间,它从室内空间中切割出来,弯曲的弧线与建筑流向自然缝合,从而为住户提供了一个公共的环境和方便进出摩托的通道。
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设 计 师:Frank Gehry
所 在 地:美国 路易斯安那州 新奥尔良
这是由美国建筑师为由布拉德?皮特创建的Make it Right慈善组织设计的套楼公寓项目,目的是为在2005年遭受卡特里娜飓风袭击的难民重新安置住宅。设计既有可持续性也有经济性,两层的建筑由前面的一个包含三个卧室的住宅和后面的包含一个卧室的住宅组成。屋顶由太阳能板面组成,为住宅提供能量的同时为两层阳台提供遮阴。纤维水泥板形成防灾害的外立面,同时它被涂成不同的颜色做以区分。
Architect Frank Gehry has completed his first building for Make It Right, the charity founded by Brad Pitt to rehouse families made homeless in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Designed to be both sustainable and affordable, the two-storey building contains a three bedroom residence at the front and a single bedroom home at the back. A canopy of solar panels provides power for the building and also shelters two terraces on the roof. Fibre cement boards provide a damage-resistant exterior cladding and are painted in different colours to identify each home.
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所 在 地:墨西哥  墨西哥城
这是由Arquitectura en Movimiento事务所设计的位于墨西哥城的一个住宅项目,住宅位于一个狭长的场地上,呈现出标新立异的前立面形象,圆边矩形相互交织,巧妙形成住宅的不同元素,仔细辨认后发现它们分别可以是窗户的第二表皮,也可能是阳台。屋顶还包含绿色花园。精致独到可见一斑。
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所 在 地:阿根廷  布宜诺斯艾利斯
In the current proposal for a Contemporary Museum of Art in Buenos Aires, the inception is based on synergetic plays of volumes and interlink-interlacing manifolds of tectonic forms and panels that create a dynamic fluxion of mass, surfaces and lines. The articulations involved relay on formal masses in an arrangement or in a cohesive group that perform more than the sum of its parts. The museum is multi-layered and composed of radiant volumes and pieces which converge in a poly-operational, structural, and sensuous array of tectonics.
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所 在 地:中国 北京
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