

〖内容摘要〗 “Cover”一词在商务英语中使用相当频繁,其含义甚多并且复杂,难以把握,与在基础英语中的含义区别较大,在各种外贸业务场合、各种单证①和合同的不同条款中,其含义常见的有“有关的、相关的、本、此、该、关于、为了、投保……险、一个信封、一次邮寄、包括、包含、记明、载明、注明、投保”等,因此,翻译时应根据具体的外贸业务场合、语境仔细分析其在句子中的含义,灵活选择恰当的汉语词汇来表达。本文就其在各种具体外贸业务场合、各种条款和语境中所表达的各种含义及其翻译进行了探讨。

  〖关 键 词〗 商务英语;Cover;翻译;探讨

  2.1 “Cover”作动词时的含义及翻译
  2.1.1 在支付的语境中,表示“付款给某人、支付……费用”的含义,可译为“支付、付款给某人”。例如:
  (1) For payment: please send draft for acceptance, at maturity we will cover you in accordance with your instructions[1].付款:请将汇票交我方承兑, 到期时, 我们将按照你方的要求向你方付款。
  (2) Enclosed is a certified check for $ 1000 to cover the cost of the package plus air shipment.
  (3) We will open an irrevocable L/C in your favor through …Bank to cover the total CIF value of this order.
  2.1.2 在下列句子中其含义为“处理”,根据情况可译为“谈论、处理、涉及”等。
  (4) Maybe we should hold off until we have covered item B on our agenda.

  2.1.3 表示“说明、解释”的含义,直接译为“说明、解释”等。例如:
  (5) We enclose leaflet No.5 which covers this point in detail. 我们特附上第五号说明书,该说明书对这个方面进行了详细说明。

  2.1.4  在保险语境中,表示“投保……险、对……保险”。译为“投保……险、对……保险”。“Cover”后的宾语通常是险别、货物或人,往往因宾语的性质不同,其后所使用的介词不同。也可用于被动结构,常有“-ed或-ing + 宾语”结构作后置定语。例如:
  (6) We suggest you consider an Open Policy which would cover all consignments made by you. It is true that a Declaration Policy would have a lower premium but this would cover shipments to Europe only[2].
  (7) Enclosed please find a copy of our present contract. You will note the nature of the coverage and the people (and their age) who are covered by our present policy. There is no change in the personnel to be covered.
  (8) Insurance is to be covered by the seller for 110% of the invoice value against all Risks and War Risk. 由卖方投保, 按发票金额的110%投保一切险和战争险。
  (9) …marine insurance policies or certificates in negotiable form, for 110% full CIF invoice covering the risks of War & W.A. as per the People's Insurance Co. of China dated 1/1/1976. with extended cover up to Kuala Lumpur with claims payable in (at) Kuala Lumpur in the currency of draft (irrespective of percentage)  ……
  (10). Insurance policy covered for 110% of total invoice value against All Risks and War Risks ….
  按发票总金额的110% 投保一切险和战争险……
  (11) …in the currency of the credit for the CIF value of the shipment plus 10 percent covering All Risks, ….
  (12) The risk of breakage is covered by marine insurance, isn't it? 破碎险是包括在海洋运输货物险之内的,对吗?

  2.1.5  表示“包括、包含”时,译为“包括、包含”等。例如:
  (13) All Risks covers all losses occurring throughout the voyage caused by accidents at sea or land. In other words, it includes F.P.A., W.P.A., and general additional risks, with special additional risks exclude[3].
  (14). The price quoted in the brochure cover packing and are subject to 15% discount. 小册子所列的价格包括包装费在内,有15%的折扣。
  (15)Covering 50 doz , woolen sweaters, S105, @USD 102 per doz. CFR  Hong Kong
    60 doz, woolen sweaters. M107, @USD 1500 per doz.. CFR  Hong Kong
    70 doz, woolen sweaters, L109, @USD1500 per doz.. CFR  Hong Kong
  包括:S105,50打羊毛衫,每打102美元。CFR 香港

  2.1.6 表示“购买、定货”,可译为“定购”。
  (16) If you insist on your original quotation, we will have to cover our requirements elsewhere.
  (17) This is to inform you that 500 dozen of shirts covered by your Order No.145 were shipped per s.s. “Peace” on March 5.
  (18) I have duly received your Sale Confirmation No.01JCMA1234 covering 50,000 pairs working boots we have booked with you.

  2.1.7 表示“写明、记清楚”的含义,可译为“开出、记明、载明、注明”等。常以“V+ing +宾语”结构作后置定语。例如:
  (19) Commercial invoice in five copies signed by beneficiary covering the CIF value of the goods and containing a statement that the goods are not of Israeli origin nor do they contain any Israeli material. 由受益人签章的商业发票一式五份,发票上开出的金额为货物的到岸价,同时作出全部货物的原产地不是以色列,而且产品不含有任何以色列所生产的原材料的申明。
  (20) We hereby issue our irrevocable Documentary Credit in your favor available by your draft(s) drawn at sight on us and accompanied by documents specified below covering full CFR invoice value of merchandise…. 我们特开出了以你方为受益人的不可撤销的跟单信用证,凭你方开出的载明为货物的全部CFR发票金额的即期汇票和下列单据向我方议付。
  (21) Full set clean on board marine/ocean Bill of Lading covering port to port shipment[4].

  2.1.8 有时后接定单等名词时,表示“与……有关、关于”的含义,“Cover” 常以“-ing”的形式出现,其结构为“V+ing +名词”,作后置定语,译为“与……有关、关于、为了”。例如:
  (22) We have received your goods covering our order of August 10. On opening the goods, we have found it contains completely different articles. As we need the correct articles, we request you arrange for dispatch of replacements at once. Meanwhile we will keep the goods at your disposal.
  (23) We have just received your advice that you cannot carry out the complete shipment covering our order for sundries at one sailing.
  (24) Thank you very much for your L/C covering your order No.100. 感谢你方为第100号的定单开来的信用证。
  (25) The letter of credit covering your order No. 500 has not yet reached us in spite of our repeated requests. 尽管我方一再要求,我方仍然还没有收到你方为500号定单所开的信用证。

  2.2 “Cover”作名词时的含义及翻译
  2.2.1 在说明邮寄情况的句子中,含义是“一个信封,一次邮寄”,可译为“用信件、用邮件、函”等。常用的短语有in one cover(附在信中, 随函邮寄);under separate cover(另函邮寄或另行邮寄);under registered cover(挂号信邮寄,挂号函)和in a separate cover(另函或另函包内)。例如:
  (26) The negotiating bank should send all documents in one cover to our international division.
  (27) We are sending you under separate cover by airmail some sales promotional literatures.
  (28) In order to promote business between us, we are airmailing you samples under separate cover for your inspection.  为促进双方业务往来,另函航邮寄上样品,供你方看样(检验)。
  (29) At the suggestion of ... we have much pleasure in sending you under separate cover our price lists... which we hope might possibly be of interest to you[5].

  2.2.2 在保险语境中,译为“保险、保险单”。例如:
  (30) Insurance cover note No.: JIC/NMB/MC-86/05/2002 DT07-05-2002
  保险单号:JIC/NMB/MC-86/05/2002 DT07-05-2002
  (31) open cover 预约保险单(吴林康, 1995: 176)
  (32)…marine insurance policies or certificates in negotiable form, for 110% full CIF invoice covering the risks of War & W.A. as per the People's Insurance Co. of China dated 1/1/1976. with extended cover up to Kuala Lumpur with claims payable in (at) Kuala Lumpur in the currency of draft (irrespective of percentage). ……

  2.2.3 表示“包装外皮”。
  (33)Cover torn   (提单批语) 包装外皮裂开

  2.3 “Cover”的派生词的含义及其翻译

  “Cover” 的派生词“covering” 在商务英语中使用也相当频繁,作形容词,放在另一名词或名词短语前作定语。表示“与……有关、与……有联系”的含义,这时可译为“有关的、相关的、本、此、该、关于”等。例如:
  (34)The covering Letter of Credit must reach the Seller 15 days before ….  有关的信用证必需在……前15日到达卖方。         
  (35)The contents of the covering Letter of Credit shall be in strict conformity with the stipulations of the Sales Contract.  此(该)信用证的内容须严格符合本销售合同的规定。
  注意:Covering letter: 为公文用语,有其特定的含义(letter sent with a document, or with goods, etc, typically explaining the content 随公文、货物等发出的通常用以说明其内容的)附信。﹙ASHornby,1994: 327﹚

  2.3.2 “Coverage”的含义及其翻译
  “Coverage”为“cover” 的另一个派生词,作名词,主要用于保险场合,其含义是“保险、险别、投保”,如:
  (36)Risks & Coverage  险别
  (37)increasing coverage , extending coverage 加保
  (38)renewing coverage 续保
  (39)We can serve you with a broad range of coverage against all kinks of risks for sea transport.
  (40)W.P.A coverage is too narrow for a shipment of this nature. Please extend the coverage to include TPND. 针对这种性质的货物只保水渍险是不够的,请加保偷窃提货不着险。
  (41)Don't you wish to arrange for W.P.A. and additional coverage against Risk of Breakage? 
  (42)The coverage is W.P.A. plus Risk of Breakage. 投保的险别为水渍险加破碎险。
  (43)As our usual practice, insurance covers basic risks only, at 110 percent of the invoice value. If coverage against other risks is required, such as breakage, leakage, TPND, hook and contamination damages, the extra premium involved would be for the buyer's account.
  (44)It’s important for you to read the “fine print” in any insurance policy so that you know what kind of coverage you are buying.  阅读保险单上的“细则”对你是十分重要的,这样就能知道你要买的保险包括哪些项目。
  (45)We will arrange coverage on your behalf. 我们将代替你方投保。



  [1]ASHornby. OXFORD ADVANCED LEARNER’S ENGLISH-CHINESE DICTIONARY. [K]. Oxford University Press, 1994: 327
  [2]郑淑嫒, 邹建华. 实用进出口单证[M]. 北京:电子工业出版社, 2005:51-171.
  [3]刘文广, 项义军, 张晓明. 国际贸易实务[M]. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2002:137-260.
  [4]吴林康. 实用商务英语[M]. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 1995:169-173.
  [5]范  红. 商务英语写作教程[M]. 北京: 清华大学出版社出版, 2004:119-236.
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