

Blood Type In Business | Confessions of the Professions
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What Your Blood Type Says About Your Career Choice

Your Blood Type says a lot about you when it comes to business. While no blood type truly determines how a person will act, behave, or their leadership style in the workplace, there are companies, specifically in Japan that give blood tests in order to determine the blood type of a person to see which roles they best fit. There are currently four different types of classified human blood types, each with its own unique characteristics. Blood Type A, Blood Type B, Blood Type AB, and Blood Type O. Blood Type is often used to determine who who can receive or give blood. Certain blood types cannot mix while others are more rare. It gets even more complicated when you factor in the fact that there is O Positive, O Negative, A Positive, A Negative, B Positive, B Negative, AB Positive, and AB Negative. I am not a specialist in blood and this article is not going to cover who can donate blood to who, but rather determine what your specific blood type says about you and what jobs you might be best suited to work.


The most common blood type. O’s enjoy power – and aren’t shy about attempting to seize it. Very competitive, they are the pit bulls of the business world, making excellent, if not sometimes dogmatic, bosses – better at making money than friends.

Best O Jobs:

  • Accountant
  • Politician
  • Business/Sales
  • Therapist
  • Minister

Warnings for Type O:

The legacy of your Type O ancestry causes an immediate “fight or flight” response in people of this blood type. However, this finely tuned response to stress, so vital in early Type O’s, is not always so beneficial in modern times. The Type O response can cause bouts of excessive anger, temper tantrums, hyperactivity and even create a severe enough chemical imbalance to bring about a manic episode. Since there is a powerful, synergistic relationship between the release of dopamine and feelings of reward, Type O is more vulnerable to destructive behaviors when overly tired, depressed or bored. These can include gambling, sensation seeking, risk taking, substance abuse and impulsivity.

Key Lifestyle Strategies:

  • Develop clear plans for goals and tasks – annual, monthly, weekly, daily to avoid impulsivity.
  • Make lifestyle changes gradually, rather than trying to tackle everything at once.
  • Eat all meals, even snacks, seated at a table.
  • Chew slowly and put your fork down between bites of food.
  • Avoid making big decisions or spending money when stressed.
  • Do something physical when you feel anxious.
  • Engage in thirty to forty five minutes of aerobic exercise at least four times per week.
  • When you crave a pleasure releasing-substance (alcohol, tobacco, sugar), do something physical.

Some O’s of note include Ronald Reagan and Queen Elizabeth


Persistent, reliable and methodical type. A’s are order-oriented and don’t like surprises. They are best suited for “detail” jobs, but not those requiring creative thinking. Good team players, but poor management material.

Best A Jobs:

  • Accountant
  • Librarian
  • Attorney
  • Economist
  • Writer/Novelist

Warnings for Type A to avoid:

  • Crowds of people
  • Loud noise
  • Negative emotions
  • Smoking
  • Strong smells or perfumes
  • Too much sugar and starch
  • Overwork
  • Violent TV and movies
  • Lack of sleep
  • Extreme weather conditions (hot or cold)

Key Lifestyle Strategies:

  • Cultivate creativity and expression in your life
  • Establish a consistent daily schedule
  • Go to bed no later than 11:00 PM and sleep for eight hours or more. Don't linger in bed, as soon as you get up, get going!
  • Take at least two breaks of twenty minutes each during the work day. Stretch, take a walk, do deep breathing exercises or meditate.
  • Don't skip meals
  • Eat more protein at the start of the day, less at the end
  • Don't eat when you are anxious
  • Eat smaller, more frequent meals.
  • Engage in thirty to forty five minutes of calming exercise at least three times a week.
  • Plan regular screening for heart disease and cancer prevention.
  • Always chew food thoroughly to enhance digestion. Low stomach acid makes digestion more difficult.

Some A’s of note are Jimmy Carter and Alan Alda.


These unconventional free spirits are highly creative, honest and hard-working employees – but their inability to delegate and their lack of shyness in “calling ‘em as they see ‘em” prohibits them from climbing to the top in any traditional corporate settings. What they lack in diplomacy, they more than make up for in ideas, energy and the ability to get things done.

Best B Jobs:

  • Detective
  • Journalist
  • Artist
  • Crafts person
  • Psychiatrist

Warning for Type B:

When it comes to hormones, type B is closer to type A, producing somewhat higher levels of cortisol. When a Type B is out of balance, this manifests in overreaction to stress, difficulty in recovering from stress, disrupted sleep patterns, daytime brain fog, disruptive to GI friendly bacteria and suppresses immune function. This leads to increased risks for depression, insulin resistance, hypothyroidism and high stress can further exacerbate virtually all health challenges.

Key Lifestyle Strategies:

  • Visualization is a powerful technique for Type Bs. If you can visualize it, you can achieve it
  • Find healthy ways to express your nonconformist side
  • Spend at least twenty minutes a day involved in some creative task that requires your complete attention
  • Go to bed no later than 11:00PM and sleep for eight hours or more. It is essential for B's to maintain their circadian rhythm
  • Use meditation to relax during breaks
  • Engage in a community, neighborhood or other group activity that gives you a meaningful connection to a group. Type Bs are natural born networkers
  • Be spontaneous
  • As they age, Type Bs have a tendency to suffer memory loss and have decreased mental acuity. Stay sharp by doing tasks that require concentration, such as crossword puzzles or learn a new skill or language

Some famous B’s are Tom Selleck, Mia Farrow and Jack Nicholson


The rarest of blood types, AB’s are the most spiritual of the blood types – and include many fortune tellers, clairvoyants and faith-healers. In more traditional jobs, their coolness of character and rational thinking makes them good strategic planners, diplomats and attorneys. Very organized but not particularly innovative or creative, they make good department managers, bureaucrats and negotiators.

Best AB Jobs:

  • Public Relations
  • Company Manager
  • Negotiator
  • Teacher
  • Attorney

Warnings for Type AB:

When it comes to stress hormones, you most resemble Type O in your tendency to overproduce catecholamines like adrenaline. Yet you also have the additional complexity of Type B’s rapid clearing of nitrous oxide, so you suffer the physical consequences of high emotions. Your greatest danger is the tendency to internalize your emotions, especially anger and hostility, which is much more damaging to your health than externalizing it. Exercise plays a critical component in stress reduction and maintaining a healthy emotional balance for Type AB.

Key Lifestyle Strategies:

  • Cultivate your social nature in welcoming environments. Avoid situations that are highly competitive
  • Avoid ritualistic thinking and fixating on issues, especially those you can’t control or influence
  • Develop a clear plan for goals and tasks – annually, monthly, weekly, daily – to avoid rushing
  • Make lifestyle changes gradually, rather than trying to tackle everything at once
  • Engage in forty-five to sixty minutes of aerobic exercise at least twice a week. Balanced by daily stretching, medititation or yoga
  • Engage in a community, neighborhood or other group activity that gives you a meaningful connection to a group
  • Practice visualization techniques daily
  • Also carve out time alone. Have at least one sport, hobby or activity that you perform independently of others
  • Break up your workday with some physical activity, especially if your job is sedentary. You’ll feel more energized

John F. Kennedy was an AB

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