

System (n)
系統 ;制度
structure (n.) 結構
Process (n) 過程
the operating system 操作系統 或作業系統
the educational system = education system 教育制度
You’ll have to learn the operating system before you use this machine.
you’ll=you will
Few parents are in favor of the recent changes to the education system.
in favor of 贊成  recent (a)最近的
Systematic (a)
systematically adv. 有系統地
(似) orderly  (a.) 有次序的
1. In an assembly line,everything must be done in a systematic way.
program (n)
節目;(電腦)程式 & v.t 為(電腦) ..設計程式
(三) program,programmed,programmed
a. program作名詞時,美語中一字保持不變,在英語中則改為programme,發音與
b. program作為動詞時英式及美式寫法相同。
1. What kind of TV program do you enjoy watching.
2.The program wasn’t working so I had to restart the computer.
be (p.p) + ving 過去進行式
3.These computers have been programmed to run the test once turned on.
Once 一次一回turn on 開啟
Programmer (n)程式設計師
1. Job vacancies for programmers are currently not available. (寫的板本)
Job vacancies for programmers are not currently available.(讀的板本)
vacancy (n)空處,空缺      available (a) 現有的
(v.t) 使聯合
1. Our goal is to unite the labor unions to oppose the new policy.
Goal 目標 Labor 勞工 Unions工會 Oppose 反對 Policy 策略
(v.i) 團結
2. We should unite,or we'll be defeated by the enemy.
....or/otherwise... 否則……
We should unite,or we'll be defeated by the enemy.
=We should unite.Otherwise,we'll be defeated by the enemy.
defeat v.t擊敗 enemy
(衍) unit (n.) 單位
unify (v.t) 統一;統整
過去分詞可作形容詞,表 『團結的』。
If we remain united,there will be nothing we can’t achieve.
remain (v.t)仍保持是;繼續存在 (adj)剩下
(n)一致;團結(不可數) The plot of the drama lacks unity.
The political party lost the election due to lack unity.
unity 可與介詞which 與 in 並用,行程下列的句子
Without unity,we'll face failure.我們不團結,就會面對失敗。
In unity there is strength.團結就是力量。
union (n)工會;聯合
The union decided to go on strike due to the low wages. 由於工資偏低,因此該工會決定罷工
This car is a perfect union of beauty and technologies. 這輛車是美與科技的結合。
a labor union 工會 ,勞工聯盟
a trade union 商會
reunion  (n)重聚 ,團圓
Our high school reunion is next Tuesday.
a family reunion 家庭團聚
remain (v.i)
(演變) remaining (a)
(似) stay (v.i)
a. 作" 仍保持是" 時,之後須接 n 或 adj 作 S.C
remain a puzzle
remain healthy
b.It remains to be seen +疑問詞
It remains to be seen whether John can do it.
(v.t) No one remained in the hall soon after the concert was over.
(ph) It remains to be seen which team will win.
( )Though divorced,Anna and David still remain friends.
divorced (a)
( )The problem still remains unsolved.
remains (n)
(n) The remains are the most famous tourist attraction in the country.
可作"遺體" ,是body 的委婉語
The writer's remains are buried in his hometown.
college university
probable probably probability
determine determined determination
political (a)
(a) The writer fled abroad,seeking political asylum.
fled ,asylum
politically (adv)
politics  (n)
Most youngsters are not interested in politics.
politician (n)
I'd rather trust a hungry wolf than a politician.
I'd = I would  ;rather  than
process (n) (v.t)
(n)   The process of the contest is lengthy and tedious
(v.t)  It will take about 3 weeks to process your application.
be in the process of +N/Ving
We're still in the process of conducting a market survey.
processed foods
meat processing
processing (n)
We need more manpower to take care of date processing.
activity   (n)
act  active action
Do you participate in extra-curricular activity.
an extra-curricular activity
pressure (n)
Running puts pressure on your feet.
under pressure
Some people do very well under pressure.
peer pressure
blood pressure
a pressure cooker
major minor majority minority available suggest suggestion instead seek property opportunity actually actually recognize recognition concern concerning suppose enjoyable joyful
2 permit permission volume indeed remove represent representative representation attitude reduce reduction fake religion religious strength weakness factor individual individually fax vary various variety product image imagination prevent prevention medical mention respond response responsibility detail apparent apparently approach account perform performance technique technical technology normal normally committee achieve achievement immediate immediately magical
3 react reaction obvious obviously fund funding audience moral immoral announce announcement theory relate skate ski latter structure staff crew suffer suffering feature spite despite unless attempt style lifestyle due somewhat somehow origin original originally additional additionally manage manager management manageable advantage disadvantage specific specifically destroy destruction column temperature mission reveal tropical
4 chapter property properly existence being admit affect pretend expense frequent frequently connect connection occasion occasional occasionally faith faithful justice experiment experimental aware awareness security considerable considerably skyscraper replace replacement conclude conclusion collection inform election elective signal gesture balance civil scary scarecrow edit editor edition governor expression expressive familiar sex sexy sexual
5 previous previously forth employ employee employment background aside apart decade primary primarily secondary spill fashion fashionable relief relieve solid democratic demoncracy neighborhood capital current currently tricky significant significance scientific escape wage salary pay resource motor engage engagement ought capable enable portion passage honor glory adopt appeal consideration considering contract steep
6 murder murderer roast reasonable reasonably missing benefit profit muscle flesh average dust dirt author automobile vehicle headquarters vision visible exchange practical practically mend constant constantly disease electric electrical electricity electrician dramatic command commander personality warn warning musical combine combination define definition afford confidence confident drowsy missile rocket credit educate educational preparation
7 trend tide attract attractive attraction proposal historical historical historically historian gradual gradually avenue alley threat threaten conversation dialogue typical chain heaven paradise hell remind inner outer internal external empty hollow vacant pilot slave advice advise adviser stare glance peep sum summary summarize file necessity folk sensitive sensible sufficient sufficiently crisp crunchy
8 protection protective stormy pure purely domestic native cattle bull buffalo lord engine engineer engineering shadow shade shady complex advertise advertiser advertisement liberal liberty confuse confusion suspect suspicion suspicious beneath cultural comfort comparison chest breast brilliant discovery scale conscious consciously consciousness troop cricket grasshopper fairly substance pour unknown well-known promote promotion pad
9 bang quote quotation raw network freeze freezing frozen request valuable mental mentally victim republic load unload opposite superior emergency creative creature creator media extreme extremely switch plenty accident accidental wagon van text dare scholar scholarship risk loose loosely loosen persuade cone scoop odd breath breathe childhood release mood temperature password
10 journal electronic electronics shiny Bible bible prayer priest palace rank rough coarse entry exit proof owe owing sin navy air force violence violent violently concert poll survey investigate introduction automatic automatically bullet membership ownership similarity relax relaxed stir mixture territory angle ideal ideally schedule sip wisdom meanwhile grain wheat complete ton seldom pea
11 forever temporary temporarily maid resist guidance accurate accurately sake toss reserve reservation harbor dock trail pale faint environment environmental trace steady steadily injury injure smooth smoothly merchant dealer trader admire heel border channel satisfactory satisfactorily splash impress impression impressive melt desirable undesirable badly broom nerve nervous blame colony efficient inefficient stale
12 tissue capture ambition ambitious behave rely reliable furniture suitable holy found founder dodge survival survivor evil wicked innocent restrict pause darkness darken fate fortune challenge challenging remote classical assist scatter regional zone seize grab grasp horn whistle dine suburb strip lung graduate coconut unexpected unexpectedly hesitate hesitation fist wrist elbow buzz
13 cast squeeze twist arrival award drip journey client precious jet mystery riddle tremble mankind humankind campus hive scream roar yell hush harm harmful budget flame wipe angel devil barrel bucket pail clue hint eager eagerly spin romantic romance passion warmth friendship adventure adventurous studio verse bride bridegroom bore bored boring pest
14 swear fan striking parade march kettle cigarette tobacco cigar plastic leather float noble pole celebrate celebration casual casually cycle doubtful doubtless tax taxpayer repair stuff renew rebuild knob bare barely tourist tourism leap fade vanish cabin hut cottage powder pill tablet deck limb mayor disk strategy creep crawl barn hay rotine
15 unlikely dislike radar patience bubble mushroom mobile stable nickname vivid bury diet continent farther weep mature ripe rent boot complaint nanny cheek jaw mill cocktail bartender pub wander miracle whip wealth wealthy proverty enact drunk drunken stocking lawn meadow weed portrait marble comma laughter grin giggle bless delivery shipment crash tickle
16 amaze amazed amazing amazement acceptable charm charming meaningful meaningless statue living lively communicate swell shrink knight crown gang gangster sew thread stitch explode horror horrible label tag regret regretfully gap fountain youngster elderly tap faucet racial peak summit follower uneasy traveler champion interrupt glow ray X-ray twin tight tightly tighten sigh
17 quarrel knit weave shame monk nun shave breeze mathematics mathematical arithmetic postpone postponement emperor disappoint disappointed disappointing disappointment feather fur wrap dose choke drown bunch motel hostel inn suicide mess separation bush panic seal ignorance recording recorder afterward(s) ladder skip unpleasant pickle plug earplug humorous deed kneel belly misery upset fold punch
18 outdoor outdoors indoor indoors bold spit chew suck raisin timber oak pine willow jail criminal flavor transport hourly weekly monthly quarterly yearly plaster bandage stiff rag rob robber robbery aboard athlete ribbon knot tune dim carriage Capitol thankful brass shallow liver kidney saucer receiver receipt might mighty swift frustrate frustrated frustrating
19 ash mobile rug rumor echo sweat tub peel gram kilogram milligram indirect indirectly handful handy outline tray hasty hastily savings earnings deposit sincere inspect inspector spray sprinkle lobby hallway fond lens halfway harvest fasten ax/axe gamble casino sleeve collar truthful meter centimeter kilometer awful discount forehead brow drain pit chip tug tug-of-war
20 import export tribe leisure pop gum awake awaken waken heap ivory stubborn rid moist moisture cleaning laundry tumble chill chilly heading headline bleed dash gown robe icy screw pottery ceramics porcelain guardian vitamin ache headache sore sometime someday heal jungle pave pavement sword canyon sprain cane crutch dive tulip violet wag
21 luggage baggage excellence spoil novelist inventor cheer cheerful cheerleader cheers gossip dump ditch dairy cheese jar sticky Mars advanced adqarium bacon badminton bait beast berry cherry plum best-seller bingo biscuit pancake jelly brake brook bud yolk buffet bump burglar capenter plumber tailor chat chop slice circus clinic couch stool zipper
22 coward bravery cradle lullaby dam darling deepen lengthen dime penny dip earthly envy enviable jealousy jealously erase fancy fare flea flock fry print quart gallon garlic ginger gasoline grocery gymnasium stadium helmet hike hometown homeland honesty jewel jewelry junk litter trash liar librarian lifeguard lifeboat lifetime lobster mall mavelous diehard merry queer
23 microphone loudspeaker microwave nap necktie blouse vest orphan pal parcel postage postman passport pity pollute pollution rot rotten rust rusty sack shampoo shepherd slippery sorrow spy stab stepchild stepfather stepmother stereo tease tender trunk twig tutor wax web website Internet online billionaire millionaire bulb canoe caterpillar changeable unchanged interchangeable
24 chimney click clip tack countable deafen dearly discount energetic fairy fingernail fingerprint fireworks greenhouse lighthouse hairdresser barbershop hatch housekeeper hug kangaroo pony tortoise keyboard kit lace leak lipstick manners memorize mop scrub overcoat scarf paw pearl poster sausage shovel spade spice starve sting tame thirst tow typewriter vase yawn lollipop
25 involve involvement community information informative economy economic economical economically economics economist facial evidence evident evidently establish establishment including defense defend defensive defensible operation operator operational assume associate associate association equip equipment research research researcher physical physically physician physics physicist authority district labor extend extent production productive obtain acquire mere merely persuasive persuasion
26 observe observation proceed procedure congress congressman industrial industrialize demand demanding reflect reflection dormitory refer reference conference circumstance profession professional professor aspect publish publisher publication literature literary consist consistent consistently assure assureance timid tend tendency contribute contribution Christian Christianity Protestant chapel agency agent facility hightly otherwise capacity communication status atmosphere tribal
27 device devise gear council concept moreover furthermore declare nuclear atom atomic shuttle tension tense campaign identity identify identification construct construction constructive career article conjunction noun pronoun verb adjective adverb preposition participle auxiliary application applicant recall remark remarkable relaxation nevertheless though understanding misunderstand arise arouse behavior annual annually anniversary frame wrinkle
28 devote devoted analysis analyze essential essentially vital sorrowful accomplish accomplished accomplishment intend intention emerge objective finance financial philosophy philosopher philosophical contrast contrary accompany companion assign assignment preserve presservation distinguish distinguished distinct exception comment impact investigation inspection probe rejection vast gigantic tremendous enormous urge urgent minister ministry generation oppose objection embarrassment
29 occupy occupation explanation initial initially estimate relative relatively fefresh expand expansion consequence consequent consequently convince convinced illustrate illustration surround surroundings eliminate formula instruct instruction instructor eventual eventually lastly demonstrate demonstration demo leisurely adequate adequately inadequate slight slightly candidate bond appropriate inapproprate revolution revolutionary unique emphasize emphasis location participate participation greasy
30 assistance bay gulf intense intensity intensive intensify competition competitive competitor pickpocket adjust adjustment distribute distribution criticize criticism critical critic largely mostly commit committed characteristic retire retired retirement furnish approve approval appoint appointment panel expose exposure possess possession intellectual lead aluminum copper shift resolve resolution orchestra symphony compose composer composition abdomen
31 pace acceptance retain content content contented contentment abandon emotional emotionally foundation assemble assembly shelter encounter theme phenomenon rual urban liquor site code zip code lean pursue pursuit academic maximum minimum manufacture manufacturer cooperate cooperation cooperative overcome creation creativity tragedy tragic comedy comic commerce commercial constitute constitution numerous handbook handout manual
32 prominent fundamental concentrate concentration incident precise precisely agreeable convention conventional detective elsewhere acre percentage percentage imply chamber sympathy sympathetic absorb attact attachment deserve spiritual definite definitely resistance loan formation register registration accuse consult consultant efficiency Jewish universe universal flee install isolate isolated isolation route welfare appreciate appreciation spark aparkle twinkle
33 continuous continuously continual continually plot tough consume consumer crack investigation investment investor intelligence intelligent AI (artifical intelligence) calculation calculator regulate regulation machinery mechanical mechanical witness prime dominant dominate satisfaction dissatisfaction interpret virtue permanent permanently transfer regarding fort translate translation translator reception genuine indication laboratory horizon primitive severe severely annoy annoyed annoying
34 testify testimony merit curve license dignity dignify differ limitation limited unlimited civilization conscience lecture lecturer blanket quilt disturb disturbing aspirin predict forecast cease ceasefire opera ballet gallery restriction enforce enforcement complicate complicated era dependent dependence dependable frequency logic logical logically illogical presentation admission guilt guilty reform household housewife housework backpack
35 favorable favorably multiple psychology psychological psychologist bracelet strengthen weaken funeral enthusiasm launch inspire inspiration allowance harmony harmonious fortunate fortunately unfortunate unfortunately misfortune cope realistic thorough thoroughly insure insurance outstanding healthful depart departure visual bracelet rhythm rhyme volunteer voluntary prompt promptly fiction forbid entertain entertainment restore delicate delicacy broil
36 anxious anxiety magnificent discipline dismiss resemble protest drift transportation incorporate recover recovery terror terrify explore modest modesty peculiar reputation absolute absolutely outcome withdraw monument artistic await convey grind exhibit exhibition grateful gratitude ungrateful grace graceful gracious alert identical salesperson dispute transform maturity neglect overlook split beam accuracy endure chirp
37 privilege privileged legend fable sketch draft publicity namely chore humanity sacrifice depress depressed depressing depression loyal loyalty interfere interference marine submarine abstract concrete landscape scenery context pioneer access evaluate evaluation fulfill fulfillment roughly exhaust exhausted exhausting exhaustion organic rebel discourage discouragement vessel mysterious divine luxury luxurious stem petal earphone headphones
38 partial partially impartial disaster defeat stroke exaggerate clarify diplomat ambassador embassy greeting desperate desperately conservative mercy mineral cape respectable respectiful essay cherish flunk full-time part-time recreation blade razor shaver moderate delight delighted delightful contest polish craft bounce decrease foam damn negotiate negotiation mortgage orbit spare barrier obstacle fantastic fantasy cork
39 insert Catholic catholic Pope battery curiosity protein chorus endless countless confess innocence paragraph species wit carve costume revise revision handwriting grave tomb ruin counter repetition repetitive repeated repeatedly triumph mutual invention adapt correspond scarce scarcely divorce divorced reward empire dynasty gaze aggressive host hydrogen oxygen hatred carrier convenience virgin confine harmonica
40 cabinet cupboard functional classify classification iceberg crush clash promising collapse strive artificial genius oral midnight violate violation conductor guarantee peer peer fatal acquaint acquaintance penalty invade invasion whereby intimate flexible flexibility elastic boast brag earnest earnestly locker magnetic magnet halt chemistry chemistry decoration refusal enlarge curse blessing imaginary imaginative imaginable knuckle
41 elementary intermediate circular circulate circulation reluctant reluctance fame frown margin readiness mild dynamic popularity accent pronunciation intonation syllable amateur portray catalogue bulletin goodness instinct instinctive surrender glimpse memorial memorable oval explosion explosive damp rage fury furious frustration cruelty scratch retreat rescue globe global restless profitable prosper prosperous prosperity infant pebble
42 satellite preferable preferably ingredient upload download sunlight herd B.C/BC A.D /AD walnut chestnut curt enclose photography haste hasten nonsense gifted quake brutal brutality acid motivate motivation pessimistic optimistic mist smog frost container farewell capitalism capitalist examiner examinee imitate imitation disguise singular plural recite ancestor influential tolerate tolerance tolerant tolerable arch shrug
43 immigrate immigrant immigration hopeful hopeless portable porter technological technician hardship honorable glorious usage sculpture sculptor bloom blossm hardware software idle underground durable elegant remedy cripple thoughtful thoughtfully youthful breed drill newcomer pianist infect infection ashamed shameful shameless athletic sportsman sportsmanship amuse amusing amusement dusty telegraph telegram mislead misleading sledge sleigh
44 cubic cube murmur biography autobiography interact interaction interactive disorder learning learned passive freshman sophomore junior senior harsh partnership privacy ferry screw screwdriver sway nowadays dense overnight amid jerk socket alcohol fuel messenger settler equality bargain resign resignation miserable array perfume fragrance fragrant charity civilian clergyman lately refugee solar lunar spear
45 wreck grief grieve sincerity witch wizard keen accountant admirable admiration aging AIDS apologize apology appliance arms awkward clumsy bacteria gem virus bald bankrupt bankruptcy broke penniless basin beak biology blend blink wink calorie cargo CD cement cinema cliff climax congratulate conquer consonant vowel cord courtesy courteous cram cucumber tiresome troublesome
46 cue cushion deadline diaper digest digestion digital diligent diligence diploma disgust disgusted disgusting dye endanger errand eve shortsighted nearsighted farsighted feast fierce fireplace flatter fluent fluently stingy flush blush fossil gene glide goods grammar grammatical habitual harden soften helicopter honeymoon hook horrify idiom proverb idol inflation input output insult surf
47 itch itchy itching jealous envious lotion makeup marathon microscope nationality pirate piracy recycle revenge avenge syrup sightseeing signature slogan sneeze hiccup souvenir surgeon surgery surgical surname teller ATM tidy messy vain vegetarian vinegar volcano Buddhism championship voyage coverse recipe cookbook cunning cyclone hurricane deathbed disconnect doze dread dreadful fertile underpass
48 fetch firecracker generosity graduation grapefruit hose humidity ignorant lag landmark landslide mudslide interruption lawful mow lawnmower lighten linen lousy madam mischief monitor mountainous mustache needy nightmare nursery obedient obedience offend offense offensive overtake overthrow parachute pedal perfection plentiful poisonous pregnant pregnancy rainfall scold sob sparrow seagull spicy yogurt
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