


来源:楚尘文化 | 图:ccbooks

夏洛蒂 · 勃朗特(Charlotte Bront?,1816.4.21—1815.3.31),英国牧师家庭的女儿,享誉世界的经典作家。文学名著《简 · 爱》的作者。与艾米莉 · 勃朗特的《呼啸山庄》、安妮 · 勃朗特的《艾格尼丝 · 格雷》合称为「勃朗特三姐妹」。

1847年,夏洛蒂 · 勃朗特第一次出版了著名的长篇小说《简 · 爱》,轰动文坛。1848年秋到1849年她的弟弟和两个妹妹相继去世。在死亡的阴影和困惑下,她坚持完成了《谢利》一书,寄托了她对妹妹艾米莉的哀思,并描写了英国早期自发的工人运动。

她另有作品《维莱特》和《教师》,这两部作品均根据其本人生活经历写成。夏洛蒂 · 勃朗特善于以抒情的笔法描写自然景物,作品具有浓厚的感情色彩。

简介:《简 · 爱》被称作「独立女性成长励志教科书」。为方便大家,特别找出《简 · 爱》的影片。虽是97年的版本,但制作精良。电影时间较长,建议在 wifi 环境下观看。

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You thought, because I poor, mean, not beautiful, am diminutive, I do not have the soul not to have a mind? You thought wrong! - My soul with yours dissimilarity, my heart completely is also same with you! If God grants me beautiful and wealth, I must let you feel leaves with difficulty I, likes me now with difficulty to leave you to be same. 

I now speak with you, certainly is not through the custom, the convention, even is not through mortal's human body, - but is my spirit with yours spiritual conversation; Liked two both to pass through the grave, we stood in front of the God heel are equal, -because we were equal!


The more the more the more I alone, no friends, no support, I will respect myself.


I can't control my eyes, could not help but want to go to see him, like a thirsty man knowing that toxic but also drink water. I originally had no intention of going out to love him, I also tried to put out the bud of love, but when I saw him again, again love the bottom of my heart.


I eager to have their own beyond the limit of vision, so that I arrived in the heart of the world, I had some smell, arrived in those never witnessed the vibrant towns and regions.


Life is too short, should not be used to bear grudges. Living life, who will have mistakes, but we will die soon. Our SINS will be disappeared with our bodies, leaving only the spark of spirit. This is what I never wanted to revenge, and never consider life unfair. Quiet life, I am just waiting for the end of the coming.



Solemnly strode towards the sky, the moon left the original hiding behind the top of the mountain, the mountains far below, as if still turned upward, hoping to reach the zenith of black as midnight, far-reaching and unpredictable. 

The twinkling stars limped, I looked at them unconsciously heart tremble, blood boiling. Little things often drove us back to the earth. The Zhong Ji via sound, in the hall that's enough. I turned from the moon and the stars, opened the door and went inside.


If you can't avoid, that your job is to endure, if you need to bear was predestined, then says he can't stand is weak is silly.


When I'm alone again, I wanted to hear the case, into my mind, sits on my thoughts and feelings, trying to use a strict hand, put those in endless, there is no way to follow the imagination of the wilderness in the face of all, reliable standard in common sense.


Poverty in adult heart, it is terrible; In the minds of children, it is more frightening. For hard work, a respected poverty, they were not able to understand; They have poor this words only with tattered clothes, not enough food to eat, don't light the fire stove, rough attitude and despicable behavior relates in together.


Not blindly indulged in resentment, narrative doped by caustic and against the far less than in the past, and the attitude of convergence, content is concise, sounded more credible.


Folds of scarlet drapery shut in my view to the right hand; to the left were the clear panes of glass, protecting, but not separating me from the drear November day.  At intervals, while turning over the leaves of my book, I studied the aspect of that winter afternoon.  Afar, it offered a pale blank of mist and cloud; near a scene of wet lawn and storm-beat shrub, with ceaseless rain sweeping away wildly before a long and lamentable blast.


“I’ll kiss you and welcome: bend your head down.”  Bessie stooped; we mutually embraced, and I followed her into the house quite comforted.  That afternoon lapsed in peace and harmony; and in the evening Bessie told me some of her most enchanting stories, and sang me some of her sweetest songs.  Even for me life had its gleams of sunshine.


Something of vengeance I had tasted for the first time; as aromatic wine it seemed, on swallowing, warm and racy: its after-flavour, metallic and corroding, gave me a sensation as if I had been poisoned.


Even if the world hate you, and believe that you are very bad, as long as you keep conscience clear, then know that you are innocent, you won't be without friends.


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