

介词The preposition
be afraid of (怕)
be angry with (生某人的气)
be away from (不在某地)
be different from (与…不同)
be good at (善于)
be good/ bad for (对…有益/有害)
be interested in (对…感兴趣)
be late for (迟到)
be/get ready for (为作好准备)
be sure of (对…有把握)
be worried about (为…感到担忧)
1)You must take good care of her.
2)Thank you for teaching us so well.
in + 一段时间(用于一般将来时)
after + 一段时间(用于一般过去时)
after + 一点时间(常用于一般将来时)
如:The baby stopped crying after half an hour.
The baby will stop crying in half an hour.
They will visit their teacher after Friday.
B.for +一段时间
since +过去的一点时间
C.be made of "用……制成"
be made in “由某地制造”
be made by somebody “由某人制成”
D.in, on, at表时间
in “在某月(季节、年)等”
eg: in 1996, in January, in summer
固定词组:in the morning, in a week,in a minute,in time, in the end
on "用于指具体的某一天或专指某一天上午、下午或晚上等"
eg:on Christmas Day, on the night of February 16
at “用于具体时刻前和某些固定词组中”
固定词组:at seven, at the moment, at night, at last, at first, at noon, at times, at once, at this time of the year, at the beginning of, at the end of this month, at the same time
注意:在表时间里,下列情况下一般不用介词。词组里有:next, last, this, that, tomorrow, yesterday, one, every, all 以及the day before yesterday和the day after tomorrow 前不用介词 。   如:不能说 in tomorrow ,只能说 tomorrow 在明天
E. except +宾格/doing something "除…之外” (不包括本身)
Everyone is at school today except Lin Tao. (同义句转换)
=Only Lin Tao isn't at school today.
F.“用” 通过交通工具 by plane
用语言 in English
通过媒介 on /over the telephone,  on /over the radio,  on TV
用工具手段 with a pen, with one's hands
G.between “在~和~(两者)之间”
between the two...
among 在...之间(三者或三者以上)
eg.Sue spent over two hours ____ her homework yesterday evening.
A.on   B.with    C.at   D.over
1.       The old man took one look at us ___ his glasses.
A. by  B. on  C. in  D. through
2.       The war ___ the two countries ended in 1890.
A. of  B. in  C. among  D. between
3.       Here are some Teachers’ Day cards ___ our teachers, ___ our best wishes.
A. to; with  B. for; with  C. for; on  D. on; for
4.       I met a friend of mine ___ the bus stop this morning.
A. in  B. on  C. at  D. to
5.       “Where is it in the box?  “It’s ___ the corner of the room.”
A. at  B. in  C. on  D. of
6.       “You’ll be hanged ___ a spy early tomorrow morning. Said the general.
A. for  B. as  C. to  D. like
7.       She often gets up ___ six ___ the morning.
A. at; in  B. on; in  C. in; at  D. in; on
8.       We go to school ___ seven in the morning.
A. in  B. on  C. at  D. to
9.       She was born ___ a cold winter evening.
A. in  B. on  C. at  D. to
10.   Mike was born ___ January 1, 1984.
A. in  B. on  C. at  D. to
11.   ___ the afternoon of July 18, I arrived ___ Beijing.
A. On; at  B. In; in  C. In; at  D. On; in
12.   It was late ___ the night of October 20, 1939.
A. in  B. on  C. at  D. to
13.   ___ of the teacher, he has learned a lot.
A. By help  B. Under help  C. With help  D. With the help
14.   I shall be back ___ a week.
A. after  B. in  C. for  D. before
15.   I hear he’ll be back ___ a month.
A. after  B. in  C. for  D. before
16.   “How much did you pay ___ this shirt? “Thirteen pounds.”
A. for  B. in  C. at  D. with
17.   A person with good manners never laughs ___ people when they are ___ trouble.
A. on; in  B. at; in  C. on; to  D. to; at
18.   Many parents wait ___ the school gate before school is over.
A. for  B. to  C. with  D. at
19.   Kate is going to spend her holiday ___ Egypt with her parents.
A. on  B. in  C. to  D. from
20.   She is pleased ___ what he said.
A. with  B. for  C. on  D. in
21.   Don’t be late ___ class next time.
A. to  B. for  C. on  D. in
22.   Tom spent much time ___ Chinese history.
A. with  B. for  C. on  D. in
23.   My parents were satisfied ___ my examination.
A. with  B. for  C. on  D. in
24.   The boy got on well ___ his classmates.
A. with  B. for  C. on  D. in
25.   He’s always been strict ___ his work.
A. with  B. to  C. on  D. in
26.   Our headmaster is strict ___ us ___ everything.
A. in; with   B. with; in  C. in; in  D. with; with
27.   The policeman caught the thief ___.
A. in the arm  B. on his arm  C. by the arm  D. in his arm
28.   They caught hold of the thief and hit him ___.
A. in his face  B. on his face  C. on the face  D. in the face
29.   He usually goes to school ___.
A. on feet  B. by a bike  C. on foot  D. on bike
30.   He often does some washing ___ Sunday.
A. at  B. in  C. on  D. by
31.   My sister is standing ___ all the children.
A. in  B. of  C. between  D. among
32.   Help yourself ___ some cakes, please.
A. to  B. for  C. with  D. by
33.   He was born ___ the night ___ October 15, 1986.
A. on; of  B. on; on  C. at; in  D. in; in
34.   I knew she didn’t like the food ___ the look ___ her face.
A. by; on  B. with; in  C. at; of  D. about; from
35.   It’s time ___ school. Let’s go.
A. to  B. of  C. for  D. with
36.   The bridge is made ___ wood.
A. of  B. from  C. in  D. by
37.   This story happened ___ the night of December 18, 1992.
A. in  B. at  C. to  D. on
38.   Jackk is good ___ physics while his sister does well ___ chemistry.
A. in; at  B. on; with  C. with; on  D. at; in
39.   The Chinese communist Party was founded ___ 1921.
A. on  B. of  C. at  D. in
40.   What’s wrong ___ you, Betty?
A. on  B. of  C. with  D. to
41.   ___ the age of twelve, Edison began selling newspapers on the train.
A. In  B. With  C. On  D. At
42.   They are going to watch a volleyball match ___ a Chinese team ___ an American team.
A. among; and  B. between; and  C. of; with  D. for; with
43.   He was born ___ the morning of June 14, 1987.
A. on  B. in  C. at  D. during
44.   I received a letter from my uncle today. I often hear ___ him.
A. from  B. of  C. about  D. for
45.   Did you give our English teacher a card ___ Teachers’ Day?
A. to  B. for  C. with  D. in
46.   Mr Wang asked me to retell the story ___ English.
A. at  B. on  C. in  D. with
47.   The Party was founded ___ July 1, 1921.
A. in  B. at  C. on  D. by
48.   Look ___ the map ___ China ___ the wall, please.
A. after; of in  B. at; of in  C. after; in on  D. at; of; on
49.   Miss Gao has been a teacher ___ 1990.
A. before  B. after  C. since  D. in
50.   Mother, here are some flowers ___ you, ___ my best wishes.
A. for; for  B. to; with  C. for; with  D. to; for
51.   The young man ran ___ the shop.
A. away  B. off  C. out  D. out of
52.   I want a book ___ radio, please.
A. at  B. on  C. under  D. near
53.   The boy is weak ___ English. He wants to drop it.
A. in  B. of  C. about  D. during
54.   I met her ___ the evening ___ June 20.
A. in; in  B. on; of  C. in; of  D. on; on
55.   The doctor looked him ___ and gave him some medicine ___ cough.
A. up; of  B. up; for  C. over; of  D. over; for
56.   Have you seen the things ___ show?
A. of  B. at  C. on  D. in
57.   His aunt looks ___ the famous film star.
A. like  B. as  C. near  D. to
58.   The old man has lived here ___ 1983.
A. since  B. in  C. for  D. at
59.   Miss Wu taught in the school ___ 1992.
A. since  B. in  C. for  D. at
60.   When did the plane arrive ___ Xi’an?
A. in  B. at  C. to  D. towards
61.   The road is covered ___ ice.
A. on  under  with  of
62.   It isn’t polite to laugh ___ a man in trouble.
A. to  at  towards  out
63.   The girl ___ a red hat is a nurse.
A. of  on  in  under
64.   The moon goes ___ the earth.
A. after   for   like   round
65.   The house has been built ___ ten years.
A. in  since   for   at
66.   The train will arrive ___ the Beijing Station ___ half an hour.
A. in; in  B. at; in  C. in; after  D. at; after
67.   Wash your hands ___ a meal.
A. in  during  C. after   D. before
68.   He hurried to take the train ___ two ___ the night.
A. at; at  B. at; in  C. from; to  D. to; from
69.   They planted the trees ___ the river.
A. across   B. under   C. in  D. along
70.   ___ the end of the street you can find the hospital.
A. By   B. In  C. At   D. On
71.   I’ll have a travel ___ my holiday.
A. during  among   between   at
72.   We can see a lot of stars ___ the sky ___ night.
A. on; during  B. on; at  C. in; at  D. above; during
73.   There are two holes ___ her stocking.
A. on   in   over   above
74.   The students ___ No. 1 Middle School are sweeping the streets.
A. of   at  in   to
75.   Ann came back ___ the reading-room to look ___ her dictionary.
A. in; at  B. to; at   C. in; for   D. to; for
76.   Henny began to look ___ the passage ___ her students’ book.
A. for; on  B. after; on  C. up; in  D. for; in
77.   English is very different ___ Chinese.
A. from   at   with   to
78.   Sorry, I can’t agree ___ you.
A. for   of   to   with
79.   How do you like the picture ___ the left?
A. in   on   about   at
80.   We go to school ___ Monday ___ Friday.
A. from; to  B. at; in  C. on; on  D. on; to
81.   She told me ___ her family ___ the party.
A. on; in  B. on; on  C. about; among  D. about; at
82.   It was a small town ___ the beginning of the 20th century.
A. for   after   at   on
83.   The museum is ___ the cinema and the bookshop.
A. among   during  between   near
84.   The man ___ glasses always sells the bad books ___ the station.
A. with; at  B. with; in  C. of; at  D. of; in
85.   There was a football match ___ the two schools.
A. among  of   to   between
86.   The dog is running ___ the girl.
A. above   over   about   towards
87.   I’ve paid ___ the coat.
A. for   to   by   at
88.   The door was knocked ___ while I was writing a letter ___ my mother.
A. /; to  B. /; for  C. at; to  D. at; for
89.   Something was wrong ___ the car and it was pulled away ___ the bridge.
A. to; from  B. with; from  C. to; to  D. with; to
90.   Don’t play ___ fire ___ the forest.
A. at; inside  B. with; inside  C. at; outside  D. with; outside
91.   Brush your teeth ___ a meal.
A. befor   at   after   as
92.   It’s difficult ___ me to get on well ___ her.
A. to; for  B. to; at  C. for; to  D. for; with
93.   ___ all the pupils Jim is the cleverest.
A. Of   Than   Between   D. To
94.   Jo failed ___ the exam and her father was angry ___ her.
A. to; to  B. in; with  C. to; with  D. in; of
95.   Mrs Read heard ___ her husband ___ last Monday.
A. about; /  B. about; on  C. from; /  D. from; on
96.   Thank you ___ buying such a beautiful jacket ___ me.
A. for; for  B. to; for  C. for; of  D. to; of
97.   Fish can’t live ___ water.
A. in   inside   without   under
98.   The children swam ___ an hour and began to play ___ the sun.
A. for; in  B. at; under  C. at; below  D. for; below
99.   The nurse is very kind ___ the men ___ hospital.
A. of; of  B. of; in  C. for; of  D. to; in
100.  Jack is interested ___ the books ___ art.
A. in; of  B. in; on  C. for; about  D. to; about
101.  There’s a hole ___ the test paper and I can’t write ___ it.
A. on; on  B. on; to  C. above; to  D. in; on
102.  The traffic accident happened ___ the corner ___ the building.
A. in; of  B. to; in  C. at; of  D. to; of
103.  Li Lei borrowed a book ___ music ___ the library.
A. on; from  B. about; to  C. of; from  D. of; in
104.  The girl was afraid ___ the tiger and wouldn’t stand ___ its cage.
A. of; in front of  B. for; in front of  C. of; in  D. for; under
105.  She does morning exercises ___ the playground ___ the morning.
A. in; in  B. at; in  C. on; in  D. on; on
106.  There’s three baskets here. Yours is ___ them.
A. between  B. among  C. during  D. from
107.  Don’t throw anything ___ the windows.
A. in  B. for  C. off  D. through
108.  The doctor went to Paris ___ a car.
A. by  B. at  C. in  D. of
109.  ___ his help I carried the box upstairs.
A. Under  B. With  C. For  D. As
110.  You’d better answer the question ___ English.
A. by  B. through  C. with  D. in
111.  The paper is made ___ wood.
A. from  B. with  C. by  D. of
112.  Jim drew a horse ___ chalk.
A. with  B. in  C. by  D. of
113.  I can’t cook ___ a pan.
A. with  B. without  C. in  D. for
114.  You’ll be all right ___ tomorrow.
A. till  B. to  C. on  D. in
115.  The sun rises ___ the east.
A. from  B. to  C. in  D. inside
116.  The End
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