


Q: Could you comment on the matter of intrinsic value as it applies to some of the Inevitables?


Well, we won't stick a price on it. They are absolutely wonderful businesses run by sensational people, and they are selling at prices that are higher than they've sold at most of the time. But they may well be worth it, either in present terms, or they may be a couple of years ahead of themselves. Gillette doesn't repurchase their shares ... Coke consistently repurchases their shares.


We generally like the policy of companies that have really wonderful businesses repurchasing their shares. The problem with most companies repurchasing their shares is that they are frequently so-so businesses and they are repurchasing shares for purposes other than intensifying the interest of shareholders in a wonderful business.


It's hard to do things intelligently with money in this world and Coke has been very intelligent about using their capital, particularly to fortify and develop their bottler network around the world, but there's only so far you can go with that, and to enhance the ownership of shareholders in a company like Coca-Cola [is great].


其实,装瓶业非常有意思……, 在19世纪80年代末,Asa Canver以2000美元的价格把可口可乐全买下来了,这恐怕是有史以来最明智的一笔买卖了。

The bottling is actually kind of interesting ... Asa Canver back in the late 1880's essentially bought the whole Coca-Cola company for $2,000, and that may be the smartest purchase in the history of the world.

此后,在1889年,几个来自 Chattanooga的小伙子来找他,那个时候软饮料还是通过分销方式销售的,小伙子们对他说:装瓶业务还是有一定发展前景的,你现在忙于生产可乐,那么为什么不把装瓶业务交给我们来发展呢?我猜那时候的Canver先生也不太在乎装瓶业务,于是他就与那几个小伙子签了合同,让他们永久负责几乎所有美国境内的装瓶业务,还许诺他们可以永远以固定价格购入可口可乐原浆。所以,Asa,用2000美元做了最划算生意的人,竟然又签了世上最蠢的合同。

Then in 1889, a couple of guys from Chattanooga came along, and in those days soft drinks were sold over the counter, and they said bottling's got a future and you're busy with the pump side of the business, so why don't you let us develop the bottling side of the business. And I guess Mr. Canver didn't think much of bottling, so he gave them a contract that gave them the rights, in perpetuity for almost all of the United States, and gave them the right to buy Coca-Cola syrup at a fixed price forever. So Asa, who had scored with his $2,000 in a major way, seems to have made one of the dumbest contracts in history.


And the Coca-Cola company was faced over the years with the problem of having this bottling system which soon became the dominant system of distribution for Coke, being subject to a contract where there was no price flexibility and where the contract ran for perpetuity. And of course every bottler on his deathbed would call his children and grandchildren around, and he would prop himself up, and he would croak out in his last breath, 'Don't let 'em screw with the bottling contract.'

所以,该问题一直困扰了可口可乐公司数十年,这期间他们都拿这块业务没办法,Roberto和Don Keough以及其他一些人总共花了20到25年的时间才理顺这块业务……这确实是一个规模宏大的工程,但是随着时间的推移,这一块业务还是发生了巨大的变化,这就是我常说的聪明的资本。他们清楚将这个错误纠正过来不是一朝一夕的事,但是他们知道必须解决这个问题,于是他们花钱把事情解决了。但是他们花钱并不仅限于回购股票,这非常聪明,也许就在我们说话的这个时候他们正在回购股票呢。

So the Coca-Cola company faced this for decades, and they couldn't really do anything about the bottling system for a long time, and Roberto and Don Keough and some other people spent 20, 25 years getting that rationalized ...it was a huge, huge project, but it made an enormous difference over time, and that's what I mean when I talk about intellectual capital. You know you're not going to get results on that in a day or a month or a year, but they decided that to get the job done they had to do this, and they used capital to get that job done, but they used capital beyond that to repurchase shares, and it's been very smart, and they're probably repurchasing shares even as we talk.


[CM: I do think the Coca-Cola company is one of the most interesting cases in the history of business, and it ought to be way more studied than it is. There's just lesson after lesson after lesson in the history of the Coca-Cola company. But it's too long a story for today.]

Source: BRK Annual Meeting 2007 Tilson Notes
URL: http://www.thebuffett.com
Time: 2007

Q: Is the skill of judging risk just as important as calculating intrinsic value?


We perceive risk as items that impair future business. Wants to have mathematical risk on their side over a group of decisions. Not in the business of assuming a lot of risk in business. We look for moats around businesses. We look for castles (businesses) that have a moat surrounding it which is expanding as a primary consideration of a great business.

Source: BRK Annual Meeting 2000
URL: http://www.thebuffett.com
Time: April 29th 2000

Q: When you estimate intrinsic value in capital intensive companies like McDonald's and Walgreens where a very healthy and growing operating cash flow is largely offset by expenditures for new stores, restaurants, etc how do you estimate future free cash flow? And at what rate do you discount those cash flows?


We use the same discount rate across all securities. We may be more conservative in estimating cash in some situations.


Just because interest rates are at 1.5% doesn't mean we like an investment that yields 2-3%. We have minimum thresholds in our mind that are a whole lot higher than government rates. When we're looking at a business, we're looking at holding it forever, so we don't assume rates will always be this low.

Source: BRK Annual Meeting 2003 Tilson Notes
URL: http://www.thebuffett.com
Time: 2003


We don’t formally have discount rates. Every time we start talking about this, Charlie reminds me that I’ve never prepared a spreadsheet, but I do in my mind.


We just try to buy things that we’ll earn more from than a government bond – the question is, how much higher? If government bonds are at 2%, we’re not going to buy a business that will return 4%.


I don’t call Charlie every day and ask him, “What’s our hurdle rate?” We’ve never used the term.


Munger: The concept of a hurdle rate makes nothing but sense, but a lot of people using this make terrible errors. I don’t think there’s any substitute for thinking about a whole lot of investment options and thinking about the returns from each.


The trouble isn’t that we don’t have one [a hurdle rate] – we sort of do – but it interferes with logical comparison. If I know I have something that yields 8% for sure, and something else came along at 7%, I’d reject it instantly. It’s like the mail-order-bride firm offering a bride who has AIDS – I don’t need to waste a moment considering it. Everything is a function of opportunity cost.


Buffett: I’ve been on 19 boards and seen a zillion presentations projecting a certain IRR [internal rate of return]. If the boards had burned them all, they’d have been better off. The IRR is based on what the CEO wants. The numbers are made up.


Munger: I have a young friend who sells private partnership interests to investors, and it’s hard to get returns in that field. I asked him, “What returns do you tell them you can get?” He said “20%.” I said, “How did you come up with that number?” He said, “If I told them anything lower, they wouldn’t give me the money.”


Buffett: There’s no one in the world who can earn 20% on big money. It’s amazing how gullible pension funds and other investors are. They want it so badly that they’ll believe even total nonsense.

Source: BRK Annual Meeting 2007 Tilson Notes
URL: http://www.thebuffett.com
Time: 2007
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