


Q: What do you think of the use of book values in making investment decisions?


在伯克希尔的投资决策中,账面价值实际上没有起到任何作用。他们(伯克希尔)对高回报率生意的追求,通常会导致其投资的公司具有较小的帐目价值。他还补充说,若管理的资金量较小,账面价值法可能会获得较好的应用效果, 就像格雷厄姆所管理的公司那样,该方法在类似格雷厄姆的从业者——像巴菲特的朋友Walter Schloss——身上也有非常好的效果。格雷厄姆在《聪明的投资者》一书中所阐述的三个最重要的理念是:1)投资者对市场应该采取什么样的态度;2)安全边际;以及3)把公司看成生意而不是股票。

Book value is virtually not a consideration in investment decision-making at Berkshire. Their pursuit of high return businesses usually leads to companies with minimal book values. He added that the book value approach could work well with small sums of money, like Graham had managed, and that the approach had worked well for Graham-type practitioners like Buffett’s friend Walter Schloss. The three most important concepts conveyed by Graham in “The Intelligent Investor” were the investor’s attitude toward the market, the “margin of safety”, and the practice of looking at companies as businesses, not stocks.

查理·芒格的观点是“预测股价不但不会带来什么好处,反而是有害的。通常情况下,提供预测的人往往会从实现这种预测上获得好处。他们的预测也经常可以得到“正确”的结果,但这种正确极具欺骗性。” 巴菲特补充说他们从来不在并购活动中对感兴趣的生意或股权进行预测。“首先考虑公司执行层或董事会要做的事情是否合理已经成为了一种惯例。”

Munger proffered that “projections generally do more harm than good, and are usually prepared by persons who have some sort of an interest in the outcome of actions based on the projections. They often have a precision that’s deceptive.” Buffett added that they’ve never looked at a projection in connection with an equity or business that they’ve acquired. “It’s a ritual to justify doing what an executive or a board wanted to do in the first place.”

Source: BRK Annual Meeting 1995
URL: http://www.thebuffett.com
Time: 1995


We have a bias toward investing in the U.S., but I bought my first stock outside the United States at least 50 years ago and we’ve looked at plenty of marketable securities overseas. It would make no difference to us if Coke was headquartered in Amsterdam.

那时候,还没有海外人士听说过我们。Eitan Wertheimer过来找我们,Iscar的收购活动使我们开始蜚声海外。是Eitan让我们逐渐为外国人所了解。[但巴菲特没有给出这个“逐渐为外国人所了解”的具体细节]

But nobody outside the U.S. has heard of us. Eitan Wertheimer found us. The Iscar acquisition has contributed to our becoming better known. Eitan is going through a procedure to get us better known abroad. [Buffett did not give any details about this “procedure”.]


I haven’t done a good selling job abroad. We could be fairly criticized for not doing enough to become better known [overseas].


We own stocks in Germany and 4% of POSCO, which is based in South Korea – it’s now worth over $1 billion. I can think of a half dozen investments [we currently have] outside the U.S. We don’t have to report them in our [SEC Form] 13F, so they don’t get picked up like our domestic investments.


We have to report our holdings in Germany once we reach 3% ownership. So if we buy a $10 billion [market-cap] company, that means once we buy $300 million worth we have to tell the world, and Charlie and I don’t like doing that. It screws up our future buying, so the 3% rule is a real minus. I can assure you that the entire world is on our radar screen and we hope to be on its radar screen.

芒格:很久以前,John Templeton就介入的日本市场,买入的股票也获得了30-40倍的收益。这种投资非常令人羡慕,但是你要知道,这一时期我们做得也不错。

Munger: John Templeton made a fortune being in Japan very early and stocks there went to 30-40x earnings. It was an admirable piece of investment, but you know, we did alright during the same period.

Source: BRK Annual Meeting 2007 Tilson Notes
URL: http://www.thebuffett.com
Time: 2007

Q: If you can’t talk with management, and can’t read the annual report, and didn’t know the price, but could only look at the financial statements, what metric would you look at?


WB: Investing is laying out money now to get more money later on. Let’s leave the market price out. If you were buying a farm, you would think about bushels per acre — you are looking to the asset itself. Ask yourself: do I understand enough about the business so that the financials will be able to tell me meaningful things that will help me to foresee the statements in the future? I have bought stocks the way you describe. They were in businesses I understood, and if I could buy at 40% of X, I’d be okay with the margin of safety. If you don’t tell me the nature of the business, financial statements won’t tell me much. We’ve bought many securities, and with most, we’ve never met management. We use our general understanding of business and look to specifics from financial statements.


CM: One metric catches people. We prefer businesses that drown in cash. An example of a different business is construction equipment. You work hard all year and there is your profit sitting in the yard. We avoid businesses like that. We prefer those that can write us a check at the end of the year.


WB: We could value an apartment if we knew where the apartment is, and we know the monthly checks. I have bought a lot of things off the financials. There is a lot I wouldn’t buy even if it had the best management in the world, as it doesn’t make much difference in a bad business.

Source: BRK Annual Meeting 2008 Boodell Notes
URL: http://www.thebuffett.com
Time: 2008

Q: How do you think about growth rates when you value businesses?


When the [long-term] growth rate is higher than the discount rate, then [mathematically] the value is infinity. This is the St. Petersburg Paradox, written about by Durand 30 years ago. [Click here for a copy of the original 1957 article. For more on this topic, I recommend Integrating the Outliers: Two Lessons from the St. Petersburg Paradox, by CSFB’s (now Legg Mason’s) Michael Mauboussin.].Some managements think this [that the value of their company is infinite]. It gets very dangerous to assume high growth rates to infinity – that’s where people get into a lot of trouble. The idea of projecting extremely high growth rates for a long period of time has cost investors an awful lot of money. Go look at top companies 50 years ago: how many have grown at 10% for a long time? And [those that have grown] 15% is very rarified. Charlie and I are rarely willing to project high growth rates. Maybe we’re wrong sometimes and that costs us, but we like to be conservative.


[CM: If your growth rate is so high that you conclude the business has an infinite valuation, you have to use more realistic numbers. What else could anyone do?]

Source: BRK Annual Meeting 2004 Tilson Notes
URL: http://www.thebuffett.com
Time: 2004
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