

Events and Listeners — Example:Syntax and Techniques
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Naming Events
Triggering Events
Listening to Events
Defining Event-Specific Data
Ways to Create Listeners
Defining Listener Callback Functions
Callback Execution
Naming Events
Define an event by declaring an event name inside an events block, typically in the class that generates the event. For example, the following class creates an event called ToggledState, which might be triggered whenever a toggle button's state changes.
classdef ToggleButton < handle properties State = false end events ToggledState endend
Triggering Events
At this point, the ToggleButton class has defined a name that it associates with the toggle button state changes—toggling on and toggling off. However, a class method controls the actual firing of the events. To accomplish this, the ToggleButton class adds a method to trigger the event:
classdef ToggleButton < handle properties State = false end events ToggledState end methods ... function OnStateChange(obj,newState) % Call this method to check for state change if newState ~= obj.State obj.State = newState; notify(obj,'ToggledState'); % Broadcast notice of event end end endendThe OnStateChange method calls notify to trigger the event, using the handle of the ToggleButton object that owns the event and the string name of the event.
Listening to Events
Once the call to notify triggers an event, MATLAB? broadcasts a message to all registered listeners. To register a listener for a specific event, use the addlistener handle class method. For example, the following class defines objects that listen for the ToggleState event defined in the class ToggleButton.
classdef RespondToToggle < handle methods function obj = RespondToToggle(toggle_button_obj) addlistener(toggle_button_obj,'ToggledState',@RespondToToggle.handleEvnt); end end methods (Static) function handleEvnt(src,evtdata) if src.State disp('ToggledState is true') % Respond to true ToggleState here else disp('ToggledState is false') % Respond to false ToggleState here end end endendThe class RespondToToggle adds the listener from within its constructor. The class defines the callback (handleEvnt) as a static method that accepts the two standard arguments:
src — the handle of the object triggering the event (i.e., a ToggleButton object)
evtdata — an event.EventData object
The listener executes the callback when the specific ToggleButton object executes the notify method, which it inherits from the handleclass.
For example, create instances of both classes:
tb = ToggleButton;rtt = RespondToToggle(tb);Whenever you call the ToggleButton object's OnStateChange method, notify triggers the event:
tb.OnStateChange(true)ToggledState is truetb.OnStateChange(false)ToggledState is falseRemoving Listeners
You can remove a listener object by calling delete on its handle. For example, if the class RespondToToggle above saved the listener handle as a property, you could delete the listener:
classdef RespondToToggle < handle properties ListenerHandle end methods function obj = RespondToToggle(toggle_button_obj) hl = addlistener(toggle_button_obj,'ToggledState',@RespondToToggle.handleEvnt); obj.ListenerHandle = hl; end end ...endWith this code change, you can remove the listener from an instance of the RespondToToggle class. For example:
tb = ToggleButton;rtt = RespondToToggle(tb); At this point, the object rtt is listening for the ToggleState event triggered by object tb. To remove the listener, call delete on the property containing the listener handle:
delete(rtt.ListenerHandle)You do not need to explicitly delete a listener. MATLAB automatically deletes the listener when the object's lifecycle ends (e.g., when thertt object is deleted).
See Limiting Listener Scope — Constructing event.listener Objects Directly for related information.
Defining Event-Specific Data
Suppose that you want to pass to the listener callback the state of the toggle button as a result of the event. You can add more data to the default event data by subclassing the event.EventData class and adding a property to contain this information. You then can pass this object to the notify method.
classdef (ConstructOnLoad) ToggleEventData < event.EventData properties NewState end methods function data = ToggleEventData(newState) data.NewState = newState; end endendThe call to notify uses the ToggleEventData constructor to create the necessary argument.
Ways to Create Listeners
When you call the notify method, the MATLAB runtime sends the event data to all registered listener callbacks. There are two ways to create a listener:
Use the addlistener method, which binds the listener to the lifecycle of the object(s) that will generate the event. The listener object persists until the object it is attached to is destroyed.
Use the event.listener class constructor. In this case, the listeners you create are not tied to the lifecycle of the object(s) being listened to. Instead the listener is active so long as the listener object remains in scope and is not deleted.
Attach Listener to Event Source — Using addlistener
The following code defines a listener for the ToggleState event:
lh = addlistener(obj,'ToggleState',@CallbackFunction)The arguments are:
obj — The object that is the source of the event
ToggleState — The event name passed as a string
@CallbackFunction — A function handle to the callback function
The listener callback function must accept at least two arguments, which are automatically passed by the MATLAB runtime to the callback. The arguments are:
The source of the event (that is, obj in the call to addlistener)
An event.EventData object, or a subclass of event.EventData , such as the ToggleEventData object described earlier Defining Event-Specific Data.
The callback function must be defined to accept these two arguments:
function CallbackFunction(src,evnt) ...endIn cases where the event data (evnt) object is user defined, it must be constructed and passed as an argument to the notify method. For example, the following statement constructs a ToggleEventData object and passes it to notify as the third argument:
notify(obj,'ToggledState',ToggleEventData(newState));Defining Listener Callback Functions provides more information on callback syntax.
Limiting Listener Scope — Constructing event.listener Objects Directly
You can also create listeners by calling the event.listener class constructor directly. When you call the constructor instead of usingaddlistener to create a listener, the listener exists only while the listener object you create is in scope (e.g., within the workspace of an executing function). It is not tied to the event-generating object's existence.
The event.listener constructor requires the same arguments as used by addlistener — the event-naming object, the event name, and a function handle to the callback:
lh = event.listener(obj,'ToggleState',@CallbackFunction)If you want the listener to persist beyond the normal variable scope, you should use addlistener to create it.
Temporarily Deactivating Listeners
The addlistener method returns the listener object so that you can set its properties. For example, you can temporarily disable a listener by setting its Enabled property to false:
lh.Enabled = false;To re-enable the listener, set Enabled to true.
Enabling and Disabling the Listeners provides an example.
Permanently Deleting Listeners
Calling delete on a listener object destroys it and permanently removes the listener:
delete(lh) % Listener object is removed and destroyed
Defining Listener Callback Functions
Callbacks are functions that execute when the listener receives notification of an event. Typically, you define a method in the class that creates the listener as the callback function. Pass a function handle that references the method to addlistener or the event.listenerconstructor when creating the listener.
function_handle provides more information on function handles.
All callback functions must accept at least two arguments:
The handle of the object that is the source of the event
An event.EventData object or an object that is derived from the event.EventData class (see Defining Event-Specific Data for an example that extends this class).
Callback Syntax
For an function:
@functionNameFor an ordinary method called with an object of the class:
@obj.methodNameFor an static method:
@ClassName.methodNameAdding Arguments to a Callback Function
Ordinary class methods (i.e., not static methods) require a class object as an argument, so you need to add another argument to the callback function definition. If your listener callback is a method of the class of an object, obj, then your call to addlistener would use this syntax:
hlistener = addlistener(eventSourceObj,'MyEvent',@obj.listenMyEvent)Another syntax uses an anonymous function.
See the Anonymous Functions section for general information on anonymous functions
For example, create a method to use as your callback function and reference this method as a function handle in a call to addlistener or the event.listener constructor:
hlistener = addlistener(eventSourceObj,'MyEvent',@(src,evnt)listenMyEvent(obj,src,evnt))Then define the method in a method block as usual:
methods function listenMyEvent(obj,src,evnt) % obj - instance of this class % src - object generating event % evnt - the event data ... endendVariables in the Expression provides information on variables used in anonymous functions.
Callback Execution
Listeners execute their callback function when notified that the event has occurred. Listeners are passive observers in the sense that errors in the execution of a listener callback does not prevent the execution of other listeners responding to the same event, or execution of the function that triggered the event.
Callback function execution continues until the function completes. If an error occurs in a callback function, execution stops and control returns to the calling function. Then any remaining listener callback functions execute.
Listener Order of Execution
The order in which listeners callback functions execute after the firing of an event is undefined. However, all listener callbacks execute synchronously with the event firing.
Managing Callback Errors
If you want to control how your program responds to error, use a try/catch statement in your listener callback function to handle errors.
See Respond to an Exception and the MException class.
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