


刘典才,别名墨石,号老典,1937 年生,安徽临泉县人;湛江水产学院毕业,高级工程师,中国艺圣,中国一线大家,中国书画艺术十大名家,国家高级书画艺术家,中国金牌艺术家;建党百年艺术功勋人物;世界殿堂级艺术大师,法兰西皇家美术学院艺术学博士;国际华人艺术家协会终身名誉会长。

Liu Diancai, also known as Mo Shi, was born in Linquan County, Anhui Province in 1937; Graduated from Zhanjiang Fisheries College, senior engineer, Chinese art saint, Chinese front-line everyone, top ten masters of Chinese calligraphy and painting art, national senior calligraphy and painting artist and Chinese gold medal artist; Artistic meritorious figures in the hundred years since the founding of the party; World Palace level master of art, doctor of art, Royal Academy of fine arts, France; Lifelong honorary president of the international Chinese Artists Association.

曾任职于临泉县文联等单位。1992 年在北京举办个人画展。1998 年以来,曾亲赴泰国、韩国、日本、法国、新加波、加拿大等数十个国家和地区,参加中


He once worked in Linquan County Federation of literary and art circles and other units. In 1992, he held a solo exhibition in Beijing. Since 1998, Zeng QinHe went to dozens of countries including France, South Korea, China and PolandThe world tour exhibition of fine art works of famous Chinese Calligraphers and painters has participated in many famous calligraphers and painters exhibitions at home and abroad.


He has also won many awards, such as "international grand prize, the highest medal of honor of the royal art foundation of England, the national gold medal, the first global Chinese hundred flowers Award (Gold Award), the world's highest honor award (Gold Award), the most investment award of Chinese art collection, and the merit award of world intangible cultural heritage". Granted: "China's first-line painters, contemporary red art masters, experts who have made outstanding contributions to the development and progress of human society, China's top ten outstanding painters, nine masters of Chinese Sinology, eight masters of new China calligraphy and painting, China's outstanding art masters, Chinese people's artists, people's art heroes, patriotic artists, world art masters, founders of Oriental Literature and art, inheritors of national culture, Chinese legends and leaders of Chinese national literature and art Wu, the inheritor of the world intangible cultural heritage, the contemporary calligrapher and painter with the most academic value and market potential, the most investment award of Chinese art collection, the soul of Chinese reform and opening up art, was employed as the first batch of cultural leaders of major countries in the new era, and the "top ten leaders of reform in the new era".


Currently: lifelong vice president of China Federation of literary and artistic workers, vice president of China National Academy of painting and calligraphy, vice president of China Federation of literary artists, lifelong executive vice president of China Academy of fine arts, honorary president of Chinese Academy of painting and calligraphy, vice president of Chinese Academy of painting and calligraphy collection, chief honorary president and consultant of National Art Publishing House, permanent academic consultant of royal art foundation of England, honorary president of international Xizhi Academy of painting and calligraphy, Vice president of the world Chinese Academy of fine arts, chief artist and executive member of the world educational, scientific, cultural and health organization, director of the "Federation" of the United Nations International Federation of cultural artists, honorary chairman of the World Artists Association, honorary editor in chief of China art figures network, etc.

作品入编:《世界名人录》、《世界艺术大师辞典》、《中国历代书画名家精品选集》、《中国金牌艺术家》、《大家印象十大艺坛泰斗》、《新中国人民美术家》、《人民艺术功臣》、《中国书法美术六十年年鉴》、《中国诗书画年鉴》等 200余部大型辞书。出版有《刘典才画集》、“DVD”《典才艺术人生路》电视专题片等。

His works have been compiled into more than 200 large-scale dictionaries, including the world's celebrities, the dictionary of world art masters, the collection of fine works of famous Chinese Calligraphers and painters of all dynasties, Chinese gold medal artists, the top ten artists in the art world, the people's artists of new China, the people's art heroes, the 60 year yearbook of Chinese calligraphy and art, and the Yearbook of Chinese poetry, calligraphy and painting. He has published "Liu Diancai's painting collection", "DVD" Diancai's artistic life road "and other TV feature films.

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