

Series: The week in wildlife The week in wildlife - in pictures


Some monkeys quench their thirst, pangolins are rescued in Thailand, a great tit is weighed, plus Europe's last wild horses are all in this week's pictures


1、Another winning image –by Jose Luis Rodriguez –of the Wild Wonders of Europe online photo competition Photograph: José Luis Rodrigue/2012 Wild Wonders.

1、 2012年欧洲野生动物大观在线摄影比赛获奖作品,摄影者为 Jose Luis Rodriguez。

2、Birds nest in the branches of a tree at the protected natural area of La Barra in the city of Metapan. Dozens of birds have been found dead in the past few weeks in the government-protected area of La Barra, a nesting refuge for the white heron and other wild birds, according to members of the Salvadoran Association of Bird Rescue (ALAS). The members of the non-governmental organisation are researching if pesticide use in the cornfields located near the nature preserve is causing the unusually high mortality of herons and their chicks, and other birds in the area

2、 乌拉圭梅塔帕市的La Barra 自然保护区内树枝上的鸟巢。据萨瓦尔多鸟类营救协会成员透露,La Barra自然保护区是白鹭及其它野生鸟类的避难之所,近几周,数十只鸟相继死亡。该组织成员正在调查白鹭及其它鸟类的高死亡率是否和保护区附近的农田使用农药有关。

3、Poppy flowers in a wheat field in Affoltern, near Zurich


4、A black and white ruffled lemur, an endangered species of lemur, in a nature reserve in Andasibe, Madagascar. The disappearance of adjoining habitat outside the area is the main threat to the critically endangered lemurs

4、 马达加斯加岛达西贝自然保护区,愤怒的黑白狐猴,它是濒危狐猴的一种。保护区外毗邻栖息地相继消失是造成狐猴濒危的根本原因。

5、A red-eyed tree frog

5、 红眼睛树蛙

6、 Europe's last wild horses are driven into an arena to pick out young stallions in Duelmen, Germany. It is believed that this is the last herd of wild horses on the European continent in this 350 hectare reservation in western Germany, where more than 300 of the indigenous horses stay free and wild without any care under the protection of the Duke of Croy. Only once a year the new-born stallions are caught and sold, all mares stay with the herd and guarantee the survive of the endangered species

6、 德国迪尔门,人们正在从欧洲大陆最后的野马群中挑选青年种马。这是欧洲大陆仅存的做后的野马生息之地,位于德国西部,350公顷的平原上,生活着300匹自由自在的野马,该地皮为Croy公爵私人所有。每年仅有一次来此挑选青年种马并出售,所有母马都被留下,以保证该濒危物种的繁衍生息。

7、A common bluel butterfly. Butterfly numbers fell by more than a fifth across the UK countryside last year, a study has revealed

7、 普通的蓝蝴蝶。相关研究指出去年英国乡村蝴蝶数量锐减了1/5。

8、Dr Stewart White from the University of Glasgow weighs a great tit, to monitor the birds' population survival and individual movements on the Blair Drummond Estate near Stirling in Scotland

8、 英国苏格兰中部城市的斯特灵附近的Blair Drummond Estate 自然保护区内,来自于格拉斯哥大学的斯图尔特.怀特博士正在为大山雀称重,以监控鸟类的生存习性及个体迁移习惯。。

9、 A couple of monkeys quench their thirst as another takes a dip on a hot summer afternoon on the outskirts of Jammu, India

9、 印度城市查谟郊外,炎热的午后,猴子饮水解暑,其中一只浸在水中。

10、 A wild leopard after falling into a water reservoir tank at a tea estate in Sangatram. The animal was rescued by the Sukna Forest rescue team from the Mahananda Wildlife sanctuary by lowering a ladder into the tank

10、 印度北部城市Sangatram,一只猎豹不慎落入茶园的蓄水池中。最终被默哈嫩达野生动物保护区的苏克森里救援队成功营救,救援队把梯子放入池中,猎豹自己爬了上来。

11、 An orphaned cygnet swims in a trainer pool at the Swan Sanctuary in Shepperton, south-west London. The national waterfowl sanctuary lies on the site of an old gravel pit and consists of a hospital wing complete with operating theatre, a heated intensive care section and a recovery area with an exercise pond

11、 伦敦西南部的谢伯尔顿天鹅保护区,失去双亲的天鹅幼仔正在培训池中学习游泳。该鸟类避难所位于采石场旧址之上,设有医院,手术室,重症监护室及配有训练池塘的康复区域。

12、 Winning image, by Quentin Martinez, of the Wild Wonders of Europe online photo competition

12、 欧洲野生动物大观在线摄影大赛获奖作品,摄影者是Quentin Martinez。

13、 A kite sits in a puddle in a public lawn in New Delhi, India

13、 印度首都新德里的公共绿地上,被人遗弃的风筝。

14、 A pangolin crawls on bags wrapping other pangolins during a news conference on wildlife rescue in Bangkok, Thailand. Thai customs officers rescued 138 endangered pangolins worth about $46,000 that they say were to be sold and eaten outside the country. The animals hidden in a pickup truck were seized at a custom check point in Chumporn province, south of Bangkok, according to the officials

14、 泰国曼谷召开的“营救野生动物大会”的记者招待会上,一只穿山甲在装满穿山甲的袋子顶上爬行。本次泰国海关共营救出138只濒危穿山甲,价值:4.6万美元,报道指出这些穿山甲将被销往国外、供人食用。官方称,穿山甲被藏在一辆敞篷小型载货卡车上,在通过春蓬省海关检测点时,被海关工作人员发现并获救。

15、 A month old Somali wild ass stands in the enclosure at the Ramat Gan safari park near Tel Aviv, Israel

15、 以色列港口城市特拉维夫市的拉马特甘野生动物园的围场上站着一只一个月大的索马里野驴。

16、 A bald eagle takes off

16、 秃鹰飞翔

17、 A hibiscus rosa-sinensis in Silver Spring, Maryland. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, known colloquially as the Chinese hibiscus, China rose and shoe flower, is an evergreen flowering shrub native to East Asia. It is widely grown as an ornamental plant throughout the tropics and subtropics

17、 美国马里兰州银泉市的朱槿。朱槿常被称为扶桑花,月季或鞋花,属亚洲东部长青有花灌木。在热带及亚热带地区,作为观赏植物广泛种植。

18、 Cheetahs with radio Collars to track them. Na'an ku se Carnivore Conservation Research Project is focused on conserving the land, cultures and wildlife of Namibia and rescuing cheetahs, leopards and brown hyena who are threatened by an ever-shrinking habitat. The project, supported by Colchester Zoo, recently released a cheetah named Boris back in to the wild with a fitted radio collar that transmits GPS co-ordinates to the project to assist them in tracking his movements. The collar has helped the project identify that Boris has moved into areas where livestock farming is prevalent causing some anxiety amongst some local farmers. Fortunately, Boris ignored the goats and sheep and instead hunted springbok. The co-ordinates indicate that Boris prefers mountain bases, going against what most would have expected of a lone male

18、 带着无线电追踪器的印度豹。“Na'an ku se 食肉动物自然保育研究计划项目"致力于保护非洲南部纳米比亚的土地、文化及野生动物,并营救生存环境日益缩小、濒危的印度豹,美洲豹及土狼。科尔切斯特公园大力支持该项目,近日将一只名为鲍里斯的印度豹放归自然,并在它的颈部安装了能发射GPS信号的无线电项圈,以便于项目联络人随时追踪它的行踪。一次,鲍里斯来到了牧场,并引起了当地农场主的恐慌。庆幸的是,鲍里斯对山羊和绵羊都不感兴趣,而是热衷于猎杀跳羚。联络人指出鲍里斯更偏爱山区基地,和大多数雄性个体动物大相径庭。

19、 A monkey and a bull beat the summer heat on the banks of the Bagmati river in Kathmandu. Temperatures in the Nepalese capital are rising quickly with the onset of summer

19、 尼泊尔首都加德满都的巴格玛蒂河岸边,与酷暑做斗争的猴子和公牛。初夏的尼泊尔首都气温已经酷热难耐。

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