


A recent study revealed that staying positive on your job hunt ensures you a better chance of scoring a job. Staying upbeat in the face of multiple rejections can be quite tough — here are a couple of ways to cope:最近研究显示找工作时保持积极心态会让你更有可能成功。被拒绝多次后还能保持乐观很难——下面是一些解决方法:

Avoid talking to negative people. You need all the cheerleading you can get, so try not to talk to those who have lost all hope and are trying to get you to feel the same way. Misery loves company, and spending time with negative people can influence how you feel as well.别跟消极的人说话。你需要的是加油打气,所以不要跟那些失去所有希望还想让你感同身受的人交谈。悲伤会传染,和消极的人呆在一起会影响你的情绪。

Work out. When you're unemployed, working out will help you stay positive. The endorphins released during your workout are known to boost moods. Studies have shown that working out also gives you more energy, which is essential during your job hunt.运动。你失业时,运动会帮你保持积极的心态。锻炼时产生的内啡肽会振奋情绪。研究表明运动也会让你有更充沛的精力,这在求职中非常重要。

Wake up early. Retract the shades on your window so you'll be waking up to the sunrise every day, or set an alarm clock that will get you up at an early hour. Just because you don't have to clock into an office in the morning doesn't mean you should sleep in. In fact, researchers from Roehampton University found that people who get up earlier have happier and healthier lives than those who sleep in. Develop healthy sleep habits for a better mood.早起。把窗帘拉开,这样你能每天在太阳升起时醒来,或者定闹钟让自己早起。你不需要早上去办公室打卡并不意味着可以睡懒觉。事实上,罗汉普顿大学的研究人员发现,早起的人比赖床的人活得更快乐、更健康。为了有个好心情,养成健康的睡眠习惯吧。

Go to networking events. Going to networking events is not only just good for building up your professional Rolodex, but it also benefits your positivity. The people you meet at events will give you encouraging advice on your job hunt and can also be potential leads. It will give you hope and help you persevere on your job search journey.去参加社交活动。这不仅有利于建立你的人脉,也会增加你的积极性。在活动上认识的人会在求职上给你有用的建议,也会成为潜在的机会。它会给你希望,帮你在求职路上更坚定。

Read as much as you can. Enrich your mind by doing a lot of reading during your spare time. There will be a big difference in your mood if you decide to spend the day reading educational content rather than watching reality shows.尽量多阅读。在空闲时间看大量书籍充实思想。如果你决定花一天时间看有教育意义的书而不是真人秀,你的心情会有很大不同。

Avoid reading really negative articles. There's going to be a lot of really negative articles about the dismal job market or your profession. Try to avoid the temptation of reading too many of them, because they can't really help your situation. Reading a few articles will give you a reality check, but poring over too many of them is going to get you down.不要看负能量的文章。会有很多负面文章报导就业市场低迷或你想从事的职业。尽量抵住诱惑不要看太多,因为这些东西不会对你的情况有实际帮助。看几篇会让你认清事实,但看太多只会让你失望低落。

Don't overspend. Do be frugal during this time and try not to overspend. Money is definitely a big stressor for job hunters and there's nothing more depressing than seeing the numbers in your bank account drop. If you are planning on buying things you can't afford to cheer yourself up, remember that there are ramifications. Find frugal alternatives that won't drain your bank account, especially if you're not making income.不要花太多钱。求职期间一定要节俭,尽量不要超支。钱对求职者来说是个很大的压力源,没有什么比看到账户金额减少更令人沮丧的了。如果你想买付不起的东西让自己振作起来,要记住这样做是有后果的。找些便宜的物件替代,这样不会花光账户里的钱,特别是在你没有收入的情况下。

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