

1、生活的智慧,在于滤除那些不重要的杂质,而保留最重要的部分,享受家庭、生活文化、与大自然的乐趣。The wisdom of life, is filtering out the impurities and retaining the very essence, and feeling the joys of family, life, culture and nature.2、生活几何的时尚主义,轻松成就出势高同侪的活力姿态,俯仰之间尽显新贵之气。尊雅生活,万众瞩目。The modern life of LIFE·G can create the lively pose and noble temperament beyond others finally. Elegant life attracts all the sight certainly.3、在都市生活的紧张与喧嚣中,我们都需要一块宁静的空间来澄清心灵,尊享生命。有时候,就是需要那样一种心境——流露着理性与静思的生活态度。尊贵世家的阔绰生活,就是如此超脱了物质主义的平淡。We all need a peaceful room to clean the heart and enjoy the life in the busy and blatant city. And sometimes, we just need this kind of mood—the life style with peaceful sense and thought. The graceful life in the noble family is just the simplicity beyond the substance.4、欣赏生命,以一种自由的形式。超越物质限度之上,尽心体味建筑的生长,那一刻,我可以恣意享受上风上水的尊贵,以及我全部私有的快乐阳光。Enjoy the life in the free way. Feeling the growth of buildings beyond the limit of material, I can enjoy the noble taste and all of the happy sunshine freely at this time.5、落日,清风,河畔,最贵族的生活场景,都在我的目光下,逐渐成为私有。在与公园平起平坐的日子,我可以坐在宁静的房间,品尝一杯咖啡的心情。或许正如雨果所说,一本书,就可以是一个世界。The sunset, the fresh wind, the bank, and the noblest scene of life, all become the private favorite things in the sight. In the times having the equal sight with garden, I can sit in my own yard, taste coffee and the leisure feelings. Maybe, it is just like what Hugo said, “One book, can be one world”.6、面对四季的窗口,总有春暖花开的遐想,有一丝清风扑面而来,有几缕馨香四处飘逸。由此,渴望自然的灵魂总会在每个黄昏变得沉静起来,静听四面的天籁之音,和着心灵的交响。Facing to the window of the seasons, there is daydream about blooming flowers in the spring, clean breeze gets on the feelings, and some rays of fragrance flowing in the garden. Then the soul near nature will be peaceful in every dark, and we can enjoy the natural music in the house with the rhythm of heart.7、用一种气质去培养一种生活需要很长时间,如果总能有气质内成的家居环境,优雅也能在一瞬间抵达。It will takes a long time to cultivate a kind of life. But if there is a living environment with good temperament, the grace will arrive in a minute.8、简洁、明快的设计格调直入生活本色,适度的颜色变化丰富着人们的视觉表情,朝气蓬勃的时代气息适时流露。Simple and direct design keeps the true colors in life, the appropriate variety of color riches the visual , and the booming vigor and breathing perform unintentionally in good time.9、肌理、线条、色彩创意考究,局部的细节精雕,给冷漠中的浮华带来可亲可感的知性与品位,完美创造出一种和谐、多元、共享的家居情怀。The texture, lines, and the elegant color creativity, the elaborate details, all bring the approachable sense and taste to the luxury feeling in the cool city, which create a kind of harmonious, diverse and commonly shared living environment.10、惬意的家居空间,广阔而精致,全人性化的设计理念,现代品位的典范制造,赋予生活优雅的内涵。The pleasing living space, vast and fine, all humanized design principle, the model of the modern personal status manufacturing, all create the graceful content of life.11、除了巨大的成就,没有什么比和谐家居生活更令人快意。在时尚现代的家居世界里,适度浮华的快意也是这般随手可得。Besides the huge achievement, there is no pleasure can beyond the harmonious house residing. Then the moderate happiness can be gotten so easily in the vogue and modern house.12、家不是一个地域,而是由每一个家庭成员共同构筑的亲情空间;不是一件件家具的简单聚合,而是共同追寻幸福的理想园地。The house is not a region, but an affection space created by the family; not a simple collection of furniture, but the ideal garden where we are tracking for happiness together.13、“站在人生风景线上凝望生命,感悟生活,我才知道,其实自己最想要的,不过是一种平淡,一种安然。”“Standing on the scenery of life, staring and thinking, I comprehend completely that what I need most is just a kind of simplicity, a kind of peace.”14、“人生不过是居家、出门、又回家,我们一切的情感、理智和意志上的追求或企图,不过是灵魂上的固存物,想找一个人,一件事,一处地位,容许我们的身心在这茫茫的世界上有个安顿的归宿。”钱钟书《写在人生边上》的寥寥数语便洞穿人生真谛:“人生不过是居家、出门、又回家”。 “The course of life only includes residing, going-off and going home, and all the emotion, reason or the pursuit in the will is only the existence in the soul. And we are always searching one people, one thing or one status to provide a housing in the city.”The famous writer gives us the essence of life with these words in his book “writing on the side of life”.15、作家津子围在《我短暂的贵族生活》中说:“这是一个复制的时代,一个移花接木的社会,在快速成长的过程中,我们的根须必须抓住新的、哪怕细小移动的生长点,更为艰难的是,我们还要安放漂浮在城市上空流浪的情感和灵魂”。The writer Jinziwei said in his book “My short noble life”: “it is the a kind of copying time, and in the fast times we should catch the new growing point no matter how slender it is, and it is more difficult to put the wandering emotion and soul in the air of city.”16、一杯咖啡的味道,在草长莺飞的日子里恣意漫延,心情还停留在那个远古的时代,秦时的边关,汉唐的明月,都在音乐的流淌中,映出一份独有的情怀。和心爱的人一起品味咖啡的日子,是人生中最大的快乐。The taste of coffee is wandering freely in the spring with grass and birds, and the pursuing mood is still staying in the ancient time. The boundary of the Qin dynasty and the moon in the Han dynasty, all shape a kind of unique feeling in the flowing of the music. It is the most important happiness to taste coffee with your love.17幸福,就是在对品位生活的创造中,收获一片怡然心境。Happiness, which means getting a peaceful mind in the creating life.18、深厚的文化积淀与自由的时代精神正面相遇,贵族生活方式与亲切的恣意烂漫豁然相接,草地,森林,高尔夫,和最心爱的家具,一切就全部打上新贵的标签。The profound culture encounters the free spirit of time face to face, the noble life has unique relation with water, green land, forest, golf and the lovely house. All things are remarked with noble print.19、每日的悠然从容中,与自然亲切相交,守候着淡然、平和、雅致的精神家园。Immerse in nature friendly, wait for the simple, peaceful and elegant spiritual house in everyday leisure.20、在绿草如茵的球道上,从第1洞走向第18洞,自由自在地呼吸着郊野树林草地上充满的新鲜空气,沐浴着温暖的阳光,健步迈向生活的终极理想。Stepping on the green golf course, from the first hole to the eighteenth hole, breathing the fresh air in the forest freely, bathing in the warm sunshine, then go for the dreaming ideal steadily.21、将家安置在自然内,收藏一生享用的风景,无限生命活力轻轻融入微波摇映的景致空间,与自由的空气相拥相伴,深藏在灵魂底处的自我意识,逐渐嬗变成值得永远夸耀的奢华。Leave your home in nature, store the scenery for the life, then the limitless lively life will be melted in the beautiful sight with wave. Being with the free air, the ego deep in the soul will become the luxury which can be paraded for a long time.一、卧室系列1、简洁、明晰的线条,优雅、品位的装饰,些微冲淡着卧室中的柔漫气氛,却更多了一丝内蕴渐显的生活气度。Simple and clear lines, graceful and noble decorations, all dilute the weak atmosphere slightly in the bedroom, with more showing of living generosity of spirit.2、简约,是超越一切简单之上的适度返朴,只有渗入对生活的艺术思考之后的产品,才能焕发出强大的生命力。Simplicity, is the moderate nature beyond common. And only the product coming from the artistic  thought of life can perform the strong vitality.3、最爱耳畔的窃窃私语,柔婉的清韵在暧昧的空间里轻声作响。有时,一张床就是一个世界。I love the whisper most at the ear, listening the pure rhyme of sweet words flowing in the ambiguous space. Sometimes, a bed is a world.4、灵动的光线行过床沿,停留在如纱的帷幔上,轻轻摇荡出最清脆的声响,深印在私密的两人世界里。The smart rays walk at the side of bed, staying around the white antependium with the clean voice, which can print deeply in private fields of the couple.5、精巧的衣柜不只是霓裳艳装的收容所,也是温馨空间的靓丽装扮,在悄无声息中完成对亲情的不渝守护。The delicate wardrobe is not only the store of beautiful dresses, but the pretty decoration of the sweet space, which accomplishes the care of natural affection.6、身着一袭宽大的睡袍,端着红酒摇荡的高脚杯,在宽阔的空间赤足行走。愈夜愈美丽的都市,此刻更加朦胧迷醉。Wearing the generous nightgown, carrying the goblet with flowing wine, she is walking in the broad living room with the bare feet. The beautiful and peaceful night is more and more attractive.二、客厅系列7、偶尔不经意地抬头,感觉心里会有一丝暖意掠过,柔柔得一触动,泛起的涟漪随之竟也可以波及一整天。生活可以很平淡,但决不会感觉乏味……There is warm feelings flowing in the deep heart with the occasional attention. The waves of mind coming from the soft air is spreading all the day. The life can be very mild, but not dull …… 8、质朴的优雅,是根植于内心底处的生活真味。只有面对温馨的家,除却所有伪饰后的本真才能如此在客厅间恣意流荡。The simple grace is pure feeling of life growing in the deep heart. Only when we face the warm house, the essence of ourselves can flow freely in the living room. 9、纷扰的世界中,浮躁的心绪随着压力的变换悄然游动,有一种心情需要慢慢释放。与爱人一同感悟家的温暖,精神的归属就这样超越物质的平淡。The fickleness of mind is around us with the changeable press in the noisy world, which should be released slowly. To feel the warmth with the lover, the returning of heart will be beyond the plain material like this.10、静坐于宽大的客厅,任一切漫无边际的游思滑过白榉木的边缘,将心情停留在这质实而温暖的木质结构间,和谐中有真情涌动。Sitting in the broad living room, the free thought is walking at the side of the white beech. Staying the feelings in the structure of wood, there is warmth and happiness flowing in the harmonious field.11、纯净,是努力多年之后方可到达的唯美之境,平淡中涵蕴轻灵,朴素中涌跃活力。Pureness is the artic height which can be gotten after hard working, containing the swift and lively mood in plain world.12、超然于一切世俗,在平静中捕捉生活几何的独特味道,那一刻,所有言语都无力描述的真悟,不期然间直抵心灵深处。Hold the detachment out of the common things, catching the unique flavor of LIFE?G, then the essence of life out of the words can arrive the deep place of mind.13、在平阔的物理空间中感受白色,如一滴晨露滑落叶尖的清新,就如此清晰地印在自然的视觉意象里,扩展成永不消散的明净。To feel the white in the physical space, the clean air is across the leaves like the draw, which prints in the visual images clearly, spreading to be the natural brightness.14、生活几何的随意搭配,轻松的心情在艺术空间里收放自如。或许,这才是追求多年的生活至境。The random matches of LIFE?G make the smooth mood free in the art space. Maybe it is just the pursuit for many years. 15、每一种生活的元素都清晰地印刻在生活几何的舒适情调里,正如天空中渐行渐远的影线,不经意间装饰着大地的风景。Each kind of elements of life all print in the comfortable sentimental appeal of LIFE?G, like the long lines in the air which is decorating the scene of the earth freely.16、源于自然的灵性之光,在白榉木的光滑曲线里恣意升腾。时尚的,朴素的,优雅的,质实的,都如此地贴近内心。The spirit light coming from nature is rising freely in the smooth curve of the white beech. All the things of vague, simple, graceful and concrete are near with the heart clearly.17、明亮的白榉木桌面与平滑的曲线相合相成,在一片和谐中飘逸出悠远的自然真味。品位的,才是真正美的。The bright white beech is clean with the smooth curve mutually, which shows the natural flavor in the elegance. Only the elegant thins are the most beautiful.餐厅:18、真正懂得生活的人,从来都将饮食也看成一种艺术。上好的餐桌餐椅,与精致独特的餐具同等重要。The people who understand the true meaning of life all take eating as a kind of art. The graceful dining furniture is as important as the elegant and unique dishware.19、明丽的家具对味觉也有极大的调节作用,空间和佳肴共同营造的温馨餐饮气氛,更能调动味蕾的敏锐感知,使进食成为专属的享受。The bright furniture has the function of modulation of taste. The warm and fragrant dining atmosphere created by the space and delicious food can even transfer the sharp feeling of the flavor, which makes a meal to become the private enjoyment.20、真正源于生活的产品,绝不忽视对每一个细节的完美坚持。正如生活几何这款餐椅设计,在简约中努力寻求生活的改善。The pure product coming from life never neglect the perfect persistence of each detail. Such as the design of the dinning chair performing the improvement of life in the simple style.21、新贵主义的朴素奢华,除了对衣着的品位考究,还格外重视饮食中展现的优雅风度,有一款生活几何,在这个时候就显得十分重要。The simple luxury of new noble pay more attention to the graceful flavor in the dinning center besides the dressing. Then it is more important to have the furniture of LIFE?G.22、酒盏杯影中最见一个人对待生活的态度,唯优雅如斯者,才在自家的餐厅里摆放这款生活几何。The attitude of life can be shown in the dinning room clearly. Only the graceful people pay more attention to the furniture of LIFE?G.23、邀三五好友家中小聚,没有一款够品的餐具就感觉欢快的氛围有些许不足,或许生活几何的餐桌,能营造出更融洽的品居环境。It will be the shortage in the dinning room when taking a party at home, if there is no the furniture of LIFE?G, because which can construct a more mutually agreeable residing environment.24、轻快的欢声笑语,顺着高脚杯的优美曲线散落成滴,注入每一个享受生活的时刻。The agreeable happiness is dropping among the beautiful curve of goblet, and moving into every moment of life.25、好的餐具犹若正餐之后的果品,越是丰盛的晚宴,就越要有精巧的果品相衬。The excellent dinning furniture is just like fruit after dinner. More gorgeous meal needs more elegant fruit.书房:26、静坐以冥思,对酒以赏月。一丝微风沿着白榉木的明亮光影逐渐飘移,耳畔仿若有声声慢歌轻咛,我们很容易就会被生活中不经意的细节打动。Sitting in silence to get thought, drinking with friends to appreciate the moon. The breeze flows along the bright white beech, with the sweet words floating aside the ears. It is easy to move by the details in the life.27、完美,是一种永无止境的追求,更多时候也只是一种理想;简约,却因细节的具体而鲜活生动,也更易引起心灵的共鸣。Perfection is a kind of endless pursuit, also is a kind of ideal many times; the conciseness will be lively because of the concrete detail, which can alter the physical resonance in the mind.28、阅读是需要气氛的,喧扰与匆忙要坚决摒弃在外,正如对书桌的苛求,物理的外在中融入适度的感性是再恰当不过的了。Reading needs the special atmosphere abandoning the disturbance and busy. It is the best melting with the physical material and moderate sense, which is just like the demands of desk.29、在宁静的空间展开对生活的阅读,飘散的思绪不自觉间滑过书脊,激荡起字里行间的精神寓意。Reading the life in the peaceful space, the floating thought slides past the book ridge, which invites the implied spirit meaning between the lines.30、温润的阳光透过那道白色窗纱,轻柔地洒在书桌上,漫过主人彻底放松的躯体,凝成几缕诗意的文字四处游散。The smooth sunlight shines on the desk through the white curtain softly across the relax body, then spreads among the space with few wisps of poetry.31、思考是对繁碌生活的检阅,更是对浮躁生命的反省。只有学会思考,才能发现生活中暗含的本真趣味。Thinking is the check of the busy life, and the self-reflection of the fickleness life. Only learning to think can find the true interest of life.沙发:32、将沉重的身躯隐在柔软的沙发中,生活的压力随之消散,只有舒适的惬意与家居的浪漫在尺度空间游走,惊起了沉睡的思绪。Holding the heavy body in the soft sofa, the pressure of the life dissipates immediately, where only the comfortable leisure and the romance of house around the space, which surprises the thoughts and feelings of the soundly dream.33、斜靠在柔软的沙发上,让身体彻底放松下来,闲静的家居生活就这般绘成风景,成为别人竞相效仿的样板。Leaning on the soft sofa, letting the body relax down thoroughly, then the carefree life is drawn to be the scenery and be imitated competitively.34、不必追求过多的荣耀,不必探究最终的结果,把握住每一个可以把握的瞬间,才是对待生活的最好态度It is no need to pursue excessive honor, it is no need to get the final results. Holding every moment that can hold is the best attitude of life.35、一个舒适的大沙发,一本品位的时尚杂志,一杯清雾萦绕的茗茶,一种闲逸的生活方式。弃除繁杂,才能有更多时间回味。A comfortable and big sofa, a vogue magazine of personal status, one cup of tea with lingering fog, a kind of leisure life. Leaving the miscellaneous behind we can have more time to remember.36、身体一接触到沙发,那份心底的慵懒就浮满全身了。只想就这么一个人静静坐着,看晨昏变换,看四季流风。All of the deep leisure is floating when you sit in the sofa. You will want to sit like this quietly, enjoying the change of time, feeling the breeze of seasons.儿童:37、一个明净的视觉空间,是给孩子最好的礼物。毕竟孩子身心的健康比什么都重要。A clear and clean visual space is the best gift to the children. After all, the health of kid's is the most important thing in the life.38、以一个孩子的眼睛看世界,一切都会变得单纯起来,一切也都会变得丰富起来。Seeing the world by a kid's eyes, everything will become pure, and everything will become abundant.39、适合孩子的简单家具,与孩子们最喜欢的生日礼物,自由的独处空间,都能给孩子们带来每天的快乐心情。The simple furniture fit for the children, the favorite birthday gift, the free living space, all can bring the children happy mood everyday.40、 生活几何总是会充分考虑孩子们的心理特征,在小巧的儿童家具设计中融入更多童真童趣的审美观照,给孩子更丰富的想象空间。Our furniture always consider the children's mental characteristic well, integrating more interest of the true esthetic sense in the perfect design of children furniture, which creates more abundant imagination.41、 每个孩子的梦想都是不一样的,每个孩子的快乐却是同样的。在学习中进步,在生活在长大,是生活几何给每个孩子的细致关怀。The dreams of each kid are different, but the happiness of each kid is same. Achieving in the study, growing in the life, are the meticulous concern to each kid.小件、衣柜42、 自由是一种可以永远流动的风景,如煦风般穿越厅堂,飘逸出清新明丽的居家格调。        The freedom is a kind of scenery that can flow forever, crossing the hall as the breeze, which can perform the elegant and clear house style easily.43、可以自由拆装的家具总能赋予主动的想象,在不断变换组合中映出生活的每一分变化,清浅而温馨。The furniture which can be combined freely always bring us the active imagination, showing every change of life in the changeable suit, pure and warm.43、唯美,只有如此亲切地贴近自然才能真正让生命鲜活。生活几何,归属每个人的完美家居情感。Beauty can make the life lively only when it is so close to nature. The furniture of LIFE·G can make the perfect house feelings belong to everybody.44、线条仿佛是简约主义的旗帜,一旦张开便一发不可收拾地给予你极有冲击力的视觉之美。The lines are the flag of the simple doctrine, which can bring us the bursting visual sense immediately when it opens.45、有时候质感不是一种身体的触摸,而是一种视觉感受。白榉木的纹理与淡远清致的联想,明丽视界与高尚生活的联想,都让人如此安静。Sometimes texture isn't a kind of touch feeling, but a kind of sense of vision. The veins of white beech combining with the imagination of pure and clean thought, clear visual sense combining with the imagination of noble life, all make us so quiet.46、夜晚是一场静止的盛宴,没有来来往往的起落,只有穿越一切喧嚣的宁静——这宁静如此丰富,直入心灵。The night is a royal feast of quiet, where there is no rising of busy walking, but only peace crossing the whole hullabaloos—the quite is so abundant, keeping into the mind.47、木质的自然延伸了人们的生活空间,明晰的纹理丰富了人的视线,在亲近自然的同时也拉近了每个成员之间的距离,逐渐找回都市生活中失落的自然和关爱。The woody nature extends people's living space, the clear veins enriches the person's view, which shorts the distance of everyone of family at the same time of closing nature, then returning the lost nature and love in the city life.48、将生活中的每一种元素都如此贴切地运用在产品研发中,深入心灵的错落有致更能体现我们的细致关怀。Making use of each kind of chemical elements in the life to the development of product clearly, the random layers into the mind can show our circumspective care.49、 几何元素是贯穿在所有产品设计中基色,自然的点缀中洋溢出灵性与活力的生命色彩。Several geometry elements is the basic things through the design of products, which shows the color of free and vigor life in the embellish of nature.50、泛着柔和光晕的白榉木,在灯光闪映下更能显现固有的清丽,在悄无声息处融在简约的调子里,淡远,微漾。The white beech with the dizzy and soft light, reflecting the deep clean sense in the light, which melt in the simple tune silently, thin and tiny.其他:51、幸福是一个可以随手可拾的苹果,幸福是一股转瞬即逝的清流,懂得生活的人,从不会让她从眼前溜走。Happiness is an apple near to the hands, and happiness is a clear stream flowing quickly, and the men understand life completely will hold it without losing.52、家居生活首先应该是宁静安详的,我们都在努力创造一个跟都市喧嚣吵闹完全不同的生活环境,木质的家具就显得特别重要了。The house residing life should be quite and leisure first. We all strive to create a different living environment contrary to the disturbingly noise, where the woody furniture seems to be specially important.
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