


CNS Involvement in Neuro-Beh?et Syndrome: An MR Study


Naci Ko?er, Civan Islak, Aksel Siva, Sabahattin Saip, Canan Akman, Orhun Kantarci and Vedat Hamuryudan

From the Departments of Radiology (N.K., C.I., C.A.), Neurology (A.S., S.S., O.K.), and Internal Medicine (V.H.), Cerrahpasa School of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey.

Received August 27, 1998; accepted after revision February 8, 1999.

American Journal of Neuroradiology 20:1015-1024 (6 1999)


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Beh?et disease (BD) is a multisystem vasculitis of unknown origin in which neurologic involvement has been reported in the range of 5% to 10% in large series. Reports on clinical and radiologic aspects of neuro-Beh?et syndrome (NBS) are in general limited in number. Our purpose was to determine the MR patterns in patients with NBS who had neural parenchymal involvement and to correlate our findings with possible vascular pathophysiology.

研究背景和研究目的:白塞病(Beh?et disease, BD)是一种不明原因的累及多系统的血管炎,约5%~10%的患者神经系统受累。总的说来,神经白塞病(neuro-Beh?et syndrome, NBS)的临床和影像学研究报道的较少。本研究的目的在于对中枢神经系统实质受累的神经白塞病患者行相应的MR序列检查后分析其影像特点并与其可能的血管病理生理变化相联系。

METHODS: The MR images of 65 patients with NBS and neural parenchymal involvement were reviewed. In a subgroup of patients who had serial MR studies, we evaluated the anatomic-radiologic location and distribution of the lesions and whether they corresponded to any vascular territory, and studied their extension, enhancement patterns, and temporal course.


RESULTS: The most common imaging finding in NBS patients who had neural parenchymal involvement was a mesodiencephalic junction lesion with edema extending along certain long tracts in the brain stem and diencephalon in 46% of the patients. The next most common location of involvement was the pontobulbar region, seen in 40% of the cases. Three primary cervical spinal cord lesions and one case of isolated optic nerve involvement were observed.


CONCLUSION: The parenchymal distribution of lesions in NBS appears to support the hypothesis of small-vessel vasculitis; mainly, venular involvement. The anatomic distribution of intraaxial veins of the CNS explains the predominant involvement of the brain stem structures observed in our patients. This pattern of lesion distribution might help to differentiate NBS from other vasculitides as well as from the inflammatory-demyelinating diseases of the CNS, such as multiple sclerosis.



Beh?et's disease (BD) is a multisystem vasculitis of unknown origin. The classical triad of oral and genital ulcerations with uveitis was originally described by a Turkish dermatologist Hulusi Beh?et in 1937[1]. Other structures reported to be involved through the course of the disease are the cardiovascular, CNS, pulmonary, and gastrointestinal systems[2–4].

白塞病(Beh?et disease, BD)是一种不明原因的累及多系统的血管炎。1937年土耳其皮肤科医师Hulusi Beh?et首先描述了经典的三联症——眼葡萄膜炎/眼色素层炎、口腔溃疡、生殖器溃疡(眼-口-生殖器三联综合征)。病程中其它系统如心血管系统、中枢神经系统、肺部、胃肠道系统均可受累。

Early neuroimaging reports on neuro-Beh?et syndrome (NBS) were based on studies done with either CT or, rarely, cerebral angiography. To our knowledge, the largest series in which neuroimaging findings were based on CT studies were those reported by Inaba[5], in which 63 patients were examined, and by Siva et al[6], who described the findings in 42 patients with NBS examined at this institution. With the introduction of MR imaging in clinical practice, articles reporting the MR findings in NBS have appeared; however, most of these are limited to either single cases or to relatively small series[7–11]. The most common CNS findings reported in these studies, including ours, were a preference for brain stem–diencephalic involvement and a tendency to resolve over time. Cerebral venous thrombosis is another common neuroimaging finding reported in NBS[12].

早期关于神经白塞病的神经影像学研究主要是基于CT检查,Inaba在文献《Clinical features of neuro-Beh?et syndrome》中利用CT研究分析了63例神经白塞病患者的神经影像学特点,Siva等人在文献《Neuro-radiologic findings in neuro-Beh?et syndrome》中利用CT研究分析了42例神经白塞病患者的神经影像学特点;另外,也有利用脑血管造影技术研究分析神经白塞病的神经影像学特点的少量报道。随着MRI技术在临床应用中的普及出现了一些利用MRI研究神经白塞病影像学特点的报道,但大部分仅限于个案报道或病例数相对较少的病案报道。包括本研究在内的以上各研究均提示:脑干-间脑处是最常见的受累部位,且病灶会随时间推移而逐渐消散。脑静脉血栓形成也是神经白塞病中另一个较常见的影像学发现。

In this study, we included only NBS patients who had CNS parenchymal involvement on MR imaging studies in order to define the MR patterns of this form of the disease and to correlate those findings with the results of vascular anatomic-pathologic investigation.



Sixty-five consecutive patients with neurologic symptoms caused by BD and with CNS parenchymal involvement on MR images were included for evaluation. All patients were referred from the Beh?et's Disease Research Center of our university hospital. Criteria established by the International Study Group for Beh?et Disease[13] were used for diagnosis. Neurologic involvement was evaluated and defined by the neurology consultants of the Research Center from the department of neurology, who referred the patients for MR examination. Sixty-three patients had fulfilled the criteria for BD before the onset of neurologic involvement and two at the time of neurologic involvement. The study period ranged from January 1, 1990, to December 31, 1997.

我们收集了大学附属医院白塞病研究中心自1990年1月1日至1997年12月31日收治的65例患者进行评估。所有患者均在白塞病的基础上出现了神经系统症状、均在MRI上表现出了中枢神经系统实质受累、均符合国际白塞病研究小组于1992年在文献《Evaluation of diagnostic ("classification") criteria in Beh?et's disease: towards internationally agreed criteria》中提出的诊断标准。研究中心的神经科会诊医师评估并明确了所有患者均有神经系统受累并建议行MRI检查。所有65例患者中,63例患者在神经系统受累症状出现之前便已符合了白塞病的诊断标准,2例在神经系统受累症状出现时符合了白塞病的诊断标准。

The patients included 18 women and 47 men, ages 19 to 51 years (mean age, 36 years). Patients with normal MR findings (21 cases) and with isolated dural sinus thrombosis (13 cases) were excluded from the study, because our primary goal was to evaluate parenchymal involvement. In 48 cases (74%), a 1.0-T MR imager was used, whereas the remaining patients were studied with different MR systems, ranging from 0.5 T to 1.5 T, as some patients had been examined prior to the time of consultation. The imaging was assumed to have been done in the acute stage if the patient was studied within a week of the onset of the neurologic episode or subacute if within a month. MR studies consisted of sagittal and axial T1-weighted spin-echo (SE) sequences and coronal and axial proton density–or T2-weighted fast SE sequences with 3- to 6-mm contiguous sections over the whole brain. Additional cervical spinal cord examinations with sagittal T1- and T2-weighted SE and axial T2-weighted fast SE sequences were performed in three patients, because their clinical picture suggested cervical spinal involvement. A section thickness of 3 mm was used for spinal cord examinations. Contrast material was used in 11 cases. Twenty-three patients underwent follow-up MR examinations (more than one follow-up in eight cases).

鉴于我们的目的在于评估中枢神经系统实质受累的情况,我们将MRI正常的另外21例患者和单纯硬脑膜静脉窦血栓形成的另外13例患者排除于本研究之外。在本研究收集的所有65例患者中,包括18位女性和47位男性,年龄19~51岁(平均年龄36岁)。其中,48例患者行1.0T MR扫描,余下17例患者则因在神经科医师会诊之前便已行MR检查,因此分别用0.5T~1.5T的不同的MR扫描。在神经系统症状出现的1个星期内即行MR检查的为急性期患者,在神经系统症状出现的1个月内行MR检查的为亚急性期患者。MR扫描序列包括矢位、轴位T1加权自旋回波序列(T1-weighted spin-echo sequences)和冠位、轴位质子密度或T2加权快速自旋回波序列(proton density- or T2-weighted fast SE sequences),均行全脑扫描,层厚3~6mm。此外,鉴于3例患者临床表现提示颈髓受累,因此加行颈髓矢位T1、T2加权自旋回波序列(T1- and T2-weighted SE sequences)和轴位T2加权快速自旋回波序列(T2-weighted fast SE sequences)扫描,层厚3mm。11例患者行对比增强扫描。23例患者行MR随访检查,其中8例患者MR随访检查次数不止1次。

The distribution of the lesions and whether they corresponded to any vascular territory, their extension and enhancement patterns, as well as the temporal course in the subgroup of 23 patients with serial MR examinations were studied and classified.



The mean age of onset of neurologic symptoms was 26.8 ± 7.6 (SD) in patients with BD and 30.2 ± 8.5 for those with NBS. The male to female ratio was 2.6 to 1.0, showing a clear male preponderance. Fifty-two (80%) of the patients were examined in the acute/subacute phase and 13 (20%) in the chronic phase. Six patients (9%) had a primary-progressive course and nine (14%) had converted to a secondary-progressive course at the time of their MR study. The remaining patients, who had either a single attack or a relapsing-remitting form of the disease (77%), were studied during such an episode. Symptoms at onset in the order of frequency were headache, 85%; weakness, 57%; brain stem and/or cerebellar involvement, 50%; cognitive and behavioral disorders, 16%; and disorders of consciousness, 7%.


Distribution of Lesions


A total of 94 lesions were identified in the 65 patients. The most commonly affected region was the mesodiencephalic junction (MDJ), seen in 30 patients (46%), followed by the pontobulbar region in 26 (40%), the hypothalamic-thalamic region in 15 (23%), the basal ganglia in 12, the telencephalon in five, the cerebellum in three, and the cervical cord in three (Table 1). There was no difference in the distribution of lesions between the acute/subacute or chronic phases.

所有65例患者中共发现94处病灶。最常见的受累部位为中脑-间脑接合处(mesodiencephalic junction, MDJ),共在30例(46%)患者中发现此处受累;其次为脑桥延髓区,共在26例(40%)患者中发现此处受累;再次为下丘脑-丘脑区,共在15例(23%)患者中发现此处受累;在12(18%)例患者中发现基底节区受累;5例(8%)患者端脑受累;3例(5%)患者小脑受累;3例(5%)患者颈髓受累(表1)。

Table 1: Lesion distribution in 65 patients with neuro-Beh?et syndrome


Of the 30 MDJ lesions, 11 showed a marked upward extension involving the diencephalic structures and 18 had a prominent downward extension involving the pontobulbar region. In six, the extension was both upward and downward (Fig 1). In a single case, studied in the chronic stage, the MDJ lesion was isolated, suggestive of a sequela.


FIG 1. A, Coronal T2-weighted image (4000/90/2 [TR/TE/excitations]) at the level of the crus cerebri nicely shows heterogeneous left MDJ lesion with extensive edema, sparing the red nucleus.

1. A,冠位T2像示大脑脚水平可见左侧不均匀的中脑-间脑接合处病灶,周围有广泛的水肿带,但红核未受累。

B, Coronal noncontrast T1-weighted image (300/15/3) at the same level as A reveals a hemorrhagic focus in the lesion.


C, Coronal T2-weighted image (4000/90/2) posterior to A shows extension of perilesional edema caudally to the superior cerebellar peduncle and pontine tegmentum, and upward to the white matter of the temporal lobe, external capsule, and thalamus.


D, Caudal extension of the edema toward the pontine tegmentum is seen on axial T2-weighted image (4000/90/1).


E, Two years later, after another relapse of the disease, coronal T2-weighted image (4000/90/1) reveals a contralateral MDJ lesion. The left-sided lesion now has shrunk to a small hypointense area.


F, Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted image (660/17/1) shows enhancement of the new right MDJ lesion.


G and H, Similar extension of edema as observed in C and D is seen in the right mesencephalopontine region of the brain stem on T2-weighted images (4000/90/1).


Of the 26 lesions with pontine and bulbar involvement, three had no association with other lesions (Fig 2). Twelve were associated with tegmental and superior cerebellar peduncular extension, and six showed corticospinal tract involvement in continuity with an MDJ lesion. In one patient with additional telencephalic lesions, the right side of the pons was hyperintense on long TR/TE images that did not cross the midline, suggestive of an arterial lesion (Fig 3). In two patients with pontine tegmental lesions, there was an associated middle cerebellar peduncle and deep cerebellar white matter involvement (Fig 4). Two others had associated cervical lesions.


FIG 2. Axial T2-weighted image (2400/110/2) shows inhomogeneous hyperintense lesion located in the mid pons.

2. 轴位T2像示脑桥中部不均匀的高信号病灶。

FIG 3. Axial T2-weighted image (2400/110/2) at the pontine level shows a right-sided pontine lesion that does not cross the midline.

3. 轴位T2像示右侧脑桥处高信号病灶,但未超越中线。

FIG 4. A and B, Axial (A) and coronal (B) T2-weighted images (4000/90/2) reveal hyperintense lesions bilaterally in the middle cerebellar peduncles and deep cerebellar white matter.

4. 轴位(A)、冠位(BT2像示双侧小脑中脚/小脑脑桥脚和小脑深部白质病灶。

Cervical cord lesions were seen in three patients. They were predominantly located in the posterolateral part of the cord, continuing over at least two vertebral segments, with a tendency to reach the inferior cerebellar peduncles superiorly (Fig 5). One of them also had concomitant MDJ and pontobulbar region lesions.


FIG 5. A~C, Midsagittal cervical lateral T2-weighted image (2200/80/1) (A) and axial T2-weighted image (4000/90/2) through the cervical medullary junction (B) show posteriorly located paracentral hyperintense lesion with mild cervicomedullary enlargement. The pattern of extension up to the inferior cerebellar peduncle suggests involvement of the dorsal columns. Midsagittal cervical lateral T1-weighted image (300/15/3) (C) shows slight enlargement of cervical cord.

5. A~C,颈髓正中矢状位T2像(A)、颈髓延髓结合处轴位T2像(B)示旁中央偏后的高信号病灶,伴颈髓、延髓轻度膨大,病灶向上延伸至小脑下脚/绳状体,提示脊髓后索受累;颈髓正中矢状位T1像(C)示颈髓轻度膨大。

Of the 12 patients with basal ganglia and/or capsular lesions, one patient had involvement of the caudate nucleus and the adjacent anterior limb of the internal capsule without any other parenchymal abnormality. In the other 11 cases, the posterior limb of the internal capsule alone (n = 4) or together with the external capsule and putamen (n = 3) or with the globus pallidus (n = 4) were affected. In all 11 of these patients, additional MDJ and/or thalamic-hypothalamic lesions were also found.


Telencephalic lesions were seen in only five patients (8%) and had a wide asymmetric distribution within the brain, involving the optic nerves and the subcortical and deep periventricular white matter (Fig 6). In the patient with optic neuropathy, the only finding was right optic nerve enhancement. In the other four patients, the hemispheric lesions were located in the subcortical and deep periventricular white matter without cortical involvement. These patients also had concomitant MDJ lesions, and, in one, wallerian degeneration of the optic radiation was observed in association with primary MDJ involvement (Fig 7). Two patients had prominent periventricular central atrophy, and four patients had asymmetric brain stem atrophy. All these patients had long-standing NBS.


FIG 6. A, Axial T2-weighted image (3500/90/2) shows a well-defined deep right occipital white matter lesion (asterisk) and a subcortical linear hyperintensity (arrow).

6. A,轴位T2像示右枕叶深部白质边界清楚的高信号病灶(星号处)及皮质下白质线状高密度病灶(箭头处)。

B, Coronal T2-weighted image (3500/90/1) in a different patient shows multiple subcortical white matter and right MDJ and pontine lesions (asterisk and arrowheads).


FIG 7. A, T2-weighted image (4000/90/2) shows chronic left MDJ lesion (double arrowhead) and ipsilateral lenticulostriatal lesions (arrow).

7. A,冠位T2像示左侧中脑-间脑结合处病灶(双箭头处)及同侧豆状核、纹状体(箭头处)病灶。

B, Wallerian degeneration of the optic radiation is evident on paraatrial section of the same sequence (double arrowheads).


Characteristics of the Lesions


The lesions observed during an acute/subacute episode were surrounded by a more hyperintense rostral and caudal extension on long-TR sequences, which was directly related to the location of the lesion. When located posteriorly at the MDJ, lesions tended to continue downward along the pontine tegmentum and superior cerebellar peduncle, whereas the corticospinal tract was the structure affected in more anteriorly located lesions. In all these lesions with downward extension, the red nucleus was always spared. The upward extension seen with the acute lesions was characterized by involvement of the posterior limb of the internal capsulae, accompanied by involvement of the globus pallidus in four and the putamen and external capsule in three. In lesions of the cervical spinal cord, the bulbar involvement was through extension via sensory long fiber tracts (fasciculus gracilis and cuneatus). The cranial and caudal extensions were found to disappear or decrease in size, leaving a residual lesion on follow-up examinations, as discussed below. These residual lesions were iso- to hypointense on T1-weighted images and slightly hyperintense on proton density–and T2-weighted images, with or without atrophy (Table 2).



Table 2: MR findings in acute and chronic phase


Serial MR examinations were performed in 23 cases. Of those, 18 were for follow-up purposes, whereas in five the subsequent studies were done because of a relapse or worsening in neurologic status. These MR examinations revealed resolution or decrease in the size of the lesions, 17 of which had shrunk to small areas with nearly total disappearance of the perilesional extension.


Sixty patients had nonhemorrhagic lesions while five had hemorrhage (Table 3). Nonhemorrhagic lesions showed prolonged T1 and T2 relaxation times. They were mostly heterogeneous and asymmetric. Of the five patients with hemorrhagic lesions, three were in the subacute phase, as they appeared hyperintense on T1-, proton density–, and T2-weighted sequences, whereas the other two, which were hypointense on all sequences owing to the existence of hemorrhagic degradation products, as previously described, were in the chronic stage[14].


PS用特定频率的射频脉冲(radionfrequency, RF)进行激发,作为小磁体的氢原子核吸收一定量的能而共振,即发生了磁共振现象。停止发射射频脉冲,被激发的氢原子核就会把所吸收的能逐步释放出来,其相位和能级都恢复到激发前的状态。这一恢复过程称为弛豫过程(relaxation process),而恢复到原来平衡状态所需的时间则称之为弛豫时间(relaxation time)。有两种弛豫时间,一种是自旋-晶格弛豫时间(spin-lattice relaxation time),又称纵向弛豫时间(longitudinal relaxation time),反映自旋核把吸收的能传给周围晶格所需要的时间,也就是90°射频脉冲质子由纵向磁化转到横向磁化之后再恢复到纵向磁化激发前状态所需时间,称T1。另一种是自旋-自旋弛豫时间(spin-spin relaxation time),又称横向弛豫时间(transverse relaxation time),反映横向磁化衰减、丧失的过程,也即是横向磁化所维持的时间,称T2。T2衰减是由共振质子之间相互磁化作用所引起,与T1不同,它引起相位的变化。)

Table 3: Distribution of hemorragic lesions


In the 11 patients who had contrast-enhanced studies during an acute or subacute phase, nine had nodular enhancement within lesions. Eight of the enhancing lesions were located at the MDJ, corresponding to subacute hemorrhagic foci in three. In one case, the enhancement was confined to the right optic nerve, extending to the prechiasmal border without any other parenchymal involvement (Fig 8).


FIG 8. A, Contrast-enhanced coronal T1-weighted image (600/15/1) shows bilateral optic nerve atrophy and marked enhancement of the prechiasmatic segment of the right optic nerve (arrow).

8. A,对比增强冠位T1像示双侧视神经萎缩,右侧视神经在视交叉以前的节段明显强化(箭头处)。

B, Contrast enhancement of the nerve disappeared after treatment (asterisk).



Currently, the most widely used diagnostic criteria of BD is the International Study Group's classification, which requires recurrent oral ulcerations plus two of the following in order to establish a definite diagnosis: recurrent genital ulcerations, skin or eye lesions, or a positive pathergy test[13]. The epidemiology of disease shows geographic variation, encountered more commonly along the Silk Road, which extends from the Mediterranean region to Japan[15]. This is coupled with a similar variation in HLA B51 (human leukocyte antigen), which has been reported to be strongly associated with the disease in the high prevalence areas[16–19]. Despite broadened clinical understanding of this disease, the etiologic factors remain obscured and speculative: viral agents, immunologic factors, genetic causes, bacterial factors, and fibrinolytic defects have all been implicated[3, 20–25]. Vessel wall and perivascular mononuclear cell infiltration, which is consistent with vasculitis involving both arterial and venous systems, has been shown in histopathologic studies[20, 21]. It has been postulated that genetic susceptibility together with a possible trigger by an extrinsic factor, such as an infectious agent, is responsible for the observed vasculitis[24, 26].

目前,白塞病最常用的诊断标准是国际白塞病研究小组于1992年在文献《Evaluation of diagnostic ("classification") criteria in Beh?et's disease: towards internationally agreed criteria》中提出的诊断标准。确诊白塞病需要复发性口腔溃疡加上以下3项中的2项:复发性生殖器溃疡、皮损或眼部损害、针刺试验阳性。白塞病的流行病学研究显示该病具有地理变异性,由地中海地区沿丝绸之路延伸至日本的区域更为常见。在这些高发地区,与本病有关的HLA B51(HLA,human leukocyte antigen,人类白细胞抗原)也具有相似的变异性。尽管对白塞病的临床认识逐渐加深,但本病的致病因素仍不明确,推测可能与病毒感染因素、免疫学因素、遗传因素、细菌感染因素、纤溶蛋白缺陷等多因素有关。组织病理学研究可见既累及动脉又累及静脉的血管壁及血管周围单核细胞浸润的血管炎表现。推测导致血管炎的原因是遗传易感性和外源性因子如病原体共同触发的结果。

Neurologic involvement in BD, which is not included in the current International Study Group's classification, was first reported in 1941 by Knapp[27], and the term neuro-Beh?et syndrome was introduced by Cavara and D'Ermo in 1954[28]. The reported rate of development of neurologic involvement among BD patients ranges from 4% to 49%[9, 29]. This rate was found to be 6.7% in our large nonselective series of patients referred from the Beh?et's Disease Research Center[30].

虽然白塞病神经系统受累没有被包括在国际白塞病研究小组于1992年在文献《Evaluation of diagnostic ("classification") criteria in Beh?et's disease: towards internationally agreed criteria》中提出的诊断标准中,但在1941年便由Knapp首先报道。1954年Cavara和D'Ermo又提出了神经白塞病(neuro-Beh?et syndrome, NBS)这个术语名词。白塞病患者中神经系统受累的比率为4%~49%不等,但我们大学附属医院的白塞病研究中心统计的比率为6.7%。

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