

UpdatedPackageDescription 2016-09-09 objdict 0.1.0b3 The ObjDict class has many uses including: as a tool for processing and generating json information, for ad-hoc classes and mutable named tuples, or just as dictionaries that allow dot notation access. 2016-09-09 cnprep 0.1.4 A lib for Chinese text preprocessing 2016-09-09 sickrage 8.1.0 Automatic Video Library Manager for TV Shows 2016-09-09 csh_uuid 0.0.1.dev1 CSH UUID UID bi-directional converter api 2016-09-09 saisunkam 0.1 Saikrishna Sunkam sample package 2016-09-09 fh-drf-friendship 0.1.4 A library to provide ViewSets for django-friendship to use with Django Rest Framework projects. 2016-09-09 aiohipchat 0.0.2 Simple bot that plugs into aiohttp and HipChat 2016-09-09 xpath-py 0.0.4 Python library for generating XPath expressions 2016-09-09 trimesh 2.1.4 Import, export, process, analyze and view triangular meshes. 2016-09-09 pdf-client 1.2 A python client library to give you a more pleasant experience with pdf-server (https://github.com/nathanielove/pdf-server) 2016-09-09 pyil-converter 0.1.1 Convert files to the format you want! 2016-09-09 crowdastro 0.0.1a7 Automated cross-identification of radio objects and host galaxies using crowdsourced labels from the Radio Galaxy Zoo. 2016-09-09 gdapi-python 0.5.3 Python API and CLI for GDAPI standard 2016-09-09 pynos 1.3.15 Brocade NOS Library. 2016-09-09 package_test_2298 0.0.1 package testing 2016-09-09 graphene-sqlalchemy 1.0.dev20160909000001 Graphene SQLAlchemy integration 2016-09-09 graphene-django 1.0.dev20160909000001 Graphene Django integration 2016-09-09 graphene 1.0.dev20160909040318 GraphQL Framework for Python 2016-09-09 Wallace 0.9.0 An API for modeling data with psycopg2, redis-py, and pymongo. 2016-09-09 toil-lib 1.1.0a1.dev25 A common library for functions and tools used in toil-based pipelines 2016-09-09 mapclient 0.13.2 A framework for managing and sharing workflows. 2016-09-09 packyou 0.1.1 Downloads a python project and allows to import it from anywhere. Very useful when the repo is not a package 2016-09-09 gitx 0.4 gitx client for speed up git clone. 2016-09-09 nba_data 0.4 A nba nba_data client 2016-09-09 powerline-taskwarrior 0.2 Powerline segments for showing information from the Taskwarrior task manager 2016-09-09 flask-statsd-tags 0.1.6 Flask extention for sending statsd data 2016-09-09 x84 2.0.13 Framework for Telnet and SSH BBS or MUD server development with example default bbs board 2016-09-09 graphql-core 1.0.dev20160909040033 GraphQL implementation for Python 2016-09-09 flarecast-service Flarecast Service is the base package of all flarecast connexion services. 2016-09-09 flarecast-utils Flarecast utils provides tools to interact with the flarecast infrastructure. 2016-09-09 divy 0.1.1 HTML generator for Python 2016-09-09 namespaces 4.2.0 Python dictionaries with items also accessible via dot-notation 2016-09-09 netify 0.1.1 Turn boring things into something for the net. 2016-09-09 gtimer 1.0.0b2 A global Python timer 2016-09-09 sirepo 20160909.32402 accelerator code gui 2016-09-09 hotdoc_c_extension 0.7.11 An extension for hotdoc that parses C using clang 2016-09-09 hotdoc_gi_extension 0.7.11 An extension for hotdoc that parses gir files 2016-09-09 hotdoc_python_extension 0.7.11 An extension for hotdoc that parses python using the jedi module and napoleon from sphinx 2016-09-09 hotdoc_devhelp_extension 0.7.11 An extension for hotdoc to create devhelp indexes. 2016-09-09 hotdoc_dbus_extension 0.7.11 An extension for hotdoc that parses DBus interfaces using dbus-deviation       
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