

浅析Linux Kernel 哈希路由表实现(一) -- 算法 -- IT技术博客大学习 -- 共学习 共进步!

1. 路由表



enum rt_class_t { RT_TABLE_UNSPEC=0,/* User defined values */ RT_TABLE_COMPAT=252, RT_TABLE_DEFAULT=253, RT_TABLE_MAIN=254, RT_TABLE_LOCAL=255, RT_TABLE_MAX=0xFFFFFFFF};


struct fib_table { struct hlist_node tb_hlist; /* 路由表的标识,即为上面提到的类型 */ u32  tb_id; /* 该路由中默认路由条目在哈希路由表中的索引,  在fib_table_select_default()函数中计算得出 */ int  tb_default; /* Linux保留内存空间一惯的做法,这块空间留给了struct fn_hash */ unsigned char tb_data[0];};

1.1 根据路由表ID来查找路由表。

struct fib_table *fib_get_table(struct net *net, u32 id){ struct fib_table *tb; struct hlist_node *node; struct hlist_head *head; unsigned int h;  if (id == 0)  id = RT_TABLE_MAIN; h = id & (FIB_TABLE_HASHSZ - 1);  rcu_read_lock(); head = &net->ipv4.fib_table_hash[h]; hlist_for_each_entry_rcu(tb, node, head, tb_hlist) {  if (tb->tb_id == id) {   rcu_read_unlock();   return tb;  } } rcu_read_unlock(); return NULL;}


1.2 路由表的创建。

 struct fib_table *fib_new_table(struct net *net, u32 id){ struct fib_table *tb; unsigned int h;  if (id == 0)  id = RT_TABLE_MAIN; tb = fib_get_table(net, id); if (tb)  return tb;  tb = fib_hash_table(id); if (!tb)  return NULL; h = id & (FIB_TABLE_HASHSZ - 1); hlist_add_head_rcu(&tb->tb_hlist, &net->ipv4.fib_table_hash[h]); return tb;}


struct fib_table *fib_hash_table(u32 id){ struct fib_table *tb;  tb = kmalloc(sizeof(struct fib_table) + sizeof(struct fn_hash),       GFP_KERNEL); if (tb == NULL)  return NULL;  tb->tb_id = id; tb->tb_default = -1;  memset(tb->tb_data, 0, sizeof(struct fn_hash)); return tb;}

这个函数很简单,分配了一块内存空间,大小为sizeof(struct fib_table) + sizeof(struct fn_hash),于是fib_table的最后一个字段tb_data便指向了这个struct fn_hash。接下来该说路由表的第二层了。

2. 路由域struct fn_zone

第二层是fn_zone,表示路由域,Linux根据路由掩码的长度将所有的路由分为32个域。我们先来看下位于fib_table末尾的struct fn_hash的定义:

struct fn_hash { struct fn_zone  *fn_zones[33]; struct fn_zone __rcu *fn_zone_list;};


 struct fn_zone { struct fn_zone __rcu *fz_next; /* Next not empty zone */ struct hlist_head __rcu *fz_hash; /* Hash table pointer */ seqlock_t  fz_lock; u32   fz_hashmask; /* (fz_divisor - 1) */  u8   fz_order; /* Zone order (0..32) */ u8   fz_revorder; /* 32 - fz_order */ __be32   fz_mask; /* inet_make_mask(order) */#define FZ_MASK(fz)  ((fz)->fz_mask)  struct hlist_head fz_embedded_hash[EMBEDDED_HASH_SIZE];  int   fz_nent; /* Number of entries */ int   fz_divisor; /* Hash size (mask+1) */};

2.1 fn_zone的创建

 static struct fn_zone *fn_new_zone(struct fn_hash *table, int z){ int i; struct fn_zone *fz = kzalloc(sizeof(struct fn_zone), GFP_KERNEL); if (!fz)  return NULL;  seqlock_init(&fz->fz_lock); fz->fz_divisor = z ? EMBEDDED_HASH_SIZE : 1; fz->fz_hashmask = fz->fz_divisor - 1; RCU_INIT_POINTER(fz->fz_hash, fz->fz_embedded_hash); fz->fz_order = z; fz->fz_revorder = 32 - z; fz->fz_mask = inet_make_mask(z);  /* Find the first not empty zone with more specific mask */ for (i = z + 1; i <= 32; i++)  if (table->fn_zones[i])   break; if (i > 32) {  /* No more specific masks, we are the first. */  rcu_assign_pointer(fz->fz_next,       rtnl_dereference(table->fn_zone_list));  rcu_assign_pointer(table->fn_zone_list, fz); } else {  rcu_assign_pointer(fz->fz_next,       rtnl_dereference(table->fn_zones[i]->fz_next));  rcu_assign_pointer(table->fn_zones[i]->fz_next, fz); } table->fn_zones[z] = fz; fib_hash_genid++; return fz;}

首先在内存中给struct fn_zone分配内存空间,然后按规则对一些基本的变量进行初始化,之后就是安排各个fn_zone在fn_zone_list的位置了,fn_zone_list中的节点都是按照fz_order从大到小排列的,所以首先一个for循环找出比当前fn_zone的fz_order大的最小fn_zone,如果存在,就将当前节点插到该节点之后;如果不存在,则表示当前节点是目前zn_order最大的节点,则它会成为链表的头。

3. 路由节点fib_node


struct fib_node { /* 哈希链表指针,针向同一个Hash槽中的相临节点 */ struct hlist_node fn_hash; /* 属于该节点的alias链表的头 */ struct list_head fn_alias; /* 该节点对应的网络key */ __be32   fn_key; /* 预先分配了空间的别名,在fib_fast_alloc()中使用 */ struct fib_alias        fn_embedded_alias;};

3.1 fib_alias结构

struct fib_alias { /* 指向链表中的相邻节点 */ struct list_head fa_list; /* fa_info是最终的路由信息 */ struct fib_info  *fa_info; /* 服务类型,对于一般服务取值为0 */ u8   fa_tos; /* 路由类型 */ u8   fa_type; /* 路由范围 */ u8   fa_scope; /* 路由状态 */ u8   fa_state; struct rcu_head  rcu;};


 static const struct{ int error; u8 scope;} fib_props[RTN_MAX + 1] = { [RTN_UNSPEC] = {  .error = 0,  .scope = RT_SCOPE_NOWHERE, }, [RTN_UNICAST] = {  .error = 0,  .scope = RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE, }, [RTN_LOCAL] = {  .error = 0,  .scope = RT_SCOPE_HOST, }, [RTN_BROADCAST] = {  .error = 0,  .scope = RT_SCOPE_LINK, }, [RTN_ANYCAST] = {  .error = 0,  .scope = RT_SCOPE_LINK, }, [RTN_MULTICAST] = {  .error = 0,  .scope = RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE, }, [RTN_BLACKHOLE] = {  .error = -EINVAL,  .scope = RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE, }, [RTN_UNREACHABLE] = {  .error = -EHOSTUNREACH,  .scope = RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE, }, [RTN_PROHIBIT] = {  .error = -EACCES,  .scope = RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE, }, [RTN_THROW] = {  .error = -EAGAIN,  .scope = RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE, }, [RTN_NAT] = {  .error = -EINVAL,  .scope = RT_SCOPE_NOWHERE, }, [RTN_XRESOLVE] = {  .error = -EINVAL,  .scope = RT_SCOPE_NOWHERE, },};

3.2 fib_info结构


 struct fib_info { struct hlist_node fib_hash; struct hlist_node fib_lhash; struct net  *fib_net; int   fib_treeref; atomic_t  fib_clntref; int   fib_dead; unsigned  fib_flags; int   fib_protocol; __be32   fib_prefsrc; u32   fib_priority; u32   fib_metrics[RTAX_MAX];#define fib_mtu fib_metrics[RTAX_MTU-1]#define fib_window fib_metrics[RTAX_WINDOW-1]#define fib_rtt fib_metrics[RTAX_RTT-1]#define fib_advmss fib_metrics[RTAX_ADVMSS-1] /* 路由的跃点数,当支持多径路由时,fib_nhs为跃点数目, 当不支持多径路由时,到达目前地址都只有一跳,则该值为1 */ int   fib_nhs; struct rcu_head  rcu; /* 下一跳信息 */ struct fib_nh  fib_nh[0];#define fib_dev  fib_nh[0].nh_dev};

3.3 fib_info的创建

struct fib_config中包含了创建一条路由条目所需要的信息。本文中不考虑路由多径的情况,即假设宏CONFIG_IP_ROUTE_MULTIPATH未定义。

struct fib_info *fib_create_info(struct fib_config *cfg){ int err; struct fib_info *fi = NULL; struct fib_info *ofi; int nhs = 1; struct net *net = cfg->fc_nlinfo.nl_net;  /* 检测该请求创建的路由信息范围与类型是否对应 */ if (fib_props[cfg->fc_type].scope > cfg->fc_scope)  goto err_inval;  /* 路由信息除依附于上述所提到的几种数据结构外,同时系统会维护  两个全局的哈希链表,一个用于保存路由信息,另一个用于保存本地地址,  fib_info_cnt全局变量表示路由表项的数目,fib_hash_size表示哈希表  的大小,当路由表项数目大于路由哈希表大小时,为了防止哈希碰撞导致的  查找效率降低,需要扩大哈希表大小为原来的两倍 */ err = -ENOBUFS; if (fib_info_cnt >= fib_hash_size) {  unsigned int new_size = fib_hash_size << 1;  struct hlist_head *new_info_hash;  struct hlist_head *new_laddrhash;  unsigned int bytes;   if (!new_size)   new_size = 1;  /* 按新的哈希表尺寸为哈希表分配内存空间 */  bytes = new_size * sizeof(struct hlist_head *);  new_info_hash = fib_hash_alloc(bytes);  new_laddrhash = fib_hash_alloc(bytes);  if (!new_info_hash || !new_laddrhash) {   fib_hash_free(new_info_hash, bytes);   fib_hash_free(new_laddrhash, bytes);  } else   /* 如果内存空间分配成功,则将旧的列表中的内容移动到新的链表中,     并释放旧列表的内存空间 */   fib_hash_move(new_info_hash, new_laddrhash, new_size);   /* 列表大小溢出,则出错返回 */  if (!fib_hash_size)   goto failure; }  /* 为路由表项分配内存空间,大小为struct fib_info的大小加上nhs个下一跳信息 struct fib_nh的大小,不支持多径路由的路由时nhs始终为1 */ fi = kzalloc(sizeof(*fi)+nhs*sizeof(struct fib_nh), GFP_KERNEL); if (fi == NULL)  goto failure; fib_info_cnt++;  fi->fib_net = hold_net(net); fi->fib_protocol = cfg->fc_protocol; fi->fib_flags = cfg->fc_flags; fi->fib_priority = cfg->fc_priority; fi->fib_prefsrc = cfg->fc_prefsrc;  fi->fib_nhs = nhs; /* 遍历fib_nh信息,此处仅执行一次,设置fib_nh的nh_parent */ change_nexthops(fi) {  nexthop_nh->nh_parent = fi; } endfor_nexthops(fi)  /* 如果给出了路由属性信信,则通过遍历路由属性信息来确定fib_metrics的值 */ if (cfg->fc_mx) {  struct nlattr *nla;  int remaining;   nla_for_each_attr(nla, cfg->fc_mx, cfg->fc_mx_len, remaining) {   int type = nla_type(nla);    if (type) {    if (type > RTAX_MAX)     goto err_inval;    fi->fib_metrics[type - 1] = nla_get_u32(nla);   }  } }  struct fib_nh *nh = fi->fib_nh;  nh->nh_oif = cfg->fc_oif; nh->nh_gw = cfg->fc_gw; nh->nh_flags = cfg->fc_flags;  if (fib_props[cfg->fc_type].error) {  if (cfg->fc_gw || cfg->fc_oif || cfg->fc_mp)   goto err_inval;  goto link_it; }  if (cfg->fc_scope > RT_SCOPE_HOST)  goto err_inval;  if (cfg->fc_scope == RT_SCOPE_HOST) {  struct fib_nh *nh = fi->fib_nh;  /* 当前添加的是本地路由信息,只可能有一跳,即便是开启了   多径路由,下一跳数目不为1则报错,同时本地路由也不需要   指定网关,如果指定则报错 */   if (nhs != 1 || nh->nh_gw)   goto err_inval;  nh->nh_scope = RT_SCOPE_NOWHERE;  nh->nh_dev = dev_get_by_index(net, fi->fib_nh->nh_oif);  err = -ENODEV;  if (nh->nh_dev == NULL)   goto failure; } else {  /* 如果添加的不是本地路由信息,则检查下一跳信息 */  change_nexthops(fi) {   err = fib_check_nh(cfg, fi, nexthop_nh);   if (err != 0)    goto failure;  } endfor_nexthops(fi) }  if (fi->fib_prefsrc) {  if (cfg->fc_type != RTN_LOCAL || !cfg->fc_dst ||      fi->fib_prefsrc != cfg->fc_dst)   if (inet_addr_type(net, fi->fib_prefsrc) != RTN_LOCAL)    goto err_inval; } link_it: /* 查找路由条目,返回与当前路由条目精确匹配的条目,  若存在,则释放当前创建的新条目,增加已找到的路由条目  的引用计数,并返回已找到的旧路由条目 */ ofi = fib_find_info(fi); if (ofi) {  fi->fib_dead = 1;  free_fib_info(fi);  ofi->fib_treeref++;  return ofi; }  /* 当前路由表中未找到已存在的符合要求的路由条目, 则增加  新建路由条目的引用计数 */ fi->fib_treeref++; atomic_inc(&fi->fib_clntref); spin_lock_bh(&fib_info_lock); /* 将新建的路由插入到全局路由列表中,其中fib_info_hashfh  为散列函数 */ hlist_add_head(&fi->fib_hash,         &fib_info_hash[fib_info_hashfn(fi)]);  /* 如果指定了源地址,则将源地址插入到全局本地地址列表中 */ if (fi->fib_prefsrc) {  struct hlist_head *head;  head = &fib_info_laddrhash[fib_laddr_hashfn(fi->fib_prefsrc)];  hlist_add_head(&fi->fib_lhash, head); } /* 将下一跳信息写入全局列表中,由上述知本迭代只进行一次,  散列函数为fib_devindex_hashfn() */ change_nexthops(fi) {  struct hlist_head *head;  unsigned int hash;   if (!nexthop_nh->nh_dev)   continue;  hash = fib_devindex_hashfn(nexthop_nh->nh_dev->ifindex);  head = &fib_info_devhash[hash];  hlist_add_head(&nexthop_nh->nh_hash, head); } endfor_nexthops(fi) spin_unlock_bh(&fib_info_lock); return fi; err_inval: err = -EINVAL; failure: if (fi) {  fi->fib_dead = 1;  free_fib_info(fi); }  return ERR_PTR(err);}

3.4 向路由表中插入路由信息。

 int fib_table_insert(struct fib_table *tb, struct fib_config *cfg){ struct fn_hash *table = (struct fn_hash *) tb->tb_data; struct fib_node *new_f = NULL; struct fib_node *f; struct fib_alias *fa, *new_fa; struct fn_zone *fz; struct fib_info *fi; u8 tos = cfg->fc_tos; __be32 key; int err;  if (cfg->fc_dst_len > 32)  return -EINVAL;  /* 根据目的地址长度找出对应的路由域 */ fz = table->fn_zones[cfg->fc_dst_len]; /* 如果路由域不存在,则调用fn_new_zone()函数创建一个新的路由域 */ if (!fz && !(fz = fn_new_zone(table, cfg->fc_dst_len)))  return -ENOBUFS;  key = 0;  /* 如果指定了目的地址,如果目的地址主机位不为0,则出错返回 */ if (cfg->fc_dst) {  if (cfg->fc_dst & ~FZ_MASK(fz))   return -EINVAL;  key = fz_key(cfg->fc_dst, fz); }  /* 创建一个新的fib_info对象 */ fi = fib_create_info(cfg); if (IS_ERR(fi))  return PTR_ERR(fi);  /* 如果当前路由域中路由节点的数目大于散列表大小的两倍,  并且相关数据都合法的情况下,需要重构散列表以减小  哈希碰撞 */ if (fz->fz_nent > (fz->fz_divisor<<1) &&     fz->fz_divisor < FZ_MAX_DIVISOR &&     (cfg->fc_dst_len == 32 ||      (1 << cfg->fc_dst_len) > fz->fz_divisor))  fn_rehash_zone(fz);  /* 通过网络号key找出对应的路由节点fn_node */ f = fib_find_node(fz, key);  if (!f)  fa = NULL; else  fa = fib_find_alias(&f->fn_alias, tos, fi->fib_priority);  if (fa && fa->fa_tos == tos &&     fa->fa_info->fib_priority == fi->fib_priority) {  struct fib_alias *fa_first, *fa_match;   err = -EEXIST;  /* 如果具有与新建路由项相同属性的fib_alias存在,并且添加路由项标志中   设置了NLM_F_EXCL(排它选项),则返回路由已存在 */  if (cfg->fc_nlflags & NLM_F_EXCL)   goto out;   /* We have 2 goals:   * 1. Find exact match for type, scope, fib_info to avoid   * duplicate routes   * 2. Find next \'fa\' (or head), NLM_F_APPEND inserts before it   */  fa_match = NULL;  fa_first = fa;  fa = list_entry(fa->fa_list.prev, struct fib_alias, fa_list);  list_for_each_entry_continue(fa, &f->fn_alias, fa_list) {   if (fa->fa_tos != tos)    break;   if (fa->fa_info->fib_priority != fi->fib_priority)    break;   if (fa->fa_type == cfg->fc_type &&       fa->fa_scope == cfg->fc_scope &&       fa->fa_info == fi) {    fa_match = fa;    break;   }  }   if (cfg->fc_nlflags & NLM_F_REPLACE) {   u8 state;    /* 如果存在一条精确匹配的路由项fib_alias,并且在设置了NLM_F_REPLACE    标志的情况下,不做处理直接返回 */   fa = fa_first;   if (fa_match) {    if (fa == fa_match)     err = 0;    goto out;   }    /* 并没有精确匹配的路由项fib_alias,即便有匹配的fib_alias,也是    仅tos和priority两个选项匹配,因此需要新建一个路由别名fib_alias */   err = -ENOBUFS;   new_fa = fib_fast_alloc(f);   if (new_fa == NULL)    goto out;    new_fa->fa_tos = fa->fa_tos;   new_fa->fa_info = fi;   new_fa->fa_type = cfg->fc_type;   new_fa->fa_scope = cfg->fc_scope;   state = fa->fa_state;   new_fa->fa_state = state & ~FA_S_ACCESSED;   fib_hash_genid++;   /* 因为设置了NLM_F_REPLACE选项,所以用新fib_alias对象替换掉    列表中旧的fib_alias对象,并释放旧对象的内存 */   list_replace_rcu(&fa->fa_list, &new_fa->fa_list);    fn_free_alias(fa, f);   if (state & FA_S_ACCESSED)    rt_cache_flush(cfg->fc_nlinfo.nl_net, -1);   /* 这里留做以后再讨论 */   rtmsg_fib(RTM_NEWROUTE, key, new_fa, cfg->fc_dst_len,      tb->tb_id, &cfg->fc_nlinfo, NLM_F_REPLACE);   return 0;  }   /* Error if we find a perfect match which   * uses the same scope, type, and nexthop   * information.   */  if (fa_match)   goto out;   if (!(cfg->fc_nlflags & NLM_F_APPEND))   fa = fa_first; }  /* 对应的fib_alias对象并不存在,如果没有设置NLM_F_CREATE则返回出错 */ err = -ENOENT; if (!(cfg->fc_nlflags & NLM_F_CREATE))  goto out;  err = -ENOBUFS;  /* 新建一个路由节点项fib_node并初始化 */ if (!f) {  new_f = kmem_cache_zalloc(fn_hash_kmem, GFP_KERNEL);  if (new_f == NULL)   goto out;   INIT_HLIST_NODE(&new_f->fn_hash);  INIT_LIST_HEAD(&new_f->fn_alias);  new_f->fn_key = key;  f = new_f; }  /* 新建一个路由别名项fib_alias并初始化 */ new_fa = fib_fast_alloc(f); if (new_fa == NULL)  goto out;  new_fa->fa_info = fi; new_fa->fa_tos = tos; new_fa->fa_type = cfg->fc_type; new_fa->fa_scope = cfg->fc_scope; new_fa->fa_state = 0;  /* 将路由信息项,路由别名项,路由节点项按规则组织起来  后刷新路由表 */ if (new_f)  fib_insert_node(fz, new_f); list_add_tail_rcu(&new_fa->fa_list,   (fa ? &fa->fa_list : &f->fn_alias)); fib_hash_genid++;  if (new_f)  fz->fz_nent++; rt_cache_flush(cfg->fc_nlinfo.nl_net, -1);  rtmsg_fib(RTM_NEWROUTE, key, new_fa, cfg->fc_dst_len, tb->tb_id,    &cfg->fc_nlinfo, 0); return 0; out: if (new_f)  kmem_cache_free(fn_hash_kmem, new_f); fib_release_info(fi); return err;}

3.5 查询路由信息


static inline int fib_lookup(struct net *net, const struct flowi *flp,        struct fib_result *res){ struct fib_table *table;  table = fib_get_table(net, RT_TABLE_LOCAL); if (!fib_table_lookup(table, flp, res, FIB_LOOKUP_NOREF))  return 0;  table = fib_get_table(net, RT_TABLE_MAIN); if (!fib_table_lookup(table, flp, res, FIB_LOOKUP_NOREF))  return 0; return -ENETUNREACH;}


int fib_table_lookup(struct fib_table *tb,       const struct flowi *flp, struct fib_result *res,       int fib_flags){ int err; struct fn_zone *fz; struct fn_hash *t = (struct fn_hash *)tb->tb_data;  rcu_read_lock(); for (fz = rcu_dereference(t->fn_zone_list);      fz != NULL;      fz = rcu_dereference(fz->fz_next)) {  struct hlist_head *head;  struct hlist_node *node;  struct fib_node *f;  __be32 k;  unsigned int seq;   do {   seq = read_seqbegin(&fz->fz_lock);   k = fz_key(flp->fl4_dst, fz);    head = rcu_dereference(fz->fz_hash) + fn_hash(k, fz);   hlist_for_each_entry_rcu(f, node, head, fn_hash) {    if (f->fn_key != k)     continue;     err = fib_semantic_match(&f->fn_alias,       flp, res,       fz->fz_order, fib_flags);    if (err <= 0)     goto out;   }  } while (read_seqretry(&fz->fz_lock, seq)); } err = 1;out: rcu_read_unlock(); return err;}


 int fib_semantic_match(struct list_head *head, const struct flowi *flp,         struct fib_result *res, int prefixlen, int fib_flags){ struct fib_alias *fa; int nh_sel = 0;  list_for_each_entry_rcu(fa, head, fa_list) {  int err;   if (fa->fa_tos &&      fa->fa_tos != flp->fl4_tos)   continue;   if (fa->fa_scope < flp->fl4_scope)   continue;   fib_alias_accessed(fa);   err = fib_props[fa->fa_type].error;  if (err == 0) {   struct fib_info *fi = fa->fa_info;    if (fi->fib_flags & RTNH_F_DEAD)    continue;    switch (fa->fa_type) {   case RTN_UNICAST:   case RTN_LOCAL:   case RTN_BROADCAST:   case RTN_ANYCAST:   case RTN_MULTICAST:    for_nexthops(fi) {     if (nh->nh_flags & RTNH_F_DEAD)      continue;     if (!flp->oif || flp->oif == nh->nh_oif)      break;    }    goto out_fill_res;    endfor_nexthops(fi);    continue;    default:    pr_warning(\'fib_semantic_match bad type %#x\\n\',        fa->fa_type);    return -EINVAL;   }  }  return err; } return 1; out_fill_res: res->prefixlen = prefixlen; res->nh_sel = nh_sel; res->type = fa->fa_type; res->scope = fa->fa_scope; res->fi = fa->fa_info; if (!(fib_flags & FIB_LOOKUP_NOREF))  atomic_inc(&res->fi->fib_clntref); return 0;}





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