


In terms of perception and inclusiveness, Sadhguru says, today’s education is making us more narrow and individualistic.



Sadhguru: The word “education” fundamentally means, educating yourself, fundamentally means, to broaden your horizons. From being in limitedness, you want to enlarge yourself. But today the form of education that is being imparted to people, though it is broadening your information, capabilities, but things that you know in terms of information, in terms of perception, in terms of including life, you are becoming very,very narrow, please see this. 

萨古鲁:教育、教育自己,本质上就意味着开阔自己的视界。身处局限之中,我们想要扩展自己。然而如今灌输给人们的教育,虽拓宽了知识和技能,但对生命的感知和包容性上,却让我们变得越发狭隘,请看看这一点 。


There was a time, especially in this country even today, there are families like this, three hundred four hundred people live in one house——one large family. Three hundred to four hundred people have to live in one place means, it means an enormous sense of inclusion. Because these four hundred people will do things in different ways, they have different likes and dislikes. Today they want that kind of food but this person wants this kind of food, but they can do only one kind. So this is an enormous sense of inclusion, otherwise you can’t live together. 



That’s why the ashram. If you have to live with five hundred people here in the ashram, you need an enormous sense of inclusion. Without that, you cannot live with people harmoniously. So people used to live like this, which was a common thing but now is a very uncommon thing. Still there are a few families living like that. But slowly as education came as we know education today, as the western form of education came, people are becoming more and more individualistic, exclusive, no more inclusive. 



Then we dropped all those uncles and aunts, grandmothers and this and that. Then we said family means me, my wife, my children, my parents, ok. Wife’s parents, no. They must go to the son. Then we thought parents are too, they are old and they are in the way for everything. Then with a family means me, my wife, my children. 



Slowly as this education is becoming to play a huge role in people’s lives, western societies and also in large cities in India today it's beginning to happen. Even two people can’t live together, they have to have separate homes. Weekend they can meet, more than weekend? Finished, there'll be a war. We're becoming so exclusive, so exclusive that loneliness has become the biggest problem in the world today. And education has set forth.



Once it happened, a gypsy. Gypsies live a completely different kind of life. There is a certain beauty and romance to their life. Because they don’t belong to any place, they keep moving and moving. They don’t gather too much, if they gather too much they cannot travel. So they have a completely different attitude which is in some ways very beautiful, considered romantic——rolling stones. 



So the gypsy’s calling his son, he's telling his son, you‘’re good for nothing, fellow. If you don’t learn some magic and jogglery and things like this to make a living, I’m going to put you into school and make you into an educated man and then you will suffer from endless want. Unfortunately this is what education has done to people——endless want. The more educated the societies have becoming, their wants are becoming unbelievable. Each person needs a whole planet to serve him. This is being the result of education unfortunately. Not because there is something wrong with the content of education, but there is something absolutely wrong with the way it is delivered. It is not information which damages people. It is the way you gather it, the way it is given with what context it is given.









Isha Samskriti学校:发展人类潜能

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