

【国家级】一堂只有9张ppt的神级阅读课,真正实现了深度阅读 I 第十三届全国高中外语课堂教学观摩课例 韩甲祥

2024.04.27 吉林







Step 1: Lead-in

1. 韩老师直接引入主题:The passage that we are going to read today has got a lot to do is basketball. When talking about basketball,who would you think of first?

学生 1:  Michael Jordan.
韩老师: Michael Jordan.He is said to be the the goat of basketball.

学生 2: Kobe Bryant.

韩老师: Kobe Bryant. May him rest in peace.

学生 3 :Yao Ming.

韩老师:Yao Ming. The best basketball player in our country.)

2. 韩老师追问:What kind of person can be a good basketball player?Can you tell me some qualities?

(学生的回答:Determine. 韩老师纠正为Determined// Skillful//Very strong.)

Step 2: Reading

过渡词:It seems that you guys know enough to enjoy our story today. Let's take a look at the title of the story that we are going to read--The Underdog.(并板书标题)

Part 1(也就是第一部分文章的阅读)

1. 韩老师询问学生是否知道标题中Underdog的含义:Do you know the meaning of the word “underdog”?

2. 学生阅读第一篇文章,思考能从中获得关于Paul的什么信息。
(这一步的目的让学生通过阅读获得第一篇文章的main idea和和关于Paul的关键信息,理解标题中的underdog)

韩老师:Can  anybody tell me what you know about Paul from this part?What can we learn about him?You can start from the most special character of Paul. What's special about Paul?

学   生:  I think he isn't the formal player of the team.

韩老师:  Because?

学   生: Because when there is no one to take the place of the hurt people and the couch didn't think of Paul at the first time.

韩老师: Yes, the couch just consider Paul as a.... what is that word using the text ? As a......? (关注文本细节)

学   生:  He can't play.

韩老师: He couldn't play. He didn't get the chance to play, right. Good. (此处韩老师板书 no chance to play)

这里韩老师追问了一个because, 引导学生关注文本细节,后面学生在回答时就自动加上了文本细节以此来支撑自己的观点


韩老师:Any other information about Paul?
学   生: He loves basketball,but he's only 1.6m tall. Because of that,he is more hard-working and practises more than others.
韩老师:He practices  a lot. Right? Good. (此处韩老师板书 1.6m)
学   生: And I also know that he's confident. He said 'why not me'?
韩老师:He is very confident,very good,thank you.(此处板书 confident)
韩老师: You said just now that Paul was just 1.6m stall, which makes Paul the shortest in the whole team.Any other information about Paul?
学   生:  I think he has a strong determination.
韩老师:Strong determination.
学   生: And he is a positive person, because he is only 1.6m tall, but he has real skills and has a strong desire to play for the team.He didn't give up his dream.
韩老师:Has real skills and desires, right? Very good.(此处板书 has real skills and desires,)
韩老师:Any other information about Paul? Is there  any other names mentioned in this part of the story? Or any other people in this story? Who do we know? (学生沉默时会提供更多线索引导学生)What about you? Is there any other person in the story apart from Paul?
学    生:  His favorite player was....
韩老师:Bogues, right?
学    生:  Yes, and he is also 1.6m tall. (此处板书Bogues, 1.6m)
韩老师:Exactly. And we also know ..So we call Bogues ... Paul's...Bogues is Paul's idol maybe.
韩老师:Andbody else? Who else is there in the story apart from Paul? We also have Paul's....
学    生:And Paul's friend “I”。
韩老师:'I' and also the rest of the team. What do 'I' think of Paul?
学 生1:He thinks Paul has real skills and has a strong desire to play for the team. (此处板书teammates)
韩老师:And on the contray, there's another one.  Who is that?Who's got the opposite attitude towards Paul?
学 生2:The coach. (此处板书the coach)
韩老师:What does the coach think of Paul? If we can add a verb between Paul and the coach, what do you think that word would be? Or phrase?哪怕是很优秀的学生也会冷场,但是韩老师通过换一种方式提问让学生迅速反应过来,有了正确答案
学 生3:Disbelievable.
韩老师:He doesn't believe Paul, right? Good.(此处板书the couch)
韩老师:As you can see here, the qualities that I put up here---he's only one point six meters high.and he had got no chance to play. All of these qualities make Paul an underdog. So what does underdog mean?It refers to a person who...
学    生: I think maybe a failure.
韩老师: A person who always fails.
学    生: Lose the chance.
韩老师:Always lose the game,right?We do not believe that the person would win in the game. Right? So that kind of person is called an underdog. right? So in this part of the story Paul is the underdog.(板书the underdog))

3. 基于第一篇文章,小组谈论:Paul未来可能会做什么,并给出理由。


Part 2(也就是第二部分文章的阅读)

1. 阅读第二篇文章,对part2的故事做出一个总结。
(这一步的目的让学生通过阅读获得章的main idea和和关键信息, 主线就是Paul从an underdog到 a big guy的转变)

1. 总结后续故事的主要情节+Paul被教练称为the big guy
韩老师:Anyone who would like to summarize this part of story?
学 生1:  Suddenly there come up with an empty place and Paul grasped the chance.
韩老师 Hold on a sec. Suddenly,what happened in the middle of the game?
学 生1:S: One player got hurt.
韩老师: Who is that player?
学 生1: Me.
韩老师:I got hurt. That is why Pual and I are best friends. I got hurt. What happpened next?(此处板书I got hurt)
学 生1:  And eveyone suggests Paul to be the player.
韩老师:Exactly. The lady, would you please continue the story?
学生2:  So Paul took up my place and be a player in the team. He made many shots and let the team win the game.
韩老师:Exactly, very good. The kind of happy ending that we all want to see, right?  Our team won right.(此处板书the Lions won)

韩老师:So in this part of the story,Paul is not the underdog anymore.  He is referred to as...Yes. the star. Acording to couch, Paul is refered to...Yes. The big guy.(此处板书the big guy)

2. 关注文中关于Paul如何打比赛的描述--体现big guy

韩老师:Now Paul is called as the big guy. What are the specific expressions in this part of the story to show how Paul played?Go back to the text.
学   生: 'The other team just couldn't keep up with his energy and speed. He made shot after shot and the crowd couldn't stop clapping and cherring.'
韩老师:Exactly. Paul was full of energy and Paul was very fast.((此处板书full of energy and very fast) What are the two verbs used to describe Paul when Paul just got the chance? what are the two verbs?
学   生: He 'jumped up and rushed onto the court.'
韩老师:Yes. He 'jumped up and rushed onto the court.'(此处板书jumped and rushed) This is the second part of the story. You can see that in this part of the story, Paul was changed from a underdog to a big guy.)

2. 同桌之间讨论教练的态度在比赛前,比赛中,比赛后是如何变化:

How the couch's attitude has been changed in the whole story, before the game,during the game and after the game?


3. 探讨作者是通过什么展示教练的态度的
这一步的目的让学生通过分析掌握to show not to tell这一写作技巧)

通过分析教练的话,韩老师总结 “ Sometimes we do not have to write what is in our mind directly, we can use some other ways.  And this is kind of writing technique when it comes to narratives,  which we will talk about in the next class  on writing.”

4. 小组讨论:什么使得Paul取得了成功?


Step 3: 总结升华+作业

As you can see here, all the words (指学生总结的品质)they spell underdog.  But actually these are the qualities  that help Paul win.  And this is the most important message that I would like to share with all of you.  We might be underdog sometime. However,  if we have a right attitude  and work hard enough and we can win as well. Maybe you think of other underdog stories, stories about yourself or about other people around you.





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