


Using OCLint with xcodebuild?

This document goes through the happy path of using OCLint to analyze the code quality of a Xcode project with xcodebuild.

See also

If you use Facebook’s xctool to build your Xcode projects, please use the json-compilation-database reporter to make things much easier. We highly recommend you start to use xctool as a replacement for xcodebuild.


OCLint recognizes a file called compile_commands.json to figure out the compiler options for parsing each file. For Xcode users, since all these compiler options are implicitly configured in Xcode build settings, we can see what actually happens when we invoke xcodebuild in terminal. Our approach is to capture the log of xcodebuild output, use oclint-xcodebuild to extract the adequate compiler options, convert them into JSON Compilation Database format, and save it into compile_commands.json file. Then we can use oclint-json-compilation-database to run analysis.

Running xcodebuild?

Running xcodebuild is a quite simple task to some people by figuring out the correct options for xcodebuild. However, some people may feel it’s not intuitive, so be patient, and take your time. You may find many online tutorials and blog posts that may help.

Basically, let’s say we have a DemoProject, to know all the options we have, enter xcodebuild -list:

$ xcodebuild -listInformation about project "DemoProject":    Targets:        DemoProject        DemoProjectTests    Build Configurations:        Debug        Release    If no build configuration is specified and -scheme is not passed then "Release" is used.    Schemes:        DemoProject

We can map these options back to the Xcode GUI:

Based on our choices in Xcode, we can set the corresponding options for xcodebuild. For instance, we can build our DemoProject project with

xcodebuild -target DemoProject -configuration Debug -scheme DemoProject

We should see detail xcodebuild invocations with a ** BUILD SUCCEEDED ** in the end. Great!

There are more options for xcodebuild, like workspace, arch, sdk, etc, we can apply them when necessary.

Capturing Output?

We need to save the xcodebuild output to a log file, by convention, name it xcodebuild.log. We can use xcodebuild <options> | tee xcodebuild.log to pipe every line of the output to xcodebuild.log file.

Running oclint-xcodebuild?

By running oclint-xcodebuild in the project root folder, a compile_command.json file should be generated.

Running oclint-json-compilation-database?

Excellent! Last step, we can kick off code analysis by oclint-json-compilation-database. We can filter the JSON compilation database, and analyze on the files we are interested. We can also change the OCLint behaviors to meet our specific requirements.


Clean Build?

If a source file has been built by xcodebuild, and it’s not been modified since last build, then it might not be compiled again when you invoke xcodebuild the second time. In other words, if it happens, this file won’t be shown in the log. So we won’t see it in the compile_commands.json. To avoid that, use clean build by removing all build products and intermediate files from the build directory.

However, cleaning and building the entire project takes longer time, especially for those big projects. In this case, if file structure hasn’t been changed, and build settings haven’t been modified, then it’s okay to keep the existing xcodebuild.log and compile_commands.json to save time.

If the xcodebuild build can be guaranteed to be successful with the options specified, then we could also use -dry-run option to build the project without actually running the commands, so that we can still capture the xcodebuild log but with reduced time.

Save to Repository?

compile_commands.json is platform sensitive. Whenever the environment has been changed, for example, upgrading Mac OS, upgrading Xcode version, switch to another SDK, and so on, please remove the existing xcodebuild.log and compile_commands.json, capture xcodebuild log again with the updated options, and re-generate new compile_commands.json.

Checking compile_commands.json into source code repository is not necessary. Instead, always generate a new compile_comamnds.json when anything changes.

However, we could write the entire process into a bash script, and check in this script. So that, all developers who work on the project can run this script and generate the compile_commands.json file that works best for his or her local environment.

See also

You might also be interested in using OCLint in Xcode.

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