

  381,He always put the interests of others before his own.
  382,He is blind to the probable results of his behavior.
  383,Don’t complain without good cause. 没有充分的理由就不要抱怨
  384,We may lose a lot of support, but that’s a chance we’ll have to take.我们也许会失去很多支持,但这个机会我们一定要抓住。
  385,He cheered up at the thought of seeing her again.
  386,The sad news of her father’s death was the only cloud on an otherwise happy year.
387,I consider it a great honor to be invited to dinner.
  388,We are hoping to go for a day in the country if the weather’s fine tomorrow. 如果明天天气好,我们打算到乡下玩一天。
  389,I don’t think I have the courage to tell him the bad news. 我觉得我没有勇气告诉他这个坏消息。
  390,We are a happy crew in our office. 我们在办公室里相处很愉快。
  391,This word is no longer in current use. 这个词现在已经不用了。
  392,You are deceiving yourself if you still believe that she loves you. 如果你还相信她爱你,你就是在骗自己。
  393,I am filled with desire to go back home. 我心中充满了回家的渴望。
  394,I fail to see why you find it so amusing. 我不明白你们为什么觉得这件事这么好笑。
  395,She wondered what fate had in store for her next.
  396,These two brothers decided to go to America to try their fortunes. 兄弟俩决定去美国碰
 397,They’re up to something. 他们在忙着什么。
  398,It’s my whole future on a plate. 我的未来就摆在眼前。
  399,I’ve jumped through all your hoops.我已经完全照你说的做了。
  400,I’ll take a pass. 我不干。
  401,Maybe we should play some hardball.也许我们该来点硬的。
  402,So can I have him reach you at the number that came up on my I.D.?
  403,I know you’re on a schedule, so I won’t keep you any longer.
  404,I’m going to take your word for it. 我会相信你说的话。
  405,Sorry for keeping you. To what do I owe the pleasure?
  406,You asked one too many. 你不该来问。
  407,You’re trying to put the fear of God into me. 你要吓唬我。
  408,I think we got off on the wrong foot. 我觉得我们一开始就错了。
  409,It’s every man for himself. 大难临头各自飞。
  410,From everything I’ve heard about you, that would be a pretty big change of pace. 据我所知,你可不是这样的。
  411,They call me a wet blanket. 他们说我很扫兴。
  412,I closed myself off to all other options. 我没给自己留后路
  413,I think I am completely done with this place. 我受够了这个地方。
  414,Go make yourself useful. 干点正事去吧。
  415,She wants to clear the air. 她想把事情解释清楚。
  416,I can’t change the way things are done here. 我无法改变现实。
  417,I cannot take credit for what I did not do. 无功不受禄。
  418,She is working my last nerve. 她让我忍无可忍了。
  419,I’ll make you a believer. 我会让你相信的。
  420,Let’s get this show on the road. 大家赶快行动起来
  421,I don’t understand how it got to this place. 我不知道事情怎么会变成这样。
  422,You need to keep your mind away from those kinds of thoughts.
  423,Do people actually buy this nonsense? 真有人信这些废话的?
  424,Life isn’t always what one likes. 人生不会尽如人意。
  425,I’m afraid you’ll have to rough it tonight. 恐怕你今晚要将就一下了。
  426,I’m up to my ears in work. 这工作我得赶快完成。
  427,You are no different than anybody else is. 你和别人没有不同。
  428,You have got to put the past behind you before you can move on.
  429,I bet you will never guess who I saw this morning.
  430,There must be something can be done. 咱们肯定能做点什么补救一下。
  431,It doesn’t quite roll off the tongue. 这很难说出口。
  432,I don’t want us to end up enemies. 我不希望咱们闹翻。
  433,You’re cleverer than you look. 没想到你脑子还挺好用。
  434,I had to cycle home in the rain and came in looking like a drowned rat. 我不得不淋雨回家,结果就成落汤鸡了。
  435,If I find the rat fink who informed on me, he won’t live long enough to do it again. 要给我找出哪个卑鄙小人出卖我,他就活不长了。
  436,The shortest way isn’t always the best. 欲速则不达。
  437,It would never have worked out between us. 咱们不会有结果的。
  438,The success in business is focused not only on individual contribution but working as a team as well.
  439,I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.
  440,I need to get my hands on a phone. 我需要一部电话。
  441,Terrorise one, and the rest fall in line. 杀一儆百。
  442,I don’t want to spend any more minutes in here than necessary.
  443,That at this stage, every second is critical. 眼下每一秒都至关重要。
  444,Our final hope has failed us. 最后一线希望也破灭了。
  445,A little incentive and I want it in writing. 以防万一,我要书面承诺
  446,It serves you right. 这是你应得的。
  451,Jane was driving on the highway when all of a sudden her engine quit.引擎突然失效的时候,简正把车开在高速公路上。
  452,The excited children got ready for the trip to the zoo in no time.
  453,Even though angry demonstrators shouted during his speech, the politician didn’t miss a beat.
  尽管生气的示威者在他的演讲中大声嚷嚷,这位政治家还是没有停下来。454,I’m going to the store to buy a couple of items and I’ll be back right away.我要去商店买点东西,马上就回来。
  455,If you work hard and do your best, in the long run you will succeed.如果你努力工作并且尽自己最大努力,最后一定会成功的
  456,Mohammed never explained why he quit his job, and to this day we still don’t know why.穆罕默德没有解释过他为什么辞职,至今我们也不清楚原因。
  457,For a millionaire, the cost of a luxury car is a drop in the bucket.对一位百万富翁来说,买一辆豪华车的花费只是九牛一毛。
  458,Billy shared some of his candy with his friends, but kept the lion’s share for himself.比利和朋友们分享了一些糖果,但是自己留下了一大半儿
  459,When the bank teller counted the money in her drawer, she came up ten dollars short.当银行出纳数她抽屉里的钱的时候,她发现少了十美元。
  460,The company president has a local tailor make all her suits to order.这位公司的总裁有一位当地的裁缝专门为她做套装。
  461,The automobile company decided to bring its new models out a month earlier than usual.
  462,If we don’t leave on the double, we’ll miss the start of the soccer game.如果我们不马上出发,我们会错过球赛开场。
  463,If you walk at a snail’s pace, we’ll never get there on time.
  464,The hikers sat tight in a mountaintop cave while a strong storm swept through the area.
  465,You should think carefully before you speak. Your constant questions are trying my patience.你说话之前应该仔细想想。你那些连续不断的问题正在考验我的耐心
  466,I felt quite ill at ease at the party last night because I didn’t know anyone there.昨晚我在晚会上非常紧张,因为我谁也不认识。
  467,Ms. Lee was unhappy with the paint job on her car, so she told the shop to do the work over.
  468,I can’t think straight when there’s so much noise in the room. Could you be quiet?
  469,You’ve suggested a perfect solution to our dilemma. How did you cook it up by yourself?对我们这种进退两难的局面,你提出了一个完美的解决方案。你一个人是怎么想出来的?
  470,The software company announced that a major upgrade of its best-selling program was in the works.
  471,The time for the meeting is still up in the air. Melinda will contact us as soon as the time is established.
  472,How can you pass up the chance to meet your favorite author at the book signing?
  473,You can study acting as long as you like, but starring in a Hollywood movie is just a pipe dream.
  474,Elyse missed the boat when she didn’t accept the music scholarship.
  475,If we pull together, we can accomplish the task in half the time.
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