


Hong Kong Kidnapping Revives Memories of Other High-Profile Crimes

The police have spent days scouring Hong Kong’s northern reaches and monitoring the border with mainland China in a search for six men suspected of robbing a luxury home and kidnapping one of the residents, a 29-year-old woman.


The woman was released unharmed on Tuesday, three days after she was taken from the house in Tseung Kwan O district. The kidnappers, who are believed to be from mainland China, demanded a ransom of nearly $6.5 million, and they were eventually paid $3.6 million by the woman’s family, the South China Morning Post reported. The Hong Kong news media has reported that the victim is the granddaughter of the late Law Ting-pong, called the “Knitwear King,” who founded the Bossini clothing brand.

被绑女子于上周二安然获释,三天前她在位于将军澳区的住宅中被绑匪掳走。据《南华早报》(South China Morning Post)报道,据信来自中国内陆的绑匪勒索近650万美元(约合4040万元人民币)赎金,最后被绑女子家人支付了360万美元赎金。香港新闻媒体报道称,绑架案受害者为已故“针织大王”、服装品牌堡狮龙(Bossini)创始人罗定邦(Law Ting-pong)的孙女。

By Thursday, the police had set up roadblocks, and hundreds of officers aided by helicopters had converged on wooded parks in the New Territories of Hong Kong, where the kidnappers were believed to be hiding.


Hong Kong is one of the world’s safest cities, but it has experienced a number of high-profile kidnappings, particularly in the 1980s and ’90s, when gangs preyed on some of its ultrarich families.


Stay tuned: Hundreds of Hong Kong police descend on park where kidnappers may be hiding out


Teddy Wang, the founder of the Chinachem Group, was kidnapped by gangsters in 1983 and held for days in chains, only to be freed more than a week later after his wife, Nina Wang, paid an $11 million ransom. In 1990, he was abducted again in Hong Kong, and his wife paid $34 million as part of the ransom demands, but he was never seen again and was declared dead nine years later.The kidnappings committed by Cheung Tze-keung, a gangster known as Big Spender, riveted Hong Kong around the time of the 1997 handover of the territory from British to Chinese control. He abducted Walter Kwok, whose family made billions in property development, in September 1997. Mr. Kwok was released in exchange for $77 million.

1983年,香港华懋集团(Chinachem Group)创始人王德辉(Teddy Wang)遭绑匪绑架,并被囚禁数日。妻子王龚如心(Nina Wang)支付1100万美元赎金一周多后,王德辉才得以获释。1990年,王德辉在香港再度遭绑架,其妻支付了部分赎金(3400万美元),但自此王德辉下落不明。九年后,他被宣布在法律上已死亡。1997年英政府将香港移交中国之际,绰号“大富豪”的绑匪张子强(Cheung Tze-keung)犯下了几起轰动全港的绑架案。1997年9月,他绑架了通过地产开发揽聚亿万财富的郭氏家族的郭炳湘(Walter Kwok)。在交纳了7700万美元赎金后,郭炳湘得以获释。

He also kidnapped Victor Li, son of the Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing, in 1996.Mr. Li rarely speaks about the incident, but two years ago, he gave an interview to Nanfang Media Group, based in Guangzhou, saying that when Mr. Cheung came to collect the cash, he could pay only one billion Hong Kong dollars (now about $129 million) in cash and would have to go to the bank to get the full ransom demand of two billion Hong Kong dollars. His son was freed after he paid one billion. Mr. Li said he told Mr. Cheung to take the opportunity to “fly high and far away and turn over a new leaf,” it was reported. “If you mess up again, no one will help you.”

张子强还在1996年绑架了香港亿万富翁李嘉诚(Li Ka-shing)之子李泽钜(Victor Li)。李嘉诚很少谈及这次绑架事件,不过两年前在接受广州南方报业集团采访时,他说到当年张子强前来取赎金时,他手里只有10亿港币的现金(现约合1.29亿美元),需要去银行取现才能凑齐20亿港币的全部赎金。在支付了10亿赎金后,李泽钜获释。据报道称,李嘉诚说他当时劝告张子强:“趁现在远走高飞,洗心革面”,“如果再弄出乱子的时候,就没有人可以再帮到你了。”

Mr. Cheung was arrested in Guangdong Province in 1998 and executed for kidnapping and other crimes in a case that prompted concerns about the breakdown in the autonomy of Hong Kong’s legal system.


Despite his execution, the Big Spender case inspired other kidnappers who saw the large sums that could be extracted from wealthy families, said Sonny Lo, a social science professor at Hong Kong Institute of Education. That could be a factor in the latest kidnapping case, Mr. Lo said, although he notes the kidnappers appear to have far fewer Hong Kong ties than Mr. Cheung, who was born in mainland China but grew up in Hong Kong.

香港教育学院社会科学系教授卢兆兴(Sonny Lo)说道,尽管张子强已被处死,但那些想从富裕家族身上大捞一笔的绑匪却深受这位“大富豪”的启发。这可能是最近这起绑架案发生的原因之一。不过他也指出,和生于中国内陆、长于香港的张子强相比,这些绑匪似乎在香港甚少有亲友关系。

“If the six of them are eventually arrested, then, of course, law and order in Hong Kong will not be affected,” Mr. Lo said. “If six kidnappers are not arrested for a certain period of time, and if any of them escape, then it may be a possibility that more incidents may occur in the future.”


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