

Natalie Keyssar for The Wall Street Journal
纽约下城W酒店(W New York Downtown Hotel)位于38层的精装公寓。
在三周前,林书豪(Jeremy Lin)在麦迪逊广场花园(Madison Square Garden)成为纽约尼克斯队(Knicks)的首发控卫,变身为迅速崛起的篮球新星。
现在,他完成了向纽约新生代明星过渡的又一仪式:上周三,经过受到媒体密切关注的找房行动后,他签约租下了纽约下城W酒店(W New York Downtown Hotel)位于38层的一套精装公寓。
这套两卧室公寓装着玻璃幕 的起居室内摆设着一座4英尺(约1.2米)高的雕像, 上挂有原创艺术作品,壁橱内各种厨具一应俱全,窗外能看到自由女神像(Statue of Liberty)及世贸中心(World Trade Center)的纪念水池。
Eduardo Munoz/Reuters
公寓的室内装潢出自纽约房地产营销元老露易丝?桑夏恩(Louise Sunshine)之手。公寓挂牌月租金为1.3万美元。但W酒店开发商约瑟夫?莫尼安(Joseph Moinian)之子马修?莫尼安(Matthew Moinian)说,林书豪拿到的价格比较优惠,但他拒绝透露最终的签约价格。
马修说,这些年来莫尼安家族与很多尼克斯队球员及教练形成了密切的关系,其中包括尼克斯队助理教练及前队员赫伯?威廉姆斯(Herb Williams),他曾在20世纪90年代参加过马修的受戒礼。
据称在找房期间,林书豪从别人手中转租了位于怀特普莱恩斯的特朗普大厦(Trump Tower)的一套两卧室公寓,就在尼克斯队一处训练地点附近。
马修说,林书豪第一次来到W酒店时曾在这栋58层大楼地下层的BLT Bar & Grill餐厅停留,瞬间就有很多球迷围过来。
An Assist Puts Lin In The W
Jeremy Lin, the emerging basketball sensation, found a home in the Knicks' starting lineup at Madison Square Garden just over two weeks ago.
Now he has completed another rite of passage for a newborn New York celebrity: On Wednesday, after a closely followed house hunt, he signed a contract to rent a furnished condo on the 38th floor of the residences at the W New York Downtown Hotel.
The two-bedroom apartment comes with a 4-foot-high sculpture in the glass-walled living room, original art on the walls, pots and pans in the cabinets and views out to the Statue of Liberty and the memorial pools at the World Trade Center.
It also comes with that staple of New York real estate, the celebrity discount, and shows the close connection between the upper echelons of the sports and real-estate industries in New York.
The apartment, with interiors furnished by Louise Sunshine, the doyen of New York marketing, had a listed rent of $13,000 a month. But Matthew Moinian, the son of the W's developer Joseph Moinian, said Mr. Lin got a better deal, but declined to disclose the final contract price.
'We were trying to accommodate him,' he said. 'We want to help him as much as possible with his new life.'
Mr. Moinian said that his family had developed close ties over the years to a number of Knicks players and coaches, including with Herb Williams, the Knicks assistant coach and former player, who attended the younger Mr. Moinian's bar mitzvah in the 1990s.
Mr. Lin said in a statement that he was attracted to the W Downtown because of its amenities and his familiarity with the W Hotel in Taipei, Taiwan, where his parents grew up.
'It's a nice place to come home to with amazing views,' he said in the statement.
Mr. Lin had been sleeping on the couch in his brother's living room, uncertain about whether he would be cut from the team, when he suddenly emerged from obscurity and began turning around a losing season.
Mr. Lin was anxious to find a place to move in right away and checked out Mr. Williams's suggestion that he try the W Downtown, according to people familiar with the deal. Mr. Williams declined to comment through a team spokesman.
After looking at 20 apartments, Mr. Lin picked a completely furnished one that was already in contract for sale to an investor, who will continue the rental. The 1,182-square-foot apartment was listed for sale at $2.3 million, or more than $1,950 a square foot. The closing is scheduled for next month.
Ms. Sunshine said that she had created seven apartments on the 38th floor, fully furnished with midcentury objects and contemporary design, all of which are now in contract. The idea was to find rental tenants, and sell the apartments with tenants to investors, who would be able to draw immediate income.
Ms. Sunshine said she is now working on the furnishing and redesign of 25 other condos in the building.
During his apartment search, Mr. Lin was reported to have sublet a two-bedroom apartment at Trump Tower at City Center in White Plains, near a training site used by the Knicks.
But several people familiar with Mr. Lin's apartment hunt said he had never actually lived there.
When he first came to the W Downtown, Mr. Lin stopped off at the BLT Bar & Grill at the base of the 58-story building, and was immediately mobbed by well-wishers, Mr. Moinian said.
After that, Mr. Moinian said he arranged with the restaurant to provide Mr. Lin regular access to the restaurant's private dining room.
'You can't live on room service all the time,' he said.
Josh Barbanel
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