


如何像乔布斯那样做个吸引人的演讲 How to Wow 'Em Like Steve Jobs

The Apple CEO is well known for his electrifying presentations. Here are five tips to make your next talk just as mesmerizing -- or close

作者:Carmine Gallo


Apple Computer (AAPL), now celebrating 30 years of innovation, has revolutionized the way we use computers and listen to music. Now its charismatic co-founder, Steve Jobs, has transformed the corporate pitch. Anyone who has watched a Jobs keynote will tell you he is one of the most extraordinary speakers in Corporate America. Jobs learned a long time ago that a leader must be a company evangelist and brand spokesperson.


As a communications coach and former business journalist, I have spent plenty of time with Apple executives and have watched my share of Jobs' presentations. He is magnificent. But whether you are pitching a hot gizmo, such as the iPod, or a hot sub sandwich, a story is a story and your goal is to win customers. Here are Jobs' five keys to a dazzling presentation.

*传达“利益”概念 Sell the Benefit

乔布斯在演讲中不是在推销商品实物,他传达的是一种体验信息。乔布斯不像大部分的技术人员,在演讲中充斥着那些令人麻木的数据统计,而是在向听众兜售他们能从新产品中得到何种“利益”!举例来说,在发布30G iPod时,他这样说明这个产品对用户的意义——用户可以随身携带7500首歌曲、25000张照片、或者是长达75小时的视频。

而在介绍第一台Intel Mac时,他向用户解释,双核芯片使新的Macbook Pro比旧款Powerbook G4快上四倍,是“令人尖叫”的产品。他强调这是苹果制造的最薄的笔记本电脑,同时还有很多今人惊奇的新特性,如更亮的宽屏幕、内置摄像头方便用户进行视频会议。事实上这不是在谈论技术,而在说技术可以为你带来什么!

Steve Jobs does not sell bits of metal; he sells an experience. Instead of focusing on mind-numbing statistics, as most technologists tend to do, Jobs sells the benefit. For example, when introducing a 30 GB iPod, he clearly explains what it means to the consumer -- users can carry 7,500 songs, 25,000 photos, or up to 75 hours of video. In January when Jobs introduced the first Intel (INTC)-based Mac notebook he began by saying, "What does this mean?"

He went on to explain the notebook had two processors, making the new product four to five times faster than the Powerbook G4, a "screamer" as he called it. He said it was Apple's thinnest notebook and comes packed with "amazing" new features like a brighter wide-screen display and a built-in camera for video conferencing. It's not about the technology, but what the technology can do for you.

*练习再练习 Practice, Practice, and Practice Some More


Jobs takes nothing for granted during product launches. He reviews and rehearses his material. According to a Business Week article on February 6, 2006, "Jobs unveils Apple's latest products as if he were a particularly hip and plugged-in friend showing off inventions in your living room. Truth is, the sense of informality comes only after grueling hours of practice." The article goes on to say that it's not unusual for Jobs to prepare for four hours as he reviews every slide and demonstration.

*图形化 Keep It Visual




Speaking of slides, there are very few bullet points in a Jobs presentation. Each slide is highly visual. If he's discussing the new chip inside a computer, a slide in the background will show a colorful image of the chip itself alongside the product. That's it. Simple and visual.

Apple's presentations are not created on PowerPoint, as the vast majority of presentations are. But PowerPoint slides can be made visual as well. It's a matter of thinking about the content visually instead of falling into the habit of creating slide after slide with headlines and bullet points. I once worked with the vice-president of a public company who planned to show more than 80 data-heavy slides in a 40-minute presentation. Imagine how quickly his audience would have tuned out.

After I showed him just how visual his message could be, he went back to the drawing board, dismantled his existing presentation, and reduced it to about 10 image-rich slides. The next day a newspaper reporter wrote that my client had "wowed" analysts and investors. The stock rose 17% in the days that followed. Take a cue from Jobs and help your listeners visualize the message.

*激情无限 Exude Passion, Energy, and Enthusiasm

乔布斯具有一种充满感染力的激情。当发布videio iPod时,他说,“这是我们所制造过的最棒的音乐播放器”“它具有无与伦比的屏幕!”“色彩极为出色!”“视频效果令人惊叹不已!”



Jobs has an infectious enthusiasm. When launching the video iPod, Jobs said, "It's the best music player we've made," "It has a gorgeous screen," "The color is fantastic," and "The video quality is amazing."

The first time I watch my clients present, I often have to stop them to ask if they are sincerely passionate about their message. They usually assure me they are, but they tend to lose energy and enthusiasm when they fall into "presentation mode." Jobs carries his enthusiasm into his presentations.

There is no better example of Jobs' passion than the famous story of how he convinced John Sculley to lead Apple in the mid '80s by asking him, "Do you want to sell sugared water all your life or do you want to change the world?" The former Pepsi executive chose the latter and, although the pairing ultimately failed to work out, it reflects Jobs' sense of mission -- a mission that he conveyed consistently in the early years of Apple and continues to today.

*and one more thing...

在每场演讲快结束时,乔布斯会补充道,“and one more thing...”。然后,它可能会是一件新产品,一种新功能或者一个乐团节目秀。这个举动使乔布斯的演讲变得更像是一场盛会:有一个冲击力的开场,中段是产品演示,一个精炼总结,最后还有“one more thing...”,好一个“再来一次”(encore)!

At the end of each presentation Jobs adds to the drama by saying, "and one more thing." He then adds a new product, new feature, or sometimes introduces a band. He approaches each presentation as an event, a production with a strong opening, product demonstrations in the middle, a strong conclusion, and an encore -- that "one more thing!"


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