

【题型说明】风俗习惯类阅读文章在高考中偶有露脸。该类文章内容涉及到人们的言谈举止、生活习惯、饮食起居、服饰仪表、恋爱婚姻、消遣娱乐、节日起源、家庭生活等。文章篇幅短小,追根溯源,探索各项风俗的历史渊源,内容有趣。命题也以送分题为主,如事实细节题、语义转换题、词义猜测题和简单推理判断题等。虽然这类文章读起来感觉轻松,试题做起来比较顺手,但绝不能掉以轻心。因为稍不留神,就会丢分。                 【备考提醒】为了保证较高准确率,建议同学们做好以下几点:

1. 保持正常的考试心态。笔者在教学中发现,越是容易的试题,同学们越是容易失分。为什么呢?因为在这种情况下,同学们极易产生麻痹思想,认为题目好做,就不引起高度重视,于是思维不发散、不周密。而命题人就是利用同学们的这一弱点,设计陷阱题。 2. 根据前面讲到的方法,认真、细细心心做好事实细节题。

3. 做好语义转换题。这类题是根据英语中一词多义和某些词语在文中能表达一定的修辞意义的原则而设计的。要求同学们解释某生词的含义,确定多义词或短语在文中的意思,确认文中的某个代词所指代的对象,或者对英语中特有的表达、格言、谚语进行解释。这种题要求同学们一定要根据上下文猜测词义或理解句子,切不可望文生义。

4. 做好简单推理判断题。简单推理判断题要以表面文字为前提,以具体事实为依据进行推理,做出判断。这种推理方式比较直接,只要弄清事实,可结合常识推断出合理的结论。【实例分析】阅读下面的文章,然后做后面的阅读理解题:

The Pop Music Festival

Thousands of young people visiting the Isle of Wight for the pop music festival are finding that they have themselves become a tourist attraction. Family men driving past the festival site in family cars stop to let the children “see the hippies”.

In their view anybody with a rucksack and long hair is a hippy. One can almost imagine the children being ordered not to open the doors. At Yarmouth an elderly woman is supposed to have jumped into a stranger’s car and asked for a lift because she was afraid of the hairy youngsters. It would not be fair to say that the whole island regards all young people attending the festival as creatures from another world, but there is enough evidence(证据) of a gap between the pop culture which this week’s event represents and the attitude of many of the island’s usual visitors.

Yet on the 200-acre festival site(位置,场所) the show is being put together efficiently. Supplies of food are being brought in ahead of time to cope(应付) with the numbers of hungry people who are expected to arrive. A huge tent has been set up to store tons of tinned food, fruit and vegetables. Trucks loaded with country produce give part of the site the appearance of a vegetable market. In case of trouble, extra police are being called in from the mainland. Hundreds of tents have been put up, and some small houses made of straw and plastic materials as well.

Behind the site the East Afton hills rise pleasantly before dropping to the sea. The hills belong to the National Trust and have been fenced off to prevent too many visitors from camping on National Trust prop property and, incidentally, getting a free seat for the concerts.

The “White Panther” revolutionary movement, which has attacked the festival as “an obvious example of capitalist interests seeking to exploit the people’s music”, has pointed out that the concerts can be listened to from the hills. But most people seem happy enough to pay to go in. They have to do so only on the third day. As a gesture of good-will the organizers have decided not to charge for admission on the first and second days. Less well-known groups and artists will perform during this warming-up period. But obviously the organizers who have spent $ 500, 000 on the open-air festival hope to make a profit(利润); and with about 40, 000 fans already present, and perhaps another 200, 000 on the way, no doubt they will, unless the weather lets them down.

1. Young people going to the pop music festival have found that they themselves have become a tourist attraction because ________.

A. people are interested in the way they are dressed

B. people want to see hippies

C. people are curious about their hair-style

D. all of the above

2. The warming-up period refers to _______.

A. the first and second days when admission is free

B. the first few days when the Island is most crowded

C. the open ceremony(典礼) of the pop festival

D. the days when people can enjoy free food

3. East Afton hills are fenced off _______.

A. to allow for small houses

B. to limit the number of visitors

C. to prevent visitors from camping there

D. so that more people can come to join in

4. The organizers of the pop music festival _______.

A. can make no profit

B. can become millionaires

C. can jump to great fame

D. can make a profit of far more than 500,000

答案与解析】本文主要向我们介绍pop music 音乐节

1. D。事实细节题。根据family men driving last festival in the family sit in the family cars stop to let the children see the hippies和in their view anybody with a rucksack and long hair is a hippy可知答案为D。

2. A。事实细节题。根据As a gesture of good-will the organizers have decided not to charge for admission on the first and second days. Less well-known groups and artists will perform during the warming-up period可知答案为A。(from www.nmet168.com)

3. C。事实细节题。根据The hills belong to the National Trust and have been fenced off to prevent too many visitors from camping 可知答案为C。

4. D。事实细节题。根据But obviously the organizers who have spent 500,000 on the open-air festival hope to make a profit可知答案为D。




1. 文章中词汇的意义比较单一、稳定、简明,不带感情色彩,具有单一性和准确性的特点。综观整篇文章可以明显看出,它没有文学英语中常采用的排比、比喻、夸张等修饰手段,一词多义的现象也不多见。

2. 句子结构较复杂,语法分析较困难。为了描述一个客观事物,严密地表达自己的思想,作者经常会使用集多种语法现象与一体的长句。

3. 常使用被动语态强调动作的承受者。

4. 常使用双重否定句。

【结构特点】科普知识类文章结构一般也是由标题(Headlines),导语(Introductions),背景( Background),主体(Main body)和结尾(Ends)五部分构成。标题是文章中心思想高度而又精辟的概括,高考这类阅读理解材料一般也不给标题,而要同学们选择标题。导语一般位于整篇文章的首段。背景交待一个事实的起因。主体则对导语概括的事实进行详细叙述。这一部分命题往往最多,因此,阅读时,同学们要把这部分作为重点。结尾往往也是中心思想的概括,并与导语相呼应,命题者常在此要设计一道推理判断题。



Robots are smart. With their computer brains, they help people work in dangerous places or do difficult jobs. Some robots do regular jobs. Bobby, the mail carrier, brings mail to a large office building in Washington, D.C. He is one of 250 mail carriers in the United States.

Mr. Leachim, who weighs two hundred pounds and is six feet tall, has some advantages as a teacher. One is that he does not forget details. He knows each child’s name, the parents’ names and what each child knows and needs to know. In addition, he knows each child’s pets and hobbies. Mr. Leachim does not make mistakes. Each child goes and tells him his or her name, then dials an identification number. His computer brain puts the child’s voice and number together. He identifies the child with no mistakes. Then he starts the lesson.

Another advantage is that Mr. Leachim is flexible. If the children need more time to do their lessons they can move switches. In this way they can repeat Mr. Leachim’s lesson over and over again. When the children do a good job, he tells them something interesting about their hobbies. At the end of the lesson the children switch Mr. Leachim off.

1. The first paragraph of the passage tells us _____.

A. human beings are not as smart as robots

B. robots will take the place of man to rule the earth

C. we can only use robots to do some regular jobs

D. robots can help people in many different ways

2. Mr. Leachim’s _____ makes him a good teacher.

A. knowledge                        B. appearance

C. advantages                        D. energy

3. What is the most important thing Mr. Leachim can do in his lessons?

A. To meet the needs of each student.

B. To talk to the students in different languages.

C. To keep everyone’s interest in his lesson.

D. To introduce more hobbies to the children.

4. The word flexible in the last paragraph means _____.

A. not strict                           B. not hard  

C. suitable                             D. changeable

5. Which of the following statements may be true according to the passage?

A. There are 250 robot teachers in the United States.

B. Mr. Leachim is run and controlled by electricity.

C. Bobby works in a large office building in Washington D.C.

D. The lessons taught by Mr. Leachim are given on a TV set.


1. D。主旨大意题。从With their computer brains, they help people work in dangerous places or do different jobs. Some robots do regular jobs可知机器人可以做各种不同的工作,能以各种方式帮助人类,故答案选D。

2. C。事实细节题。从Mr. Leachim, who weighs two hundred pounds and is six feet tall, has some advantages as a teacher可知答案C正确。

3. A。推理判断题。从Another advantage is that Mr. Leachim is flexible可知他非常的灵活,可满足每个学生的要求,故答案选A。(from www.nmet168.com)

4. D。词汇猜测题。 从文章最后一段可知学生可以根据需要有选择地运用Mr. Leachim,  可见flexible是形容Mr. Leachim很灵活,富有变化,即答案选D。

5. B。事实细节题。从文章最后一句话At the end of the lesson the children switch Mr. Leachim off可知答案B正确。




There are some special traditions in Hawaii. People are very friendly and always welcome visitors. They give visitors a lei, a long necklace of beautiful fresh flowers. Men wear bright flowered shirts, and women often wear long flowered dresses. There are traditional Chinese, Japanese and Filipino holidays and all the holidays from the United States. They call Hawaii the Aloha State. Aloha means both hello and good-bye. It also means I love you.

Usually when people from different countries, races and traditions live together, there are serious problems. There are a few problems in Hawaii, but, in general, people have learned to live together in peace.

Hawaiians get most of their money from visitors, and most of the visitors come from the mainland and from Japan. there are so many people living in Hawaii now that there are residential(居住的)areas where there used to be farms. Some of the big sugar and apple companies have moved to the Philippines, where they do not have to pay workers as much money. The families of the first people who came from the U.S. mainland own the important banks and companies. Japanese are also buying or starting business.

1. A good title for this article might be _______.

A. Hawaii the Aloha State           B. Living in Peace Together

C. The Flower of Hawaii            D. The Problems of Hawaii

2. The author wants to show that _______.

A. we should all go to Hawaii       

B. it is possible to learn to live together in peace

C. it is not possible to live together in peace

D. Hawaii is the only place where there is peace

3. A lei is a ____.

A. group of flowers                           B. bright flowered shirt

C. way to say hello and good-bye        D. necklace of flowers

4. Why have the peoples of Hawaii come to live in peace?

A. Because they have a beach. 

B. Because they are in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

C. They really don’t live in peace.

D. Because they learned that it was best.

5. ____ plays an important part in development of Hawaii.

A. Modern industry                        B. Agriculture

C. The air line                                D. Business in travel

答案与解析】本文是地理知识, 介绍夏威夷的民族关系、风土人情及产业状况。

1. A。主旨大意题。本文主要讲了因其特殊的风土人情吸引了很多游客,旅游业发达,比较四个选项,再根据They call Hawaii the Aloha State 可知最佳答案为A。

2. B。事实细节题。从 in general, people have learned to live together in peace 可知答案为B。

3. D。事实细节题。从 They give visitors a lei, a long necklace of beautiful fresh flowers(a long necklace of beautiful fresh flowers即为 a lei 的同位语,故答案选D。(from www.nmet168.com)

4. D。推理判断题。A、B并不能成为原因, C与事实不符,故答案选D。

5. D。推理判断题。从Hawaiians get most of their money from visitors...可推出答案为D





Peter Fern was mad on mountain. Climbing was the love of his life. Church towers, seaside cliffs, ice mountains, anything “If it’s there” he used to say, “then I want to climb it.” So the news of his marriage gave me a surprise. I’d never known him to take much interest in girls. I wondered whether his wife would try to stop some of his risky adventures.

She was French perhaps—from that place where he usually spent his holidays. Chamonix, wasn’t it?

From Chamonix he’s climbed Mont Blanc on his seventeenth birthday, and one of the Aifuilles the day after! That was it, then: she was French, from a family, most of whom like climbing. No doubt. No other explanation.

A month later I met them both in town. Anna surprised me because she was English. She was a dancer in the theatre. “Never climbed more than sixty steps in my life.” She told me. “Peter has his interests, and I’ve got mine. No problems.” “No problems?” “No, none at all, ” Peter said, smiling. “Where did you spend your honeymoon?” “I flew to New York to see the drake Dancers on Broadway. A wonderful show!” Peter said, “Didn’t want to miss the good weather. So I went to Switzerland and climbed the north face of the Eiger with Allen Dunlop. Great fun, the Eiger. Grand place a honeymoon! I’ll show you the photographs we took one day.”

1. “Peter was mad on mountains” means “_______”.

A. he didn’t enjoy climbing mountains

B. he was angry on mountains

C. he lost his senses on mountains

D. he enjoyed climbing mountains very much

2. “The risky adventures” means “_______”.
    题型说明 社会生活类阅读文章在高考中的出现频率较高。它涉及人们衣、食、住、行等方面的社会万象、生活经历、饮食、饮食与健康、休闲与娱乐、旅游、生态旅游、服装、住房等等内容。这类文章同学们读起来感觉轻松,试题做起来也比较得心应手。在高考阅读理解题中,这类文章属搭配类材料,所以,它的命题多数属于中低等难度的送分题,如事实细节题、计算题、识图题等。遇到这类文章时,我们一定要抓住得分机遇,尽量不要失分。


1. 读题干:阅读题干,发现关键词和起主导作用的内容。一般情况下,问题出现的前后顺序与文章中细节和事实出现的先后顺序是一致的。

2. 找细节:阅读文章内容,寻找与题干相符合的具体细节。要注意的是,对作者使用的同义词或与之相关的词语和句子千万不能忽略。

3. 巧答题:根据前两步所得到的信息回答问题。阅读问题所给的四个选项,检查文中的细节与哪一项相符。当题干中有诸如“NOT”或“except”时,同学们一定要特别小心,力求在文章中找到相关的有力证据。


Most British telephone cards are just plain green, but card collecting is becoming a popular hobby in Britain and collectors even have their own magazine, International Telephone Cards. One reason for their interest is that cards from around the world come in a wide variety of different and often very attractive designs. There are 100,000 different cards in Japan alone, and there you can put your own design onto a blank card simply by using a photograph or a business card.

The first telephone cards, produced in 1976, were Italian. Five years later the first British card appeared, and now you can buy cards in more than a hundred countries. People usually start collecting cards because they are attractive, small and light, and they do not need much space. It is also a cheap hobby for beginners, although for some people it becomes a serious business. In Paris, for example, there is a market where you can buy only telephone cards, and some French cards cost up to 4,000 pounds. The first Japanese cards has a value of about 28,000 pounds. Most people only see cards with prices like these in their collectors magazines.

1. The text is mainly about _______.

A. the history of phone cards

B. phone card collecting as a hobby

C. reason for phone card collecting

D. the great variety of phone cards

2. When did people in Britain begin to use phone cards?

A. In 1971    B. In 1975                         C. In 1976                        D. In 1981

3. The main reason for most people to collect phone cards is that ________.

A. they find the cards beautiful and easy to keep

B. they like to have something from different countries

C. they want to make money with cards

D. they think the cards are convenient to use


4.The writer mentions a market in Paris in order to show that _______.

A. card collecting is popular among young people

B. French and Japanese cards are the most valuable

C. People can make money out of card collecting

D. Card collecting magazines are very useful


1. B。主旨大意题。通过阅读全文可知,the history of phone cards(电话卡的历史),reason for phone card collecting(收藏电话卡的原因),the great variety of phone cards(电话卡种类多),这三项都是围绕收藏电话卡展开的,即选答案B。

2. D。事实细节题。从 The first telephone cards, produced in 1976, were Italian. Five years later the first British card appeared(第一张电话卡在1976年,5年后英国也有了)可知答案为D。

3. A。事实细节题。从 People usually start collecting cards because they are attractive, small and light, and they do not need much space(人们喜欢收藏是因为这些卡设计好看,小巧轻便,不占地方)可知答案为A。(from www.nmet168.com)

4. C。推理判断题。从In Paris, for example, there is a market where you can buy only telephone cards, and some French cards cost up to 4,000 pounds(巴黎这家市场只买电话卡,有些高达四千英镑,最早的日本卡每张售价2万8千英镑)很明显可以看出作者提到它的目的,即选答案C


A. expensive adventures                        B. dangerous adventures

C. terrible adventures                            D. unkind adventures

3. according to the passage, after Peter’s marriage ________.

A. he would stop mountain climbing because his wife didn’t like it

B. his wife would stop him from mountain climbing

C. he himself would give up his love

D. Peter would continue to keep his love and so he did

4. The writer had thought the only reason why Fern married was that the girl _______.

A. might be French living near the mountain, and from a mountaineer family

B. would not stop his climbing

C. perhaps came from French

D. might live near the mountain

5. Peter and Anna’s marriage is probably ________.

A. a failure because neither of them likes the other’s love

B. happy because each of them respects the other’s love

C. painful because either of them would do one’s own thing

D. a mistake because either of them wouldn’t care the other’s love


1. D。推理判断题。mad是“疯狂,迷恋”之意,因此可推断Peter不是一般意义上的喜欢登山,故答案为D。

2. B。事实细节题。risky 是“冒险的,危险的”,故答案选B。

3. D。事实细节题。根据 Peter had his interests, and I have got mine. No problems可知他们可以保持各自的兴趣,因此答案为D。

4. A。事实细节题。根据 She was French perhaps-from that place where he usually spent his holidays可知答案为A。(from www.nmet168.com)

5. B。推理判断题。Peter和Amma婚后可以继续自己所喜爱的事业和兴趣,因此他们的婚姻应该说是幸福的,所以答案为B。


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