

一、虽然我不能改变天气好坏,但我可以改变心情;虽然我不能改变别人,但我能改变自己;虽然我不能改变过去,但我能改变未来;虽然我不能改变结果,但我能改变自己的想法。Although I can't change the weather, I can change my mood. Although I can't change others, I can change myself. Although I can't change the past, I can change the future. Although I can't change the result, I can change my mind.
二、我们总是期待幸运降临,其实人生只要有两次幸运就够了,一次是遇见你,一次是走到底。并不是每一天都是好日子,但每一天一定会有些好事会发生。We always look forward to luck, in fact, life as long as there are two lucky enough, one is to meet you, one is to come to the end. Not every day is a good day, but every day is bound to have some good things to happen.
三、你不努力,永远不会有人对你公平。只有你努力了,有了资源,有了话语权以后,你才可能为自己争取公平的机会。人生就是要活的漂亮,走的铿锵,宁可做拼搏的失败者,也不要做安于现状的普通人!If you don't work hard, no one will ever be fair to you. Only when you work hard, have the resources, and have the right to speak, can you strive for a fair opportunity for yourself. Life is to live beautifully, walk in the clang, would rather be the loser of the struggle, do not be satisfied with the status quo of ordinary people!
四、你割舍不下的,已经不是你喜欢的那个人了,而是那个默默付出的自己。当你惊叹于自己的付出的时候,你爱上的人,其实只是现在的你自己。到最后,在这场独角戏里,感动的人,只有你自己。What you can't give up is not the person you like anymore, but the person you pay for silently. When you marvel at what you have done, the person you love is actually just yourself now. In the end, in this one-man play, only you are touched.
五、 心里有你的人,总会主动找你。心里没有你的人,总是自动忽略你。其实,沉默就是答案,躲闪就是答案,不再主动就是答案,其实,你早该明白了。Those who have you in their hearts will always find you on their own initiative. If you have no one in your heart, you will always be ignored automatically. In fact, silence is the answer, evasion is the answer, no longer active is the answer, in fact, you should have understood.
If one day, you no longer look for love, just love; you no longer desire success, just do it; you no longer pursue empty growth, just start to cultivate your temperament; everything in your life really begins. Realize your original dream and walk with your sweetheart. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, we can do our best.
七、把变小,把语速放缓,把心放宽,把生活打理单,把故事往心底深藏,把手边事再做得好一点,现在想要的以后都会有,等你自己可以发出的时候,就再也不会害怕寒冷了。Make the circle smaller, slow down the speaking speed, relax the heart, simplify the life, hide the story deep in the heart, and do the things at hand better. Now what you want will come later. When you can shine a little light, you will never be afraid of the cold again.
八、一直相信,人世间有一种相遇不是在路上,而是在心上,用时光之笔,将最美的遇见写在心间;用岁月做笺,将初遇的芬芳一路珍藏。I have always believed that there is a kind of encounter in the world, not on the road, but in the heart, with the pen of time, will be the most beautiful encounter written in the heart; with the years as notes, will first encounter fragrance along the way treasure.
九、那一天,你为天涯,我为海角,两两相望,不能相依的绝望;那一世,你为明月,我为清泉,形影相错,不能交织的缘错;那一生,你在清水河畔,我在奈何桥旁;你浅浅的眉间,深深的呼唤,我淡淡的眼神,浓浓的情深。That day, you are the end of the earth, I am the cape, looking at each other in pairs, unable to depend on despair; that life, you are the moon, I am the spring, the shape is wrong, can not intertwine the fate; that life, you are in the clear water river, I am near Naihe Bridge; your shallow eyebrows, deep call, my light eyes, strong feelings.
十、 如果你不能飞,那就跑;如果跑不动,那就走;实在走不了,那就爬。无论做什么,你都要勇往直前。人生路上,总会有盏心灵的明灯照耀我们,一步一步,向前进。If you can't fly, run; if you can't run, walk; if you can't walk, climb. Whatever you do, you have to go ahead. On the road of life, there will always be a light of the soul shining on us, step by step, moving forward.
十一、有些事,过去了,后悔无益;有些人,离开了,惋惜无用。无缘的,终将离去;无情的,都会失去。人生就是一种选择与放弃,再好的事情,不能实现,也要放弃;再美的感情,不能拥有,也应遗弃。Some things, past, regret useless; some people, leave, regret useless. No fate, will eventually leave; ruthless, will lose. Life is a kind of choice and abandonment, no matter how good things can not be achieved, they should also be abandoned; no matter how beautiful feelings can not be owned, they should also be abandoned.
十二、不愿迈开前行的脚步,就无法到达更美的远方;不敢放下眼前的安逸,就无法获得更多的体验。一旦给自己设限,人生可能就会黯然失色。试着走出自我的小天地,去开拓人生的大舞台,我们才能活得更加出彩。If you don't want to move forward, you can't reach a more beautiful distance; if you don't dare to put down the comfort in front of you, you can't get more experience. Once you set limits on yourself, life may be eclipsed. Try to step out of my small world and open up the stage of life, so that we can live a more splendid life.
十三、不管发生什么,你都不要放弃,肯定会有意想不到的风景。也许不是你本来想走的路,可是另一条路有另一条路的风景,不要念念不忘原来的路,在这里你会遇到难忘的更好的风景。No matter what happens, don't give up. There will be unexpected scenery. Maybe it's not the way you wanted to go, but there's another road with another scenery. Don't forget the original road, here you will encounter a better scenery unforgettable.
十四、苦乐人生,谁都不易。无论遇见谁都是命中注定的,即使有不喜欢的人,有看不惯的事,也不要为难他人。而要多一份尊重,宽容相待;多一份友善,坦诚相见;“予人玫瑰,手留余香”。善待他人,就是善待自己!It's not easy for anyone to have a bitter and happy life. No matter who you meet, it's doomed. Even if you don't like people, you can't get used to things, don't embarrass others. We should treat each other with respect, tolerance, friendliness and frankness, and give people roses and leave fragrance in their hands. To be kind to others is to be kind to yourself.
十五、 自己过得好,才重要,别人过得好不好,对你不重要。需要你付出精力的,是你自己的生活;需要你花时间的,是在你身边的人。情是一种心灵感觉,情中自有妙趣;淡是一种心灵味觉,淡里自有佳境。It's important to have a good life for yourself, but it's not important for you to have a good life for others. It's your own life that needs your energy; it's the people around you that need your time. Love is a kind of spiritual feeling, which has its own interesting; light is a kind of spiritual taste, and light has its own good condition.
十六、人生的路,靠的是自己一步步去走,真正能保护你的,是你自己的选择。而真正能伤害你的,也是一样,自己的选择。决定人生的,不是命运,而是你自己的每一次抉择。The way of life depends on one's own step by step. What really protects you is your own choice. And what really hurts you is the same, your choice. It's not fate that decides life, but every choice you make.
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啊哈。。。我能,我就是我 ; ) aha ... i can, what i am ; )
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