

一、一个人究竟要掩藏多少情绪,才能够巧妙的度过一生。游园惊梦,却是真假假真是是非非,醒后彻底忘却,我们所负累的终究只是记忆,我们错过的终将是回忆。How many emotions a person has to hide before he can spend his life skillfully. Tour garden dreaming, but it is true and false is right and wrong, after waking up completely forgotten, our burden is ultimately only memory, we will miss the memory.
二、如果有一天,你不再寻找爱情,只是去爱,你不再渴望成功,只是去做,你不再追求成长,只是去修,一切才真正开始。没有内在的平静,就没有外在的安宁。If one day, you no longer look for love, just love, you no longer desire success, just do, you no longer pursue growth, just repair, everything really starts. Without inner peace, there is no external peace.
三、我爱有某种丑的美,我爱优雅曼妙的风姿,我爱胜过滔滔雄辩的沉默。我宁可一天十次看到丑。只要其中有闪光、新意和智慧,而不愿在一个月里看见一次灵魂空虚的渺小的美。 友谊真是一样最神圣的东西,不光是值得特别推崇,而且值得永远赞扬。I love some ugly beauty, I love elegance and grace, I love more than eloquent silence. I would rather see ugliness ten times a day. As long as there is sparkle, novelty and wisdom in it, it is unwilling to see the tiny beauty of the empty soul once in a month. Friendship is really the most sacred thing, not only worthy of special praise, but also worthy of eternal praise.
四、你可以爱一个人到尘埃里,但没有人爱尘埃里的你。即使你掏心掏肺对他好到极点,最终也只是感动了自己。一个人的夜,最难将息,有时会做噩梦,但还好有你,驱散了我的梦魇,醒来的时候,我双眼迷离,以为那真的是你,但终究没有你踪迹。You can love a person to the dust, but no one loves you in the dust. Even if you pull out your heart and lungs to the utmost good for him, you will only be touched by yourself in the end.
A person's night, the most difficult to rest, sometimes have nightmares, but fortunately you, dispelled my nightmare, wake up, my eyes blurred, think that it is really you, but ultimately there is no trace of you.
五、在一回首间,才忽然发现,原来,我一生的种种努力,不过只为了周遭的人对我满意而已。为了搏得他人的称许与微笑,我战战兢兢地将自己套入所有的模式所有的桎梏。走到途中才忽然发现,我只剩下一副模糊的面目,和一条不能回头的路。In a look back, I suddenly found that, originally, all my efforts in life, but only for the satisfaction of the people around me. In order to win the praise and smile of others, I tremblingly put myself into all the shackles of all modes. On the way, I suddenly found that I only had a blurred face and a road that could not be turned back.
六、人与人之间的感觉其实真的很难说,有些人你看第一眼就觉得难以相处,并不投缘,深交下来也会因为对方处处踩雷的小缺点而把好感全部磨尽。people is really hard to say. Some people find it difficult to get along with each other at first sight. They don't fall in love with each other. They will wear out their good feelings because of the small shortcomings of trampling thunder everywhere.
七、一个人的错,一个人的孤独,藏着太多的忧伤,珍惜的错,来不及问候,多少的孤独,藏着一个人的心,藏着一个人的情,委屈自己的错。is a person's fault, a person's loneliness, hiding too much sadness, cherished fault, too late to greet, how much loneliness, hiding a person's heart, hiding a person's feelings, wronging their own mistakes.
八、凡事不必太在意,一切随缘随心,缘深多聚聚,缘浅随它去。比失去更令人伤心的是,你都没有为了跟我在一起而努力过。有一种友谊不低于爱情,有一种关系不属于暧昧,有一种倾诉一直推心置腹,有一种结局总是难成眷属,这就是知己。Don't care too much about everything. Everything follows its own destiny. Depth gathers and shallowness goes with it. What's more sad than losing is that you never tried to be with me. There is a friendship not less than love, a relationship not ambiguous, there is a confidant has been confident, there is an outcome is always difficult to get married, this is the confidant.
九、我有一个苹果,分你一半,这是友情。我只吃一口,剩下的全给你,这是爱情。我一口没吃,直接全给了你,那是你父母。我藏起来,对别人说我也饿了,这是社会。I have an apple, half of you, this is friendship. I only take one bite and give you the rest. It's love. I didn't eat a mouthful. I gave it all to you. That's your parents. I hide and say to others that I am hungry too. This is society.
十、发怒,是用别人错误惩罚自己;烦恼,是用自己的过失折磨自己;后悔,是用无奈的往事摧残自己;忧虑,是用虚拟的风险惊吓自己。Anger is to punish oneself with the mistakes of others; worry is to torture oneself with one's own fault; regret is to destroy oneself with helpless past events; worry is to frighten oneself with virtual risks.
十一、总有一天你会明白,委屈要自己消化,故事不用逢人就讲。真正理解你的没有几个,大多人只,会站在他们自己的立场,偷看你的笑话。你能做的,是把秘密藏起来,一步一步变强大。will someday understand that grievances need to be digested by yourself, and stories need not be told to anyone. Few, most people, who really understand you, will stand on their own ground and peep at your jokes. What you can do is hide your secrets and grow stronger step by step.
十二、 我们很多时候把依赖当成了爱,当看到别人没有自己也活得很好的时候,内心就会莫名其妙的生气,觉得对方不爱自己了。其实真正的爱,是给对方自由,也给自己自由。We often regard dependence as love. When we see that others do not live well without themselves, we will be inexplicably angry and feel that they do not love themselves. In fact, the real love is to give each other freedom, but also to their own freedom.
十三、慢慢明白,生活不会因为某个节点而变得与众不同,未来的幸运,都是过往努力的积攒。也许别人给得了你安慰,也给的了劝慰告诫,却永远不知道你心底是多么的万箭穿心。所以不论有多少的委屈,多么的难受,记得最终能治愈自己的还是自己。slowly understand that life will not be different because of a node, the future of fortune is the accumulation of past efforts. Maybe someone else has given you comfort and advice, but you never know how many arrows pierce your heart. So no matter how many grievances and how hard it is, remember that it is you who can heal yourself in the end.
十四、勇敢的做自己,不要为任何人而改变。如果他们不能接受最差的你,也不配拥有最好的你。你的人生我只是过客,我的人生你却是全部。Be yourself bravely and don't change for anyone. If they can't accept the worst of you, they don't deserve the best of you. Your life is just a passer-by, but my life is all you have.
十五、我们用一分钟去认识一个人,一小时去喜欢一个人,再用一天去爱上一个人,却要用一辈子的时间去忘记一个人。世界太大,生命太短。一定要把它过得像自己想要的那个样子,才不辜负这段锦绣年华。takes a minute to know someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. The world is too big and life is too short. We must live it like we want, so that we can live up to this beautiful time.
十六、为了自己想过的生活,勇于放弃一些东西。这个世界没有公正之处,你也永远得不到两全之计。若要自由,就得牺牲安全。若要闲散,就不能获得别人评价中的成就。若要愉悦,就无需计较身边人给予的态度。若要前行,就得离开你现在停留的地方。has the courage to give up something for the life it wants to live. There is no justice in the world, and you will never be able to achieve both. To be free, security must be sacrificed. If you want to be idle, you will not be able to achieve what others have judged.
If you want to be happy, you don't need to care about the attitude of others around you. If you want to move on, you have to leave where you are staying.
十七、人与人之间,开始让人舒服的也许是你的言语,但后来让人信服的一定是你的人品。做人,就要做一个让人放心的人。无论认识多少年,都能由衷地说一句,认识你真好。人与人之间,最大的吸引力,不是你的容颜,不是你的财富,也不是你的才华;而是你传递给对方的信赖和踏实、真诚和善良。人生,并不全是竞争和利益,更多的是相互成就,彼此温暖!may be comfortable with your words at first, but it must be your character that convinces you later. To be a man, we must be a reassuring person. No matter how many years I have known you, I can sincerely say that it's good to know you.
Among people, the greatest attraction is not your face, not your wealth, nor your talent, but the trust and steadfastness, sincerity and kindness you convey to each other. Life is not all about competition and interests, but more about mutual achievement and warmth.
Spring is gone, autumn is gone, even my beloved winter has to leave, how to let me cherish the present, how to let me see through your parting, after all, the love of the scenery, the feelings in my heart, is just a familiar stranger.
十九、 总有一些人原本只是生命的过客,后来却成了记忆的常客!看不清的东西,就让它继续模糊下去吧。有些事,有些爱,有些人,看得太透彻,反而会受伤害。always has some people who were just passers-by of life, but later became frequent visitors of memory! If you can't see clearly, let it go on blurring. Some things, some love, some people, see too thoroughly, but will be injured.
二十、尽己力,听天命。无愧于心,不惑于情。顺势而为,随遇而安。知错就改,迷途知返。在喜欢自己的人身上用心,在不喜欢自己的人身上健忘。如此一生,甚好。does its best to obey the destiny. Be worthy of your heart, not confused with your feelings. Follow the trend and be at ease. If you know what is wrong, you will correct it, and if you are lost, you will know how to return. Careful in people who like themselves, forgetful in people who don't like themselves. Such a lifetime, very good.
二十一、当你熬过最孤独的时刻,就会觉得其实也不过如此,没有你想象的那么难过,也就不需要别人陪伴了。when you get through the most lonely moments, you will feel that in fact it is just like this, not as sad as you imagine, and you do not need to be accompanied by others.
二十二、 人生短暂,岁月带着年华走,欢喜悲伤皆浮华,做心里最真实的自己,不虚伪,不做作。过自己最向往的生活,不摧眉,不折腰。感恩有助于自己的人,不忘义,不忘情。面对生活的不顺与挫折,不叹息,不惆怅,以平和的心态珍惜每一天。Life is short, time goes with time, joy and sorrow are flashy, be the most true self in your heart, not hypocritical, not artificial. Live the life that you yearn for most, don't destroy your eyebrows, don't bend down. Gratitude helps those who are not forgetful, not forgetful. Faced with the frustration and discomfort of life, do not sigh, do not feel sad, cherish every day with a peaceful mind.
二十三、其实很多人不是输给别人,是输给自己,不是没有能力而是没有胆量,人生不是我们做了什么而后悔,而是因为什么都没做而后悔,一个输不起的人,也往往嬴不了。In fact, many people do not lose to others, to themselves, not without ability but without courage, life is not what we did and regret, but because nothing has been done and regret, a person who can not afford to lose, also often can not win.
二十四、 最暖心的感觉,莫过于我随随便便说的话,有人认真地把它听了而且还做了。如果有一天我被你骗了,请你明白,我不是笨,而是我足够相信你。The warmest feeling is that when I say something casually, someone listens to it carefully and does it. If one day I was cheated by you, please understand that I am not stupid, but I believe you enough.
二十五、没有了你,这个世界多么寂寞。日久不一定生情,但必定见人心,时间会说出真话。每个人都有一段人让自己痛哭流涕的过去,总会时不时地想起那个人,那个住在自己内心深处始终忘不掉的人。without you, how lonely the world is. Time does not necessarily mean sentiment, but it does mean meeting people's hearts and telling the truth. Everyone has a time when people let themselves cry, and they always think of that person, who lives in their hearts and never forgets.
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