

  席卷海外的音乐节目《The Voice》,2012年震撼登陆中国荧屏。《中国好声音》是由SMG控股的星空华文传媒旗下的灿星制作公司于2011年向《The Voice》的荷兰版权方购买了在中国的全权版权并经过了一年的精心策划制作和准备后推出的大型专业音乐真人秀。该节目是中国大陆综艺节目制播分离的开山之作,也是综艺业界网络营销尤其是微博营销的经典范例。在向灿星支付了高达8000万的打包播出费用后,中国好声音的第一季播出权最终花落浙江卫视。
  《The Voice of China——中国好声音》将会出现中国音乐类节目最顶尖的明星阵容,四大明星导师那英、刘欢、杨坤、庾澄庆在现场坐镇,选择最具潜力的声音。过去一些节目曾以炒作、毒舌、绯闻为卖点,对中国音乐产业却并未有明显的推动,而浙江卫视《中国好声音》节目则郑重承诺,将积极响应广电总局的号召,以振兴中国乐坛、培养未来巨星为己任,拒绝“毒舌”,杜绝“绯闻”,以真声音、真音乐为唯一的宗旨,力争让四位明星导师找到值得培养的乐坛新人,为中国乐坛的发展提供一批怀揣梦想、具有天赋才华的音乐人,提供真音乐、真声音!


英语歌曲:中国好声音 丁丁&黄一-Baby

Oh woooah, oh woooooah, oh wooooah You know you love me, I know you care. 你知道你爱我,我知道你在意 You shout whenever and Ill be there. 你只要召唤我,我就会马上出现 You want my love, you want my heart. 你想要我的爱,...

  • 英语歌曲:中国好声音 刘欢&吉克隽逸-Against All Odds

    Against All Odds How can I just let you walk away ? 我怎能让你离开? Just let you leave without a trace. 让你消失得无影无踪 When I stand here taking every breath with you,ooh! 当我站在这儿和你一起呼吸的时候。 you're the...

  • 英语歌曲:中国好声音 刘悦-Feeling Good

    Birds flying high you know how I feel Sun in the sky you know how I feel Reeds driftin' on by you know how I feel It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life For me And I'm feeling good Muse Fish in the sea you know how I feel River running free y...

  • 英语歌曲:中国好声音 王乃恩-Listen

    Listen to the song here in my heart 请倾听我心中的歌声 A melody I start but can't complete 一段我能开头我却无法结束的旋律 Listen, to the sound from deep within 听,那是我内心的声音 It's only beginning to find release...

  • 英语歌曲:中国好声音 袁娅维-Crazy

    remember when,I remember,I remember when I lost my mind。 我永远都记得当我发疯了的那天 -lost my mind 失去理智,发疯 There was something so pleasant about that phase. 你我曾经有一段美好愉快的时光 -指歌手与他的...

  • 英语歌曲:中国好声音 张炜-Black or white

    Black Or White 黑与白 I took my baby on a Saturday bang 我带着宝贝在周末开车兜风 Boy, is that girl with you? 小伙子,这是你的姑娘? Yes, we're one and the same 是的,我们心心相印,合二为一 Now, I believe in mir...

  • 英语歌曲:中国好声音 吉克隽逸-I feel good

    I feel good Wo! I feel good I knew that I wouldnt of I feel good I knew that I wouldnt of So good So good I got you Wo! I feel nice like sugar and spice I feel nice like sugar and spice So nice So nice I got you When I hold you in my arms I know that...

  • 英语歌曲:中国好声音 吴莫愁-Price tag

    Price Tag身价牌 Seems like everybody's got a price 既然人人都有身价 I wonder how they sleep at night 我想知道他们晚上如何安睡 When the sale comes first 人们的这种想法总是排在前面[1] And the truth comes second 真相之...

  • 英语歌曲:中国好声音 郑虹-Someone like you

    Song:Someone like you I heard, that your settled down. 听说 你心有所属 That you, found a girl and your married now. 你遇到了她,即将步入婚姻殿堂 I heard that your dreams came true. 听说你美梦成真 Guess she gave you thing...

  • 英语歌曲:中国好声音 黄鹤-Rolling In the deep
    Rolling in the deep There's a fire starting in my heart, 我心中燃起了一股火焰 Reaching a fever pitch and it's
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    I Feel Good 中国好声音 现场版 12/08/10
    中国好声音 20120810 吉克隽逸 《I Feel Good》
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