

Pranayama in Yoga-12 Types of pranayamas~Explained

It’s an important thing and the last thing we do in our lives. The one steady thing that we all do is Breath. Without breath, there is no life! So pranayama (Breathing Exercise) is very important for everyone.

What is Pranayama? It is breathing activities that clear the physical and enthusiastic snags in our body to free the breath thus the progression of prana – life vitality.

Through normal and continued act of pranayama, you can supercharge your entire body!

Benefits of Pranayama – On a physical level by utilizing pranayama methods we can use and reinforce the entire scope of our respiratory organs.

We investigate the lower, center, and upper pieces of the breath and manage the inward breath, maintenance, and exhalation of the breath.

An ordinary Breathing exercise practice can animate the parasympathetic framework, countering the overstimulation our bodies experience during the Fight or Flight reaction.

In any case, it works the other way as well. We can quiet or empower ourselves by changing our breathing examples.

Indeed, even by simply investing significant energy too intentionally to turn out to be progressively mindful of our breath we can assist with beginning to modify our enthusiastic states.

Best way to practice pranayama and some Precautions –

It is ideal to practice pranayama toward the beginning of the day on an unfilled stomach and in a stay with natural air.

Specific sorts of Breathing exercises are not suggested in the event that you are suffering from the period, are pregnant, or have stomach related issues since they include stomach withdrawals with an upward movement.

Pranayama with quick rhythms or breath maintenance ought not to be polished on the off chance that you have asthma, coronary illness, and hypertension or are pregnant.

This is anything but a total rundown of insurances, in the event that you have a particular wellbeing condition please talk with your wellbeing expert or nearby yoga advisor before practicing.

12 Types of Pranayama –

  1. Bhastrika

  2. Kapalabhati

  3. Viloma

  4. Anuloma

  5. Ujjayi

  6. Nadi Sodhana

  7. Bhramari

  8. Sheetali

  9. Agni Sara

  10. Dirga

  11. Sheetkari

  12. Bahya

  13. Conclusion

  14. Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

For what reason is the breath so significant?

It’s the principal thing and the last thing we do in our lives. The one steady thing we as a whole have. Without breath, there is no life!

Day by day stressors, strains and physical propensities can make physical and vivacious impediments in our bodies.

Without seeing it our breathing can turn out to be steadily progressively shallow or unnatural, we create oblivious breathing examples confining the progression of breath and prana.

At the point when we deal with the liberating the breath through breathing activities, we are likewise chipping away at letting the existence vitality move through the body.

Some Benefits of Pranayama –

1. Bhastrika Pranayama –

Bhastrika pranayama is helpful for the winter months when you have to hold warmth in the body.

You start in a situated, leg over leg position and start breathing in and breathing out at an exceptionally quick rate constantly.

It might be hard to prop your breathing up ceaselessly however attempt your best to remain predictable.

After a couple of rounds, hold your breath at long last and breathe out gradually to wrap up.

Learn more about Bhastrika Pranayama

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2. Kapalabhati Pranayama –

This Breathing exercise starts in a situated situation, with you breathing ordinarily 2-3 times.

After this, you should breathe in profoundly and breathe out with power, sucking your gut in as you oust all the air.

At the point when you breathe in once more, your paunch ought to return to a similar position.

Learn more about Kapalabhati

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3. Viloma Pranayama –

This Breathing exercise can be separated into two sections;

1. Stopped inward breath –

You start by resting in an agreeable position and inhale ordinarily. When you are loose, you breathe in for 2-3 seconds and delay.

Hold your breath for two seconds and afterward start breathing in once more. Interruption breathing in for 2 seconds and afterward gradually starts once more. Keep on breathing in interims until your lungs are loaded with air.

Breathe out gradually and delicately until you have removed all the air.

2. Stopped exhalation –

This is the specific inverse of what you do with stopped breathing in.

You breathe in profoundly and in one go however then make sure to delay occasionally while you’re breathing out.

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4. Anuloma Pranayama –

This is like Viloma Pranayama since it additionally empowers and relax another nostril.

Breathing in and breathing out is finished with one nostril yet the other nostril is in part open instead of totally blocked.

Learn more about Anuloma Pranayama

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5. Ujjayi Pranayama –

This Breathing exercise is tied in with copying the hints of the sea waves. It might sound somewhat unbalanced to perform however it will help unwinding massively.

You are being in a situated, leg over leg position and start to inhale through your mouth.

While you breathe in and breathe out, attempt to contract your throat in a way that looks like somebody gagging you.

The outcome will be a sound that is like sea waves.

In the second period of the Pranayama, you close your mouth and inhale through your nose.

Be that as it may, you should keep on utilizing a similar narrowing on your throat. You can rehash this 10-15 times altogether.

Learn more about Ujjayi

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6. Nadi Sodhana Pranayama –

You start in a situated leg over leg position, your spine extended and back straight.

With your thumb, pushed down on your correct nostril, utilize your left nostril to take in profoundly.

Hold your breath for a beat and afterward switch your thumb with the goal that you are presently pushing down to your left side nostril, and afterward breathe out from your correct nostril.

Rehash this procedure, shifting back and forth between your noses by taking in through one and breathing out through the other.

You can practice this 10-15 times.

Learn more about Nadi Sodhana

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7. Bhramari Pranayama –

The Bhramari pranayama breathing strategy gets its name from the dark Indian honey bee called Bhramari.

Bhramari pranayama is successful in right away quieting down the brain and It is extraordinary compared to other breathing activities to free the psyche of disturbance, dissatisfaction, or tension and dispose of outrage as it were.

A basic system, it very well may be polished anyplace – at work or home and is a moment alternative to de-stress yourself.

The exhalation in this pranayama looks like the regular murmuring sound of a honey bee, which clarifies why it is named so.

Learn more about Bhramari

8. Sheetali Pranayama –

Sheetali Pranayama, as its name proposes, is identified with frigidity. It gives coolness to our body. Thus it is likewise called Cooling Breath.

“Sheetali” is really a Sanskrit word which means cooling. It is being taken from the first word “Sheetal” which means cold or mitigating.

There are extraordinary advantages of this breathing exercise. Sheetali Pranayama is an indispensable piece of Pranayama.

This empowers both performing controlled breathing yoga and quieting the brain for reflection.

Aside from this, it likewise gives genuine feelings of serenity. Also, this pranayama resembles an obscure tree which creates a lot of oxygen.

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9. Agni Sara Pranayama –

Agni Sara is a yoga method that consolidates components of both breathing exercises and asana practice.

The term originates from the Sanskrit, Agni, which signifies “fire,” and Sara, which signifies “vitality,” “quintessence” or “course.”

Agni Sara is normally practiced in sitting or standing positions. On the off potential for success that having, the chest area inclines forward and the hands rest on the knees.

The stomach muscles are pulled in and upon exhalation, at that point permitted to unwind and come back to their typical situation on an inward breath.

10. Dirga Pranayama –

Dirga Pranayama is an amazing breathing activity that causes professionals to carry their breathing to flawlessness.

It encourages individuals to take such that the air arrives at the stomach area and oxygen-rich blood flow all through the entire body.

Also, it can have a significant transformative impact on the body and psyche in this way ensuring an individual can accomplish inward mending.

Dirga Pranayama is also called three-sections relax.

11. Sheetkari Pranayama –

Sheetal truly implies cold or mitigating and the essential reason for this breathing exercise is to diminish or chill off the internal heat level by breathing in dampened or water-soaked air.

Maybe you are extinguishing your thirst by taking in the cool air.

 On the off chance that water is inaccessible around you and you need to extinguish your thirst right away, a series of Sheetali Pranayama will help you a lot.

What’s more, that is not all it additionally quiets down the parasympathetic sensory system by enacting a profound unwinding reaction to avert pressure or troublesome circumstances.

It has its causes in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the inward breath of air goes through the twist of the tongue.

12. Bahya Pranayama –

In Sanskrit 'Bahya,’ signifies 'outside,’ and is known as the outer maintenance of breath.

In this sort of breathing procedure the breath is breathed out totally before holding the body in the different bandhas.

Also, yoga educators can present this training as a major aspect of Yoga Sequence for Digestion as the securing of the body Uddiyana Bandha assists with connecting with the abs in this manner improving the processing and forestalling obstruction.


Breathing exercises are very important for everyone and one should practice a minimum of 30 minutes of pranayama every single day.

Every Pranayama have their own benefits and just one right pranayama for your type can do wonders with the body.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

Which is the best pranayama for weight loss?

Kapalabhati, Anuloma, Viloma, Bhastrika, Bhramri are some of the best pranayama for weight loss.

How many minutes we should practice pranayama?

Minimum 30 minutes.

What we should practice first; yoga postures or pranayama?

It’s recommended to practice yoga postures first and then pranayama.

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