

intel IEGD setting 最佳分辨率1600x900

显示器是Dell S2009W,最佳分辨率1600x900。周四早上收到之后就很兴奋地把他连接到我的X61上,但是最高只能设置1440x900的分辨率。于是花了三天时间尝试各种方法,包括:

  • 安装以及重装新显示器驱动、X61显示器驱动;
  • 安装以及重装Intel 965最新显卡驱动(、Lenovo版显卡驱动(、Intel EDID修正版显卡驱动(;
  • 尝试连接在另外一台Lenovo T61上 (Also Intel 965);
  • 用软件softMCCS从显示器的EDID中(十六进制第37字节开始)得到DTD信息是2F 26 40 A0 60 84 1A 30 30 20 35 00 BB F9 10 00 00 1A,于是修改各版本显卡驱动,在inf文件的[NonEDIDMode_AddSwSettings]串下添加显示器DTD信息,"HKR,, DTD_1,%REG_BINARY%, 2F,26,40,A0,60,84,1A,30,30,20,35,00,BB,F9,10,00,00,1A,37,01        ;DellS2009” 或者,"HKR,, DTD_3,%REG_BINARY%, 2F,26,40,A0,60,84,1A,30,30,20,35,00,BB,F9,10,00,00,1A,37, 01        ;1600x900@60....Non-interlaced”;
  • 使用Intel Embedded Graphics Drivers (IEGD) 9.02 按照DTD值创建新的驱动程序。



DTDCalculator's primary goal is to take a very manual, math-intensive process and make it human. And I think it succeeds.
1) You can download the software installer from my personal site at
Clever Technologies is also hosting:
2) Install the SW and start it up. Note that you need to be running the application with Administrative privileges in order to write to the registry under Vista with UAC enabled.
3) Get one or more DTDs from some source and write them to the registry
There are several starting places: 
a) One of the most accurate (for your particular monitor) would be by grabbing the EDID data from the Intel Graphics Tray Information button (choose "Save to File" and the raw EDID will pop up). Use the instructions from the DTD Wiki I referenced above to find the proper DTDs, paste one into the DTD field of the Reverse Calculation screen and hit the button there. 
b) Another option is to find a Linux Modeline out there which someone has used for your monitor, and to input the parameters into the left panel, thus autogenerating the proper DTD for use with Intel graphics. 
c) Another is to use a standard (provided), Consumer Electronics Association resolution by selecting one of the choices under "Standard Timings" in the Calculations tab.
In each case, the DTD Calculator tool will show the DTD across the bottom of the window, and will show the exact timing parameters in the left panel. Once you've inserted or selected a basic DTD, proceed to the Registry Hack section. You may or may not have DTDs on this screen (depending on if you've hacked them before or not), but if you want more resolutions than are listed shown there, click the More button. A blank DTD will be generated, ready to be stuffed into the registry. Since we've already got one selected, click "Get Calculated". This will take the current DTD and put it in memory as something you want to send to the registry as a selectable resolution. Repeat for as many as you'd like (up to five). When done, click "Write DTDs to Registry". Reboot, and the new resolutions you inserted should be selectable using the normal methods (Intel Graphics Tray or Windows Display Properties Settings).
Just as a note: if you write to the registry a resolution which matches, in description, one which the Intel graphics drivers are already providing ("1920x1080 interlaced @ 60Hz"), when the reboot occurs only one of the two will be selectable. Which is it? Is it the one you're using to do your overscan correction, or is the driver default one? There's no way to tell! So before putting your DTD in the Registry Hack screen, "tag" it by giving it a very obviously non-standard resolution. Changing the Horizontal Active pixels by 1 or 2 in the left panel is probably your best bet. That way you'll be able to distinguish between "1920x1080i @ 60Hz" and your custom "1922x1080i @ 60Hz". Don't be too worried about the exact resolution you select being "right"; this is just temporary, anyway. Your final overscan-free DTD will be something drastically different from the original and it's unlikely you will ever confuse 1920x1080 with 1898x1070. This method has the added bonus of fooling the drivers into being able to display resolutions your vendor (typically laptop) has (for whatever reason) specifically disabled in their BIOS.
4) Overscan Correction
At this point, especially if you've chosen 1080i or 720p, your TV probably has some level of overscan, meaning that the edges of your desktop or other content is beyond the edges of your screen, and you can't access taskbars or the minimize or close buttons. Highly annoying! Fortunately, that's the primary function of DTD Calculator: eliminating this pesky overscan. Open DTD Calculator, go to Registry Hack again, find the DTD which matches the resolution you are currently in and click Create Modeline to load the current DTD into memory. 
Proceed to the Tuning tab, and click Ruler. Superimposed translucently on your desktop is a window you can use to find the right dimensions for your screen. Stretch it to fit to the edges of your screen (use the up/down left/right buttons to do fine tuning if your mouse hand is as jittery as mine) and when you're done click the Apply button. The new, non-overscanned screen size will be computed as a new DTD (you may notice the parameters have now changed.... or you may not, if you don't ordinarily memorize resolution timing parameters). 
5) Fine tuning
You've sized the desktop appropriately, now, to fit your screen, but is the image where you'd expect it to be? Or is it shifted left, right... in some way askew? You can use the buttons on the tuning screen to ensure the image moves to the right spot on screen, and you can watch the little image move around the big black box.
6) Finalize
When you're done, and the resolution is as you like it, go back to the Registry Hack tab, choose one of the five available DTD "slots" in the registry, and click "Get Calculated" to change it to what you currently have developed. Click "Write DTDs to Registry" again to rewrite the new resolution to the registry, and then reboot. The new DTD will show up now under the regular resolutions. It's likely something really weird like 1820x996 or 1198x712, but it will be there and it should provide you with an overscanless screen to the limits that your monitor can provide. Voila!
7) There are other ways you can use the DTD Calculator-- a pure way of calculating a Modeline from the EDID (or vice versa). It's an excellent tool and I urge anyone who comes up with a useful application for it aside from what I've outlined here to post your experiences.

添加了一个分辨率为1599x900的DTD,值为2F 26 3F A1 60 84 1A 30 31 20 35 00 BB F9 10 00 00 1A。无法用DTDCalculator调节到1600x900,否则DTD值和原来的重合,即便写入注册表也无法选择1600x900,看来是被Lenovo屏蔽了吧(或者和联想的资源冲突?);也没有采用1601x900以避免屏幕拉伸。虽然这样纵向少了一行,但总比1440x900好很多很多。。。

顺便说一句,这台显示器在Ubuntu下面花了1 min就设置好了……

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