

[2014.10.25] ]Many winners, a few bad losers 油价下跌的赢家和输家
标题: [2014.10.25] ]Many winners, a few bad losers 油价下跌的赢家和输家
本帖最后由 fsz 于 2014-10-27 12:48 编辑


Cheaper oil

Many winners, a few bad losers

A lower price will boost the world economy and harm some unpleasant regimes—but there are risks

Oct 25th 2014 | From the print edition

THE collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 had many causes. None was as basic as the fall in the price of oil, its main export, by two-thirds in real terms between 1980 and 1986. By the same token, the 14-year rule of Vladimir Putin, heir to what remained, has been bolstered by a threefold rise in the oil price.


Now the oil price is falling again. Since June, it has dropped from about $115 for a barrel of Brent crude to $85 or so—a reduction of roughly a quarter. If prices settle at today's level, the bill for oil consumers will be about $1 trillion a year lower. That would be a shot in the arm for a stagnating world economy. It would also have big political consequences. For some governments it would be a rare opportunity; for others, a threat.


The scale of shale

Predicting oil prices is a mug's game (we speak from experience). The fall of the past three months is partly the result of unexpected—and maybe short-lived—developments. Who would have guessed that chaotic, war-torn Libya would somehow be pumping 40% more oil at the end of September than it had just a month earlier? Saudi Arabia's decision to boost output to protect its market share and hurt American shale producers and see off new developments in the Arctic was also a surprise. Perhaps the fall was exaggerated by hedge-fund investors dumping oil they had been holding in the false expectation of rising prices.


Geopolitical shocks can surprise on the upside as well as the down. Saudi Arabia may well decide to resume its self-appointed post as swing producer and cut output to push prices up once more. With war stalking Iraq, Libya still fragile and Nigeria prey to insurgency, supply is vulnerable to chaotic forces.


But many of the causes of lower prices have staying power. The economic malaise weighing down on demand is not about to lift, despite the tonic of cheaper oil. Conservation, spurred by high prices and green regulation, is more like a ratchet than a piece of elastic. The average new car consumes 25% less petrol per mile than ten years ago. Some observers think the rich world has reached “peak car”, and that motoring is in long-term decline. Even if they are wrong, and lower prices encourage people to drive more, energy-saving ideas will not suddenly be uninvented.


Much of the extra supply is baked in, too. Most oil investment takes years of planning and, after a certain point, cannot easily be turned off. The fracking revolution is also likely to rage on. Since the start of 2010 the United States, the main winner, has increased its output by more than 3m barrels per day to 8.5m b/d. Shale oil is relatively expensive, because it comes from many small, short-lived wells. Analysts claim that a third of wells lose money below $80 a barrel, so shale-oil production will adjust, helping put a floor under the price. But the floor will sag. Break-even points are falling. In past price squeezes, oilmen confounded the experts by finding unimagined savings. This time will be no different.


For governments in consuming countries the price fall offers some budgetary breathing-room. Fuel subsidies hog scandalous amounts of money in many developing countries—20% of public spending in Indonesia and 14% in India (including fertiliser and food). Lower prices give governments the opportunity to spend the money more productively or return it to the taxpayers. This week India led the way by announcing an end to diesel subsidies. Others should follow Narendra Modi's lead.


The axis of diesel

For those governments that have used the windfall revenues from higher prices to run aggressive foreign policies, by contrast, things could get uncomfortable. The most vulnerable are Venezuela, Iran and Russia.


The first to crack could be Venezuela, home to the anti-American “Bolivarian revolution”, which the late Hugo Chávez tried to export around his region. Venezuela's budget is based on oil at $120 a barrel. Even before the price fall it was struggling to pay its debts. Foreign-exchange reserves are dwindling, inflation is rampant and Venezuelans are enduring shortages of everyday goods such as flour and toilet paper.


Iran is also in a tricky position. It needs oil at about $140 a barrel to balance a profligate budget padded with the extravagant spending schemes of its former president, Mahmoud Ahmedinejad. Sanctions designed to curb its nuclear programme make it especially vulnerable. Some claim that Sunni Saudi Arabia is conspiring with America to use the oil price to put pressure on its Shia rival. Whatever the motivation, the falling price is certainly having that effect.


Compared with these two, Russia can bide its time. A falling currency means that the rouble value of oil sales has dropped less than its dollar value, cushioning tax revenues and limiting the budget deficit. The Kremlin can draw on money it has saved in reserve funds, though these are smaller than they were a few years ago and it had already budgeted to run them down. Russia can probably cope with today's prices for 18 months to two years, but the money will eventually run out. Mr Putin's military modernisation, which has absorbed 20% of public spending, looks like an extravagance. Sanctions are stifling the economy and making it hard to borrow. Poorer Russians will be less able to afford imported food and consumer goods. If the oil price stays where it is, it will foster discontent.


Democrats and liberals should welcome the curb the oil price imposes on countries like Iran, Venezuela and Russia. But there is also an increased risk of instability. Iran's relatively outward-looking president, Hassan Rouhani, was elected to improve living standards. If the economy sinks, it could strengthen the hand of his hardline opponents. Similarly, a default in Venezuela could have dire consequences not just for Venezuelans but also for the Caribbean countries that have come to depend on Bolivarian aid. And Mr Putin, deprived of economic legitimacy, could well plunge deeper into the xenophobic nationalism that has fuelled his campaign in Ukraine. Cheaper oil is welcome, but it is not trouble-free.


From the print edition: Leaders
作者: chyuju1010    时间: 前天 21:12
1.The scale of shale 文中有出现鲸——即美国,因为页岩气冲击了石油,但根据段落内容,shale可以引申为冲击石油价格的一些因素。可直接翻译为:鲸鱼到底多大?

2..Predicting oil prices is a mug's game.
可以为:经验上来看,预测油价是一件徒劳的事情。(mug's game 愿意为没有利益之事,可以引申。费力不讨好感觉怪怪的。)

3.Conservation, spurred by high prices and green regulation, is more like a ratchet than a piece of elastic.

4.peak car,为了让读者更好理解,个人觉得可翻译为:驾驶里程峰值。 energy-saving ideas应该是(个人的)能源节约理念,并非“节约能源的设想”。

5.Break-even points are falling. In past price squeezes, oilmen confounded the experts by finding
unimagined savings.
Break-even points为经济学术语,意为盈亏平衡点。price squeeze,也是术语,为压价,或价格挤压。savings应该当成削减成本的节约手段。

6.For those governments that have used the windfall revenues from higher prices to run aggressive foreign policies

7.Some claim that Sunni Saudi Arabia is conspiring with America to use the oil price to put pressure on its Shia rival.

8A falling currency means that the rouble value of oil sales has dropped less than its dollar value

9.Iran's relatively outward-looking president, Hassan Rouhani, was elected to improve living standards

作者: guojia222    时间: 前天 22:16
大师 我试着翻一下标题为“众多国家享其利,少数获其弊”

a few 是“有些”的意思,翻成“都是”是不是有些过。
bad 我觉得在这不是形容loser,应该是“弊端,劣势“的意思吧。

作者: chyuju1010    时间: 前天 22:56
本帖最后由 chyuju1010 于 2014-10-26 22:57 编辑
guojia222 发表于 2014-10-26 22:16
大师 我试着翻一下标题为“众多国家享其利,少数获其弊”

a few 是“有些”的意思,翻成“都是”是不是有 ...


作者: fsz    时间: 前天 23:22
本帖最后由 fsz 于 2014-10-27 12:29 编辑
chyuju1010 发表于 2014-10-26 21:12
1.The scale of shale 文中有出现鲸——即美国,因为页岩气冲击了石油,但根据段落内容,shale可以引申为冲 ...

1.恕我鲁钝,shale和鲸鱼有啥关系?  就是页岩气页岩油。

2. Conservation, spurred by high prices and green regulation, is more like a ratchet than a piece of elastic.
conservation。 这一句待思考。

3. peak car 译成  驾驶里程峰值 有何依据?

4. Break-even points 保本点和盈亏平衡点有啥区别?

5.In past price squeezes, oilmen confounded the experts by finding
unimagined savings. 这句不太明白?解释一下。

6. windfall 译成意外之财。点赞。

7. A falling currency means that the rouble value of oil sales has dropped less than its dollar value

8.   outward-looking 就是向外看或者外向型。
作者: chyuju1010    时间: 昨天 08:08
fsz 发表于 2014-10-26 23:22
1.恕我鲁钝,shale和鲸鱼有啥关系?  就是页岩气页岩油。

2. Conservation, spurred by high prices and  ...



3.“peak car"是根据几个发达国家的现象提出的理论假设,它原指平均每人驾驶里程达到”高原期“。翻成”汽车峰值“亦可,我是说这种不便于读者理解。


5 在过去的价格挤压中,石油商为了获利常常挖掘出更多的节约成本办法,而这些办法是令专家难以想象的或不可思议,也就是说超越了专家的智力瓶颈。而一旦成本节约后,他们的盈亏平衡点便下降,能够承受更低的油价。


7 石油合同一般以美元计价.价格下降后,美元收入降低,那么卢布收入就降低,但如果卢布贬值,降低的美元能换回更多的卢布,因为损失就少一点。举例,假设俄罗斯卖2桶石油,现在1美元一桶,1美元等于1卢布,则收入为2美元、2卢布。假设石油跌价,1美元2桶,那么收入为1美元、1卢布,可是如果卢布贬值为1美元2卢布,那么1美元可以换2卢布,这样收入还是2卢布。虽然贬值不可能如此夸张,但可以看出卢布贬值后损失明显小于美元价值。


9.新增一个:Most oil investment takes years of planning and, after a certain point, cannot easily be turned off.
after a certain point,有楼主说的临界点意思。但说:在达不到临界点的情况下,是不可能轻易地被关闭的。可能与原意有出入。

作者: crazybull    时间: 昨天 09:01
本帖最后由 crazybull 于 2014-10-27 09:04 编辑

1)The scale of shale 应当直译为 页岩油气的规模
Much of the extra supply is baked in, too. Most oil investment takes years of planning and, after a certain point, cannot easily be turned off. The fracking revolution is also likely to rage on. Since the start of 2010 the United States, the main winner, has increased its output by more than 3m barrels per day to 8.5m b/d. Shale oil is relatively expensive, because it comes from many small, short-lived wells. Analysts claim that a third of wells lose money below $80 a barrel, so shale-oil production will adjust, helping put a floor under the price. But the floor will sag. Break-even points are falling. In past price squeezes, oilmen confounded the experts by finding unimagined savings. This time will be no different.
1)这里的baked in,我的理解是“还在烤炉里,过段时间端出来”。很多新增产能还在投资建设阶段
2)after a certain point 项目进行到一定的阶段  

很多新增产能还在投资建设阶段。大多数石油投资都需要数年的规划,项目已经到达一定的阶段,不可能轻易停止该项目。(投资大耗时长。已经投资很多 certain point, 上了贼船,硬着头皮也要把项目投产)压注技术也将取得突破。自2010年年初以来,主要的赢家——美国已经将其日产量提高了300多万桶,达到每天850万桶。由于页岩油大都出自许多小型的、开采周期较短的油井,因此,它价格相对要高一些。分析师指出,如果油价低于80美元/桶,三分之一的液压油井是赔钱的。因此,页岩油的产量会出现调整,这有助于价格筑底。但是,这个底价将会塌陷。盈亏平衡点越来越低。从前遇到油价下跌,石油人缠着技术专家去寻找那些意想不到的降低成本新技术,这一次也一定能找到。

作者: crazybull    时间: 昨天 09:37
A falling currency means that the rouble value of oil sales has dropped less than its dollar value, cushioning tax revenues and limiting the budget deficit.
作者: crazybull    时间: 昨天 09:45
本帖最后由 crazybull 于 2014-10-27 10:03 编辑

is more like a ratchet than a piece of elastic.
Conservation, spurred by high prices and green regulation, is more like a ratchet than a piece of elastic. The average new car consumes 25% less petrol per mile than ten years ago. Some observers think the rich world has reached “peak car”, and that motoring is in long-term decline. Even if they are wrong, and lower prices encourage people to drive more, energy-saving ideas will not suddenly be uninvented.

作者: fsz    时间: 昨天 12:23
本帖最后由 fsz 于 2014-10-27 12:25 编辑
crazybull 发表于 2014-10-27 09:01
1)The scale of shale 应当直译为 页岩油气的规模
Much of the ex ...

1。The scale of shale  和下一个小标题 The axis of diesel
是面 (scale)与点(axis)的关系。正好对应标题:Many winners (赢家之多) a few bad losers (少数几个输家之恶)。这里你的直译是对的。可以根据全文做适当引申。


3。 In past price squeezes, oilmen confounded the experts by finding unimagined savings.   这句你的理解是错的。可以参看楼上那位老兄的解释。
作者: chyuju1010    时间: 昨天 13:46
更多的是一种单向行为而非双向行为 這個翻譯地夠到位!
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