

Working with Multiple Monitors

Working with Multiple Monitors

Future releases of Windows 95, code named Memphis, and Windows NT support multiple display devices and monitors on a single system. The multiple monitor architecture (casually referred to as “MultiMon”) enables the operating system to use the display area from two or more display devices and monitors to create a single logical desktop. For example, in a MultiMon system with two monitors, the user could display applications on either monitor, or even drag windows from one monitor to another. DirectDraw supports this architecture, but there are a few nuances to be aware of, depending on the cooperative level your application uses.

A DirectDraw application should enumerate the devices, choose a device (or perhaps allow the user to choose the device to use), then create a DirectDraw object for that the device by using its hardware globally unique identifier (GUID). This technique will ensure the best performance on both MultiMon and single monitor systems and at all cooperative levels.

The currently active display device is referred to as the “default device,” or the “null device.” The latter name comes from the fact that the currently active display device is enumerated with NULL as its GUID. Many existing applications create a DirectDraw object for the null device, assuming that the device will be hardware accelerated. However, on multiple monitor systems, the null device isn’t always hardware accelerated; it depends on what cooperative level is set at the time.

In full-screen exclusive mode, the null device is hardware accelerated, but unaware of any other installed devices. This means that full-screen, exclusive mode applications will run as fast on a MultiMon system as any other system, but will not be able to use built-in support for spanning graphics operations across display devices. Full-screen, exclusive mode applications that need to use multiple devices can create a DirectDraw object for each device they want to use. Note that to create a DirectDraw object for a specific device, you must supply that device’s GUID (as it is enumerated when you call DirectDrawEnumerate).

When the normal cooperative level is set, the null device has no hardware acceleration; the null device is, effectively, an emulated logical device that combines the resources of two physical devices. Therefore, the null device has no hardware acceleration at all when the normal cooperative level is set. On the other hand, when the normal cooperative level is set, the null device is capable of automatically spanning graphics operations across monitors. As a result, negative coordinates for blit operations are valid when the logical location of secondary monitor is to the left of the primary monitor.

If your application requires hardware acceleration when the normal cooperative level is set, it must create a single DirectDraw object using a specific device’s GUID. Note that when you don’t use the null device, you don’t get automatic device spanning. That is, blit operations that cross an edge of the primary surface will be clipped (if you are using a clipper) or will fail, returning DDERR_INVALIDRECT.

As a rule on any system, you should set the cooperative level immediately after creating a DirectDraw object, before retrieving the object’s capabilities or querying for other interfaces. Additionally, avoid setting the cooperative level multiple times on a MultiMon system. If you need to switch from full-screen to normal mode, it is best to create a new DirectDraw object.
  1.HMONITOR MonitorFromPoint(POINT pt,DWORD dwFlags)
  MonitorFromPoint返回包含特定点(pt)的一个显示器句柄。如果pt不属于任何一个显示器,返回的显示器句柄由dwFlags标志决定:MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL时返回NULL,MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY时返回代表主显示器的HMONITOR句柄,MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST时返回最靠近pt点的显示器的HMONITOR句柄。 2.HMONITOR MonitorFromRect(LPCRECT lprc,DWORD dwFlags)
  3. HMONITOR MonitorFromWindow(HWND hwnd,DWORD dwFlags)
  4. BOOL GetMonitorInfo(HMONITOR hMonitor,LPMONITORINFO lpmi)
  5.BOOL EnumDisplayMonitors(HDC hdc,LPCRECT lprcClip,MONITORENUMPROC lpfnEnum,LPARAM dwData)
  6.BOOL CALLBACK MonitorEnumProc(HMONITOR hmonitor,HDC hdcMonitor,LPRC lprcMonitor, DWORD dwData)
  7.EnumDisplayDevices(LPVOID lpReserved,int iDeviceNum,DISPLAY_DEVICE×pDisplayDevice,DWORD dwFlags)
#undef GetMonitorInfo
#undef GetSystemMetrics
#undef MonitorFromWindow
#undef MonitorFromRect
#undef MonitorFromPoint
#undef EnumDisplayMonitors
#undef EnumDisplayDevices
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