




Oh, heck! (啊呸!真见鬼! )

Shucks! (什么! )

Shoot! (真见鬼! )

Shit! (他妈的! )

Uh-oh. (!糟了! )

Not everything is logical.( 有的事是行不通的。 )

It went down the drain. ((金钱)全都浪费了。 )

I almost made it. (就差那么一点儿。)

Do something!(想点儿办法吧! )

I'm so busy.(我忙得要命。 )

This task is too much for me. (这项工作对我来说太重了。)

I can't make ends meet on my small salary.(这么点儿薪水我怎么够活呀!)

This is the last straw. (我再也忍不下去了。 )

Your response is unacceptable. (你的答复我接受不了。)

I'm not satisfied with his answer. (我不满意他的回答。 )

He's got a chip on his shoulder today. (他今天一副挑衅的样子。 )

Play fair!(公平点儿! )

What a waste of time and money!(多费时费钱呀! )

You're too generous. (你太慷慨了。 )

He told me all about it.(他把一切都告诉了我。 )

What's taking so long?(怎么花这么长时间? )

I can't make it in ten minutes.(10分钟怎么也来不及。 )

He looks down on me.(他看不起我。)

You're good for nothing. (你什么忙也帮不了。)

It drives me crazy.(简直快让我疯了。 )

Is that all? (就这些吗?)

That's not enough. (这太少了。/这不够。 )

He's unfair to me. (他对我不公平。 )




No more excuses!(别再辩解了! )

I've heard enough of your excuses. (我不想再听你的辩解了。)

I don't want to hear any excuses.(我不想听任何解释。)

That's not a good excuse.(这样也解释不通呀。 )

What's the big idea? (你到底在想什么呢? )

Don't give me any lip service! (别给我开空头支票。)

Don't tell me what to do!(你少命令我!  )

I'm mad!(气疯了我了! )

That's disgusting. (那真讨厌! )

You're getting on my nerves.(你真让我心烦。)

Don't make fun of me. (别取笑我!)

Don't be upset. (请别上火。 )

I've run out of patience.(我再也没耐心了。 )

What nerve! (你放肆! )

How impudent you are to say such a thing! (你竟有脸说这种事! )

What he says offends me. (他说的话多气人呀。)

We've got to get even. (我们得反击。 )

I wasn't born yesterday. (我又不是不懂。)

Don't think you can make a fool out of me! (别把我当傻瓜。 )

You're making fun of me. (你拿我开涮呢。)

That's asking too much. (真是狮子大开口。)

He has a quick temper.(他是急脾气。)

Who do you think you're talking to? (你知道你是在对谁说话吗? )

Do you have anything to say?(你有什么要说的吗? )

I won't let you have your own way.(我不能让你随心所欲。)

That's blackmail!(这是恐吓。 )

Don't insult me.(你别侮辱人。 )

You're a filthy liar. (你是一个卑鄙的骗子。)

You'll be sorry. (你会后悔的。)

Are you crazy?(你疯啦? )

Don't look at me like that! (别用那种眼神看着我!)

I want to get even with him.(我要报复。 )

That sneaky, low life creep! (那个狡猾、卑鄙的家伙。 )

Is not! ? Is too!  ((根本)不是!?是的!  )

Have it your way!(随便吧! )




It's boring.(真无聊! )


It's for the birds. (毫无价值!/不值一提! )

I'm not interested.(我不感兴趣。)

It's nothing great. (没什么了不起的。)

I'm not satisfied.(我不满意。 )

It was just another meeting. (就是常见的那种会议。 )

I can't get into my work. (我不能专心工作。 )

It's outdated.(那早过时了。)

Give me a break(.拜托! )

I can't stand it. (我忍受不了。 )

That's enough. (够了! )

Have a heart!(饶了我吧! )

The more I hear about it, the more disgusted I get. (越听越烦。 )

There she goes again. (她又来了。 )

Oh, man!(哦,真烦。 )

I don't want to hear it.(我不想听。 )

Now what? (这次又是什么?)




Shut up!( 闭嘴! )

Don't be a back seat driver.(别指手划脚! )

Stop shouting!(别大声嚷嚷! )

Stop complaining! (别抱怨了!)

Calm down, will you? (安静点,行不行?)

Stop nagging! (唠叨什么呀! )

Get off my back. (别再啰嗦了!)

Don't talk back to me! (别跟我顶嘴!)

Big mouth! (多嘴! )

Leave me alone! (离我远点儿!)

None of your business. (没你的事! )

Who asked you? (谁问你了?)

I can't talk to you now.(现在不能跟你说。 )

I don't need your help.(我不需要你的帮助。 )

Get out of here! (给我出去!)

Get out of my face! (别让我看见你!)

Back off! (躲开! )

Don't bother me!(别打扰我! )

Are you trying to get rid of me? (你想把我轰走吗? )




Liar! (骗子!)

That's a lie! (那是瞎说!)

Don't lie to me.(别骗我。 )

Stop joking! (别开玩笑!)

I've had enough of your nonsense. (你开玩笑也该适可而止!)

Stop putting us on. (别捉弄人。)

Don't act stupid! (别干那种傻事!)

Don't be silly!(别说傻话! )

That's stupid. (那也太蠢了!)

Don't pull my leg! (别逗了!)

Take it back! (收回你说过的话。 )

I don't want to hear any more of your lies.(我不想再听你说的谎话。 )

Did you make up a story? (你在编故事吗?)

Phony! (搞什么鬼! )

Don't play dumb! (别装傻!)

You tricked me. (你在骗我呢吧!)

None of your tricks will work on me. (你骗人的把戏可蒙不了我。)




(You) coward!(胆小鬼!)

Nobody's perfect! (人无完人! )

Stingy.(小气鬼。 )

Fuck you! (你这混蛋! )

You asshole! (饭桶! )

Christ! (混帐!/天哪! )

You beast! (你这畜牲! )

You tomboy!( 野丫头! )

You sly dog! (滑头的家伙! )

Fag!(同性恋! )

Hey, ugly!( 丑八怪! )

Fatso!(肥猪! )

Shorty!(矬子! )

What an ungrateful man! (忘恩负义的家伙! )

You lowlife!(你这下流坯! )

Stop trying to be cool!(别硬装酷了。 )




Calm down. (镇静些。 )

Take it easy.(别紧张。 )

Don't get so uptight. (何必当真了呢。 )

Don't be so stiff.(放松点儿。 )

Kick back! (放松点儿。 )

Take your time. (不用着急。 )

There's no need to rush. (别急。)




Let's make up. (我们和好吧!)

Did you make up?(和好了吗? )

Stop fighting! (别打了! )

Can't we talk it over? (我们就不能好好谈谈吗?)

Try to get along.(你俩要好好相处。 )

Let's forgive and forget! (过去的事就让它过去吧。)

You've got me. (糟了,让你逮着了。)

I've beaten you.(你输了。 )

I didn't mean to hurt you.(我无意伤害你。 )

I missed you.(我很想念你。)

I get lonely easily.(我是个容易感到寂寞的人。 )

Can't you patch things up?( 你们就不能和好吗? )

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