






从此,他 更加用心地去照顾儿子,儿子进入小学读书后不久,他再一次打了孩子。那天老师来电话说,儿子没有去学校,他立刻请假回家,满世界找儿子,几个小时后在一家文具店的门口,看见儿子站在电动玩具前面,于是他生气地打了儿子,儿子并没有说出任何的解释,只说了声对不起。

一年后,他接到小区邮局的电话,说儿子把一捆没有写地址的信,恶作剧地放进邮筒里。每年到了年底,正是邮局最忙碌的时候,所以这对他们造成很大的困扰。他立刻跑到邮局,领回了那一捆恶作剧的信,回家后把信丢到儿子眼前说:“你为什么要这样恶作剧?”儿子哭着回答说:“这些信是 我要寄给妈妈的。”他的眼眶红了,接着问儿子:“为什么一次寄这么多信呢?”儿子回答说:“以前我要把信投进去的时候,因为个儿太矮,所以没办法投入。最近我已经够得着了,所以我就把以前没有寄的,一次全部都投进去了。”他听了以后,心中一片茫然,不知道该对孩子说什么话。过了一会,他说:“妈妈现在在天上,以后你写完信,把信烧了,就能送到天国去。”




妈妈,我现在已经记不清楚你的声音了。 妈妈,请你让我在梦中,再一次能够看到你的脸,听到你的声音,好吗?



当我们把孩子带到这个世界上,就意味着承担了极大的责任。已经当妈妈的女同胞,不要加太多班,已经当爸爸的男同胞, 不要喝太多酒,不要抽太多烟,请务必要照顾好自己的身体,才可以好好疼惜你的小宝贝,千万不要为了收入而预支健康,没了健康,名利又算什么,不要总想着等我以后有钱时再如何如何, 因为, 谁知道下一秒会发生什么事呢? 谁知道有多少个以后呢?



His wife left him because of an accident has been for four years, because he could not take into account the role of both parents feel frustrated.

One day home at night, he was just very briefly say hello to the children, because the body tired, do not want to eat dinner, and then took off his suit directly to the bed and lie down. At that time, bang, red soup with noodles instantaneous dirty sheets and blankets, the original bowl of instant noodles in the quilt! This kid really, he picked up a coat hanger, ran out to his son are playing with toys ass slap.

Son crying and told him: 'rice cooker in the morning and already finished, at night, to see my father does not come back, he found instant noodles in the cupboard drawer, want to eat instant noodles, but the thought of my father said not to collect moving gas, so he opened the shower tap, instant noodles with hot water, one to eat, eat another want to leave my father. fear of instant noodles cool off, he put it in a quilt Wu, etc. Dad came back. Since you are playing to a friend borrowed toys, so my father forgot to talk back. '

He did not want his son to see their tears, so rushed to the bathroom, turn on the faucet, crying loudly ------ After a while, he opened the door of his son and saw that his son had fallen asleep fully clothed , his face full of tears, her hand, holding her mother's photo.

Since then, he is more careful to take care of her son, soon after entering elementary school, he once again hit the child. That day the teacher called to say that his son did not go to school, he immediately leave home, all over the world to find his son, a few hours later in a stationery shop doorway and saw his son standing in front of the electric toy, and he angrily hit her son, and did not say any explanation, just said sorry.

A year later, he received a cell phone post office, said his son did not write a letter to a bunch of addresses, mischievously into the mailbox. By the end, it is the busiest time of the post office, so this year caused great distress to them. He immediately went to the post office, and brought back a bunch of pranks that letter, home to throw the letter in front of his son, said: 'Why are you doing this prank?' Cried the son replied: 'I want to send these letters is mom . The 'His eyes red, his son then asked:' Why do so many believe it to send a 'son replied:'?. Before I put the letter into the time to vote, because the height is too short, so I can not put my recently have been enough to get, so I'll not previously sent, and once all cast into. 'After he listened to the heart at a loss, I do not know what to say to children. After a while, he said: 'Mom is now in heaven, and after you have written the letter, the letter burned, you can go to heaven.'

After the kids are in bed, he opened those letters, his mother would like to know what children want, including a letter thoroughly stirred his heart.

Dear Mom:

I missed you! Mom, today at school have mothers with their children's talent show, but because I did not have my mother, so I did not go, I did not tell my father, afraid Mom and Dad will miss. The results go to my father everywhere, but in order to let me see my father looked very happy, so deliberately sitting in front of electric toys. Even though my father scolded me, but in the end I did not tell him why. Mom, Dad, I see every day in front of your photos in a daze, I think my father also told me, I miss my mother it!

Mom, I now can not remember your voice. Mom, would you please let me in a dream once again be able to see your face, hear your voice, okay?

I heard that the missing person's photo on the arms of sleep, you will dream about her, but, Mom, I do every night, why you have not appeared in my dream it?

After reading this letter, he burst into tears. He kept asking: To what their talent to fill the vacancy wife do?

When we put the child into this world, it means taking a great deal of responsibility. When the mother has a female compatriots, do not add too many classes, already a father of fellow men, do not drink too much alcohol, do not smoke too much, be sure to take good care of your body, it can be a good pamper your baby, Do not order income advance health, not health, fame and count what, no matter how how do not always think so I had the money, since who knows what happens next second? Who knows how many months later?

Do not trifle couple also said divorce! Really the greatest damage from the children! If you have tears ······

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