


● 胡塞尔:


 A red object stands before us, but this red object is not the Species Red. Nor does the concrete object contain the Species as a “psychological” or “metaphysical” part. The part, the independent moment of red (dies unselbst?ndige Rotmoment), is, like the concrete whole object, something individual, something here and now, something which arises and vanishes with the concrete whole object, and which is like, not identical, in different objects. Redness, however, is an ideal unity (eine ideale Einheit), in regard to which it is absurd to speak of coming into being or passing away. The part (moment) red is not redness, but an instance of Redness (ein Einzelfall von R?te). And, as universal objects differ from singular ones, so, too, do our acts of apprehending them.(英译来自Findlay)

(Prol. § 39, p. 149; Hua XVIII 135)

● 维特根斯坦:





 57. "Something red can be destroyed, but red cannot be destroyed, and that is why the meaning of the word 'red' is independent of the existence of a red thing."—Certainly it makes no sense to say that the colour red is torn up or pounded to bits. But don't we say "The red is vanishing"? And don't clutch at the idea of our always being able to bring red before our mind's eye even when there is nothing red any more. That is just as if you chose to say that there would still always be a chemical reaction producing a red flame.—For suppose you cannot remember the colour any more?—When we forget which colour this is the name of, it loses its meaning for us; that is, we are no longer able to play a particular language-game with it. And the situation then is comparable with that in which we have lost a paradigm which was an instrument of our language,

 58. "I want to restrict the term 'name' to what cannot occur in the combination 'X exists'.—Thus one cannot say 'Red exists', because if there were no red it could not be spoken of at all."—Better: If "X exists" is meant simply to say: "X" has a meaning,—then it is not a proposition which treats of X, but a proposition about our use of language, that is, about the use of the word "X".
 It looks to us as if we were saying something about the nature of red in saying that the words "Red exists" do not yield a sense. Namely that red does exist 'in its own right' [原文: an und für sich]. The same idea—that this is a metaphysical statement about red—finds expression again when we say such a thing as that red is timeless, and perhaps still more strongly in the word "indestructible".
 But what we really want is simply to take "Red exists" as the statement: the word "red" has a meaning. Or perhaps better: "Red does not exist" as " 'Red' has no meaning". Only we do not want to say that that expression says this, but that this is what it would have to be saying if it meant anything. But that it contradicts itself in the attempt to say it—just because red exists 'in its own right'. Whereas the only contradiction lies in something like this: the proposition looks as if it were about the colour, while it is supposed to be saying something about the use of the word "red".—In reality, however, we quite readily say that a particular colour exists; and that is as much as to say that something exists that has that colour. And the first expression is no less accurate than the second; particularly where 'what has the colour' is not a physical object.(英译来自Anscombe)

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