


Are private schools really that much better than public schools?


As someone who went to private school from k-8 and switched to public for high school, I would say that private school and public school both have pros and cons. If you can afford private school, I would definitely recommend giving it a try just to see if your child likes it.



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Private School (K-8)

Class size

Pro: Most of my classes were only made of about 15 kids which really let the teacher get to know you as an individual and give you as much help as you needed whenever you needed it.

Con: If for some reason your class had a certain kid you didn't like ( I had a few of those) you are most likely going to be stuck with them for almost every class. At my 

school, the kids who were at the same academic level where all placed together and had all 8 classes together every day.



No bright nail polish, dyed hair, peircings, certain hair bows and scrunchies, bracelets, hats, brightly colored shoes, etc. There were not many ways to express yourself which put a damper on some kids creativity and self confidence.


Pro: Direct instruction. Classes were structured and aimed to challenge students. Rigorous learning exercises and techniques were used to make sure the material was being obtained and would be remembered. Teachers were very skilled and experienced with what they were teaching and seemed to have a passion for what was being taught (not saying public school teachers aren't). Spanish and Latin were both parts of the curriculum and allowed them to dip their toes into different cultures.



Also dealing with the small amount of children, there wasn't a large variety of classes and clubs to take. Only two languages were offered and most clubs were either aimed 

towards science and engineering or technology. There was also a considerable amount of homework, sometimes I would have 3 essays all due on the same day or hours of homework in each class. You had to have amazing time management to survive.



Binu Gopinathan

Elite private schools offer quality education! In plain words, undoubtedly the quality of a star hotel versus a budget hotel

Since, I’ve got the dual experience as a public and 

private school parent, I can hit the nail right at the wall.

If someone asks me about the best thing we did as parents, ‘r answer would be putting our daughter to an ELITE 

private school (I highlighted elite, ‘coz private schools vary with less expensive ones, religious ones and the elite expensive ones with boarding and day school)





private schools are quite varied. There are less expensive private schools and also religious schools that hire people with no teaching background or credentials. There are also extremely expensive elite private boarding schools that hire only teachers with Masters degrees and PhDs


Our kid was supremely creative since toddler days! But her public-school system drastically failed to notice that creative spark in her. A major flaw of a public-school system! 

Every kid will have a natural spark, which public schools are rarely bound to tap. I’m not getting into the reasons, there may be several.school system.


Jocelyn Garza

Population- A public school is a heterogeneous population where a student may interact with the smartest people in class and future drug-addicts in one place. A private school consists of students like your student, with parents similar to you. They are rarely introduced to people of different backgrounds.



ileene Edsinger

I attended private parochial school in grammar and high school so can’t answer how public school was but Catholic schools were highly disciplined with much indoctrination in Christian morals and values and God centered. We learned all the usual courses that are taught in public schools but emphasis centered on religious education with prayers at the tart of class with pledge of allegiance as a daily opening and deportment, application and courtesy were the measure of a good student. We also had religion class each day as our indoctrination into Christianity. At San Jose State University, there was no emphasis on religion unless you were in a religion class and no emphasis on morals or deportment, application or courtes


They also craft your skills in essay writing and analysis of such for the future, and in my experience, public schools are a bit behind on everything like that and they come 

later in HS. I personally performed very well in a private middle school for two years and enjoyed learning and working. I found lessons interesting and challenging, as well as having good relations with my teachers. Returning to a public school for the last year my grades dropped and I was not interested in the classes. 


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