


Our economy currently relies heavily on unsustainable industrial principles of mass scale, never-ending growth and throwaway consumerism. The transition to a sustainable economy, then, requires a shift in how we think about production.


In contrast to industrial production, craft production prioritises local production, human skill and excellence. Although craft
principles were cast aside as industries were modernised, a revival is taking place. Examples of craft revival are visible in many sectors, ranging from butchering to textile production, but one of the most illustrative examples comes from the booming craft beer sector.


Yet demand does not change in isolation. It requires producers that are willing and able to follow alternative production principles and educate consumers. A recent study of the Dutch beer brewing industry found that the increasing success of the craft movement was in large part driven by a growing and eclectic group of beer enthusiasts that devoted themselves to becoming brew masters, regenerated craft brewing techniques and revived a declining industry in the process. The craft beer revival shows that a transition away from unsustainable, industrial production is possible and desirable.


But these craft change-makers face challenges. The main issue for any incipient craft movement is to shake off the idea that craft is an outdated mode of production, strictly adhering to historic methods and recipes.


The craft beer revolution, for example, was not possible in places such as Germany and Belgium, which have maintained historic beer brewing traditions. There, breweries tend to strictly follow narrow interpretations of what traditional craft production means and have expectations about how and where craft skill should be applied, such as following age-old community specific recipes. This conception of “craft” constrains innovation – and indeed both countries lack the rich innovative craft brewing scene that has developed elsewhere.


Successful craft movements, on the other hand, smartly harness the power of localism, authenticity and nostalgia without getting stuck in the past. This attitude was clearly expressed by one Dutch brewer:
I have always been bothered by the false romanticism that beer lovers like to hear and the ordinary reality of beer brewing. Beer brewing is a craft. You write your own recipes. There is no such thing as old recipes. All beers that were brewed 100 years ago are disgusting.


This is an extreme opinion: generally traditions are navigated more respectfully. Through craft, brewers stress their traditional, independent background while experimenting and making entirely new beers. It’s important to open up the definition of craft and to find a productive balance between tradition and innovation.


Another challenge for the modern craft movement is the reality that any organisation can be bought. Although initially craft brewers were able to build a separate market for craft beer and resist the lure of big money, incumbent industrial brewers are now taking over successful craft breweries at increasing speed.


In the Netherlands, one of the most successful craft breweries, De Molen in Bodegraven, has recently been acquired by Bavaria, one of the four large incumbent brewers. Bavaria also owns the Dutch abbey brewery, De Koningshoeven, known for its authentic Trappist beer, while Heineken acquired the oldest still running brewery, Brand, in the early 2000s. This signals a new era of consolidation and raises questions about the long-term resilience of the craft movement.

在荷兰,最成功的手工酿酒厂之一,博德格拉文的德莫伦最近被四大现有酿酒商之一的宝华丽收购。宝华丽还拥有荷兰Abbey酿酒厂De Koningshoeven,以正宗的特拉普斯特(Trappist)啤酒闻名,而喜力啤酒公司在2000年初收购了最古老的仍在运营的酿酒厂Brand。这标志着一个行业整合的新时代,并引发了人们对手工行业长期韧性的质疑。

In short, an updated notion of craftsmanship provides the architecture needed for a sustainable, innovative economy. Entrepreneurs of the future are those that redefine our relationship with materials. They are the craftspeople who make beer out of stale bread, leather from leftover fruit or who fashion garments from fish skin.
Whether these craft principles will shape the new economy largely depends on modern corporations truly infusing them into their organisations and going beyond craft-washing. Corporate success is historically based on choices that contradict craft principles, which means that corporations are often at a loss when it comes to meaningfully enacting any of these ideas.


This likely means that a transition has to be sustained from the bottom: in the microbreweries, urban gardens, maker spaces and repair cafes. The people in these spaces are not just making. They are creating the mentality needed for a sustainable economy. We need more makers, not managers.



原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:徐晃同学下盘并不稳 转载请注明出处

Brian House(楼主)
logged in via Google
Great article.The way of the future. Labour intensive. As you so rightly point out AUTHENTIC.


Stephen Newton(回复楼上)
You miss the point. The article explains that consumers want authenticity, but that this is easily faked.


Brian House(回复楼上)
How do you fake authenticity?


Dave Wright(回复楼上)
Actually, our brewery’s stainless steel equipment was fabricated in the local town by people who will in turn spend their money locally. This is probably true of many small breweries, since steel fabrication is a trade that serves many sectors and it’s harder to transport a large vessel than it is the sheet steel it is made from. We don’t use bottles at all because we only sell to pubs, supporting our community. And we’ve been doing this since 1985. We did have a blacksmith and farrier working from the brewery yard until recently who served nearby equestrians (our brewery building was purpose built in 1833, so it has stables and a forge to aid beer delivery by horse) but steel fabrication requires a welder.


That said, I’m sympathetic to your scepticism surrounding areas of this new ‘Craft’ movement. A traditional floor maltings (where the germinating barley is carefully raked on a floor,, a labour intensive process) has closed for business because most of these ‘craft’ breweries use drum-malted barley at half the price. It can make you feel that ‘craft’ just means making a job for yourself whilst using industrially produced ingredients - and so some small breweries can be as guilty of ‘craft washing’ as larger corporations.


Jochem Kroezen(回复楼主)
We are not suggesting going back to a time where everything was handmade. We suggest a reinfusion of craft principles in our modern industries. For advanced technology this could mean the development of local repair networks (which are actually quite common for cell phones) or better: systems for remanufacturing that would allow us to upgrade or recover products. All this would require an increase in local production networks, human skill levels and excellence in production. A good example can actually be found in Fairphone


I also didn’t quite get how corporations could incorporate these values into their activities - craft beer presumably has no longer a shelf-life than mass produced beer. I doubt if corporate executives in major brewing companies have much interest in their product as long as it sells, but they do have a strong sense of new profitable markets which is why they are keen to acquire larger craft outfits. The outcome is much the same.


Jochem Kroezen(回复楼上)
craft brewing may be more sustainable. When referring to the positive impact of craft brewing we mean locally produced and consumed beer with local inputs. The point of our article is that we think it is impact does not have to be marginal if we think more seriously about it. Integrating these principles in our corporations would be important but is challenging. There are some promising examples, like Patagonia that we referred to above.



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