

Loren Eiseley - Lesson of the Gull(双语)

Lesson of the Gull


Loren Eiseley


I have walked much to the sea, not knowing what I seek. The west headland I visit is always boiling, even on calm days. Spume leaps up from the sea caverns of buried reefs and the blue and purple of the turbulent waters are roiled and twisted with clashing and opposed currents. I go there frequently and sit for hours on an old whiskey crate half-buried in the sand.


Staring into those uncertain and treacherous waters with their unexpected and lifting apparitions is like looking into the future. You can see its forces constantly gathering, expending themselves, streaming away and streaming back. The meaning escapes one, but day after day the harpy gulls scream and mew over it and the crabs scuttle along its edge, waving threatening pincers.


But I wander.


On one occasion, there was just this broken crate in the sand, myself, and the sea – and then this other. I first encountered him when I had ventured at low tide up to the verge of the reef beyond which burst that leaping, spouting thunder I had come to conceive of as containing the future. As I reached the flat, slippery stones which passed a constant surf, I saw a grey wing tilt upward and move a few feet farther on.


It was a big gray-backed gull, who slid quietly down again amidst the encrusted sea growth. He moved just enough, out of old and wise judgment, to keep me at arm’s length, no more. He was no longer, with his kind, hovering over the outer rock masses of a dubious future. He had a space of his own on the last edge of the present. He fed there upon such things as the sea brought. He was old and he rested, if one could be said to rest beside such waters.


I disturbed him once by coming closer, whereupon he rose and tilted slightly in the blast from over the reef. If I did not move, neither did he. Since I am not one to go rushing over dangerous crevices, we achieved, after some days, a dignified relationship. We were both grey. We stood or sat a little apart and ignored each other, being, after all, creatures diverse.


Every morning when I came he was there. He was growing thinner, but he still flew at my coming and hovered low upon his great seagoing wings. Then I would seek my box and he would swoop back to the little space that contained his last of life. I came to look for this bird as though we shared some sane, enormously simple secret amidst a little shingle of hard stones and broken beach.


After several days he was gone. I shied a stone uncertainly toward the still-spouting future. Nothing came of it, no shape emerged. The only rational shape had been that aged gull, too knowing to venture more than tilting wing’s length upward in such air. Finally, the extremest edge of his space had hesitantly touched mine. Neither of us had much farther to go, and the harsh simplicity of it was somehow appropriate and gratifying. A little salt-washed rock had contained us both.


Here, I thought, is where I shall abide my ending, in the mind at least. Here where the sea grinds coral and bones alike to pebbles, and the crabs come in the night for the recent dead. Here where everything is transmuted and transmutes, but all is living or about to live.


(曹明伦 译)

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