




As I mentioned, one of the things I like best about the ATR Ratchet is its flexibility and adaptability. Here is another idea on how to start it. We can start it after fifteen bars but we don't necessarily have to add fifteen ratchets. The logic for the coding would be to start the Ratchet after 15 bars in the trade but multiply the ATR units by the number of bars in the trade minus ten or divide the number of days in the trade by some constant before multiplying the ATR units. This procedure will reduce the number of ratchets, particularly at the beginning of the trade when the exit is first implemented. Play around with the ATR Ratchet and see what creative ideas you can come up with.

Daily Ratchet Amount: After testing it the daily Ratchet amount we chose when we were first doing our research turned out to be much too large for our intended application. The large Ratchet amount (percentage of ATR) moved the stop up too fast for the time frame we wanted to trade. After some trial and error we found that a Ratchet amount in the neighborhood of 0.05 or 0.10 (5% or 10% of one 20-day average true range) multiplied by the number of bars the trade has been open will move the stop up much faster than you might expect.


As a variation on this strategy the very small initial Ratchet can always be increased later in the trade once the profits are very high. We could start with a small Ratchet and then after a large amount of profit we could use a larger daily Ratchet increment. There are all sorts of interesting possibilities.(不知道如何翻译)

作为该策略的变通方法,我们可以在最初使用较小的ATR棘轮每天移动量,然后一旦我们获得很大的浮动盈利,我们就可以使用较大的ATR棘轮每天移动量。 increment 增加,增值,增额

ATR Length: As we have learned in our previous uses of ATR, the length that we use to average the ranges can be very important. If we want the ATR to be highly responsive to short term variations in the size of the range we should use a short length for the average (4 or 5 bars). If we want a smoother ATR with less reaction to one or two days of unusual volatility we should use a longer average (20 to 50 bars). For most of my work with the ATR I use 20 days for the average unless I have a good reason to make it more or less sensitive.


Summary: We have just scratched the surface on our understanding of the possibilities and variations of the ATR Ratchet as a profit taking tool. We particularly like the flexibility it offers and we suspect that each trader will wind up using a slightly different variation. As you can see, there are many important variables to tinker with. Be sure to code the Ratchet so it gets plotted on a chart when your are first learning and experimenting with it. The ATR Ratchet is full of pleasant surprises and the plot on the chart will quickly teach you a great deal about its unusual characteristics.
tinker 随随便便的修理,小修小补;摆弄 Be sure to let us know if you come up with any exciting ideas on how to apply it. Good luck and good trading.

译者补充:原文中多次提到Parabolic SAR(韦尔达技术指标),以下是译者转摘的相关知识。 Parabolic SAR (Stop and Reverse),抛物转向指标,为一种设定止损点相当有效的韦尔达技术指标,基本原理是将我们股票或商品价格走势假设为抛物线运动。利用价格与指针交*判断趋势反转进行平仓与建立反向新仓。 公式:   SAR(t) = SAR(t-1) + AF * ( EP – SAR(t-1))1.一开始AF = 0.02,当一个新的极值出现时,AF每次便增加0.02,直到AF值为0.2为止便不再增加;若无新极值,则AF维持前一笔的值。2.EP是指该上涨波段的最高价(Extreme High),或下跌波段的最低价(Extreme Low)。计算SARt时,以t-1以前的数据寻找EP,而不含t时的高低点。3.起始值SAR0的设定,首先要先决定一开始是上涨波段或下跌波段,如果,是上涨波段,最高价作为SAR0;反之,如果是下跌波段,则取最低价作为SAR0。而决定是上涨波段或下跌波段的方式,市场上常用的方式有数种,例如:以前n笔资料作为判断,如n=2,则拿第二笔资料的最高价与第一笔最高价相比较,如果第二笔高于第一笔,则视为上涨波段,此时SAR0=Low0;若否,则视为下跌波段,此时SAR0=High0。4.反转时,以前波EP作为SAR的起始值。 利用抛物转向点(SAR)的转向去判断买卖策略,方法如下:- 1. 当抛物转向点(SAR)由价位线之上转到当日价位线之下(由绿点转为红点),代表市势逆转向好,可视作入货讯号。 2. 相反,当抛物转向点(SAR)由价位线之下转到价位线之上(由红点转为绿点),则代表市况转淡,可视作沽货讯号。 SAR假设一开始持有多或空部位,当持有多部位时,不论当天价格走势如何,SAR指针每天都会不断上扬,以追赶价格。因此当SAR追上价格时,表示该波段的行情结束了并且发生反转,原持有部位应该在此时作停损操作。由于讯号明显,是相当好用的停损点指标。SAR的设计,是每天用与极值差距的某一比率(即AF值)来追赶目前价格。可以有效的掌握到波段行情。因此可以将反转点视为买进或卖出讯号。   SAR的使用其实很简单,跟单移动平均线的穿越、跌破交易法则是相同的。它的特色是在我们不必等到收盘再动作。一般指标因为皆以收盘价为计算基准,所以交易者必须承受收盘之前价格的风险。而SAR是在盘中就可以决定平仓与否。而它的使用风险在那里呢?就是起始时的停损风险过大了些…在建立仓位约一周内,你如果初次使用SAR,我想你睡好觉的机会是很少的。此时SAR是标在价格的某一高或低价,也许跟目前价格有许多的距离,特别对期货仓位而言。然后AF此时又必然是最小的状态﹙反转必须由0.02起算﹚。所以在约一周以上的时间,你的仓位曝露在比较大的止损风险。SAR最难就在进场! 抛物转向指标(SAR)的缺点 1. 运算抛物转向指标(SAR)的缺点是在于公式中的「加速因子」(Acceleration Factor),它不能巧妙地适应于不同商品或股票,必需由运用者作出不断的尝试,才能在波动节拍中寻找最佳的加速因子(AF)数值。一般使用的加速因子(AF)数值的限度在0.02至0.20之间,以0.02值递增或递减(例如:0.02、0.04、0.06.....等等)。 2. 在处于盘整市时,抛物转向指标(SAR)转向频率非常高,会导致讯号追随者在高买低卖的情况下造成亏损。因此,在遇到盘整市时,抛物转向指标(SAR)绝不宜使用。

When to Start: We can very easily initiate the exit strategy based on time rather than price or combine the two ideas. For example, we can start the exit only after the trade has been open for at least 10 days and is profitable by more than one ATR. My general impression at this point is that it is best to implement the ATR Ratchet only after a fairly large profit objective has been reached. The ATR Ratchet looks like a very good profit taking exit but I suspect it will kick you out of a trade much too soon if you start it before the trade is profitable.
As I mentioned, one of the things I like best about the ATR Ratchet is its flexibility and adaptability. Here is another idea on how to start it. We can start it after fifteen bars but we don't necessarily have to add fifteen ratchets. The logic for the coding would be to start the Ratchet after 15 bars in the trade but multiply the ATR units by the number of bars in the trade minus ten or divide the number of days in the trade by some constant before multiplying the ATR units. This procedure will reduce the number of ratchets, particularly at the beginning of the trade when the exit is first implemented. Play around with the ATR Ratchet and see what creative ideas you can come up with.



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