

Drawing horizontal and vertical gridlines

To draw horizontal and vertical gridlines we essentiallyuse the same method used for the vertical gridline or column border usedin the previous section. After drawing the vertical lines, we use GetItemRect()to get the item height and then we draw the horizontal grid lines basedon this height. One implication of using GetItemRect() is that it failswhen the list does not have any items in it and no horizontal line is drawn.Here is the complete code of the overridden OnPaint() function. Also notethat the next version of the list view control will support the LVS_EX_GRIDLINESstyle and should make our code redundant.

void CMyListCtrl::OnPaint()
// First let the control do its default drawing.
const MSG *msg = GetCurrentMessage();
DefWindowProc( msg->message, msg->wParam, msg->lParam );

// Draw the lines only for LVS_REPORT mode
if( (GetStyle() & LVS_TYPEMASK) == LVS_REPORT )
// Get the number of columns
CClientDC dc(this );
CHeaderCtrl* pHeader = (CHeaderCtrl*)GetDlgItem(0);
int nColumnCount = pHeader->GetItemCount();

// The bottom of the header corresponds to the top of the line
RECT rect;
pHeader->GetClientRect( &rect );
int top = rect.bottom;

// Now get the client rect so we know the line length and
// when to stop
GetClientRect( &rect );

// The border of the column is offset by the horz scroll
int borderx = 0 - GetScrollPos( SB_HORZ );
for( int i = 0; i < nColumnCount; i++ )
// Get the next border
borderx += GetColumnWidth( i );

// if next border is outside client area, break out
if( borderx >= rect.right ) break;

// Draw the line.
dc.MoveTo( borderx-1, top);
dc.LineTo( borderx-1, rect.bottom );

// Draw the horizontal grid lines

// First get the height
if( !GetItemRect( 0, &rect, LVIR_BOUNDS ))

int height = rect.bottom - rect.top;

GetClientRect( &rect );
int width = rect.right;

for( i = 1; i <= GetCountPerPage(); i++ )
dc.MoveTo( 0, top + height*i);
dc.LineTo( width, top + height*i );

// Do not call CListCtrl::OnPaint() for painting messages

The vertical grid line is actually drawn one pixel left of the column border. Thisaligns it better with the column header. It also introduces a bug. Whenyou increase a column width, the column area below the last visible itemis not updated, thus leaving traces of the previous line. There are twoapproaches you can take to resolve this. First, draw the line exactly onthe column border (e.i. do not subtract 1 from borderx). The second approachis to handle the HDN_TRACK notification from the header controland invalidate the exposed area so that it gets redrawn.

BTW, Paul Gerhart has also implemented this using an owner-drawn CListCtrl.He has made the source code available with a sample app. You can find itat http://www.voicenet.com/~pgerhart/_shware.html

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