





中国国画的根源可以追溯到新石器时代的陶器(Neolithic pottery),比如鱼、青蛙、鹿、鸟、花、树叶的形状。最早的中国汉字是象形文字(pictograph)。由于相似的工具被使用于最早期的绘画和书写,绘画被认为是与书法(calligraphy)有着相同的起源。这样一来,中国国画就有着一种非凡的特征,也就是说,诗意和书法被印刻(inscribe)在画中,从而三者合为一体,给人们一种更加强烈的美的享受。

The roots of Chinese painting can be traced back to paintings on Neolithic pottery, such as figures of fish, frogs, deer, birds, flowers and tree leaves. The earliest Chinese characters were pictographs. Since similar tools were used for the earliest painting and writing, painting is said to have the same origin as calligraphy. Thus, Chinese painting has an outstanding characteristic, that is to say, poetry or calligraphy are inscribed on paintings so that the three are integrated, giving people a keener enjoyment of beauty.

1. 第一句中,“追溯到”还可以译为date back to 或go back to。

2. 第三句中,“被使用于”含被动含义,且此处表达过去的情况,故译为were used for;“被认为是”还可以译为is deemed to或is considered to。

3. 第四句中,“这样一来”还可以译为therefore;“也就是说”还可以译为in other words;“三者合为一体”应该使用被动语态结构,可译为the three are integrated;“给人们一种更加强烈的美的享受”为结果状语,故用现在分词结构作状语,可译为giving people a keener enjoyment of beauty。


中国的传统节庆膳食在数量和质量上都与平时有所不同。一些历史悠久、具有象征意义的食物也是节日必不可缺的。例如,端午节(Dragon Boat Festival)那一天,人们通常要吃粽子。中秋节是赏月的日子。中秋节的特制食品是月饼。春节是中国的农历(lunar)新年。除了常见的海鲜、家禽(poultry)和肉类之外,人们还要按各自的地方习俗烹制传统菜肴,如饺子和年糕。

Traditional Chinese holiday meals are different from everyday meals in terms of quantity and quality. Some foods with a long history and symbolic significance are indispensable on these occasions. For example, on the Dragon Boat Festival, people will usually eat zongzi, or rice dumplings. The Mid‘s autumn Festival is an occasion for viewing the full moon. The special food of the day is the yuebing, or moon cake. The Spring Festival is the Chinese lunar New Year's holiday. In addition to the popular seafood, poultry and meat, people will prepare traditional food, such as jiaozi, or boiled dumplings, and niangao, or the year cake, according to their regional custom.

1. 第一句除了上面的译法,还可以译为The quantity and quality of traditional Chinese holiday meals are different from those of everyday meals.;“节庆膳食”可译为holiday meals。

2. 第二句中,“食物”的定语“历史悠久、具有象征意义的”较长,所以将其译为介词短语,即with a long history and symbolic significance。

3. 第三句中,“粽子”如果只用拼音zongzi来表达则不够明白,所以用or rice dumplings来补充说明;同理,第五句中的“月饼”以及第七句中的“饺子”和“年糕”都采用了同样的翻译法。

4. 第七句中,“除了……之外”还可译为besides。


自改革开放以来,中国的邮政和电信产业发展进入了一个历史性阶段。中国的邮政网络实现了整体性服务和多运输渠道。电话网络的规模以及科技和服务的水平都发生了质的飞跃(qualitative leaps)。中国已经建立了自己的公共电信网络来覆盖整个国家,并且还与世界其他地方相连接。还采用了许多先进的方法,包括光纤(optical cables)、数字微波网络、卫星、移动通信和数字通信。

Since reform and opening up, the development of posts and telecommunications has entered a new historical stage. China's postal network has realized complete services and multiple transportation means. The scale of the telephone network and the level of technology and services have all realized qualitative leaps. China has built up its public communications network to cover the whole nation and link it up with the rest of the world. Many advanced methods are used, including optical cables, digital microwave networks, satellites, mobile telecommunications and digital communications.

1. 第一句中,“自改革开放以来”可译为since reform and opening up,主句用现在完成时;“进入了一个历史性阶段”可译为has entered a new historical stage。

2. 第二句中,“整体性服务和多运输渠道”可译为complete services and multiple transportation means。

3. 第三句中,“电话网络的规模”可译为the scale of the telephone network;“科技和服务的水平”可译为the level of technology and services。

4. 第四句中,“与世界其他地方相连接”可译为link it up with the rest of the world。

5. 第五句中,“还采用了许多先进的方法”用被动语态结构,可译为many advanced methods are used;“包括……”用现在分词结构,可译为including…;“移动通信和数字通信”可译为mobile telecommunications and digital communications。


中国政府非常重视环境保护方面的法律法规建设(formulation),而且已经将环境保护纳入到了法律范畴(orbit)内。迄今为止,已经颁布(promulgate)了环保方面的五个特别法和九个自然资源法。另外,国务院(the State Council)已经出台了30多项环保方面的行政法规。伴随着重大建设项目的增多,中国政府于1998年就出台了建设项目的环境保护法规,从而进一步加强环保管理,控制新污染源和保护生态环境。

The Chinese government attaches great importance to the formulation of laws and regulations on environmental protection, and has brought the environmental protection into the legal orbit. Up to now, five special laws and nine natural resources laws related to environmental protection have been promulgated. In addition, the State Council has worked out over 30 administrative laws and regulations on environmental protection. Along with the increase of large construction projects, the Chinese government in 1998 worked out the regulations of construction projects on environmental protection to further strengthen environmental protection management, control new pollution sources and protect the ecological environment.

1. 第一句中,“非常重视”可译为attaches great importance to;“法律法规”可译为laws and regulations;“将环境保护纳入到了……内”可译为brought the environmental protection into…。

2. 第二句中,“已经颁布了”用被动语态结构,可译为have been promulgated。

3. 第三句中,“已经出台了”可译为has worked out。

4. 第四句中,“伴随着……”可译为along with…;“进一步加强”可译为to further strengthen;“生态环境”可译为ecological environment。


刺绣(embroidery)是中国艺术里一枚璀璨的珍珠。从君王所穿的华丽的龙袍(Dragon Robe)到当今时尚界的流行刺绣,刺绣给我们的生活和文化增加了如此多的乐趣。在中国有记录可循的最早刺绣品始于商朝。在这一时期,刺绣象征着社会地位。而在不久之后,随着国家经济发展,刺绣进入到了寻常百姓的生活中。渐渐地,刺绣的图案范围变得更广,而且吉祥的(auspicious)语言也可以在刺绣上看到了。

Embroidery is a brilliant pearl in Chinese art. From the magnificent Dragon Robe worn by Emperors to the popular embroidery seen in today's fashions, embroidery adds so much pleasure to our life and culture. The oldest embroidered product in China on record dates from the Shang Dynasty. Embroidery in this period symbolized social status. It was not until later on, as the national economy developed, that embroidery entered the lives of the common people. Gradually,the patterns of embroidery covered a larger range and auspicious words were also seen on it.

1. 第一句中,“一枚璀璨的珍珠”可译为a brilliant pearl。

2. 第二句中,“君王所穿的”可以用过去分词短语作定语,译为worn by Emperors;“增加”可以用adds to来表达。

3. 第三句中,“有记录可循的”还可译为recorded;“始于”还可译为dates back to。

4. 第五句中,“在不久之后”还可译为shortly after this或soon;“进入到了寻常百姓的生活中”可译为entered the lives of the common people。

5. 第六句中,“变得更广”可以用covered a larger range来表达。




As an abstract art with more than 4,000 years' history, Chinese calligraphy is not just about writing Chinese characters, or writing them well. It is an art which expresses spirits. The calligraphy work carries the calligrapher's personality, mood, thoughts and soul. Chinese calligraphy has been popular in China for thousands of years, which also prevails in the neighborhood countries, such as Japan and Korea. In China, the calligraphy work is considered as a very up-market decoration. Therefore, it also serves as a great present to friends. Today, most calligraphy works are exhibited in museums, which promotes people from different countries and cultures to better understand each other.

1. 第一句较长,按照英语的表达习惯,翻译时应该进行断句,可以根据意群进行划分。从“中国书法作为……”到“……写好汉字”为一个意群;总结性的话 “它是一门体现精神的艺术”独立成句最佳。

2. 第二句中,“承载着”可以意译为 carry,比较形象。

3. 第三句中,需要注意时态的运用,“中国书法在中国盛行了数千年”,其还将继续盛行下去,因此应该使用现在完成时态,而非过去时。

4. 第四句中,“被认为是很高档的装饰品”根据英语的表达习惯应该译为被动语态,使用be considered as…或be regarded as…均可。

5. 最后一句中,“这增强了不同国家和不同文化之间的人们对彼此的了解”中的“这”指代前一个分句中的“大部分的名家书法作品都被存放在博物馆里”,可以将其翻译为由which引导的非限制性定语从句。


功夫(Kung fu)是一种典型的中国传统文化,它是一项既活动肌肉又活动大脑的运动。同时,功夫不仅是一项体育运动,也是一种艺术形式。它被用来治病和自卫,而且是一种综合性的人体文化。功夫历史悠久,在中国非常流行。肢体动作只是功夫的外部表现(external display),功夫绝对不受限于外部动作,它还强调充分发挥内部气质(internal temperament)、心理状态(mental state)和人类潜能。由于起源于传统的东方文化,功夫的特点与魅力在其他国家受到越来越多的关注。

Kung fu,as one of the typical demonstrations of traditional Chinese culture, is a sport which strengthens both muscle and brain. It is not only a sporting exercise but also an artistic form. Kung fu can be used to cure illness as well as for self-defense, and it is a comprehensive form of culture of the human body. Kung fu enjoys a long history and great popularity in China. The physical movements of the human are only the external display of Kung fu, which is by no means limited to them. It emphasizes the full display of the internal temperament, mental state and potential of human beings. Thanks to its uniqueness and charisma originating from the traditional oriental culture, Kung fu is captivating the attention of more and more people in other countries.

1. 第一句中,包含两个小分句,可将“是一种典型的中国传统文化”译成as one of the typical demonstrations of traditional Chinese culture,以插入语的形式呈现,更符合英文的表达习惯,也使句子结构一目了然。

2. 第二句中,“不仅……也是……”可以译为not only…but also…。

3. 第三句中,“治病和自卫”可以翻译成由as well as连接的并列结构,即cure illness as well as for self-defense。

4. 第四句中,“非常流行”译成enjoy great popularity 更显正式。

5. 第五句中,“绝对不”可译为by no means。

6. 第六句中,“功夫的特点与魅力”是主语,翻译时会显得过长,所以将其与前面的原因状语一起译为原因状语从句,即Thanks to its uniqueness and charisma originating from traditional oriental culture。



It is impossible to mention Chinese culture without mentioning Chinese food. Chinese dishes are rich and varied in kind, originating from China's 56 nationalities and its vast territory. Additionally, the more wheat-based diet of China's Northern regions provides a sharp contrast in diet to the more rice-based diet of China's Southern regions. As a carrier of culture, dumpling is the typical example of traditional Chinese cuisine culture. In the Tang and Song Dynasties, Chinese flour food got further development. Meanwhile, exchanges with other countries on flour food were carried out. As time goes by, the flour food culture has definitely been carried forward and further developed, creating more and more innovative flour delicates combining traditional and modern styles.

1. 第一句中,“提到……就不能不提到……”翻译成It is impossible to mention…without mentioning…。

2. 第二句中,“源自中国56个民族和广大的地域”可以译作现在分词短语作原因状语,即originating from China's 56 nationalities and its vast territory。

3. 第三句中,翻译时将其整合成一个句子,“中国北方多以面食为主”作主语,“形成了巨大的反差”作谓语,宾语则为“南方多以米食为主”。

4. 第四句中,“作为……” 译为 as引导的方式状语。

5. 第七句中, “融古今风味于一体”译作combining traditional and modern styles。



As kites were invented before the written words, many versions of how they originated have emerged. The Chinese had the basic available materials to make kites—silk and bamboo, and the Chinese were the first people to write about kites in words. In 478 B.C., it was recorded that a Chinese philosopher, Mo Zi, spent 3 years making a bird from wood which could fly. There are many sayings as to how the kite was invented—one is that a Chinese man's hat may have been blown off and was caught by the neckband which made it fly in the wind. Another saying is that it can make a high banner more visible.

1. 第一句中,句子结构紧凑,翻译成英文最好也用一句话,根据语义之间的关系,前半部分译为as引导的原因状语从句较好。

2. 第二句中,“用文字”可以翻译为in words。

3. 第三句中,“据记载”可译为it was recorded that…。

4. 第四句为无主句,可以翻译为there be句型。翻译时用破折号引出风筝起源的两种说法,起到解释、说明的作用。



Lanterns, the traditional folk craftwork, are still popular all over the country now. The art of lanterns, as a part of the precious traditional Chinese culture, is still inherited among the people. We can say that lanterns played an important and irreplaceable role in Chinese long history, and they also symbolize the brilliant culture of China. Chinese lanterns not only played an important role in Chinese history, but also made great contributions to the international inventions and development. Some Western countries got the skills of designing and making Chinese lanterns by means of missionaries and foreign trading, which greatly fastened their social development.

1. 第一句中,“民间传统工艺”在这里就是指“灯笼”,可以处理为同位语。

2. 第二句中,“在民间”这里主要指人,译作among the people比较合适。

3. 第三句中,“灯笼在中国悠久的历史中发挥着巨大而不可替代的作用,它象征着灿烂的中国文化”在翻译时前后两个分句应该使用不同的时态,前一个分句用一般过去时,第二个分句则应该使用一般现在时。

4. 第四句中的“做出了巨大的贡献”译为made great contributions to…。

5. 在最后一句中,“通过……”译为 by means of…更贴切。


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