




(Stories from Ancient China)

Once there were two snakes: they were magic snakes(仙蛇). One was a white snake: it was eighteen hundred years old; ____1____snake was a green snake: it was only eight hundred years old. They ____2____(give)the power of changing into two women when they wished to do so.

After a short time, the two snakes quarrelled and began fighting. The battle went on for a whole day. At the end of the day the white snake was the winner: the green snake lost the fight.

The green snake said to the white snake, “From now____3___, I shall be your servant(丫环;佣人).”

The Ching Ming holiday(清明节) is a day _____4____no one does any work. On this day all the people visit the graves of the dead- the place ____5____dead people are put. They go to clean the graves (扫墓)and to leave food there(上供).

Hsu San(许仙) was a young man. On this day, Ching Ming, he went with many others up a hill near the West Lake in Hangchow(杭州). He went to visit the graves. As he was coming back, it started to rain____6___(heavy). He saw an old tree near the bottom of the hill, and ran to____7____. When he reached the tree, he saw a beautiful lady and her servant _____8____(stand)there. They, too, were trying to keep out of the rain(避雨).

Hsu San had never seen anyone so beautiful as the lady. While the rain fell, the young man began to talk to her.

“My name is Hsu,” he said. “Please tell me your name.”

“My name is Bai Su Ching(白素贞),” said the beautiful lady.

They talked together for some time. Then Hsu said, “Will you have tea with me tomorrow?”

“Thank you,” said the lady. “You are a nice young man. I shall have tea with you tomorrow.”

Hsu and Bai Su Ching fell deeply in love ____9___each other. Later they were married, and they had a son.

One year during the Dragon Boat holiday, Bai Su Ching drank too ____10___wine. When she fell asleep on her bed, she changed back into a snake.

Hsu came into the room. He saw a long white snake on his wife’s bed! “Oh!” he cried and he ran out of the house. The servant wakened Bai Su Ching.

  Key:1. the other(两者中的另一个,使用不定代词the other)2. were given(过去式被动语态)3. on(from now on从现在开始,固定搭配)4.when/on which(定语从句,先行词是时间,关系副词when在从句中作时间状语,此句when=on which)5. in which/where(定语从句,先行词是地点,关系副词where在从句中作地点状语,此句where=in which)6. heavily(副词作状语)7.it(代词,特指前面提到的tree)8. standing(see sb doing结构)9. with(fall in love with爱上)10. much(不定代词,修饰不可数名词)


Now Hsu has learnt the truth,  she cried. “We must kill him.”

But Bai Su Ching did not wish to kill Hsu.

“No! No!” she said. “We must not hurt him. This is ____1___you must do: run into the fields and look for a white snake. When you have found____2__, kill it and bring it to me.”

The servant did as Bai Su Ching ordered(命令;指示). She brought a white snake and put it on the bed. Then Bai Su Ching called Hsu and pointed to the snake on the bed.

“Look at the snake which we have just killed,” she said.

When Hsu saw the dead snake, he said, “You are very brave!” And he did not think any ___3____about it.

Some time later Hsu went to the top of the hill early one morning to visit the Golden Hill Temple(金山寺). After praying(祝祷完毕), he met an old priest(牧师;和尚): the old priest told him about Bai Su Ching and her servant. He told Hsu the whole story about the two snakes: “Your wife was really the white snake,” said the priest.

“My wife was the white snake? I cannot believe it!” cried Hsu. “But, if you say so, it _____4___be true.” He went.

“What can I do?” he cried.

“Do not be afraid,” said the old priest. “____5____(stay)here with me and you will be safe.”

When Hsu did not come back home,Bai Su Ching set out to look for him. Soon she heard about the old priest and became very angry. She called her cousins(表兄弟), the magic dragons(神龙). She said to them, “Send rain down upon the land!”

The sky grew very dark and heavy rain fell for several days, ____6___(cover)all the fields and houses. Each day the water rose higher and higher, but it could not reach the top of the hill____7____the Golden Hill Temple stood.

The old priest now became_____8____(angry). He saw what Bai Su Ching was trying to do. So he used a magic pot(神钵) to catch the two snakes. He caught the green snake and sent it to a cave far away and shut it in.

Then he caught the white snake and shut it in a pagoda(塔) near the West Lake.

Many years passed. Then, one day a young man visited the Golden Hill Temple. The man had a very sad face. He asked to see his father: “He became a priest in this temple,” he said.

“What was your father’s name?” asked the priest.

“His name was Hsu San,” answered the young man.

“My son!” cried the priest: “I am Hsu San. I am your father.”

“Where is my mother?” said the young man. “Can I see her?”

Hsu wept(许仙哭了).

“She is not here,” he said. “She is in a pagoda near the West Lake. I will show you the place.”

Hsu took his son to the pagoda and showed him the place where the white snake was.

The sad young man put food and paper money near the place.

He prayed for(为……祈祷) his mother. Then he turned to go away. There was a loud ____9___in the sky and rain began to fall. Hsu and his son saw a white snake rise up into the clouds high in the sky(许仙和他儿子看见一条白蛇往空中飞起,升入云端).

They knew that their prayers had set Bai Su Ching _____10___(freely).

Key:1. what(表语从句,what作谓语动词do的宾语)2. one(替代词,代替单数可数名词)3. more(not…any more不再……)4. must(情态动词,依据说话者语气判断)5. Stay(祈使句+and/or+主谓结构)6. covering(前面事实导致直接结果,主动使用-ing结构)7. where(限制性定语从句,先行词指地点,从句中作地点状语)8. angry(形容词作表语)9. noise(噪声;响声;杂音;噪音;嘈杂声)10.free(set sb free释放;使获得自由



Choose the correct answers

1. The house needs ____, but we plan to wait until Sunday. A. cleaning B. be cleaned C. clean D. being cleaned

2. Since he doesn’t want to accept your advice, it’s no use ____ to him again. A. in talking B. talking C. to talk D. of talking

3. I prefer ___ to ____, even on holidays. A. working; do nothing B. working; doing nothing C. to work; do nothing D. to work; doing nothing

4. Excuse ___ you but I have an important message for you. A. me to interrupt B. my interrupt C. my interrupting D. me of interrupting

5. He regrets____ to watch the volleyball match. A. not being able B. can’t go C. not to be able to D. can’t going

6. He regretted ____ your advice. A. having not taken B. not having taken C. taking not D. not take

7. Does Mr. Smith remember ____ toChinawhen he was a child? A. being taken B. to be taken C. taking D. to take

8. I remember ____ for the job, but I forget the exact amount. A. to be paid B. be paid C. being paid D. paid

9. Mary was not afraid of____. A. laughing B. laughing at C. being laughed D. being laughed at

10. ____ to visit us made us feel very happy. A. My aunt coming B. My aunt’s coming  C. My uncle has come D. My uncle came

11. I never thought of ____ to see us. A. Dick coming B. Dick would be coming C. Dick come D. Dick’s come

12. She is far from ___ with the result of the exam. A. satisfy B. satisfied C. being satisfied D. satisfying

13. As he had broken the window, the boy was sitting there,____. A. not daring made any sound B. not daring to make a sound C. daring not make any sound D. daring not to make a sound

14. The two farmers ___ what appeared to be small guns forced the enemy officer to hand in his cap. A. carried B. were carrying C. carrying D. had carried

15. The story-book ____ was borrowed from the library. A. which it is on the desk B. which on the desk C. is on the desk D. lying on the desk

16. The question ____ at present has something important to do with our daily life. A. to be discussing B. to discuss C. been discussed D. being discussed

17. ____ the room, I found the TV set ___.A. Entering; stealing B. Entering; stolen C. To enter ; steal D. To enter; stealing

18. _____ the bookstore, he stopped ____ a few books. A. Passing ; buying B. Passing; to buy C. To pass; buying D. Having passed; to buy

19. ____ many times, but he still couldn’t understand it. A. Having been told B. Though he had been told  C. He had been told D. Having told

20. ____, the boy couldn’t enter his house. A. Since the key has lost B. The key been lost C. Lost the key D. Having lost the key


1  A  need作为实意动词,后面接动词,用doing,或to be done表达被动意思;主动使用to do结构,表达将要做。

2.       B  It is no use/good doing sth是一个固定句型,意思是某事没有好处/意义

3.       B  prefer to do 宁愿做某事 prefer A to B means 选择A而不是B  prefer doing to doing宁愿做……也不愿做…… prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.“宁愿做...而不做...” I prefer to watch TV rather than go out.我宁愿呆在家里看电视也不出去。

4.       C  excuse doing sth原谅做某事 excuse for doing sth对做某事的借口

5.       A  regret to do sth.很遗憾地/抱歉地做...(事情还没有做) I regret to tell you that you can't pass the examination.我很遗憾地通知你你不能通过这次考试. regret doing sth.很遗憾/后悔做了...(为已经做过的事...

6.       B  非谓语动词否定结构,否定词置于非谓语动词前。

7.       A  remember to do记得将要做某事remember doing/being done记得已经做过某事

8.       C  同上。

9.       D  介词后面,用doing/being done作宾语

10.   B  动名词短语作句子主语,动名词本身的逻辑主语使用名词或代词的所有格形式。

11.   A  介词后面的动名词作宾语,动名词可以有自己的逻辑主语,此时可用名词或代词的宾格,也可用所有格。

12.   C  同9。

13.   B  分词伴随情况,否定词前置。

14.   C  分词短语作定语,关键词是谓语forced。

15.   D  分词短语作定语,关键词是谓语was borrowed。

16.   D  分词短语作定语,表示正在被审问,关键词是谓语has。

17.   B  Entering伴随情况,表达主动;find sth done过去分词作宾补,表达被动。

18.   B  Passing伴随情况,表达主动;stop to do表示停下来做别的事 stop doing表示停下在做的事。

19.   C  此句关键词是but,表示转折。去掉but,答案可选A,,表达动作先后,选B,就是让步状语从句。

20.   D  现在分词完成时表示动作在谓语动词couldn’t enter之前已经发生,表达动作先后顺序。


Unit12 Culture Shock

Communication Workshop and Culture Corner


1.    Imagine you are _______an exchange visit to theUK.

2.      I’m sure my dog remembers________gofor walks in the park with you

3.      Maybe you can give me some advice ________I’m fully prepared.

4.      Will we going somewhere__________speciallysuch as a party

5.      Write a letter to an exchange partner, _______givehim /her advice about coming to your country.

6.      Is there any advice _______you don’t agree with

7.      The oldest bone _______findin Australia was at Lake Mungo in New South Wales.

8.      There was no _________(write) Aboriginal language.

9.      Rock paintings _______showthis creation period can be found all over the country.

10.  The arrival of white people gradually brought an end _______the traditional way of Aboriginal life.

11.  In recent yearswhite Australians ______becomemore sensitive to the Aborigines’ situation.

12.  I would definitely suggest that your friend_________bringclothes for different seasons.

13.  As for foodhe must definitely try Beijing Roast Duck as this _____thinkto be one of the most delicious dishes in the world!

14.   It ______saythat there are more than 200kinds!

15.  My second advice is that he ________buya bicycle as soon as he can.

Key:1.on(在旅途或访问中,用介词on)2.going(remember后面接动词作宾语,记得做过的事,用-ing形式;记得将要做某事,用动词不定式)3.so that(引导目的或结果状语从句)4.special(不定代词或副词后面用形容词作定语)5.giving(letters,notices,telegraphs,wishes等词后面,主动结构,接-ing形式,说明内容)6.that或不填(先行词有不定代词修饰,指物时,关系代词用that,作宾语,可省略)7.found(过去分词短语作定语,此句关键词是谓语动词was)8.written(过去分词作定语,表示被动关系,置于所修饰的名词前)9.showing(现在分词作定语,表示主动关系,关键词是谓语动词can be found)10.to(bring an end to ,短语动词,意思是结束)11.have become(此句关键词是句首短语In recent years)12.bring(虚拟语气,此句可以省略should)13.is thought(一般现在时被动语态)14.is said(It is said that据说,听说,类似的有It is/was reported/thought/believed that…)15.(should)buy(表示建议、要求或命令的词,如demand,advise,advice,suggest,suggestion,order用虚拟语气)


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