

Learning Objectives for Chapter 16
Forms of Therapy
Read the chapter introduction in order to gain a sense of the content of the chapter.  Also, differentiate the major types of therapy (648 - 650).
Understand the aims and methods of Freud's psychoanalysis therapy.   What is the goal of psychoanalysis? (652).  Specifically, differentiate the key terms associated with psychoanalysis including free association, interpretation, resistance, and transference, and be able to recognize examples of each (652 - 654).  Is Freudian psychoanalysis widely practiced today? (654).
Understand the nature of Carl Rogers' client-centered therapy and the key terms associated with it (655 - 656).  What kind of therapeutic environment did Rogers' believe clients need in order to grow and move forward in life?  Specifically note the three elements Rogers thought essential for an effective therapeutic climate (656).  What was Rogers' position on the issue of giving direct advice to clients on how to solve problems? (656).  What is the primary role (or function) played by the therapist in client-centered therapy? (656).
Understand the nature of cognitive therapy and its variety of forms, paying specific attention to the use of cognitive therapy by Aaron Beck and others for the treatment of disorders (663 - 664).
Understand the nature of behavior therapy (661 - 663).  What is the primary goal of behavior therapy?  How does the goal of behavior therapy differ from the 'insight therapies?'  What kinds of techniques do behavior therapists use?  Read about two major behavior therapies including systematic desensitization and the controversial aversion therapy (661 - 663).  Note the primary uses for and techniques for both.
Note introductory comments on drug therapies for mental disorders and differentiate the major types of drug therapies, their uses, effectiveness, side effects, etcetera (665 - 669).  Focus primarily on what type of problem / condition for which each of the major categories of psychotropic drugs are used.
Learn about the controversial electroconvulsive therapy (or 'ECT'), its primary use, effectiveness, side effects, criticisms (669 - 670).  What is the goal of applying shock to the brain?  That is, what are doctors hoping to enduce?  What is the most common side effect of ECT?  Does research support that ECT is an effective treatment for a variety of different mental disorders?
Read the section on 'Current Trends and Issues in Treatment' including the 'Featured Study' (674 - 675).  Is drug treatment, psychotherapy or a combination of the two more effective in treating depression in elderly patients?  Is the current treatment trend among clinicians to be trained in and use one of the primary methods of therapy?  Or is the current trend for clinicians to blend different methods of therapy?
[OMIT / read if interested]  Is psychotherapy really effective?  Read the critical thinking application and note the major conclusions regarding this question (684 - 685).
More videos from the YouTube 'Crash Course' series summarizing some of the important concepts from Chapter 16.  Watching the videos is optional, but may help synthesize some of the major points in the chapter.  Regarding test preparation, watching the video is not an effective substitute for actually reading the chapter, but rather may aid in creating a deeper understanding of some of the key concepts.
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安娜.弗洛伊德| Anna Freud
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