

解析人类求生本能在游戏关卡设计中的应用 | GamerBoom.com 游戏邦



游戏邦注:本文原作者是Westwood学院教员兼建筑师Christopher Totten,他以建筑师的视角探究人类心理状态、阐明如何将其运用于游戏关卡设计、并解析几款运用了人类心理的游戏。

良好的游戏关卡和差劲的游戏关卡有何不同?根据美国作家和哲学家Robert M. Pirsig,“质量”是难以下定义的事物,但我们对其存在有着本能上的认识。无论我们对事物的“好”能否给出成文的定义,我们总是这么觉得,如果某事物是好的,那么它的“质量”就高。






学习并将该方法运用于游戏关卡设计,首先要理解这种核心机制如何成为我们“心理刻画”的一部分。正如人类操作方法的一部分一样,求生本能也是从人类的史前生存需要进化而来。建筑学理论学家Grant Hildebrand强调,人类的求生本能也影响了后来我们对空间环境中的产生的”愉悦感“的定义。



现代主义者认为,建筑是服务于体验创造的环境。瑞士籍法国建筑师Le Corbusier曾引证:“房子是居住的机器”,而Louis Sullivan则在此基础上补充道:“功能重于形式。”我们可以从他们对空间设计的理解中得到一些启示,特别是与求生相关时。马斯洛的需求等级金字塔强调了生理上的需求,如食物、水和住所是人类最必须的需求。










Samus Aran利用装备和工具强化自身能力(from gamasutra.com)

Shigeru Miyamoto曾说过,在《塞尔达传说》这款游戏中,他设想玩家从一个在森林中收集物品的小男孩,成长为一个技术娴熟的成年人。之后,玩家返回那些曾经危及他们生命的地方,再也不会感到恐慌。从一个不谙世事的毛头小子成长为顶天立地的有为青年,反复死亡的紧张感(准确地说是玩家角色),玩家应该不陌生。

在Hyrule、 Zebes和其他许多游戏场景中,就玩家的优势和劣势而言,玩家所处的环境既是无忧无虑的天堂也可以是危机四伏的荒野。




狭窄的空间(from gamasutra.com)


求生恐怖游戏如《生化危机》中常见的狭窄走廊(from gamasutra.com)



玩家可以操纵马里奥跳到桃子城堡的任何地方,所以这种空间使玩家心情愉悦(from gamasutr.com)




因为对环境的掌控感,玩家如临其境,可以恐吓敌人(from gamasutra.com)

这类空间中最重要的元素之一是,可以延长游戏的进程。随着玩家得到新的技能,如先前提到的《塞尔达传说》 和《银河战士》,在这两款游戏中的空间被放大了。当Samus学会空间跳跃时,她可以跳到更高的台面上,Link获得飞钩后,他可以越过宽大的峡谷。


开放性空间(from gamasutra.com)

这类空间与第一类狭窄的空间相反,不过却产生了相似的效果。建筑理论学家Grant Hildebrand自创这个术语“开放的空间”,用于形容一种完全开放的空间,置身其中的人将面临潜在的敌人。这类空间的理念来源于远古时期。在那个艰难困苦的时期,人类暴露在凶残的猎食者面前和恶劣的天气之中,还必须穿越宽广的原野去猎取食物、寻找住所和其他安全设施。对这类空间的恐惧感在心理学上称之为“旷野恐怖症”。旷野恐怖症患者会对无处遁藏的空间产生极大的不安。


《洛克人》中的BOSS房通常不加修饰,也没有躲避BOSS Robot Master进攻的地方(from gamasutra.com)


开放空间与躲藏之地(from gamasutra.com)









身处避难所的人可以很安全地观察周围的环境(from gamasutra.com)


第二个避难所可以帮助躲藏的人寻找下一个避难所(from gamasutra.com)


开放性空间通常用于营造循环和运动的区域。建筑师Henning Larsen设计的哥本哈根信息技术大学的中庭,形成了往返于教室之间的巨大开放空间。避难所就是突出到中庭的教室本身。

突出的避难所空间就是教室。这样的设计特征与作为游戏设计教学场所的学校十分相称(from gamasutra.com)

与此类似,Le Corbusier的建筑学也主要是以开放性空间为基础的。他的主要设计理念之一是,人定胜天。他把建筑物置于与建筑物本身形成对比的场所,以此践行他的建筑学原理。在他最享有盛誉的设计项目是萨伏伊别墅。在细小的柱子的支撑下,萨伏伊别墅高耸入云,而别墅的内部空间也很宽敞,还与另一个别墅相通。带形窗的设计更是使周围环境一览无余。

萨伏伊别墅由外往内的视角设计图1(from gamasutra.com)

萨伏伊别墅由外往内的视角设计图2(from gamasutra.com)

从某种角度来看,Le Corbusier其实也算得上一个优秀的第一人称射击游戏地图的设计师。从宽广的开放性空间和通向更高处的坡道中可以看他的建筑风格,这些特征都可以在萨伏伊别墅中找到。在游戏中,用斜坡通向更高处可以让玩家找到狙击敌人的有利位置。与萨伏伊别墅类似的空间非常有利于射击竞技的展开。他的建筑设计风格与《光环:致远星》中的木板道地图有异曲同工之妙。《光环:致远星》的游戏环境中也有独到的上升面、观察点和几何图案。

新亚历山大港(from gamasutra.com)

新亚历山大港的木板道很好地借鉴了Le Corbusier的建筑设计Ville Contemporaine(from gamasutra.com)

另一方面,Frank Lloyd Wright的建筑学可以认为是以避难所为基础。Wright认为壁炉是房屋的中心所在,是家人安适取暖的地方。这个理论在他的许多建筑设计中都有所体现,所以就成了他自己的“核心机制”,从他的房间布局到场地位置都按这个“核心机制”展开设计。他偏好把房子置于树木掩映的环境中。就算最终建筑周围不能绿树成荫,他也要求所有的远景描述图纸中,房子周围确实绿意盎然。

Wright的设计远景图之一(from gamasutra.com)

Wright偏好下陷的座坐设计,这是典型的避难所空间(from gamasutra.com)

这个剖面图显示的是嵌入地下的住房(from gamasutra.com)

落水别墅位于西宾夕法尼亚的树林中(from gamasutra.com)

在以探索和寻宝为主要机制的游戏中,避难所空间颇为常见。在《银河战士Prime》的游戏世界中,Samus Aran在封闭的废墟和千疮百孔的通道中扎挣出去,Wright大概能在其中找到设计的闪光点。例如,在《银河战士》中,鸟人族的恢弘遗迹以隐蔽的悬臂和巨石结构为特征,给失落的城市笼罩了一层永久的昏暗。

银河战士(from gamasutra.com)

《银河战士》中的概念艺术与Wright的空间设计不谋而合,“广亩都会”就是佐证(from gamasutra.com)









在《洛克人》,与小敌人的对战往往有躲藏点,而与BOSS对战的环境就开放得多(from gamasutra.com)









狮子庭院是阴影让人产生空间分离感的例子。秘密行动类游戏很好地利用了该特点(from gamasutra.com)


在《大白鲨》中,海水就像游戏中的阴影关卡。尽管大多人都知道大白鲨长什么样,但《大白鲨》中的这个大家伙在游戏刚开始的一个小时内根本没有现身。大白鲨悄无声息地靠近无助的入水者,玩家对大白鲨产生的这种心理意像远比银幕上显示的来得惊心动魄。导演斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格(Stephen Spielberg)把“鲨鱼”的概念从有形的鱼类中移除,从而使“鲨鱼”与海水本身同义。到大白鲨真的出现在影像中的时候,在玩家看来,这只虚拟的大白鲨仿佛真的成了无所不能的海中霸主。


在缺少光线的地方,游戏可以将这点运用得淋漓尽致。不过,在一些第一人称军事类游戏中,必须配备夜视镜才能克服阴暗的环境,玩家只会觉这是件麻烦事;而在求生恐怖游戏中,玩家就不能当阴影只是件麻烦事了,而是一种危机。在《半条命2》中, 设计师把隐藏物品放在一个小壁龛里,让玩家自己去找。这些隐藏物上标有反叛小集团使用的典型的L符号,有些补给物则没有这样的标志。这些阴影区通常也是敌人的据点,随时准备给玩家致命一击。出其不意的危险与意料之中的宝物并存,使得进入阴暗的小壁龛,也成为一种惊人的冒险行为。

阴影制造成的未知危险可以激发玩家的恐惧感。这种关卡设计会使玩家无论遇到什么危险,其恐慌妄想始终填满整个空间(from gamasutra.com)

游戏中的技术增强实现了动态光照。代表作有《毁灭战士3》、《恐怖病房》(《Dementium: The Ward》)和《死亡空间》等。在《死亡空间》中,大多时候玩家得靠手电筒作为唯一的光源,来探索漆黑的空间。游戏的惯例是满足玩家对黑暗环境的想像。所以在此惯例下,Necromorphs(《死亡空间》里的一种外星变种僵尸)喧闹着穿过一只废弃的船,向手无寸铁、势单力薄的工程师发起挑战。就这样,玩家在游戏中最不可怕的地方碰上可见的敌人,展开殊死搏斗。正是在这种漆黑空荡但潜藏着变异僵尸的地方,玩家被吓得最厉害。Necromorphs与大白鲨类似,以无形的存在控制着环境。


无处不在的黑暗、氛围音效和熟悉的恐怖想像,三管齐下,使人类对阴影固有的恐惧感增强(from gamasutra.com)

阴暗创造的是另一类空间特性。阴影主要用于隐藏物体或描述空间属性,而阴暗则用于模糊物体和唤起玩家的好奇心。在中世纪,哥特教堂特意安装了会对光产生漫反射的玻璃窗,从而营造出一种缥缈朦胧的氛围,即“Lux Nova“,或“新光”,也称为“秘光”。人们认为这种氛围能使人更接近上帝。

位于巴塞罗那的尚未完工的圣家族教堂,其漫射光产生一种叫作“Lux Nova”的特效(from gamasutra.com)


韵律和光照能激发人的好奇心(from gamasutra.com)




神圣的空间让玩家想稍作休整,而突袭的装甲骑士却不给玩家喘息的机会(from gamasutra.com)




光照条件下,玩家会质疑隧道的安全性。本图所示为不安全的隧道(from gamasutra.com)





Grant Hildebrand在他的书《The Origins of Architectural Pleasure》中提到Joseph Campbell(游戏邦注:心理学者、人类学者、文学家、电影制作人等与神话学大师)的元神话,该神话从物质的角度阐述英雄之旅及英雄在旅程中遇到的危险。物质是指在某中环境中的材料的质量。


接下来会有一些内容来描述英雄如何越走越远,遇上旅程中的“挑战与诱惑”( Campbell的说法),风景的质量如何稳步减少。




英雄的旅程可以通过各个场景的材料质量来展示(from gamasutra.com)


改变物质来描述关卡的难度(from gamasutra.com)

这些对材料的文学描述起源于避难所式空间中的求生本能。如上所述,Frank Lloyd Wright甚至在新建筑项目的设计图纸中加入树木,以此呼应这种强烈求生趋向。


空间求生的最后一个元素是最引人注目的高度。许多人说自己恐高。然而,高地也可以为查看地形提供方便。塔、山崖、直升机,人类正是使用这些东西找到观察周围环境的有利位置。Le Corbusier认为,他的建筑能使人征服自然,萨沃耶别墅的分层组织空间高度的设计,强调的就是这一点。Grant Hildebrand描述开放性空间与避难所时,甚至称高地也能成为有价值的避难所。


安全与危险之地(from gamasutra.com)


游戏中可能不会太受欢迎。Le Corbusier在萨伏伊别墅中运用高度达到了这个目标。按游戏来分析,萨伏伊别墅的核心机制大约可以认为是“攀爬”。第一层中的坡道作为通向屋顶花园的通道。通道进入者不仅能俯瞰建筑周围的风光,还能看到在建筑内的人。




Katie Salen 和Eric Zimmerman在他们的书中,《游戏法则:游戏设计基础》中点出,克服困境能产生愉悦感,这个原则是游戏设计的基础。当关卡设计良好时,玩家是能感知到的,即使他们不能用语言表达是什么让他们产生愉悦感。一些关于关卡设计的现代文本资料只是教读者如何模拟环境和场景。按照这样的书来设计关卡是没法吸引玩家的,也不能让玩家获得什么体验。



另外,这些概念对关卡设计绝对是重要的,但他们只是广阔的整体中的一部分。操作性条件作用和长短期限目标的接合这类概念也是组成部分。再者,正如Salen 和Zimmerman所言,愉悦感来自克服危险。本文是关于空间危险或者创造危机感的空间元素,并顺带提到其他描述愉悦感的元素及其他有助于提升玩家体验的方法。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,如需转载请联系:游戏邦

Designing Better Levels Through Human Survival Instincts

by Christopher W. Totten

[In this article, Westwood College faculty member and trained architect Christopher Totten explores how human psychology is understood by architects, how that can apply to level design, and explores games that use these techniques effectively.]

What is the difference between a good game level and a bad game level? According to American writer and philosopher Robert M. Pirsig, “quality” is indefinable, yet we have intuitive knowledge of its existence. If something is good, and therefore of high “quality”, we invariably know it — whether or not we can give a textbook definition of what makes it good.

Game Advertising Online

Therefore with our game levels, as with anything in design: if the level is good, gamers will know. In game design, the particular flavor of quality we hope to achieve is known as “fun”. Unfortunately for us, saying that fun is indefinable doesn’t quite work.

The mysterious definitions of “quality” and “fun” are something that stump many a designer: how can a game designer determine whether their level is good?

Many will answer by saying that levels must be properly playtested, but for some companies that may not occur until the game is nearly finished — way past the stage of initial level design. So what are the guidelines of good level design that can help us conceive good experiences from the very beginning of the level design process?

Scientists and usability experts monitor pleasurable experiences by observing the brain’s production of the neurotransmitter called Dopamine, which provides feelings of pleasure and motivation when released into the brain. Controlling the production of this chemical in a player is a matter of using psychological methods to design our game environments.

A level designer at Valve once stated in an interview that “experience was key” to creating game environments, and as such they began their design processes from “core mechanics”, similar to the way many good game designs begin. Designing from the core mechanic, the basic action a player takes within a game, starts the designer with a sound plan. From this plan, many basic psychological tools can be employed to support the core mechanic and create a pleasurable spatial experience: reward systems, operant conditioning, Montessori Method-style interactions, visual communication methods, and numerous others.

The basis of learning these methods and applying them to level design is understanding how they became part of our own “mental wiring”. Like many things that are part of how we humans operate, they evolved from our prehistoric need to survive. Architectural theorists such as Grant Hildebrand highlight how many of our concepts of what are “pleasurable” in a spatial environment trace back to our own survival instincts.

Games already manipulate these instincts, requiring players to maintain the well-being of their avatar to continue and letting near-death gameplay situations provide dramatic tension. Game environments can provide this same psychological dramatic arc and create pleasurable experiences for players. It is therefore fair to say that understanding the spatial psychology of our own survival instincts can make us better level designers.

Architecture has for centuries revolved around creating human experiences through space. It is only in the last century, with the dawn of the postmodern movement, that it has become so heavily focused on the form of the building instead of the experience of being within. Modernists understood that a building was an environment for the creation of experiences: Franco-Swiss architect Le Corbusier is famously quoted as saying, “The house is a machine for living in”, while Louis Sullivan expounded, “form follows function.” We can take hints from their outlooks on spatial design, especially when it comes to survival. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs highlights physiological needs such as food, water, and shelter as the most necessary to humans.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Architecture is for creating pleasure by creating spaces that feel safe, while level design is about creating spaces that create a sense of danger that is pleasurable to battle and overcome. If to architects the house was the machine for living, the game level should be the machine for living, dying, and creating tension by exploiting everything in between. In this article, I will highlight level design strategies based on the psychology of survival and exemplified by classic gaming precedents and real-world pieces of architecture.

The “Problem of the Protagonist”

To better understand how to create better levels by utilizing human survival instincts, we must first understand the connection between our in-game avatar and these instincts. As far as animals go, humans are pretty lame: we have no large claws or teeth for fighting, no poisons, no scary markings, no horns, no great running ability, and no armor plating. Proportionately we are weaker than ants, which can carry hundreds of times their own body weight.

We do have one huge advantage over pretty much everything else in the animal kingdom, however: our intelligence. With this amazing ability to reason, we can craft tools and gadgets that help us do everything from hunting down a wooly mammoth for our dinner to listening to hundreds of our favorite albums during our afternoon commute.

Games take advantage of this weakness and reliance on tools by using something I like to call “the problem of the protagonist.” This describes a common situation in many games where a character finds him or herself in a position of natural weakness compared to his or her enemies. This simulates humanity’s own natural disadvantages against the beasts that made our pre-agricultural lifestyles a hassle.

Game avatars, by their definition, are the player’s representatives in the game world, sharing their natural strengths and weaknesses. Some games even try to more concretely solidify this relationship by making these protagonists silent or allowing the player to customize their appearance. Overcoming the disadvantages these characters possess as a human’s representative is a popular mechanic in many games, such as Metroid and The Legend of Zelda.

Of Zelda, Shigeru Miyamoto once said that he envisioned it as a game where you began as a young boy in the forest who must gather items and become an accomplished adult. When the player has reached this stage, they can return to areas that were once threatening and feel that they are not afraid of them anymore. In the time between being the inexperienced child and being the accomplished and powerful adult, the player will feel the dramatic tension of nearly losing their (or more accurately, their character’s) life many times.

In Hyrule, Zebes, and many other designed digital worlds, players find themselves in environments that act as both safe havens and dangerous wildernesses; using the dichotomy to their advantage and overcome their own disadvantages if possible.

The Sizes of Game Spaces and Human Emotion

Now that we know how games put players in the role of a simulated weak human, we can understand how the relationship of this character to its environment helps us create better levels through our own survival instincts. The first and most simple element of this relationship is the size of the space relative to the size of the player character. Like real life, the size of the space someone inhabits can generate feelings ranging from absolute comfort to crippling fear, in the case of claustrophobia. In games, the size of spaces can serve to create or alleviate tension, or set the stage for dramatic encounters. When discussing the size of game spaces, they can be split into three simple groups:

1. Narrow Space

A small enclosed space where the occupant feels confined and unable to move. These spaces create a sense of vulnerability in the player’s inability to properly defend themselves. These spaces are a staple of survival horror games like Resident Evil and Dead Space, the latter featuring areas where the player must crawl through confined ventilation shafts where no weapons or items may be used while Necromorph monsters make watch the player from nearby.

Narrow hallways are a staple of survival horror games like Resident Evil

The ability for these spaces to cause tension is clear: if something happens in them the player has little or no way of escaping the threat. In a narrow passage an enemy can literally become another wall of the space, diminishing the size of the space with each approaching step. This effect can be exacerbated with enemies and games specifically designed to elicit actual fear in the player, such as zombies or predatory aliens in horror games.

2. Intimate Space

Players controlling Mario can reach everything Peach’s Castle, making it a very pleasurable space to inhabit.

These spaces are neither confining nor overly large. While they can be large in overall scope, everything in the space should be immediately accessible to the player and within reach of their avatar and their inherent abilities. In a space like this, the player can feel as though they are in control, and that is the true importance of these spaces. One such example of this type of space is the hub environments of the 3D Super Mario games. In these spaces Mario can run, jump and utilize his other acrobatic moves to reach the limits of the space.

These spaces don’t necessarily have to be devoid of enemies either. In Batman: Arkham Asylum, the designers wanted to utilize stealth gameplay in such a way that the player felt more powerful than their enemies. For this style of game they coined the term “predator gameplay.”

One of the elements of the game that assisted in the player’s feeling of power was the level of control they had over the game’s environments. Even in the largest rooms of the asylum, Batman can jump and swing from the highest structural elements and maintain his vantage point above his enemies. Fitting the character of Batman, players have incredible freedom over spaces that would be overwhelming and dangerous in other games.

Players can feel as though they are Batman because they have control over their environment, giving them the ability to terrorize their enemies.

Perhaps one of the most important elements of these spaces is that they can expand over the course of a game. As players receive new abilities, such as in the previously mentioned Zelda or Metroid games, the space of intimacy becomes larger. When Samus acquires the space jump she can reach higher ledges, when Link gets the hookshot he can cross wide chasms.

3.Prospect Space

While this space is the exact opposite of narrow spaces, it produces a somewhat similar effect. Coined by architectural theorist Grant Hildebrand, Prospect Space describes a spatial condition that is wide open, within which the occupant is exposed to potential enemies. The idea that this type of space is unpleasant originates in ancient times when humans would have to cross open wilderness to reach food, shelter, and safety, facing the threat of predators and the elements. The fear of these places is called agoraphobia. The people that suffer from this disorder feel uncomfortable in open spaces with few places to hide.

In games these Prospects take on a few different forms. One type of Prospect is the Boss Room. Boss Rooms are typically wide-open places for staging elaborate encounters with strong enemies. One of the classic examples of these spaces is the Boss Rooms in the Mega Man series.

Boss Rooms in Mega Man often feature little or no elaboration or places to hide from the attacking Robot Master.

The other popular form of Prospect Space is that found in action games, where players are vulnerable to enemy fire. In games where players can exchange gunfire with one another, it’s common for open areas, especially those viewable from higher elevations, to function as Prospect spaces that must be traveled through to reach goals or hiding places.

The relationship between Prospect Spaces and the hiding places that they occur between is a very important one to game designers, and it is the second important element of the human survival instinct that can educate level designers.

Prospect and Refuge

The definition of Prospect Space has already been described as an open space where the player is exposed to threats and feels vulnerable. If the open wilderness were all that was available to our ancestors, however, we wouldn’t be here.

Humans survived dangerous Prospect conditions by hiding in enclosed and intimate spaces referred to as Refuges. Refuges are places like caves and tree covered areas where early humans could look out into the Prospect spaces of wilderness and evaluate potential threats.

Refuges have evolved over time to include things like covered porches, patios, or sunken places in rooms that have the impression of being separate spaces. They have the advantage of being either safely depressed into the ground or high enough to provide a safe lookout.

When dealing with interiors, things like ceiling height can give a space the impression of being either Prospect or Refuge, with the lower ceilings of course being the Refuges. They also have enough shadow for the hiding person to not be easily visible to their enemies.

Refuges have also historically been tied to water sources, since they provide hydration, security, and the potential to attract animals that can be hunted for food.

While this seems like a simple concept, it is the type of spatial sequence that is created by the alternations of Prospects and Refuges that is of particular importance to level designers.

When traveling, early man could rely on Refuges for safety at night or during adverse weather conditions. However, if this Refuge was temporary or simply a stopover for the human or group, they would use the Refuge as a place to look out for other Refuges. Making this goal would allow them to plan their passage over the Prospect space to the new Refuge, referred to as the “Secondary Refuge.” Beyond the Secondary Refuge lies the Secondary Prospect, and so on until the final goal has been reached.

As stated previously, the Prospect/Refuge/Secondary Refuge spatial sequence does not limit itself to travel over Stone Age plains, as these sequences are often featured in interior design. These examples are valuable to the level designer trying to come up with a path for their player. In a medium where there are still enemies lying in the Prospects, using Prospect/Refuge theory makes even more logical sense than it does in real architecture.

Prospects are often used to create areas of circulation and movement. The IT University in Copenhagen’s Atrium, designed by Henning Larsen Architects, creates a large prospect space for travel between classes. The Refuges are the classrooms themselves, which look or project out into the atrium itself.

The projecting Refuge spaces are classrooms. The school somewhat appropriately features a program of study in Game Design.

Likewise, the architecture of Le Corbusier has been described as being largely Prospect-based. One of his main design philosophies was that man should rise above nature. He projected this in his architecture by placing buildings on sites that the building would starkly contrast. Living spaces, like that in his most famous project, Villa Savoye, were lifted into the air by thin columns and the spaces within were wide and flowed into one another. Ribbon windows were used to give the human the maximum view of their surroundings.

In many ways, Le Corbusier would have been a great designer of first person shooter maps. His architecture features many instances of wide open spaces and ramps leading to higher ground, like those found in Villa Savoye itself. In these games, rising levels connected by ramps allow for players to find better vantage points from which to snipe their opponents, and the spaces of a place like Villa Savoye would be very conducive to this type of competition. His architectural style is not unlike that employed in the Boardwalk map of Halo: Reach (to readers of my blog: I just complimented the design of a Halo level… please take a moment to look outside at the flying pigs) with its own rising levels, viewpoints of the surrounding game space, and geometric forms.

On the other hand, the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright is often considered to be Refuge-based. Wright felt that the hearth was the center of the home, where the family would gather for warmth and safety. He utilized this concept in many of his building designs, and used it as his own “core mechanic” to inform everything from his room layouts to placement on sites. He liked to place houses within large groupings of trees. Even if they did not end up built in such spaces, he demanded that all perspective presentation drawings from his office be drawn with trees surrounding the house.

These Refuge spaces show up a lot in games where exploration and treasure finding are important mechanics. Wright may have found value in worlds such as those created for the Metroid Prime games, where Samus Aran fights her way through enclosed ruins and passages riddled with secrets. Environments like the Chozo Ruins feature large, sheltering cantilevers and heavy stone construction, adding the somberness of an abandoned city with its lived-in look.

Concept art from the Metroid Prime series even at times resembles drawings of Wright’s, like this one of the “Broadacre City” by showing similar spatial concerns.

While these examples take Prospect and Refuge for their individual values, there are instances in games that create very exciting sequences of these spaces. One such example is the stealth environments found in the Metal Gear Solid series.

I would argue that MGS’s levels are actually based upon the Refuge-Prospect-Secondary Refuge sequence, as the stealth gameplay requires you to move from hiding place to hiding place. This type of gameplay changes mundane environmental elements like corners and lockers into safe places differentiated from the Prospect areas of the level with guards and cameras.

Half-Life 2, on the other hand, features a rather inventive expression of the Refuge-Prospect-Secondary Refuge sequence in the beach areas of the game. In this level, the player must cross a long stretch of beach without alerting alien insects called Antlions.

These monsters can hear the player character walk across the sand so the player must therefore use their Gravity Gun to move debris into bridge-like configurations between rock surfaces that the Antlions cannot reach. While not covered, the safe nature of the rocks makes them the Refuge spaces while the sand is the Prospect.

Previously worthless throwaway props like metal plates and wooden pallets become the most valuable items in the game, similar to Snake’s legendary cardboard box. These items become portable Refuges: they are weaker in function than the level geometry versions, but their valued is heightened nonetheless.

Prospects and Refuges can also describe the mechanics of enemy encounters in games. To use Metal Gear Solid as an example: standard enemies are often found in areas where stealth is encouraged and therefore feature large percentages of Refuge space. In this way, Snake can sneak up on his foes and take them down silently in what is “typical” method of progressing through the game (people who still go through with guns blazing notwithstanding.) On the other hand, most boss encounters in MGS do away with actual Refuges altogether and opt for a more face-to-face spatial layout with most refuges existing as cover from weapons (again, with specific stealth-heavy examples like MGS3′s battles with The End or The Boss notwithstanding.)

Another series of games where the number of Refuges changes in battle situations are those in the previously discussed Mega Man series. As discussed, the boss rooms in these games are large Prospect zones. This spatial type is very conducive to the types of theatrical showdowns that boss fights embody. Likewise, fights with smaller enemies often take place in areas where Mega Man can leap from platform to platform, allowing players to find good vantage points to shoot from or places to hide from enemy fire, such as when facing down enemies like Sniper Joe.

Prospects and Refuges are very useful for level designers as well as the player. However, there are elements of even refuges that if taken too far can create uncomfortable situations for players. Like any spatial survival concept, however, these can also be of great use to the level designer who is well educated in their usage.

Shade, Shadow, and Survival

Refuges were previously defined as having a certain amount of shadow that hides humans from their enemies.

Shadow, for our usage, will here be defined as a lack of light caused by a light source being obscured by a physical object.

Some games, such as Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell use Shadow to such an extreme that it creates the sense of being a different space altogether. The developers of Splinter Cell call this concept “Shadowspace.”

Shadowspace creates the perception that one room is actually two: areas within the Shadow and areas in the light. Architecture shows us that this type of space is of great use when creating Prospect and Refuge experiences.

In the Alhambra’s Court of the Lions, located in Granada, Spain, visitors enter the space from a covered arcade and can look out into the courtyard, which is open to the sky above.

While the columns of the arcade define a separate space, the shadows underneath solidify the impression that it is, indeed separate from the courtyard itself.

Shadows create their own separate feeling of space in places like the Court of the Lions. Some stealth games use this to their advantage.

What if there is a lot of shadow though? In situations where there is little light, moving from an area of light to dark becomes increasingly uncomfortable. This fear stems from the idea that what is in the dark space is not entirely visible to us and therefore, unknown, much like childhood fears of going into the basement. This has been put to great use in thrillers and horror movies such as Jaws or Paranormal Activity respectively. The idea is that the scariest thing is that which is your own imagination.

In the case of Jaws, water acts like Shadow would in a game level. Despite the fact that most people know what a Great White Shark looks like, the shark in Jaws is not seen for about an hour into the movie. The mental image projected by the audience of it silently stalking helpless bathers was much more terrifying than what they could have captured on screen. By taking the concept of “shark” away from a corporeal fish, Stephen Spielberg made the idea of “shark” synonymous with the water itself. By the time that the shark does show up in the film, he is of such mythic proportions that he seems omnipotent in the ocean.

More literally related to the concept of Shadow is the demon in Paranormal Activity. For much of the film, his presence seems to only impact action that occurs at night. In this way, when the house is its darkest is when the demon freely roams. The monster is also unseen, meaning that like the shark in Jaws it is omnipotent in the nightly shadows and the viewer’s mind is left to fill in the demon’s form with their worst nightmares. When the demon begins doing things to the couple in the daytime, the rules are broken and the viewer becomes even more terrified, he now owns the daytime as well.

Games can use this to great effect in areas where lighting is scarce. While some games, such as military first person shooters, merely use a lack of light as a nuisance that must be overcome with things like night-vision goggles, games in the survival horror genre and some others use shadow to create feelings of risk for the player. In Half-Life 2, the designers place caches of items in small alcoves for players to find. While these are typically marked with the lambda symbol used by the in-game rebel faction, there are instances of supplies being hidden without this logo. These hidden areas are also known to be homes for enemies known as Headcrabs, some of which are powerful enough to paralyze the player character and leave him with very low health. This gives entering even small shadowy alcoves an incredible feeling of risk, since they can contain either helpful items or a dangerous surprise.

Shadows create a space of dangerous unknown that can be used to instill a sense of fear. This move by a level designer can allow the player’s own paranoia to fill in the space with whatever scary object they wish.

Technological enhancements in games that allow dynamic lighting have given us games like Doom 3, Dementium: The Ward, and more recently, Dead Space. In Dead Space specifically, much of the game occurs in pitch-black surroundings with the player’s flashlight as the only light source. In the tradition of allowing player imaginations to fill in the surrounding blackness, Necromorphs noisily move through an abandoned space ship around the player’s character, a lone engineer ill-equipped for combat. As such, the least terrifying areas of the game turn out to be those where you are fighting visible enemies. It is the empty areas, pitch black but filled with the sounds of stalking mutants, where the player is the most terrified. Like the shark in Jaws, the Necromorphs command the environment with their lack of bodily presence.

In the sequel to Dead Space, players revisit the ship from the original for a brief period. The player character’s previous traumatic experiences aboard the ship give the player the expectation that it is a beehive of space zombies. The designers wisely withhold enemy presence for the first half of the player’s visit to the ship, ramping up the player’s own paranoia of the Necromorphs before unleashing them in a swarm. While the amount of time the player spends without an enemy encounter is specifically notable in this part of the game, it is not the first example of this phenomenon. Dead Space 2 utilizes traditional horror surroundings to utilize pre-existing horror-movie fears in players, such as having players travel through churches and pre-schools to evoke horror imagery from films such as The Exorcist or Child’s Play. In this way the game pulls no punches, taking environments that are thought of as friendly or safe and corrupting them, again in the cases of the church and the preschool, then bathing them in an all encompassing Shadow that sound and environmental hints fill with paranoid fear.

A ubiquitous darkness, atmospheric sound effects, and familiar horror imagery work together to intensify humanity’s already existing fear of shadowy darkness.

Shade, on the other hand, creates a very different type of spatial quality. Where Shadow is primarily used to hide objects or the nature of spaces, Shade is used to obscure objects and evoke a sense of curiosity in players. In the Middle Ages, Gothic churches were purposefully designed with windows that would diffuse light and create an ethereal atmosphere known as Lux Nova, or “new light.” Also referred to as “Mystic Light”, this condition was believed to bring patrons closer to God.

This image, in the yet-to-be-completed Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, Spain, demonstrates the diffused light used to create the effect of “Lux Nova.”

In the Mosque of Cordoba, it is combined with the rhythmic arrangement of columns to create the aforementioned sense of curiosity in the visitor, urging them to continue farther into the space and explore its experiential boundaries.

If in games light is usually a signifier of spaces that are “safe” and Shadow is typically a signifier of spaces that are “dangerous”, then Shade’s middle ground creates a sense of Atmospheric Ambiguity. One series that uses this to great effect is The Legend of Zelda.

Zelda games have always been about exploration and mystery. As a game about interacting with the myths of a fantasy world’s past, it also contains a fair amount of “sacred” items and places. The dungeon designs in these games, therefore, showcase shaded conditions in a way that keeps players wondering what lurks around the next corner. For example, it was previously mentioned that high ceilinged, wide-open Prospect spaces are often the setting for climactic Boss battles. However, these same spaces are also traditionally used in the real world for sacred purposes: churches, temples, etc. Zelda games use this dualism to create temples that, when shrouded in a blanket of fog or Shade, exudes a sense of mystery that players will want to investigate. While a dark Prospect space would seem to immediately indicate a Boss and one with rays of light filling the chamber would indicate a sacred space, Zelda games tease the player by using Shade.

In games such as The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, players often face a high ceilinged room with an ambiguously shaded lighting condition inside. While the final Boss room of each dungeon is very plainly marked with a skull on the in-game map and a golden Boss Door, other large encounters are placed to surprise players. Like other games in the series, Twilight Princess’ dungeons are given back stories, adding to the feeling of sacred mystery. As such, walking into an ambiguous Prospect space is often an invigorating experience for players: am I about to fight a difficult mini-boss or am I about to get a new weapon? Often the drama builds as the player surveys then actually enters the room, then ends with either the door ominously slamming shut behind Link or Link’s new weapon revealing itself bathed in a beam of light. This technique also finds its way into the game’s overworld, where players occasionally encounter a skeleton knight in a bright but ethereally lit space.

Eventually the player learns that this is the spirit of a past hero that will teach Link new moves, but the first encounter with this character is filled with dramatic tension.

Even in instances where the space does house a new item for Link, enemies often still attack the player before they may earn the item. In a way, this invasion of enemies into a previously sacred temple is not unlike survival horror games infesting churches and preschools with monsters: corrupting the sacred spaces of our society. While in survival horror this is used to instill fear, games like Zelda allow players more freedom in fighting enemies and turn these scenes into heroic battles.

While used alone, both Shadow and Shade can be incredibly effective. However, when used together, they can keep players constantly guessing at the nature of the level they are exploring. Zelda’s Boss Rooms are often shrouded in Shade that quickly dims and becomes black Shadow when the Boss attacks. Several games by Valve perhaps even more effectively utilize a collaboration of Shade and Shadow in their level designs.

The first instance of this collaboration is in Half-Life 2: Episode One. It was previously mentioned that the enemies known as Headcrabs often hide in shadowy outcroppings in level geometry in this game. Weapons caches, left by the player’s allies, also often occupy these spaces. One particular section of the game has players exploring tunnels lit by dim blue lights. Players are left to wonder what the nature of this space will be: will the stacked cars and shadowy doorways provide supplies or am I about to be attacked?

As the players press on into the space, a horde of Headcrab Zombies enters the tunnel and attacks. Zombies enter from any shadowy crevasse available and the player must hold them off with the help of an AI character. In this case the Shadow spaces that send mixed messages to players are combined with Shade that creates Atmospheric Ambiguity to lead up to a particularly dramatic action sequence.

This theme is also prevalent in the Left 4 Dead games. These games have the added benefit of featuring an AI Director that controls the location and amount of zombies the player will encounter, making every game different. Levels must therefore be crafted to provide the most Atmospheric Ambiguity possible, as an area that was safe in a previous playthrough may now be the site of the biggest battle of the game. To achieve these goals, shadowy alleyways or tunnels are often combined with a B-movie fog and film grain that provide the necessary Shade condition. Removing the Shade and replacing it with all shadows or even heavy rain takes the atmosphere from one of atmospherically ambiguous co-op fun to a claustrophobic tension not unlike that in Dead Space.

Materiality and the Heroic Quest

In his book, The Origins of Architectural Pleasure, Grant Hildebrand describes Joseph Campbell’s monomyth of the Hero’s Journey, and the dangers to the Hero’s survival during the journey, in terms of materiality. Materiality is the quality of materials in an environment.

The beginning of the Hero’s Journey, Hildebrand argues, began in a land of natural and pleasant material landscape. There were often quaint villages and lush forests near the hero’s hometown, as well as a water source. Eventually something terrible happens to the hometown or someone in it, otherwise the hero of the story would have nothing to do that would keep our attention, so the Hero must leave home and venture into the dangerous world.

Hildebrand goes on to describe how as the Hero gets farther from home, into what Campbell would describe as the “challenges and temptations” stages of his journey, the quality of landscape steadily decreases.

Where there were once happy forests for the Hero to travel through there are now rocks and cliffs. Steadily these conditions too decline until the hero finds him or herself at the “abyss”, where a climactic battle with evil or transformative event is to occur.

The materiality of this location is often one of man-made industrial darkness or deadly swampland. In Beowulf’s story of battling Grendel his journey takes him from the mead halls of Heorot to the slimy cave home of Grendel’s Mother.

In The Lord of te Rings, Frodo must leave the quaint and happy Shire, venture through Middle Earth to unpleasant landmarks such as the mountains of Emyn Muil, and ultimately reach the fire and shadows of Mordor.

The Hero’s Journey can be expressed through the material qualities of each part’s setting

In games like Zelda and Super Mario Bros., it is easy to see how this idea translates into the material qualities of levels. Zelda games in particular begin in brightly colored and cheerful forestlands, such as Ocarina of Time’s Kokiri Forest or Twilight Princess’s Ordon Village. Each dungeon is like a Hero’s Journey of its own: each tasks Link with defeating an evil monster to find a sacred item that will help the greater population of Hyrule. In this way, the Hero’s Journey that is The Legend of Zelda is constantly changing material qualities from safe and natural to dangerous and industrial. Likewise each world in the original Super Mario Bros. begins in a simple grassland environment, to either a cavern or lake, then to a dangerous platforming level, then to one of Bowser’s fiery castles.

Changing materiality begins to describe the levels of danger present in these spaces.

These literary descriptions of materials stem from the survival instinct to be near Refuge-like spaces. As stated previously, Frank Lloyd Wright even responded to this strong human tendency by adding trees to his drawings of new building projects.


The final element of spatial survival that must be addressed is perhaps one of the most dramatic – height. Many people declare a fear of heights. However, high places can also serve as a strategic position for watching surrounding terrain. Towers, cliffs, helicopters, humans use all of these things to view their surroundings from a better vantage point. Le Corbusier believed that his architecture allowed man to “rise above” nature, and houses like Villa Savoye emphasize this by hierarchically organizing spaces with height. Grant Hildebrand, in his descriptions of Prospects and Refuge spaces, even says that high places can be valuable Refuges.

The key distinction is the security of the high point and the nature of the area around it. Height can be a terrifying thing when the ground falls away and the player is left tottering on the edge of a seemingly endless hole in the Earth’s crust. Height can likewise provide a very secure feeling when surrounding structure such as walls or railings envelops players.

Why is this? In a way this is another example of the Prospect/Refuge relationship. High places with safeguards feel safe because there are things between the drop and us. Sniping would not be a very popular role in first person shooters were it not for this safe feeling. Le Corbusier uses height in Villa Savoye as the goal of the occupant in a building. If analyzed like a game, Villa Savoye’s Core Mechanic might be “climbing.” Ramps provide passage from the utilitarian spaces on the first floor all the way up to the roof garden. The reward for an occupant’s passage is the ability to look down not only on the natural surroundings of the building, but on the other occupants within it as well.

Game levels can function in this way as well. Making a sniping position a prize to be won can have a profound impact on a level. This “king of the hill” style sniping contest could allow opportunities for other Prospect/Refuge spaces in a map, where properly navigating cover allows players to move in on a sniping player.

On the other hand, height when there is no enveloping structure keeping the player safe acts like a Prospect. The player is open to danger, but in this case, the greatest source of danger is not enemy creatures or combatants but the environment itself. This feeling is known as vertigo. Height used in this way is a very dramatic spatial element. Vertical elements such as structures or shadows can deepen the sense of vertigo by drawing the player’s eyes deeper into the chasm.


Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman in their book, Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals, point out that there is pleasure in overcoming dangerous situations, a principle they say is one of the most basic ideas of game design. When levels are engaging, players know, even if they cannot verbalize what makes them so pleasurable. Some modern texts on level design only teach readers to model environmental models and scenery. The levels designed by learning from these books have no way of engaging the player and provide no discernable amount of experience, so level designers have to look to other sources for inspiration. The alternative is creating the experience boredom or frustration for players, which is counterintuitive to the goal of making a “fun” game.

Level designers can take the concept of “pleasure from overcoming danger” to heart by utilizing the human survival instinct to create dramatic environments that play with the comfort levels of people interacting with them in a way that is motivated by creating pleasure. As stated previously, utilizing these spatial survival concepts to create levels gives players opportunities to not only interact with the game on a functional button-pressing manner, but also on a cognitive one that speaks to the instincts that help make video games fun in the first place.

Also, while these concepts are incredibly important to the practice of level design, they are but part of an expansive whole. Concepts such as Operant Conditioning and the articulation of short and long-term goals were mentioned among others. Again, as Salen and Zimmerman have pointed out, pleasure is derived from overcoming danger.

This article has been about the spatial dangers or elements of space that create the impression of danger for players. The other concepts describe elements of the pleasures that follow, and other methods for training players.(source:gamasutra

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