

[Bahia Shehab][一千个不]BahiaShehab_2012
1.Two years ago, I was invited as an artist to participate in an exhibition commemorating 100 years of Islamic art in Europe.
   兩年前,我被邀請成為  伊斯蘭藝術在歐洲的百年特展
2.The curator had only one condition: I had to use the Arabic script for my artwork.
3.Now, as an artist, a woman, an Arab, or a human being living in the world in 2010, I only had one thing to say: I wanted to say no.
4.And in Arabic, to say "no," we say "no, and a thousand times no."
   在阿拉伯文裡,我們說"不", 會說成 
5.So I decided to look for a thousand different noes.
   所以我決定收集一千個不同的 "不"
6.on everything ever produced under Islamic or Arab patronage in the past 1,400 years, from Spain to the borders of China.
7.I collected my findings in a book, placed them chronologically, stating the name, the patron, the medium and the date.
   我把所發現的收集在一本書裡  贊助人、 媒材和日期。
8.Now, the book sat on a small shelf next to the installation, which stood three by seven meters, in Munich, Germany, in September of 2010.
    這個展覽品有3米寬, 7米高,在德國慕尼黑 從 2010 年 9 月開始展出
9.Now, in January, 2011, the revolution started, and life stopped for 18 days, and on the 12th of February, we naively celebrated on the streets of Cairo,
    生活停止了 18 天 到了2 月 12 日 
10.believing that the revolution had succeeded.
11.Nine months later I found myself spraying messages in Tahrir Square. The reason for this act was this image that I saw in my newsfeed.
    在自由廣場。之所以這樣做是因為 我從訂閱的新聞來源看到了這張照片
12.I did not feel that I could live in a city where people were being killed and thrown like garbage on the street.
    有老百姓被殺死 並且被當成垃圾般的丟在街上
13.So I took one "no" off a tombstone from the Islamic Museum in Cairo, and I added a message to it: "no to military rule."
14.And I started spraying that on the streets in Cairo.
15.But that led to a series of no, coming out of the book like ammunition, and adding messages to them, and I started spraying them on the walls.
   這件事帶出了一系列的 "不" 的塗鴉訊息,從那本書取材 就像 "不" 的彈藥庫,然後加上文字訊息 然後我就開始把這些塗鴉訊息噴到許多牆上
16.So I'll be sharing some of these noes with you.
17.No to a new Pharaoh, because whoever comes next should understand that we will never be ruled by another dictator.
18.No to violence: Ramy Essam came to Tahrir on the second day of the revolution, and he sat there with this guitar, singing.
19.One month after Mubarak stepped down, this was his reward.
20.No to blinding heroes. Ahmed Harara lost his right eye on the 28th of January, and he lost his left eye on the 19th of November, by two different snipers.
   獻給瞎掉的英雄。艾哈邁德 哈拉失去了他的右眼   
21.No to killing, in this case no to killing men of religion, because Sheikh Ahmed Adina Refaat was shot on December 16th, during a demonstration,
   向殺戮說不,在這裡是反對因宗教信仰而殺人  那是在 12 月 16 日的示威活動裡
22.leaving behind three orphans and a widow.
23.No to burning books. The Institute of Egypt was burned on December 17th, a huge cultural loss.
   向焚書說 不。埃及研究所在12 月 17 日 被縱火焚燒 ,這是一個巨大的文化損失。
24.No to stripping the people, and the blue bra is to remind us of our shame as a nation when we allow a veiled woman to be stripped and beaten on the street, and the footprint reads,
    這間藍色胸衣是要提醒我們,這是我們國家的恥辱  並被毆打, 就發生在大街上,  而這個腳印的文字寫著

25."Long live a peaceful revolution,"
26.because we will never retaliate with violence.
27.No to barrier walls. On February 5th, concrete roadblocks were set up in Cairo to protect the Ministry of Defense from protesters.
    在開羅街頭出現了混凝土路障 來保護國防部, 隔離示威者
28.Now, speaking of walls, I want to share with you the story of one wall in Cairo.
29.A group of artists decided to paint a life-size tank on a wall. It's one to one.
   有一群藝術家決定畫一輛真實大小的坦克車 在這牆上。它是一比一的大小

30.In front of this tank there's a man on a bicycle with a breadbasket on his head. To any passerby, there's no problem with this visual.

31.After acts of violence, another artist came, painted blood, protesters being run over by the tank, demonstrators, and a message that read,
   但在暴力行為發生後,另一個藝術家來了,  還有許多示威者和一條訊息,寫著
32."Starting tomorrow, I wear the new face, the face of every martyr. I exist."
33.Authority comes, paints the wall white, leaves the tank and adds a message: "Army and people, one hand. Egypt for Egyptians."
    保留了坦克車, 並添加一段訊息: 
34.Another artist comes, paints the head of the military as a monster eating a maiden in a river of blood in front of the tank.
35.Authority comes, paints the wall white, leaves the tank, leaves the suit, and throws a bucket of black paint just to hide the face of the monster.
36.So I come with my stencils, and I spray them on the suit, on the tank, and on the whole wall, and this is how it stands today until further notice. (Laughter)
   然後我帶著我的版具到這面牆, 把塗鴉噴上去 噴在坦克車上和整面牆上,  應該會保持到有人發現為止(笑聲)
37.Now, I want to leave you with a final no.
   現在,我想要留給你最後一個 "不"。
38.I found Neruda scribbled on a piece of paper in a field hospital in Tahrir, and I decided to take a no of Mamluk Mausoleum in Cairo.
39.The message reads, [Arabic] "You can crush the flowers, but you can't delay spring."

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