

[Jakob Trollback][对音乐电视的新主张]JakobTrollback_2007
1.I’m working a lot with motion and animation and also I'm an old DJ and a musician.
   我的工作涉及电影和动画。 同时我也是音乐工作者,一个经验丰富的DJ 。
2.So music videos are something that I always found interesting, but they always seem to be so reactive.
   因此我对音乐电视一直很感兴趣。 但音乐电视作品通常很老套。
3.So I was thinking, can you remove us as creators and try to make the music be the voice and have the animation following it.
   所以也许音乐电视想选择由音乐本身来自主创作。 我尝试着给音乐话语权 并配上动画
4.So with two designers, Christina and Tolga, at my office, we took a track -- many of you probably know it; it’s about 25 years old,
   我和另外两名设计师Christina以及Tolga在我的工作室里对一首歌进行了制作-- 你们当中也许很多人听过这首歌;这是首25年前的老歌,
5.and it's David Byrne and Brian Eno -- and we did this little animation.
   是由David Byrne 和 Brian Eno 演唱的-- 我们为它制作了动画。
6.And I think that it's maybe interesting also that it deals with two problematic issues, which is rising waters and religion.
   另外我认为这首歌有趣的地方在于 它谈到了两个问题-- 上升的海平面和宗教。
7.Before God destroyed people on the earth, he warned Noah to build an Ark.
   (歌词:)上帝毁灭地球上的人类之前, 预先通知 Noah(诺亚)造一艘方舟。
8.And after Noah built the Ark, I believe he told Noah to warn the people that they must change all their wicked ways before He come upon them and destroy it.
   Noah 造完方舟之后 我相信上帝让 Noah 警告人类 警告人类必须改变所有不道德的行为 时限是在上帝降临人间来毁灭人类之前。
9.And when Noah had done built his Ark, I understand that somebody began to rend a song.
   Noah 建完方舟后, 我知道有一首歌在被人传唱。
10.And the song began to move on I understand like this.
11.And when Noah had done built his Ark ...
   Noah 建完方舟后...
12.move on ...
13.So they get tired, has come dark and rain; they get weary and tired.
14.And then he went and knocked on old lady house.
15.And old lady ran to the door and say: "Who is it?"
16.Jackson Lee Mama said: "Can we spend the night here?"
   Jackson Lee Mama 说:“我们能在这借宿一夜吗?”
17."Because we’re far from home, we’re very tired."
18.And the old lady said: "Oh yes, come on in."
19.It was come dark and rain, will make you weary and tired.

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