


Q:Eugene Charles Munster - Piper Jaffray & Co.

提问者:Eugene Charles Munster - Piper Jaffray & Co.

Hey, good afternoon and congratulations. And Tim, now that we're a month in the iPhone 7, are you seeing anything measurable in terms of the growing trend of annual upgrades? 

下午好Tim。现在我们iPhone 7发售正好一个月,你那儿有什么数据能够证明今年的产品升级带来了销量逐步上升吗?

And second is, historically in terms of new product categories, you guys have always looked for unique advantage before getting into a segment. And I'm curious about the car. There are a lot of rumors out there, and would like your perspective on how you think about an advantage that Apple could add in the auto space?


A:Timothy Donald Cook - Apple, Inc.

回答:Timothy Donald Cook - Apple, Inc.

In terms of iPhone 7, Gene, the carriers that had upgrade plans, the information that we have from them is that demand is very robust. But from a worldwide point of view, the truth is that demand is outstripping supply in the vast majority of places, particularly on the iPhone 7 Plus. And so it's sort of we are in a situation at the moment, it's difficult in the early weeks to be able to differentiate. But on an anecdotal basis, it's clear the upgrade programs are a win.

亲爱的Gene,关于这iPhone 7吧,和我们合作的运营商们反映,需求是很强健的。事实上,现在全球市场的大部分地区对iPhone 7,特别是Plus的需求太强劲了,导致我们之前准备好的供给有点儿跟不上。所以现阶段呢官方数据上看不出有什么太大差异。但如果从非官方的角度来看,还是可以说明我们今年的这个产品升级做得蛮成功的哦。

I can't speak about rumors, but as you know, we look for ways that we can improve the experience and the customers' experience on different sets of products. And we are always looking at new things, and the car space in general is an area that it's clear that there is a lot of technologies that will either become available or will be able to revolutionize the car experience. And so it's interesting from that point of view, but nothing to, certainly nothing to announce today.


Q:Eugene Charles Munster - Piper Jaffray & Co.

提问者:Eugene Charles Munster - Piper Jaffray & Co.

Just one quick follow up in terms of the supply. Do you think we'll be at equilibrium by the end of the quarter for iPhone supplies?


A:Timothy Donald Cook - Apple, Inc.

回答:Timothy Donald Cook - Apple, Inc.

It's hard to say. I believe that on iPhone 7 we will. On iPhone 7 Plus, I'm not sure. I wouldn't say yes at this point, because the underlying demand looks extremely strong on both products but particularly on the iPhone 7 Plus versus our forecast going into the product launch.

这个很难说。现在对于iPhone 7和iPhone 7 Plus的需求都很旺盛,特别是7 Plus,需求远超我们的预计。所以iPhone 7达到供需平衡应该没问题,但是iPhone 7 Plus就不确定了。

Q:Kathryn Lynn Huberty - Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC

提问者:Kathryn Lynn Huberty - Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC

Thanks. Good afternoon. Luca, can you help us understand what's embedded in revenue guidance for the extra week as well as any rebuilding of channel inventory given all the major products are running below target? Just trying to get at whether you see revenue and in particular iPhone growth year on year on more of a sellout basis when you adjust for those two factors? And then I have a follow up.


A:Luca Maestri - Apple, Inc.

回答:Luca Maestri - Apple, Inc.

Yes Katy, sure. Let me say a few things on the 14th week and revenue up for the December quarter. Keep in mind that December quarter a year ago for us was an all-time quarterly revenue record. We think we can grow this year. As Tim said, the interest from customers on iPhone 7 and 7 Plus is very strong. The strength of our Services business, you've seen we've grown 24% in September. We think we can continue to grow very well into the December quarter.

好的Katy。首先我先说说下一个季度多出来的那个星期和我们的收入预期。相信大家都还记得去年10-12月的那个季度销量破了我们的记录,但我觉得我们今年还会继续增长。正如Tim所说,顾客对我们的iPhone 7和7 Plus兴趣浓厚。你也可以看到我们的服务业务在九月份那个季度增长了24%,我们相信这个增势可以一直保持到12月这个季度。

You mentioned the 14th week, and the few extra days do help us this quarter. But I think it's important to keep in mind that there are other factors that go and offset these extra few days. As you know, we increased iPhone channel inventory by 3.3 million units in the first quarter of 2016. As Tim said, we are very supply constrained on iPhone 7 Plus this year. We're simply more supply constrained this year than we were a year ago.

你刚刚提到下个季度多出来的那个星期,诚然,多出来这几天的销售收入有可能会让我们整个季度的报表更好看一些,但我们也应该清楚,很多其他的因素也会对收入产生正面或负面的影响。我们在2016年第一财季的时候增加了330万部渠道库存,但是今年,如Tim所说,我们收紧了iPhone 7 Plus的供给。

And then keep in mind that there were a couple of things that affect the compare as well, which is the fact that a year ago, we had an award for a patent infringement of $548 million, which is obviously a one-off item that is not going to repeat this year. 


And also the foreign exchange environment remains difficult, and we expect FX to be about $650 million headwind on a year-over-year basis into the December quarter. So I hope that gives you a bit of a sense that when you take into account all these factors, we believe that this is a good guidance for the December quarter.


Q:Kathryn Lynn Huberty - Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC

提问者:Kathryn Lynn Huberty - Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC

That's great color. Thank you for that. A follow up for Tim. What should we read into the fact that R&D has more than doubled over the past three years while sales growth was sort of a fifth of that? Are R&D investments just less efficient than they were in the company's history, or should we think about that as incremental spend for products that haven't yet come to market?


A:Timothy Donald Cook - Apple, Inc.

回答:Timothy Donald Cook - Apple, Inc.

There's clearly some amount of R&D that are on products that today are in the development phase that have not reached the market, and so that's a part of it. And we feel really great about the things that we've got. We've also put a lot of emphasis on our Services business as well and on making the ecosystem even better. And so we're very much, we're confidently investing in the future, and that's the reason you see the R&D spend increasing.


Q:Shannon S. Cross - Cross Research LLC

提问者:Shannon S. Cross - Cross Research LLC

Thank you very much. A couple of questions. The first, Tim, can you talk a bit more about China, just how you're thinking about it, where you're seeing pressure? I know you mentioned that you expect to see a significant rebound during the first quarter, but what are your customers telling you about the demand in China?

几个问题。第一个问题,我想请Tim多谈谈对中国市场的看法。你觉得苹果在中国市场表现如何?都面临着哪些压力?你刚刚预测苹果2017年第一财季的收入会有巨大反弹,请问中国的消费者对iPhone 7系列的需求可以证实这个猜测吗?

A:Timothy Donald Cook - Apple, Inc.

回答:Timothy Donald Cook - Apple, Inc.

Yeah, it's a good question, Shannon. So to sort of back up from our results for the quarter, the 90-day clock, and look at the full year of 2016, we were down 17% compared to the fiscal year 2015 which was up 84% from the previous year. So if you look at 2014 to 2016, the revenue grew 52% and the CAGR was 23%, which is really a pretty good result.


Also as you probably know, the fiscal year 2016 performance was hurt by the devaluation of the currency which affected it about 3%, so the underlying business performance was 14% down. And so, why was it down? 


There's lots of reasons, but the largest one in our view is that when you look at what happened in 2015 in China, we had a surge of upgraders that came into the market for the iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus, and the upgrade rate increased relatively more in Greater China than elsewhere around the world.

原因有很多。而在我们看来,最大的理由就是2015年的时候我们的iPhone 6和6 Plus在中国掀起了前所未有的换机热潮。很多中国的消费者都选择把当时在用的手机换成了iPhone 6或者6 Plus,所以15财年大中华地区的手机销售增长幅度比其他地区的都要大。

And so when that upgrade rate in fiscal year 2016 returned to a more normal upgrade rate, which would be akin to what we saw with the iPhone 5S as a point, it had further to fall. And so that's the main reason in our view that you see a difference.

而当16财年换机率下降到一个比较正常的水平时,就会呈现为销量下降,这和当年的iPhone 5S是一个道理。

Now that spun or created another issue for us, because we didn't forecast that accurately. So in Q1 of last year, we put in too much channel inventory and had been resetting the channel inventory over the few quarters that came beyond it or came after it. And so those two issues, which really the main one is really the first one and the second one was a symptom of it, are in our views the main issue. 


Now looking forward, the response to the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus has been very positive. It's very hard to gauge demand, as you know, when you're selling everything you're making. And so we'll find out more through the quarter, but we're confident enough to give you guys guidance that we're returning to growth this quarter, which obviously feels very good for us.

往前看的话,现阶段我们的顾客对iPhone 7和 7 Plus的反应非常不错,我们非常有信心在接下来的这个季度盈利增长会回到正轨,所以给大家出了一个盈利指引。当然了,现在要精准预估销量还是很难,毕竟我们卖的产品种类很多,不过我们很快就可以在下一季度的数据中看到答案。

And from a longer-term point of view, out of the 90-day clocks and so forth, we are very bullish on China. We continue to see a middle class that is booming there. There might be some sort of a new normal in the economy, but a new normal there is still a good growth rate.


And so with the number of middle class – people growing into the middle class and the LTE adoption rate being still fairly low, around 45%, 50% or so, then I think we continue to have a really good opportunity there, and so we continue to focus significantly in China.


Q:Shannon S. Cross - Cross Research LLC

提问者:Shannon S. Cross - Cross Research LLC

And then can you talk a bit about acquisitions? And I don't mean like the smaller ones that you've done sort of at a normal cadence, but there was clearly a fairly large one announced at least this week in the content world. And especially if you find a way to have repatriation of some of the cash at a low tax rate possibly with the next administration. So I just, if you can give sort of an overall view of how you think about acquisitions that might be a little bit larger than normal.


A:Timothy Donald Cook - Apple, Inc.

回答:Timothy Donald Cook - Apple, Inc.

We are open to acquisitions of any size that are of strategic value where we can deliver better products to our customers and innovate more. And so we look at a whole variety of companies, and based on that, we choose whether to move forward or not. But we're definitely open and we definitely look.


Q:Antonio M. Sacconaghi - Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. LLC

提问者:Antonio M. Sacconaghi - Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. LLC

Yes. Thank you. I have a question and a follow-up, please. I guess a cynic could say Apple is benefiting from an extra week this quarter and is benefiting from Samsung being in complete disarray. And yet from your guidance, it's unclear that iPhone unit growth will be up or certainly not up more than low single-digits implied from your guidance. 


And I appreciate some of the issues around channel inventory build and the timing of the launch, but if I just stand back from that and say you have terrific new products, your major competitor's laying down, you have an enormous, you have a significant contribution from an extra week, arguably 7% or 8%, and yet the iPhone growth is sort of flattish, what does that really say about how investors should think about iPhone on a sustained basis growing forward? And is it reasonable to think that this is an ongoing growing business for the company?


A:Luca Maestri - Apple, Inc.

回答:Luca Maestri - Apple, Inc.

Toni, let me take this one. I think you mentioned a number of the things that are affecting us in the December quarter, and I went through them with Katy just a few minutes ago. You're right, we've got an extra few days. You know very well the launch timing is different. You know that we increased iPhone channel inventory by 3.3 million units a year ago. I mentioned two issues that affect us, the one-timer from a year ago that you obviously need to exclude from the compare and the FX that is the reality of our business right now.


But maybe the most important element of this is the fact that we are supply constrained on 7 and 7 Plus. And so when you talk about other competitors, it's not particularly relevant to us right now because we are selling everything that we can produce. And so when we look at all these things in its totality, we think that for the total company of course, we believe that revenue's going to grow. You know that we don't get into specific product from a unit standpoint giving guidance, and so we feel very confident about the trajectory for the company and for iPhone going forward.

但我觉得影响我们销售数据的最大原因还是我们控制了iPhone 7和7 Plus的供给量。至于你刚刚提到的竞争对手,我觉得这中间没有太多的可比性,因为我们现在销售的产品种类其实很多(而不是只有手机)。所以我们在预测公司的未来销量时,我们选择综合所有的产品线来看而不是每一种产品都去预测其销量变化。不过我们可以很自信地说不论是iPhone销量还是整体收入都是呈上升趋势的。

Q:Antonio M. Sacconaghi - Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. LLC

提问者:Antonio M. Sacconaghi - Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. LLC

Okay. Tim, if I could ask you one, please. You've talked in the past about television being an area of intense interest. I was wondering if you could reaffirm that statement. Is that still the case? And then additionally, given what's happening with acquisitions, how broadly you think about the role of content. 


Apple has started creating on a very limited scale some of its own content and whether you think content creation and ownership is important to Apple, or whether Apple ultimately sees its place in the value chain as being more around the ecosystem and distribution.


A:Timothy Donald Cook - Apple, Inc.

回答:Timothy Donald Cook - Apple, Inc.

I would confirm that television has intense interest with me and many other people here. In terms of owning content and creating content, we have started with focusing on some original content, as you point out. We've got a few things going there that we've talked about. And I think it's a great opportunity for us both from a creation point of view and an ownership point of view. and so it's is an area that we're focused on.


Q:Simona K. Jankowski - Goldman Sachs & Co.

提问者:Simona K. Jankowski - Goldman Sachs & Co.

Thank you. I have a question for Luca and then one for Tim as well. Luca, I wanted to dig into the Services business a bit more. As you pointed out, it accelerated again to 24%. How does that compare to the pace of growth of the installed base, just to help us decouple how much of it is consumption driven on a per user basis versus the base as a whole?


A:Luca Maestri - Apple, Inc.

回答:Luca Maestri - Apple, Inc.

Simona, the installed base number is something that we talk about periodically. The last time we talked about it, it was in the January call. It is growing. Our installed base is growing very well, which is very important for us. It's growing on all major products and it's growing of course in total. When you look at our Services revenue, the growth of the Services revenue has been accelerating during the course of the year during a period when, as you know, our revenue came down slightly.


So what that means in practice is that what we are seeing with our customers that consume our services is that the people that are actually taking advantage of our services over time tend spend more and more on our services. We've got customers that are very engaged with our products. They're very loyal, and so you see this upward trajectory of our Services business. It's not only with the App Store but there's several categories that are growing very well for us. Tim mentioned Apple Music, but we got other parts of the business that continue to do well, even as I said during a period of time when our sales have come down a bit.

这在现实中就意味着那些一直使用我们服务的顾客越来越愿意付更多的钱购买我们的服务。而使用我们产品的顾客忠诚度都是很高的,所以你们可以看到苹果的服务业务一直在增长,不仅仅是App Store在增长,服务业务里面的其他版块,比如Tim刚刚提到的Apple Music,都增势喜人,没有受到前一段时间我们整体业务收入下滑的影响。

Q:Simona K. Jankowski - Goldman Sachs & Co.

提问者:Simona K. Jankowski - Goldman Sachs & Co.

Thank you. And then Tim, we've seen an increasing focus on artificial intelligence, both in smartphones like the new Pixel from Google but also in some of the home assistance, like the Amazon Echo. And you guys have obviously had Siri for a while as well. But I just am curious how you think about balancing AI with your focus on privacy. And then also how important it is to have a dedicated home assistant versus just having the phone as the home assistant?


A:Timothy Donald Cook - Apple, Inc.

回答:Timothy Donald Cook - Apple, Inc.

I think to answer your second question first, I think that most people would like an assistant with them all the time. And we live in a mobile society. People are constantly moving from home to work and to other things that they may be doing. 








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